Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 07 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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125B STK: 1. Janrlt Tipping (Suz) ; 2. Danny Haynes (Suz ); 3. JuanSybert ~w);4 . Qu;s Mann ing (Sutl; 5. Jason Dobbs (y.m). 125 B MOD: 1. jarn.-tt TIpping (Suz); 2. Jim Briggs (lion); 3. Busbee Dyer (H on); ... J• .an Sybert (Kaw ); S. Tr.acry B.1m dt (lion~ 250 A STK:1. Dwayne'~ (Hon ); 2. Kirk Johnson (yilm); 3. raul Currie {Kaw);". Cr.ig Johnson (yil m); S. M.n cus unnan (Y...~ 2SOA MOD: 1. Travis B1.ackbum (K.1w); 2. Bobby Sto vall (JCaw); 3. Josh LatirY (lGIw): 4. Ad.!m Humphrey (Suz); 5. Ricky """"""'(Suz), • 250 B STK: 1. Juan Sybt11 (Kaw ); 2. JolltMt: TIpping (Suz) ; 3. We Camon {I(a:w); 4. StacyB.1mrtt (Hon ); S. Rod Stucby (X.Jw) . 250B MOO:1. }.Im.-tI Tipping (Suz); 2. J.uon Syb..-rt (JCaw 3. ); Stacy&men (lion); 4. WN Gamon (Kaw); S. Ed R.ty(lGaw). 25+: 1. Alan Andreu (yilm); 2. Tommy M.trtin (Hon); 3. Lee McDv.aine(;4. Jeff Lam~ (Suz); S. Kirk JohNon (Yam). VET 30+ A: 1. A lan Andrue (y.m); 2. Ross johnson (Hon); 3. Dry,," Adams (Kaw); 4. Stl"'Ve Lewis ( 5.lbck Wright (Hoo.); ; SR 40+ : 1. Steve t.--i5 (Yam); 2. Robert Neeley (KTM); J . Johnny Borden (Kaw); 4. Chollrles Kiesel (Kaw); 5. Kenny Han (lion). . VET B/C : 1. Wyn Kern (K.1w) ; 2. Johhny Bordl"rS (K.1w) ; 3. Alla n Goldstrin (Yam ); ... C uy Gra h. n (Ho nl; S. Glenn Batn (Kawl . MSTR 50+: 1. JollCk Phillips (K.1w ); 2. Shorty Goode (Suz); 3. Allred cw..e (Suz) . OPEN BIC 1. Tim BruCC" (Hon ); 2. Glen Bales (Hon); 3. Paige Hilliand (H on); 4. Dt.-nnis Prilbran (K.l ",.); 5. David Gorden gle ('K.Iw); 3. 8«ky Kulli ("(am); 4. Bill Boumm (Hon); S. George Colk'tti (Suz) . VET JR: 1. Mike Ru hstorleT (K.l w); 2. jeff Gray (Hon); 3. Curtis Jablonski (}ion); 4. Dan Virgilio (Hon); 5. Hy lton BNthe (Yam) . VET INT : 1. I y SWoItz (Hon); 2. Rick Lund~ (ya m); J. Rob r Wibhire (K.lw) ; 4. Brian Schmuckle (Hon); S. R .Sevilla (Suz) . VET PRO: I. Miu BeieT (Yam ); 2. Willy Musgnwo (H on ); J. Lee Baron (Kaw ); 4. j im Odie (Hon). 35+ tNT : 1. joseph Gonzales. (Ma i); 2. Rm LaW!lOn (Kaw ); 3. .M.ue C rosb y (Kaw) ; 4. Brian Schmuckle (Hon) . 40+ JR: 1. Bill Oxford (Kaw); 2. Bill (Kaw) ; 3. Jra M("ibergtT (Yam); 4. Phil Blackburn (KTM). 40+ lNT: I. IJrennis Middleton (Hon ); 2. Bob Koller (Ka w ); 3. G u y Scott (H on). 40+ EX: 1. Alan Olsoe (Kaw ); 2. Ceo rge Kohlt'l' (HUll); 3. Nkk Cost e llo (Hon); 4. Ray Pisanlki (Hon); S. Fred Coil (Kaw) . Blackburn tough at Ocala MX By Kyle Myers OCALA, FL,jUNE25 Travis Blackburn got one step closer to a National title w ith consistent finis hes in the 250cc A Mod ified class as 235 riders from 11 states compe ted in the AMA /WoridS po rts Ama teur Qu alifer for Loretta Lynn's a t Catorback Cycle Park. In the first 250cc A Mod ified race, Andrew DeSpain jumped ou t to the early lead ove r Ricky Ha mps hire, Blackburn, Kenn y Yoho and josh La tina . As the field wor ked their way by th e grandstands on the opening lap, Latina cased .a high-speed do ub le and we nt down hard . Ha mpshire mad e his move exiting the "Ga tor Pit" to take over the point pos ition. Blackburn , Yoho and Bobby Stovell also p assed DeSpa in on the second circu it Hampshire, Blackb urn and Yoho foug ht lor the lead unti l Yoho came up short on the high speed double a nd e ndoed (sa me as Lati na). Blackburn, on his Kawasaki of Ocala/Perfor mance Engineering/Oakley/Bell/No-Li mit/ Perelli-backed KX sailed by Hampshire in the back section of the course to move to the top spot Blackburn held on for the win ahead of Ha mpshire, StoveI1, Adam Humphrey and DeSpain. The second moto saw Hampshire rocke t to the front of the field as Yoho, Blackburn, Latina and Stovell gave chase. YOM slipped by Ha mpshi re by the tower to grab th e lead as Lati na jum p ed by Blackburn on an uphill. Yoho, Hampshire, latina and Bla ckburn freig h t trained around the track for the lead, with Yoho and Hampshire swapping the lead several times until Hampshire's rear wheel exploded, causing h im to DNF . Latina and Blackburn hounded Yoho, and on the last lap both riders passed the tired rider. Latina held on for the slim win over Blackburn, Yoho, Stovell