Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.' .. ' . ' 1 William O'Hara (KThl); 11. Stev e T.chenor (Suz ); 12. Jeff Fegert (Hus); 13. Jay Zicker (Hon) ; 14. Jack Zerkle '(Ho n); IS. Scott Gllmp (Hus); 16. 0=1.. Kline (Suz); 17. Richard Shaw (Ka w); 18. Jeff Hague (H us); 19. Kevin Kellett (Yam); 20. Cop O'Kuly (KThl). Casey, Brown take Woodland vintage Motocross wins By Clay Light (Above) Bryan Folks used his vast Nevada desert experience to roost to the overall win at the Pioche GP. (Below) Brett Taylor (371) leads Joe casey (24) and Keith Webster (14X) In vintage motocross action at Woodland Motocross Park. - _. • W OOIJIMID, WA, MAY20 Rickman-mounted Shawn Brown put an end to Honda Elsinore-moun ted Joe Casey's domination a t Woodland Motocross Park by winning an exciting second-mote shootout for the 250cc Expert class win at the final round of the Vintage Dirt-sanctioned MX series. For th e firs t time in the second half of the season. sunny skies were prevelant, resulting in a d ry course. The day's best racin g action came in the 250cc Expert class motes, fielding a fu ll ga te of the Northwest's fast est rid ers . Yamaha rid er Brett Taylor, w ho one moto earlier ha d stormed to a 125cc Expert win , put his yz into the lead a t the s ta rt of moto on e followed by Casey, Brown, Keith Webster and Monty Price . Casey got by Taylor at th e end of lap one and handily sped away with an in su rm ountable lead, while Taylo r was busy h o ld in g back Brown . But Brown had othe r ideas an d relegat ed Taylor to thi rd. He cou ld n ' t ca tch Ca sey, however. Moto two was a diffe rent story , though, with Casey taking the lead, only to ha ve Brown gnaw awa y at his lead over several laps. The duo put on a great show for th e spectators a nd, in the end, Brown bes ted Casey by a b ike len gth for the ove rall win. Tay lor went 3-3 for third ove rall ahead of Price , Webster, Ted Berner! and Ben Hall. Casey showed that he was still a tou gh rider to beat by winning bo th 3(}+ Expert class motos, bu t not without a battl e from Pen ton rider Bernert in the first moto. Bernert and Casey battled for two laps until the Penton ride r fell an d finished th ird at m ot e' s e nd behind Casey and Hunda rid er Price. Richard Sip p Jr. and Dougie Eckelrnan com plered the top five. Casey took too k the lead in moto two and maintained it to the finish, much like he's done for the majority of the sea son. Berner! chased Casey from a distance but could n't narrow the gap and finished second in the moto - good for seco nd overall - ah ead of Price, Maico rider Neil Giertsen and Sipp . Vinta ge Open action sa w CZ rider Reese Dangler take a 2-1 moto score for the overall win followed by BSA rid er Dean Newton and Suzuki rid er Bryan Murphy, the first-mo te winner. Results OPN: 1. Rftse Dangler (CZ) ; 2. Bryan Murphy (Suz); 3. Oe.1n _( BSA~ . 250 EX: 1. Sha wn Brown (Ric); 2. Joe ~)' (Hon); 3. Brett Taylor (Y.lm). Best in the Desert Folks home at Pioche GP By Guido Lucertola Photo by Grumpy PIOCHE,NV, MAY 15 ryan Folks u tilized his in timate know ledge of the Nevada desert to post the overall win at the Pioche GP, promoted by his fa th er Casey's company - Best in the Desert. Pioche is a historical mining tow n that lies ap proximately 180 miles north of Las Vegas, at the base of three mountains - all of which are filled with abandoned gold mines. In 1887, at its peak, the town was overrun with gunfighters and other typi cal characters of the old west. Over 60 people died in gunfights in th e to w n befo re the fi rst p erson passed away from natural causes. The course consisted prim arily of two-track dirt roads, occasionally breaking off into virgin cou ntry. The highlights were two sections right through the middle of town - great for spectators and pit crews . Many riders elected not to make pit stops, as gas refills were not required for those with large tanks. B 26 Folks completed seven laps on the 7.5mile course. The ra ce started with Jeff Hague leaving first, and all