Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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MaximaTops M moth MountainMX am 250(( Pro 125(( Pro 883 TWSP1S: 1. Bmt Donahue (H-O); 2. Dr . Jeff Johnson (H D); J. Mike Golden (H-D); 4.1Cory Hof..-r(H .D) . U/L SB; 1. Mike Rue hle (lC.Iw ); 2. John Mensch (y . m) ; 3. Keith Dinkes (lC.Iw); 4. Scott Ruehle (Hon ); S. Da v e Henry (Yam). H / W S / BK EX: 1. Mike Ruehle (J(.lw); 2. Ke ith Dierkes (Kaw); 3. John MenM:h (y a m); " . Scott Ruehle (Hon); S. Rod Fidler (SadIlod>et (Suz~ Thompson triumphant at CRC Motocross By Greg Robertson PALMDALE. CA. JUNE 24 Gary Thompson proved to be the dominant force in the 2S0cc Beginner class as he swept both motos u nder the lights d uring California Racing Club's Friday n ight motocross at Los Angeles County Raceway . When the gate dropped for the start of the first moto, David Thomforde roosted to the front of the pack with Thompson, Chad Davis a nd Dave Nelso n close behind. Thomforde was able to b uild a se ven-second advantage on Thomp.son before h e was able to break away from Davis and Nelso n. As the laps wound down, so , did Tho mford e' s lead while Th ompson p layed catch-up. With the whi te flag in sigh t, Thompson dove underneath Thomforde to try and take the lead. Thomforde held his groun d as the two fro ntrunne rs sta rted the fina l circu it si de by s ide. Thompson held the bett er line into the next tum, While Thomforde was forc ed wid e and end ed off the trac k. lbompson gree ted the checkers . .t with Th omforde a few seco n ds beh ind. Davis and Nelson foug h t over th ird place the en tire moto wi th Dav is com ing out on top on the last lap. Thomfo rde and Th om pson ran 1-2 as th e second mo to got underway. Dav is was running third, holding off both Nelson and Cod y Metler. Tho m ps on started push in g Thomforde as the , tw o sepa ra ted themselves fro m the rest of the pack, then got a better drive co m ing out of a . tum to shoot past Thomford e and take the lead . Thompso n added to his lead with each passing lap, and by the finish enjoyed a 10-sec0nd margin. Thomforde finished an equal d istance ahead of Davis, who again prevailed ove r Nelson for third overa ll. GATES OPEN 5p .m. KrU Blomdahl (Yam); 4. RYJlnWeisf;cn bach (Ya m ). 125 NO V: 1. Eric Ande~ (K..w) ; 2. Brit Jackson (K.. w ); 3. Min Tittl emier (Yam); 4. Adrian Leon (Suz); 5. Michael Rowland (Kaw ). I'K 125 INT: 1. N ick Maircw (Suz ). 2.50 BEG : I. G.ry Th ompson (Hon); 2. Da v id Th omforde lSuz); 3. 0\.iId Dav is (Yam); 4. DIve Nebon (Hon); S. Cody Metler (Hoo~ ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPEEDWAY (303) 371-1600 RACE HEADQUARTERS ( 3 0 3 ) 287·7797 T7#C#C....,.~...d ~.. ( 3 0 3 ) 290-8497 ... GOon/i'EAR EACLE RACINC TIRES CDMPETITIDN TIRE Results P/W ~2: 1. UI' Mc D cYam); 2. A ron Tomota;3- A.J. SpiI~ iii ev. m); "'. Jus tin C1e1w'd (Hon ); S. Ronn ie Al... (Yam). . r /W ~ 1 : 1. J. red Tebo (Y. m) ; 2. o...rlt'S Me!IL'Iet (Yam); 3. Cory Tocco (yam); 4. ~ rl Uh l (Y. m); 5, Man Coetre ras (lCTM) . . P /WA: I.RyanRoybal (Y~m ). 60 BEG: 1. Broc Ha rmo n (Kilw); 2. Slev..-n C isar (Kaw); 3. Rad Na ka ma (Kaw); 4. Brett Mountain ( ); 5. Aron Tomota (Ka w ). 60 (o-B): 1. Jim my NE'son (K.1w ); 2. Ma rghei.m (K.Iw ); 3. l Chris Nina n (Kaw); 4. Scott Simon (Kaw); 5. Ant hon y Barbarov i (JC.a w). 60 (9-11): 1. Gera rd Patin (Kaw). 80 BEG: 1. Gerard Patin (Yam); 2. Ch ris Niha n (Yam); 3. Joel Hanso n (Y.m); 4. Jam ie Han son (Suz). 80 (7~11): 1. Ch ristopher Tocco (Suz ); 2. Jimm y Nelso n (Suz ); 3. Johne r Fa ulkner (Hon ); 4. Dan ny Pettingill (Yam). ~ 80 (12-13); I. Oe'Jin Seeger (Suz) ; 2. Clint Ewins (Ka w). 80 (14-16 ): 1. Jos h Ahem (Vam). B/ W: 1. ChrisTOfn.'S (Kaw ): 2. Kenny Seely (}(a w) . 125 BEG: 1. Oint Van Eps IKJiw); 2. Tra "" Sm ith (yam); 3. FIRST RACE 7 :3 0 p.m. TI CKETS & PIT PASSES AVAILABLE AT: EAST WEST SOUTH CANADA PO. Bo x 301 Reading . PA 19 603 1 610J 375' 6191 1 610) 375·6190 FAX PO. BOX 666 Brookl y n. MI 49230 15171 592-66B1 1517) 592-3696 FAX PO. Box 115B6 Daytona Beach . FL 32120 19 04) 274-5332 1904) 274· 5442 FAX 360 York Rd.. R.R. #4 N.O.T.L, Ontario , LOS·1.JO (905 16B4· 7418 19 051684 -1774 FAX Authorized Distributors For GOOO,1YEAR 4 '" Crr r J" Mastercard and VISA accepted. Free Cdtalog available upon request. ~ 0\ 0\ rl REGIONAL & NATIONAL Oakland ~~OTORCYCUS Sport Center PARTS IN STOCK 4232 Dixie Hwy. Waterford. MI 483 29 (313) 673-3366 IC:ro H 'l A (313) 673-8144 FAX UPS Daily SANCTlONS-UCENSE IN FORMATION (714) 855-1602 (310)1l6H112 P.0.8ox46 NORWALK. CA 90650 National Motosport Association ~ [ L .!] ~ BERT'S MOTORCYCLES --. 818-334·1288/818-334·2926 43