Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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;. M T C O S:'· : OO R S : '::-:::.-: Round 6: Red Bud Track In' Trail •AMA 1251250cc National ChlmpionshipMOtocrosS SerieS' . (Right) Suzu ki 's Jimmy Bunon and privateer Jeff Mat lasevi ch battled for fourth place In the seco nd 250cc mota. Matl asevlch came out on to p of the duel, ending up fourth overall via 8-4 mota finishes. (Below) Less than an hour before the start of the first 125cc mota, the frame of Robb ie Reynard' s Kawasa ki was replaced. Reynard made th e start with time to . spa re; he went on to post 6-8 mota fi nishes for seventh overall. Pestana (Hon) ; 38. Ty Wallace (Hon); 39. Ty Birdwell (Hon); 40. Jay Wa gner (!Ca . w) Ti m.e: 35:55:50 125 Olk I. Jefl Emig (Yam); 2. Steve Lamson (H on ); 3. Ryan Hughes (Kaw); 4. Doug Henry (Hon); 5. Ezra Lus k (Suz); 6. [a mes Dobb (!Caw); 7. Robb ie Reynard (!Caw); 8. Damon Hulfman (Suz); 9. Denny Stephenson (Suz); 10. M;\'e Brown (H on) ; II . Tim Fcny (Ha n); 12. Brian Deega n (!Caw); 13. Dav ey Yezek (Hon); 14. Bany Ca rsten (Suz); 15. Craig Decke r (Ho n); 16. Ped ro Gonzalez (Kaw); 17. Greg Bowen (Ya m); 18. David Pin gree (Suz) ; 19. Chad Loug h (Suz ); 20. Kevin C rine (H an) ; 21. Ty Wa llace (Han); 22. Nathan Ramsey (Yam); 23. Malt Maxi moll (Yam). 125 AMA N AT IO N A L CH A M PIO NS H IP SERI ES POI NT STANDINGS Wln 6 of 12 rounds): 1. Steve Lamso n (245/1 wi n); 2. Doug Henry (221/ 2 wins); 3. Ryan Hughes (212); 4. Jeff Em;g (211/2 wins); 5. Damon Huffman ('11»/ I win); 6. Ezra Lusk (178); 7. Jameo Dobb (140); 8. Tim Fcny (113); 9. Craig Decker (106); 10. Mike Bro wn (101); II. Rbb ie Re yna r d (95); 12 . De n ny Slephenson (94); 13. Pedro Gonzalez (67); 14. Scolt Shoa k (64); 15. mEl Jimmy Gadd is/ Erik Kehoe (63); 17. Davey Yezck (46); 18. Chad Ped erson (45); 19. Bria n Deegan (44); 20. Kevin Windham (41). 250 MOTO 1: 1. Mike LaR occo (Ka w) ; 2. Mike Kiedrow ski (](aw); 3. Jeff Stanton (Hon); 4. Mike Craig 1 I 8 But it d id n ' t seem to matter much, as h e bega n p icking off riders one by one at an incredible pace. While Emig fought h is wa y up th r oug h the pack, Hughes and Henry battled fo r the lead just ahead of Lamson and Lusk. On the third lap , Henry p assed Hughes and led the way for five la p s before Hughes, La mson , Lusk and Emig all squeezed by the fading Honda r ider, w h o was b eing h ampered b y severe cr am p ing. A few laps later, Emig had m o ved into second and was setting Hughes up for th e kill. With three laps remaining, Emig passed the Kawa saki r ider and quickly p ulled out a four-second le ad tha t he wou ld hold to the checkered flag. " I just w an ted to put in a good, consisten t moto," sai d Emig. "In th e first moto, m y la p times w ere too inconsi stent; th e second time m y lap times were wi thin one second th e w hole race. I just got my act together." La m so n made a late-race pass on H ughes, who later sai d t hat h e rode most of the second moto with ' h is Kawasaki's transmission st uck in third gear . " A bou t th e h alfw ay p oi nt, 1 lan d ed off a jump and something in the transmission broke," said Hughes. "All 1 had was third gear." La mson was pleased with h o w his day went. " I w as