other Expert-elass riders following in their drawn positions. By the end of the first loop, Folks had taken ove r the lead, followed by Hague, Scott Glimp and Daryl Folks , Bryan's brother. Scott Morris was next. The order remained the same for the next two loops, th ough Bryan Folks began to stretch ou t his lead. By the end of the fourth lap, he had nearly a twominute advantage on corrected time. Glimp began to fall back , while Tony Bergman sa t in the fifth spot. Hague slipped to fourth on lap six, making the lead five: Bryan Folks, Daryl Folks, Morris, Hague and Bergman. Lap seven proved to be the most crucial . All five leaders took the chance of no t pitting for fuel. To avoid running out of gas or getting a flat tire, Bryan Folks began to back off, but he still had the overall win by 26 seconds at the finish. Morris, Bergman and Daryl Folks p ushed each other hard all the way to the end, finishi ng in that order - all within seven secon ds of one another. Nick Pearson, 16, rounded out the top C\' five with an impressive ride. Results 0/10.; 1. Bryan Folks (KThl); 2. Scott Morris (Kaw); 3. Ton y Bergman (Ho n); 4. Daryl Fol ks (KTM); S. N kk Pearson (KTM) ; 6. b y Jew ett (Yam); 7. Jason Robinson (Ho n); 8, Marc Lewis (Ron); 9. Henry Fenn (Suz); 10. 125 EXI AM: 1. Bmt T. ylor (Y am ); 2. Richard Sipp Jr. (Yam); 3. Jeff ClNaon (H od ). 30. EX./ AM: 1. JOt' Ca W)' ,"on); 2. Ted Brmert (Pm); 3. Monty. . - (Hoo~ 40+ EXI AM : 1.Craig F.mlworth ( Hon) ; 2. OaJe Hodson (M.i); 3. Cha rlie Brown (Ric }, 50+ EX! AM: 1. Hany T~ykJr (Yam ); 2. Did: Stidham (Yam); 3. Bruct!Bill ie. OPN BMBR: 1. Kenny Brynn (Suz); 2. Grrzlrwin (Suz ); 3. Min. Yager(YUOl). Mathews motors at Mountain View Motocross By Dave Shelton TIJCSON, AZ. MAY2!. Jason Mathews took advantage of an extremely ligh t Pro field to score the overall win in the class at Mountain View Off-Road Raceway Th e Pro cla ss consisted of Mathews, Dan Bonham and Jus tin McMurrich. Mathews and Bonham bo th competed on 250cc machines, while McMurrich borrowed a 500cc Honda in hopes of sna king away the first -place cash. The plan was go ing his way until a little too much throttle got him into trouble and sat him right down on his rear at the halfway point in the first moto. McMurrich ended up third as Bonham got by and followed the new leader, Mathews. Desp ite Bonham getting a good start in the second moto, McMurrich and Mathews, running seco nd and third, respecti vely, eventually got by h im to take the top two p os it ions . Mathews wound up in the lead again as McMurrich made a mistake and handed the lead position to him. Th e Seni or Novice class saw Mark Anderson come to gr ips with his first great opportunity to take a w in . After gating better than usual, Anderson handled it in style as he won the first mo to w ith a sizable lead over John Beaver and Rob Brown. The second moto wa sn't quite as ea sy for Anderson, who had to pla y catc h-up to get to the fronL Anderson. running in second, trailed Ranel Co x, who was doing admirably well on the only 125 in the "run what you brung" class. Cox, try in g to avenge his first-moto eighth, fough t hard to keep hold of first p la ce; he retained the lead up to the face of the finish-Iine jump where Anderson was there to spoil it With Cox carrying too much momentum to put a block-pass on him, Anderson slipped by Cox to na b the win by half of a wheel Beaver scored second overall with a second-moto third. Third on the night went to Steve Garrison with a 5-4 taIIey. Pat Eggman stole the show in th e 250cc Intermediate class and all but ran away with it en route to the overall win. Jason Smith took top hon ors in the 125cc Novice class. Results 50 BEC: 1. Tommy Shinn (ICTM); 2. Drew Murphy (Yun); 3Omnis Jonon (Yam); 4. Juan WaR' (Hon); 5. Luke TKhirh.irt (Yam ). SO NOV : 1. Ronnie c.mble Jr. (Yam ); 2. Ranrl Cox (Y.m); 3. Se.m She h on (Ya m); 4. Kyle Rinr.l (Yam); 5. MichM l Beanr (Y...~ 50 OPEN: 1. Ronnie wmblto (Yam); 2. Kanel Cox (Yam); 3. ; Michae l Beaver (Yam); 4. Tommy Shinn (ICTM) 5. Dennis ranon (Y...