Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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:1 17-201: Troy Swartz (K.1w); 2. Travis Mool'l' (l(.Jw ). 125 R:1.J.uon Frecker (Hon); 2. Scott McMillin (Kaw); J. T roy Swartz (Kaw ). 125 C: I. LmnyTeNW\t (l(.Jw ); 2. Te rry Collins (Suz); :lOuis Kuhn (lCaw~ '. Chud< Kill=ny (Suz); 5. r.lfro (Suz ); 4. Chuck Co nn n (S uz); S. Donald Mill e r (YoIln ). O PEN : 1. Jeny Caldwdl ( 40+: 1. uny Shum.tker (Yam ) US A: 1. Tommy Collier (Suz) . 250 A:. 1. Tommy CoUier(Suz). Morehead bumsGreenvilleHM By Bert Shepard (Above) Jason Frecker (29)' and Scott McMillin (33) diced in the 125cc B and Schoolboy classes at the Riverbend Raceway MX. (Below) Steve Morehead (42) topped Geo Roeder (66) and Dan Butler (71X) at the Greenville, Ohio Regional Half Mile. 500: 1. Cha d Butler ~w); 2. Dan Car1ft' (H-O) : 3. Josh Knott (Ya m); " . BenAndres (Ho n). YET: 1. Denni5 Will lalI\5 (Ya m); 2. Jack Tou chette (Yam); 3. Oana MeNd! (Hon); 4. Brad Turner (Yam);5. Scott Rippey (lCaw) . . SR: 1. Les Eslingt"f' (Kaw); 2. Jon Baker (Hon); 3. Bob Collier (Yam); 4. Mike Collier (Hon); 5. Charles HaD(Bul). OPE N: t . Chad But ler (Kaw) ; 2. Greg Logue (Yam); 3. Michael Buchholz (Hon). PRO-AM : 1. Doni Ho leman (H-D); 2. J ohnFaulkner (Ya m); 3. Steve em(ADD);4. Scott Shinn (Ka w) ; S. Jack Touchet: e (Yam ). t Mond A y . SO: 1. CalebBaI1.lrd (Yam) ; 2. Desuse Collier (Yam); 3. Darren Carh."r(Yam); 4. Oint Collil"l' (Yam); 5. Bri ttney Andrrs (ltj). 65: 1. Jo.1\ Toungett (Kaw ); 2. Rob Pearson (Kaw); 3. Chris McDevitt (k.w). 85 : 1. Bria n Shirley (Yam ); 2. Roger Hayden (YoI ); J. JOIIh m Touogftt (Yam); 4. NiCk WUli.Jms (K.w); S. John Spint'lli (Hon). 125: 1. IUndy Sm ith C Hon); 2. Trmt Shellabarger (Kaw l; 3. Oint Brown (Suz ); 4. lbIy Davie (Suz); 5. Justin Filson (Hon). 200: 1. DenniIl Williams (BuI) ; 2. Oint Brown (X.Jw ); 3. OWnt &lingff (K.w); 4. Jns Robimon (1Caw); S. Stew MobOn (1Caw). 250 : 1. C rt'S Logue (Yam); 2. Scott Sh inn (Kotw) ; 3 . Nkk o.uueJ. (Y~); 4. Brad 'rcrree (yoIm); 5. Justin Filson (Hon). -100: 1. David AJ~ (Y~); 2. Ouis J,anid (C· A); 3. Mon ty Roberb (YoIm). 500: 1. Chad Butler (l(.Jw); 2. Dan Cartrr (H-D) ; J. CNrln Southgate (Y.un); 4. Rick Anden (Hon); S. Josh Knott (Yam). VET: I. Dlm nis Willi.lms (VoIm) 2. Br~ T um rr (YoI m); 3. ; Dm.i McNeil (Han); &.Jack Touchdko (;5. Dan Cam1'{H-O). 5R: I. Ln &lingrr (Suz); 2. ChoIrlie Southgate (Ra); 3. Jon BakertHon); 4. Billl..il1ie (Hon); 5. MMkAuF'Ste1n (Yam) . OPEN; 1. ~ Butler (l(.Jw); 2. Steve Hall (Rtx ),; 3. Michae l Buchholz (lion); 4. Nick Daniels (Yam); S. Rid; Andt'f'S (lion). PRO-AM: 1. Joh n FoI ulkner (YoI m); 2. Ste ve G ill (ADB); 3. Doni Holeman (H- OJ; 4. Randy Deele (Rb: ); S. Steve H.1D (Rbt). Frecker, McMillinbattle at Riverbend Motocross By David L. Patton Jr. COOLVILLE. OH,MAY 28 Ama teur racing hig h ligh ted ro und four of the Southeastern Ohi o Sup er Series MX, with jason Frecker and Scott McMillin going head to