a little tight in th e first m oto, but fel t a lot better in the secon d," he said. ''I'm happy 1 w as able to walk away from h ere actually gaining a few p oints on Henry, after losing points to him in the first moto." Finishing fourth w as L us k, while his teammate Huffman pa ssed an ailing H enry on th e last lap to tak e fifth. Dobb go t by Reynard in th e latter part of the moto to finish seventh, while Tim Feny and Brian Deegan rounded out th e top 10. a Red Bud Track 'N' Trail Buchanan, Michigan Results : July 3, 1994 125 MOTO 1: I . Jell Emi g (Yam); 2. Doug Henry 3. Ryan Hughes (!Caw); 4. Steve Lamson (Ho n); 5. Ja mes llobb (!Caw); 6. Robbie Reynard (!Caw); 7. Ezra Lusk (Suz); 8. Mike Brown (Ha n); 9. Denny Slephenson (Suz) ; 10. Damon Hulfma n (Suz); II . Pedro Gonzalez (!Caw); 12. Cr aig Decker CHo 13. Tun Fcny (Han); 14. n); Greg Bowen (Yam ); 15. Brian De<:gan (!Caw); 16. Bany ursten (Suz); 17. Davey Yezek (Ha n); 18. Ty Walla ce (Hon); 19. Malt Maximoff (Yam); 20. Kevin Crine (Hon); 21. Je ll Pes ta na (H on); 22. Ma lt Sh ue (Hon); 23. Chad Lough (Suz~ 24. Nathan Ramsey (Yam); 25. Jim Cho-ster w); (Yam); 26. Neil Woerner (Hon ); 27. Dou g Slone (!Ca 28. Shawn Mo rgan (!Ca ); 29. Brandon Lacey (!Ca 30. w w); John Fesler (Suz); 31. Darr el Ma r tens (Han); 32. Ty Birdwell (Han); 33. Scott Shoak (Yam); 34. Tom Welch (Yam) ; 35. Dav id P'mgrce (Suz ); 36. Jay Wagner (!Caw); 37. Ja red Ca rlson (!Ca ); 38. Greg Rand (Suz ); 39. Josh w Kellogg (Kaw) ; 40. Jeff CurT)'(!Caw). Time: 46 min .•07.68 sec. 125 MO TO 2: I. Jel l Emig (Ya m); 2. Steve Lamson (Han); 3. Ryan Hughes (!Caw ); 4. Ezra Lusk (Suz); 5. Damon Huffman (Suz); 6. Doug Henry (Han); 7. James Dobb (Ka w); 8. Robbie Reyna rd (Kaw) ; 9. Tim Ferry (Ho n ); 10. Brian Deeg an (Kaw); 11. Da vey Yeze k (Ha n); 12. Denny Step henson (Suz) ; 13. Mike Brown (Han ); 14. Barr y Cars te n (Su z); 15. Dav id Ping ree (Suz ); 16. Chad Loug h (Suz ); 17. Kev in Crine (Ha n); 18. Cra ig Dec ke r (Ho n) ; 19. Na tha n Ramsey (Yam); 20. Ped ro Gonzalez (Ka w); 21. Matt Sh ut" (Han); 22. Neil Woerner (Ho n); 23. Shawn Morgan (Kaw ); 24. Brand on Lar ey (Ka w ); 25. Jared Carlso n (!Caw); 26. 'ell C uny (Ka w) ; 27. Darrel Ma rtens (Ha n ); 28. Doug Sto ne (!Caw); 29. John Fesler (Suz ); 30. Josh Kell ogg (!Caw); 31. Greg Rand (Suz ); 32. Greg Bowen (Yam ); 33. To m We lch (Ya m) ; 34. Ji m Chestrr (Y4Il m ); 35 . Matt Max im off (Ya m ); 36 . Sco tt Sheak (Ya m); 37 . Je ff ( Hon~ I . ' .' . . ·1y.~. •. B rlefl . (Yam ); 5. Jeremy M<;Grath (Hon); 6. Lany Ward (Yam); 7. Kyle lewis (Yam); 8. Jeff Matiasevich (yam ); 9. [immy Button (Suz ); 10. Tod d DcH oop (Hon); 11. John Dowd (Yam); 12. Tony Amandio (!Caw); 13. Rich Taylor (Yam); 14. Ray Sommo (Ya m); I S. Jell Gla.. (Han); 16. Joel w); 18. Oill Palmer Den gler (H on ); 17. Jime Neese (!Ca (KTM); 19. Roy Schellenberger (Ka w ); 20. Ea rl May (Yam); 21. Travis Bl.lckbum (Kaw); 22. D.1v Gaylord id (!Caw); 23. Travis Hod ges (!Caw); 24. Mark Morris (Yam ); 25. Sca n H oga n (Suz); 26. Rust y Holland (Suz ); 27. Darren Oboyle (Ha n); 28. Era n Ezerins (!Caw); 29. Mike Kat in (Ka w); 30. Jason Kem pel (Yam) ; 31. Brandon Backes (Yam); 32. Brad Kress (Suz); 33. Larry Broo ks (Yam); 34. Chris Ilensc (Yam ); 35. Dag