~ 60 (0-8) : 1. Sean Shel ton (Kaw ); 2. Joshua Ita-...:! (Kaw) ; 3. Ron~ n il' Ga m ble Jr . (lC.1w); 4. Rant' l COl( ( Ka w); S. Michael Beaver (KAw); 60 ~ll ): 1. Nathan Ri veR! OC-w ); 2. r aul8el'ger Jr. (K.1w 3. ); "ke Nighswander (K.1w ). 60 O PEN: 1. Ryom Wlbon (Hon); 2. Na tha n River. (K. w ); 3.Midwd Beaver (Yam). 4. Jau Nlghsw.llndt"'l' (1Caw) . 80 BEG: 1. Bryan Alim (Suz); 2. Tom Ounan (y Am); 3. [)ennis Umphnos (yam); 4. Paw Sc:.i:nW(K.lw); 5. Ryan w Usoa(Hon). 80 1NT: 1. M.n SriU (Suz ); 2. ~ J-Wnmd (Yam ). th 80 NOV: 1. Nick Be.vercY.a m);2. Klint LaPla nte (Yam. . ) 80 O PEN: 1. trh n Smith (Suz ); 2. ~ H.Jmmcl (Y.un ); 3Nick &lwr (Yam); 4. Taylor Vandrrpool (lCaw); S. Bryan ADen (Suz~ lOS: 1. M.l.n Smith (Suz); 2. George l-WnmeI (yAm); 3. N'rl (Yam); 4- T.ylor VandPrpool ( 125 BEG: 1, Mike Foster (Yam); 2. Rob ny_inger (Hon);.1. Shl wn Dunn (Yam ); 4. Taylor Vo1nderpoo1 (K&w ); S. Jeny o.vis (Yam.). • 125 NOV: 1. J-xt Smith (Suz ); 2. AdriAn Lefler (Suz ); 3. Will. Smi" (Suz~ " ..... (Hoo t S."""""' Mequio (Han~ 2SOBEG: 1. Str-n H.r-n (lion); 2. 5tYwn Dwm. (Yam); 3. TunLomp (HonH T unmy Edmondo(Hon); S. Uny Ayon (Han). 2SONOV : I.Chud. ~{Hon);2. Tun~{lC.lw );3. Sha Andenon (}Ion); 4. (),,)vid ~hkn (Y.. m ); 5. AcUm BoeSe .. BeaVft u'P"''''' (Han ~ 250 INT: 1. P~t Eggman (Yam); 2. BrWt Highlmith (Y~lIn); 3BryD'l 8.lrdrtt (Hen); 4. eo&em..n ~ (Hon); S. Tait ~ (Hon~ PRO: 1. j.uon MI~ (Hun); 2. Justin McM urrlch (Han); 3. Din Bonh&m (Yam). BIC BK OPEN: 1. Joon M.tlwws (Hun); 2. Dan BohNm (Yam); 3. JU5tin McMu rrich (lion); 4. Bryan B.trdrtt (Hon); S. Pat ......... (Y...~ OPEN BEG; I . John ....... (Han); 2. Todd Sa>ggin(Han~ 3. TomShinn (Han) ; " . LuisMau.a (Hon). SR NOV : 1. MArk Anr;konon (Han); 2. John Beaver (Hun ); 3. ScrYe Carrison (H on);4 . SCxry M ilkr (Y~m);S. Rob Brown ()Ca w). 80 TRPlM5S RDR: 1. Sto. She lton (Y~m); 2. Sam Houston n (Suz ); 3. Link Defer (Yam); 4. Nath..n s.nt..eruz (Hon) . BIG BK TRPHYLSS RDR: 1. Je ffery Walker ($liz); 2. Jeff Hollingsworth; 3. Stevm Ringmtwch (Yam ). Opportunity knocks for laughridge at Cyc1eland Supercross By Rex Harris CHICO, CA. MAY 20 Jessee Machine-backed Evan Loughridge used a little good luck and a lot of good rid ing to capture the win in the BOcc main event at round two of Cycleland's Summer Supercross Series. At the drop of the gate, Yamaha-mounted Laughridge was quickest to the first comer but he was quickly joined by Nico lette Harris, Chris McAvoy and Mike Howarth. As the lead group exited the whoops and headed for the monster double, Laughridge charged over the big jump first and established his lead. Entering the whoops again after lap one, Harris pulled along the inside of Laughridge and made a block-pass at the next tum. Harris then turned up the heat and put some distance between herself and the res t of the field . Behind the leaders, McAvo y, who was running a distant third, lost the front . end and crashed in a sandy comer. He quickly remounted before losing position. but was now coming under heavy presure from Howarth and Fowler. Up front, Harrts had pushed her Chico Motorsports/IRC/Hap Jones-sponsored Yamaha to abo ut a five-second cushion over laughridge when she caught a handlebar on a hay bale and went down. Not believing his good fortune, Laughridge retook the lead and charged to the finish. Harris remounted and se t off after Loughridge but had to settle for second. Third we nt to McAvoy, who managed to hold off a charging Howarth. Rochelle ran a distant fifth. In Pee Wee actio n, Bobby Barnes grabbed the holeshot followed by Ricky Williams, Kyle Co rc hero, Jacob Eissler and Traci Eissler. Williams dogged Barnes lap after lap but could never find a way past. Meanwhile, Traci Eissler made the pass on her brother Jacob to take over fourth spot, while Corchero ran a comfortable third. At the finish the order remained; Barnes, followed by Williams, Corchero, Traci Eissl er and Jacob Eissler.

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