and Hum ph rey. Hampshire again rip ped the holeshot in the third moto w ith Yoho, Blackburn, Latina and Stovell on his rear fende r. Yoho fell on the first lap, letting Black burn, Latina an d Stovell by. Latina pa ssed Blackb u rn on the Gr an d st and tabletop and closed in on the back sweeper to move int o the number -one spo t. Latina pulled away to ta ke an easy wi n w hile Blac kb u rn moved in to the runner-up position by passing Hamps h ire, w ho b ro ke h is sw inga r m a n d d ropped off the pace, while Stovell motored by for third. At the finis h it was Latina wi th them oto win, but Blackburn' s secon d in th e mo to nelled him the overall victory. Stovell , Hampshire and Hum phrey rounded out the top five. Results 125 A SIX: 1. Paul Currie (K.a.w) 2. Dw.yne ~ (Hon); J . ; Rich [bdon (Suz); 4. Sh..Iw Ounkd (lion); S. Miu floyd (Suz). 125 A MOO: 1. Josh Lottinol (K,aw); 2. Bobby StoveU (lGIw); J. Tom MJrtin (Hon); 4. Ad.m Hu mphrey (Suz); S. Sh.Iw Ounul (lion). By Rex Harris anco,CA, JUNE 24 Honda-mounted Chris Verboom pulled off one of his patented late-race charges to win the 250cc ma in at the opening round of Cycleland's Summer Supercross High Poin t Series. Hea t-race winners Verboom and Tom Jones led the charge off the line for the start of the 250cc main, but it was Ho nda XR pilo t Tom Oderkirk rounding the first tum with the lead. Oderkirk, riding his trick XR/CR hybrid, led Verboom, jones, Tom Side! and jerry Douglas for the first couple of laps and even began to pull away just a bit. But then true to form, Verboom put his head down and started to reel in Oderkirk, Lap afte r lap, Verboo m chipped away at Od erkirk's lead with jones and Sidel battling over the third spot some distance back. By lap seven, Verboo m had closed to with in a few inches of Od erkirk, wh o was using every move he had to keep Verboo m behind him. On the next lap, approaching a short set of doubles, Verboom made h is move a nd jumped past Oderkirk into the lead. After dropping to second, Oderk irk seemed to relax just a bit, h is energy spent. At the fmish it was Vcrboom taking the win and th e points lead, followed by Oderkirk, jones, Sidel and Douglas. In Pee Wee action, B.j. Powell grabbed the holeshot in front of jacob Eissler, Bobby Barnes, Da rren N ye and Traci Eissle r. Ba rnes soon p assed jacob Eissler for second, b ring ing Ny e along with h im and d ropping jacob Eissler to fourt h . O n th e las t la p , Nye was m a kin g a char ge to the front when he crashed hard, droppin g him out of the race. At the checkered flag it was Powell taki ng the win, with Barnes, jacob Eissler, Traci Eissler ... and Mark Cavalli rounding out the top five. ~ Results 50 : 1. B.J. Pow ell (Yilm); 2. Bobby BamH (yil m); 3. ril cob Eissler (ya m);". Too EissL..'f (Y~); S. Mark Cavalli (Yam) 60: 1. Eric Nye (Kaw); 2. Durm 8conson (K.lw); 3. Bre nt Triplett (Hon);". Seth Harris (; S. Brandon Triplett (Kaw). 80: 1. Kyle er (Su z); 2. Nikki Hu ri s (Y.m); 3. EViln Laughridge (Yam)". A.non Bums (Yam); S. Matt Morgan (Yam). 125: 1. Lowell Mou~1 Jr. (Hon ); 2. Dylan Blackwcll (Hon ); 3. jason Joiner (Hen); 4. Jarrad F~ (5uz ); S. Kurt Fa vre (lion). 250:1. Chris Verboom (Hon); 2. Tom Oderkirk (Hon ); J. Tom Jones (Suz); " . Tom Sidd (Suz); S. Jerry Douglu (Yam). WIN a TOYOTA TRUCK or a HONDA CBR600F21 Race with WSMC in the 1994 TOYOTA CUP ROAD RACE SERIES Want to road-race? WSMC offers a New Racers School once a month at Willow Springs. Please call for addi tional information. WSMC offers YAMAHA, KAWASAKI, SUZUKI and HONDA factory contingency programs and more. Over $150,000.00 in cash and awards! Upcoming Road Racing Events: July 16-17 August 20-21 Willow Springs International Raceway, Rosamond, CA - Tickets only $10.00 per pers on for both days (includes pit pass & parking), children 10 & under free ! Th e Fastest Road in the West since 19531 Located only 90 miles from downtown Los Angeles, CA in the beautiful Antelope Valley. WSMC P.O. Box 911, Rosamond, CA 93560-0911 WILLOW SPRINGS M OT ORCYCLE CLU B 44 \\1/sm W ILLOW SPRtN GS MOTORCYCLECLUB (805) 256-1234 -!!.-=w:sm W ILLOW SPR INGS M OTORCYCLE CLU B

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