Boyesen (Yam); 36. Jeff Sch wirtz (Hon); 37. Lee Erickson (yam); 38. Trav is Kobus h CHon ); 39. Brian Swink (Suz); 40. Chris Hunter (Suz ). • Ti me: 37:4535 2SO MOTO 2: I. M;ke Kiedrowski (!Caw); 2. Mike laRocco (!Ca ); 3. JclIStanton (Hon); 4. Jefl Ma tia"",ich w (Yam); 5. Jimm y Button (Suz); 6. Kyle Lewis (Yam); 7. Brian Swi nk (Suz ); 8. Lany Ward (Yam); 9. Mike Craig (Yam); 10. Jo hn llowd (Yam) ; II. Tod d lJe Hoop (Hon); 12. Larry Brooks (Yam); 13. Tony A ma radto (Kaw ): 14. Ra y Somma (Ya m ); 15. Jim Neese (Kaw ); 16. Dag Boyesen (Yam); 17. Roy Schellenbe rger (Kaw); 18. Rich Tayler (Yam); 19. David Gay lo rd (Kaw); 20. Ma rk Morris (Yam); 21. Joel Dengler (Han); 22. Earl May (Yam); 23. Dam", Oboy le (Ho n); 24. Rusty Holland (Suz); 25. Chris Bense (Ya m); 26. Travis Hod ges (Kaw); 27. Jason Kempel (Yam) ; 28. Brad Kress (Suz); 29. Mike Kat in (K.1w); JO. Sean Hogan (Suz); 31. Travis Kobus h (Ha n); 32. Ero n Ezerin s ( Kaw) ; 33. Bra ndon Backes (Yam); 34. Jeff Schw irtz (Han ); 35. Travis Blackbu rn (Kaw); 36. Jeff C la ss (H a n); 37. Jere my McGrat h (Ha n); 38. Chris Hun ter (Suz); 39 . Lee Erickson (Yam); 40. Cliff Palmer (KTM). Time: 37:23.50 250 O/A: 1. Mike Kied row ski ( Kaw ); 2. Mike laRocco (!Ca 3. -Jelf Stanto n (Ho n); 4. Jell Matia""'ich w); (Yam); 5. Mike Cra ig (Yam); 6. Kyle Lewis (Yam); 7. Jimmy Button (Suz); 8. Lany Ward (Ya m); 9. John llowd (Yam); 10. Tod d DeH oop (Ha n ); 11. Ton y Am ar adio (!Ca 12. Jeremy McGrath (Hon ); 13. Brian Sw ink (Suz) ; w); 14. Ray So mma (Ya m); IS. Rich Ta ylo r (Yam); 16. Jim N eese (Ka w); 17. Lar ry Brooks (Yam) ; 18. Ro y Schellenberger (Kaw ); 19. Jeff Class (Ha n); 20. Dag Boyesen (Yam); 21. Jor t Dengler (Hon); 22. G ift Palmer (KTM); 23. Da vid Gaylord (Kaw) ; 24. Ma rk Morris (Yam); 25. Earl May (Yam). 250 AM A NATIONAL CHA M PIONSHI P SERIES POINT STAND INGS (Afte r 6 of 12 rou nds): 1. Mike LaRocro (278/3 w ins ); 2. Mike Kiedrowski (11)7 wi ns); /3 3. John Dowd (181); 4. jeremy McG ra th (167); 5. Kyle Lewis (163); 6. Brian Swink (140); 7. JeJf Mariase vich (126); 8. Lany Broo ks (123); 9. Jimm y Bulton (122); 10. Tod d De l-loo p (119); I I. Jeff Stan to n (107) ; 12. M ike Craig (86); 13.-Doug Dubach (77); 14. Lany Ward (74); IS. Phil Lawrence (74); 16. Tony Amaradio (72); 17. Ray Somma (59); 18. Budd y Antunez (47); 19. Dag Boy esen (45); 20. Jim Neese (39). Upcoming Rounds: . Round 7 -New Berlin, New York, July 17 Round 8 - Troy, Ohio, July 24 .team. '1 like it here because .Mitch (Payton, '\l . the team's fo·under) .co ncentrates on the ,125cc class , w hile 'Kawasaki (the factory • :. backed team ) concentrates on tne 250cc Team Honda's Doug .Henry was taken .to a . . class," said Hu~hes, 'Kawa~aki h elped out . nearby hospital after the race for observation. . (financially ). With the deal, sa id Payton . · ACcording to Hen.'Y's tuner.Pete Steinbrech: '. "Honda was .Iooking at him pretty closely: ". er , Henry continues to bailie. 'somesort of -Huqheshopes to compete one more year on nutrit ion disorder': tha t causes his' bod y to . the i as ee c.lass betore movon g up to',the cramp up. ' He's been watching his diet close- . 2.5Occ class III . 