head in five mo tos, and Frecker grabbing three mo ta and two over;tll wins. McMillin grabbed the holeshot in the Schoo lb oy cl as s, w hi le Frec ker got a p oor s tar t. McMillin held the lead until lap three when he fell. "I slid out in a tum and jaso n go t by," he said . Freder, on a j&M Cycles Hond a, took the win. The two former mini stars also rod e in the 125a:B class . Frecker got the best start, ahead of McM illin and Troy Swar tz. On a j&:R Spo rts Sh o p/Pro- Ci r cu it/Yoko Racew ea r -ba cked Kawasaki, McMillin s ta lked Preck er for two la ps; after a coup le of cha nces at the lead , he fou nd a wa y b y. Flying th rou gh the whoops , McM illin got a g reat d r ive over th e d o ub le jumps, then slammed the door on Frecker on the tabletop . Frecker tried to regain his momentum, but clipped a pole with his hand leba r and lost too much time. McMillin took the win, with Frecker second an d Swa rtz third. During the intermiss ion , McMillin contin ued his hot strea k by taking the win in the Amate ur dash-for-cash race; Frecker got knocked down in the first tum. Th e race of the afternoon happened in the secon d Schoolboy mote. After a clean start, Frecker began looking for wa ys to take the lead. After three att empts to block pass McMillin had ended in collisions, Freder finally took the lead . McMillin then set up Frecker in the left-hander after the do uble ju mp on the back sid e of the track, bu t he lost his rear brake and overshot the tum, actually en tering in another section of the track. Frecker too k the lead and the overall win, blasti ng through the whoops on the ·last lap to an exciting finish. Frecker ha d a smooth consisten t ride in the seco nd 12Sec B moto, while McMillin was still plagu ed by bike probl ems and crashed, giving Troy Swa rtz second in moto two . Frecker took the overall, with McMillin claiming second overall ahead of Swartz. Results so STK: I. Austin Rohr (KTM ); 2. Jeremy Robso n (Ya m); 3. Tyler G ru b b (KTM) ; 4. D.R. Atwood (KTM) ; S. Brad Barth. n (y a m). SO MO D: 1. Christop he r Robertson (Vam); 2. Tyle r Crubb (KThi ); 3. Brad B..rtkott (VoIm) 4. Travis (Ya m); 5. D.R. ; Atwood (KTM). 65: 1. David Whitcr a ft (Kaw); 2. Ch ris Wh itcraft (Ka w) ; 3. Willy Browning (Kaw );4. Kyle Teel (Kaw); 5. Ashley Smi th (lCAw). MINI JR: 1. Corey Arno ld (; 2. Scon Kuchl er (YoIm) 3. ; David Wh itcraft (Yam);"' . Chris Whi taol t (Kaw); 5. Willy Brownf ing(Yam) . MIM SR: 1. Chrilltopht!r Berry (Yam); 2. Robert Welch; 3. Steven Cl'i1ves (Kaw); 4. Justin 0e 1..Mruz(Kaw); S. RUlity Hanning ( . SCHBY ;I . Juon Freclr.e-r(Hon) ; 2. Scott McMill in (Ka w); 3. Chris topher Berry ( KoI ); 4. Robert Welch (Ya m) ; 5. Ju stin w Delacruz (YoIm ). GREENVILLE, OH, MAY 22 Steve Morehead beamed w ith confidence after a forceful ride earned the 2lJ.year vetera n of the dirt track wars the 75O<:c Expert victory ove r his u sua l Ohio nem esis Geo rge Roeder a nd new comer Dan But ler durin g the Eastern regi onal half