996 as a full-fledged factory1 Iy and everything has been firie lately, up 'until .. backed Kawasaki rider, .' . today,"' Said Steinbrecher. ' He's been -quite ' . ' . ' . ... ' . ' . . frustrated by it all; but right 'now 'he doesn't . · Suzuki siJpport .rider Denny St ep henso n '. know what tei do abc utit. W heri he came' in .: sa ys h e is considering trying his luck' in ' · attertne second moto , you cou ld .see the· year in the Worfd Championship. muscles in tiis 'legsmoving, .tightening· up• . .GP se ries_:I'~ definitely inter:sted in going Unfortunately, the cramps aren't just in his to Eurol'e , .said.Stephenson. · B ut I· have a legs, it's 'all over his body.~ . fevi things I'm looking at here, like possibly . . . working something out with Suzuki again, or · There w ere rumors il) the pits at Red Bud that ·. maybe Honda of Troy, or KTM. tdon'tknow ts-year-otd Kev in Win dham from Louisiana ' ye t. But 'l rea lly would n't min d go ing to ' had slgned 'a contract with Yamatia for the EuroPe: at all, if:something comes up. I'm just 1995 season. Reliable sources say iI' s a ' f.eeling a I.illie stagnant here right now: done dea l.. but .t he .folks at· Yama ha won 't · . . confirm ·anything. ~Right now he's under con" " Former factory Yamaha MXer Keith Bowen ' tract 'w ith Kawasaki ," said Yamaha 's ' Larry :was spectating at Red Bud and keeping close Griff ith s . If the rumor is true,. Windham will ' tabs on .his brother, Greg, who' w!ls' compet- ' join Jeff Emlg on the Yainaha squad for : 95: in9 In the 125c,? .class."Bowen i s perhaps . but Mike Craig has vet to sign an extension ' rem em bered best as a 'ri der who w,asn't to his Yamaha·Con tract. 'There'sa ISo talk that afraid' to bang handlebars with Bob Hannah ' Yamaha is considerlng signing 250Cc Viorld ··· in the .early ;80s, and he was also a'in~inber ' Cl)ampion Greg .Al be rty!) to a contract for . o! the inf amOUS ' Michi gan Mafia ," wh ich '. '95. 'He's definitely on our list (of team candi' . included famous Mich igan riders like .Jeff ' dates),".said.Griffiths. Yamaha will most likely . . Stanton, Alan 'King and' Brian Swink, as well . · field at least three-man team.for.1995: . . . . . as dirt trackers Jay Springsteen: Scoll Parker . .. . ' . . . .and Bart 'MarkeL ' I 'haven't been on a .bike ' Sp~aking of )um'ping ship, runi~r h~S it ·ihat · since Sep tember,' when.I rode the AMAFali .' TIll) Ferry has 'deiinitely~ Inked deal with :'. Classic Se ries ;' said Bow en .··1 prob ably '. S u z u ~ i for 1995..Ferry, from West Pa lm .won't ride. again for.a ......hile:· Bowen currently ' Beach, Florida,.is cun:ently ridi!)g under. the ' . works in a machine shop. . . Rossini Racing Prod ucts banner aboard 'a . " · Honda. Ferry would join Damon Huff man ·and · A .sman crack was spoiled in' the frame of Ezra Lusk, who. have both already committed · R obbie· Reyna rd' s ·. awa saki less than ah K · to at least another year'on the Suzuki team. ' .' hour before ' the: start: of his first mota. H is . ... . . . ·.!li ther/ machanic Robert Reyna rd , ' Ri c h .Ryan Hughes confirmed the rumors that' he ..: Asch and manager Roy .Turner teamed 'up ' has signed another' one'year contract w ith and replaced the entire frame w ith lime to the SplilfireIHot WheelslPro:.circuitlKawasaki : : spare. No sweat: . . '. .' . . . . ' ,. .. . -:'. a a