mile at the Darke County Fairgro un ds. The Expe rt heats we re wo n by Beyer, jon Parke r, jack Maye r, More head and Roed er, and with more tha n h alf of th e finalists hold in g National numbers, the crowd was in for typ ical Ohio "pea gra vel" action. Whe the r it was the prop er combina tion, or the fact tha t four of his major spo nsors were p resent, Morehead led the 750<:c Expe rt field int o turn one at th e sta rt of th e ma in ev en t. Th e crowd got a repea t of the 1993 Fall Regional a t Greenville, w ith a nother Morehead /Roeder du el erupting, but this time with a twist. Dan Butler also ran with the two veterans from Ohio and wanted to be lead ing the race ins tead of just following along. Th e th ree riders tried a variety of line s as they wo rked the track. By the halfway point, Moreh ead had his KK Supply / F&:S / Shep herd Chemical/john Drago /Bell /Air Pro /j oe Wilson /Dirt Trac k Number Plates / Autowor ld backed XR7S0in front for good, and wo uld take the win followed by Roeder , Butler, Scott Stump and Georgie Price. When the Pro-Am main assembled on the freshly groo med fairgrounds , Rob Williams was on the ou tside pol e, and he took control from the g ree n lig h t. Th ornton Cycle Sales /Darcy Racin g Specialties/Maralman Family / Vee vay Dairy Queen/Mike and Dave Gurley/ M&:D and Fr iends-sponsored Gary Stogsdill closed on Williams , and with the event ha lf ove r, took the point. From there, Stogsdill cruised to the win in his third outing on a brand -new Rotax. Williams hung on for seco nd, followed by Ryan Brown, Dan Brown and Matt Auxier. Bre tt Beyer p ilot ed his Subu rba n H- D/joe a n d Wayne Houpt /HP by Sta n/ Bell/ O u ry / K&:N/Motion Pro/Mid west Anodizing/ David Loesch-backed Rotax to the 6OO<:c win . Canadian Jon Parker a nd Pa ul Morgan finis hed second and third , respecti vely. Results PRO-AM; 1. Gary Stogsdill (Rtx) ; 2. Rob WUliams (Rbt); 3. Ry an Brown (Rbt); 4. Brown (W-R); S. Matt Awder (RIlt). 600: 1. Brett Beyer (RIX); 2. Pa ul Morgan (Rbt); 3. Jon (W-R); 4. Mike Wolmer (Rbt); S. Ron Co lllOl1 (Rb:). 750: 1. Steve' Morehead (H -D); 2. George Roed er (H -D); 3. Oan Butler (H·D); 4. ScottStum p lHon); S. GeoI'gie Prier (H-D). Butler blasts 1-96 HM By Grace DiBenedetto LAKE OOESSA. MJ. MAY 29 The first half mile o f th e 1994 Mic higan di rt track seaso n wen t off wi thout a hitch, drawing 175 entries to the bl ue-grooved oval at 1-96 Speedway w here Dan Bu tler, the only Harley rider to make the Pro--Am mai n event, did not d isappoint the fa ns w ho waved hi m on with boisterous cheers to the checkered flag. Butler dialed the track in from the first sign of green, posting the fas tes t of the th ree heats with a 2:31.40 over Dou g O'Boyle's heat win of 2:33.26. In the final, Butler checked out early with a power move to the outside a nd waved good-bye to the other 13 riders in the field. The onl y question left was w ho wo uld be second. The answer came quickly wh en Doug O'Boyie picked up the pace to gain a comfortable lead over third place by lap four. By lap six, the ride rs had strung out, with jack Mayer an d Eric O'Boyie following the leaders. With the big mo ney pos itions locked up, all that was left to fight over was pocket cha nge, but fou r riders tho ug ht it was worth it. Pa ul Kops, Kirk Wirick, Mike Dickerson a nd rookie rid er ]aramia Becker p ic ked t he ir lines an d charged for the checkered flag four-wide as they raced for fifth -p lace money. The fou r crossed over the line in that order, whee l to whee l and peg to peg. making for the only exciting finish of the feat ure race. Afte r a tire check, all ri ders were found to be in compliance w ith the new AMA compo un d rule. Butler took home the cash in the Combo class as well, repeating with a 2O-Iength victory that earned him the respect of the rest of the field . Results PRO-AM : 1. Dan Buller (H -D); 2. Doug CYBoyIe (Rtx); 3. Jold Mayt'l' (Rbt); 4. Eric O'Boy~ (Rtx); S. Pol ) ~ (lUx ). U COMB: 1. Dan Buder (H-D); 2. Doug CYBoyW (Rh;); J. o.~ (H·D~ ' . jack M.>)'ff (Rlx); 5. jrff Randolph (Rlx ). SR; 1. Jim 8.lure le (RaJ ; 2. Joi v is K.applinger (Tri); 3. Cnog r Coms tock (lion); 4. Mark Froe lich (Rtx); 5. Merlyn Wertz (Tri ). VET: 1. BrU:n ~ CHon); 2. Mike (Hon); 3. Mike BeUid (Yam );4 . Tun Babka (Honl;5. Robm U11(Hon). . DTX; 1. Bry~ Bigdow (yoIm ); 2. BiD Ph.Ire (l(.Jw ); 3. Herbm Crystal (Suz ); 4. 5cDttSargent (l(.Jw). nY; I. Dave Kolendoll (H-O); 2. Jarvis K.applingft (Tri); 3. }enySuJek (Tri);4. Mile Delliel (Yam); 5. Merlyn WertzlTri). VIm; 1. Darid Riley (Tri) ; 2. David Dixoa (YMT\); 3. Andy VanValkenb urg (Bul); 4. Dav e V.liket (BSA); 5. Brolndon Row KD"""'" (Hon~ OPEN: 1. Ja.rimi.I (Rn ); 2. Je ff 5trw'ns (HoO); 3. Kip KDps (W -R) ; 4. William Shupe (H-D); 5. Kelly Crosno (H -D). 500 A:. 1. Jeff Randolph (Rbt ); 2. Mile Sabka (Hon); 3. Tim Babka (Hon); 4. Sam Lowe (Hon); S. Robert LiD (Hon). H / W SOCARI: 1. Doug Fowot/Dea n Ho woI d (Yam); 2. Mike r Don.zaI/Mi1r.e Shijims (K.iw); 3. Robrrt Fryer/Ryan Donoe. (Hon). H / W SlX:AR It 1. John Schncidl"l'/ Glenn ~ (Rn); 2. Joe Sams/William S tolzenfeld (Hon ); 3. Do ug Fo us t /Ryan Jon es (Yam); 4. Mia Fryer/Carl Correll (Hon); 5. Craig Stempt"l'/Tmy rk Pelky (yam). SOO B: I. Cory Oue (Hon); 2. Je ff Sawi n (y a m); 3. Chip Cn..en (Ho n); 4. Kurt Eschnw1 (yoIm); S. SIl'Ve Barnett (Hon). 400: 1. Lonnie Wad le (Yam); 2. Paul Wackerle (KTM) ; 3. Mike Pu tnam (Yam); 4. Larry VoinValke n burg (Ya m ); 5. John Sellie l (Ha n). 250: 1. Brya n Bigelow (Yam); 2. Mi ke Farro (Kotw); 3. Polt Fow ler (Hon ); 4. Davi d Dixon (Yam); S. Brad Mayo CHon). 200:1. Da n Kduffm.l n (Kaw); 2. Brandon Rose (Hon); 3. Frank Hitchcoclc (Kaw); 4. Brett PoInUy (K.1w). . 50; I. Logan Meyers (Yam); 2. Tom Link (Yam ); 3. Charles ltalia (YoIm 4. James H ~ (Ya m); 5. Sam Hitchcoc k (YoIm ); ). 60: 1. K C. Knodel (Kaw); 2. Tom link (Kaw );3. Rocky HiIChcock (Kaw ); 4. Clw rles IIoIILoi (Kot ). w . 85: I. K.C. Knodel (Kotw) ; 2. Bryan Smith (Ka wl ; 3. BMt Pa nkey (Kaw); 4. Rocky H itchcock ( ); S. Hen ry Will'S ( Kline wins again at Aztec MX By Mike Arno ld AZTEC, NM, MAY 29 Proving that age has noth ing to do with speed and ab ility, Bob Klin e, 34, o utran fellow pro jules Farmer, 21, for the overall win in the 2.50<:<: Pro class at Aztec MJ('s monthly motocross. The first combined 2.50<:<: moto left the start ing area with Farmer pulling the holeshot on his White Bros.-sponsored Kawasaki, and Kline in tow. Farmer set a quick pace that Kline attempted to ma tch. In an attem p t to dose the gap between himself and the lead er, Kline was performing a no frills flight over the back trip le that had hi landing nearly 30 feet past the land ing m ra mp. On the fifth lap, Kline ran off the track after land ing and took a ride through the weed s. The time he lost to Farmer as a resul t was too great to make up and he had to settle for second . In moto two, the field roc ke ted out of the gate with Kline takin g his CR2S0 in to the lead this time and never looking back, while Farmer wa s ca u ght beh ind 250cc intermedia te rid er Luke Fennewald for ha lf a lap. Kline showed amazing speed thr ough the whoops and the first tum. Every pa ss throu gh the whoops ha d his Honda peaked , with the rev limiter tryin g to keep the motor in one piece. Farmer tried to play catch up b ut with out mu ch succeess until the last lap, when Kline backed off the pace in traffic and Fa rmer clo sed to w ithi n 8 b ik e lengths. Kline styled ove r the finish line for the moto and overall win. Th e 500cc Amateur class was on ce ag ain d o mi n ated b y Ed d ie Fa r ley and h is CRSOO, wh ile The Vet class, wh ich ran in con junction wi th the 5OO<:c class, saw john Shelley take the win wi th his Yamaha WR25O. Results 50 STK: 1. Mark GI'iIIddy (Yam); 2. CheteT Ona n (1'1"); 3. Jeft'my Farley (Yam ). 80 BEG: 1. Chad Pino (lC.Iw) . am. 80 JR: 1. Ronnie ( ; 2. B.B. Ct~ (Yam ). 125 BEC: 1. Ryan Onan ( ); 2. MK:had Urimtto (Yam); 3. David Hathcock (Suz); 4. Pat Williams (Yam ); 5. Mike AmoId. J2S JR: I. Jerrett Cuillory (Han),; 2. N" (lion); 3. Joseph G rentJea f (Suz); 4. SNyne Kend.lU (Hon ); 5. B.B. Carter (Hon~ I2S PRO 1. GoIry Sllter(Hon). 2SOBEC: 1. MiU Smith (Kaw ); 2. John Seidel (K.1w). 250 JR: 1. Garrett Thimoch (Hon) 2. Nichobs Man: (Hon); J. y ShaY"" Kend.ill (Hon). 250 INT : 1. Luke Fennewald (Kaw); 2. Josh Ysteund ( 250 PRO: 1. Bob Kline (Hon),; 2. Juin Farmer (1Caw). 500 AM. 1. Eddie FoIrll-y(Hon); 2. RUSIll-ILuN (y am ); 3. Troy Jeffen (Hon). 500 PRO: 1. Jules Fanner (Kaw). VET: 1. John Shell y (YoIm) 2. Moirtin Montano (Han); 3. R.1y ; Amos (Suzl . Duane dandy at Sunrise vintage Motocross 1 J rl By Matt Hilgenberg ADElANTO, CA. MAY 22 Montesa V R~moun ted Brian Duane comp leted his comeback from a bad ly broken leg to win the 2SO<:c Novice class a t th is weekend 's round of the Ame rican Historic Racing Moto rcycle Assn .

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