Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Results P /W: 1. Bobby Barnes (Ya m) ; 2. Ricky Williams (Yam); 3. Kyl. Corchl!'ro (Yam); 4. Traci EiuleT (Yam); S. Jacob Eissler (Y~~ 6Q; 1. ~ Btomon ~w); 2. Brandon Cord\eTo (}ion); 3Bnndon Tripk-tt (Kaw); 4. SethH.. rrifo(~w); S. BrenCTriplrtt. 80: 1. Eva n Laughridge (Yam) 2. Nikki Hams (Yam ); 3. Ouis McAvoy ( Ho n); 4. Mib Howarth (K.lw); S. Rochelll!' Fowler (Hon~ 125: 1. Lowe ll (Hon); 2. Se.ln Rt-.Ith (H on); .1. Jeny U(}Ion); 5. Ja......". (Suz). 2SO: 1. Low d.l Moural (Hon); 2. QIris Verboom (Han); 3. Sam I:/rIeluca (Yam); 4. Norman;S. 8rWl Eisster ~w). H.o...,. (Suz); , . Dr""' _ 250 NOV : 1. JUM Tumn (S uz) ; 2. N ick Pappas (Hon); 3. M.1" Styln (Hon); 4. Josh Chisum (lCaw ); S. Mil::iwrljor Go ldstein (Han). 250 INT: I. BenVitale (Suz); 2. Burleson (Hon); 3. uwy Musick (Kaw); 4. C raig Uum~ (Suz); S. Jason 0U5um (!.vr Hmdrnon (Suz); 3. Frank Lowen (Han); 4. G rt')' IWnholz (Hon ); S. Dan D' AkosNnd ro (Hon). VET 1Nf, 1. Troy SmoIJ.\'. ZoIo (K,aw); 5. Ton y Basuini (I"-w). VET PROS: I. John Cook (Han ); 2. w ry F.lrgo (Su.z). OT NO V: I. Mm:hant (Han ); 2. t..eroy Smith (Sta); 3. Eric H.iwkins (Han). BOUN1Y HtJN'nX: 1. Rusty Holland (Suz ); 2. Danny PaLtd ino (leaw ); 3. Jdf Pl"lttana (Hon); 4. Ke th May" ( J(.aw); S. 8~ . Hamilton (Yam). Pestana powerful at . Bounty Hunter Motocross By Tim Quinn LOS B ANOS, CA, MAY 21 Jeff Pestana d ominated the 125 and 250cc Pro classes in round two of the Clawson Motorsports Racing /Q1 06 FM/Califomia Motocross Associa tio n Bounty Hun ter Ser ies at the Los Banos Fairgrounds. Rust y Holland, ridi ng the Cla wson Motorspo rts/ Pro Circui t /JN Innova tions -sp c ns o red " Su zuki elected not to run the 250s, but stu ck wi th the 125cc class. By the tim e the pa ck hit tum one; Holl and was probably wishing he had chosen th e 250' s. On the ground as th e p ack pulled away, Ho lland remou n ted quickly an d set his sights forward while Pestana, the Clawso n Motorspo rt s/JT Racing /Honda-backed rider, held the lead position. By the co mpletion of lap two, Holland had passed Kevin Cordua, Dan Paladino and Mark Klauser to move into third place; he would catch and pa ss Brownlee for second. At the mid wa y poi nt it was Pestana, Holland, Brownlee and Paladino, who had passed Klauser on lap three to mov e in to fourth, leavin g Klauser to round out the top five. H olland follow ed Pestana for t wo laps before he recognized a wa y to ge t around. On lap five, HoUand passed Pestana to take the lead and never looked back. Holland rocketed to the c he cke re d flag w ith Pestan a in second a n d Brownlee in third. Filling out the top five positions were Paladino and Klauser, respectively. In the second 125 Pro moto, Brownlee pull ed the ho lesho t wit h Pes ta na , Paladi no, Holland a nd Cord ua in tow. Ho lland tried to make a quick pass on Pestana in the rockers but went down. For the first two laps, the orde r stayed the same. On lap three, Holland and Paladi no began to batt le for the third spot, with Holland eventually coming out on top . At the midway poi nt, Pestana had enough of following Brown lee, slippi ng by to take over the lea d . In th e meantime, Holl and co ntin ue d to make up gro un d, and by lap six Holland had passed Brownlee and set his sights on Pestana. Tho ugh Pestana had troubl e keeping Holland behind him in the first moto, it posed no problem in the seco nd mato. Pes tana took the w in an d the overall vict ory follo wed by Hollan d , Brownlee and Paladino just a few bike len gths apart. Th e overall wen t to Pes ta na. Holl and, Brownlee, Paladino and Cordua were left to fill out the top five. Pes ta na also topped the 250cc Pro class, while Holland defeated all comers in the Bounty Hunter main eve nt. Results 50 8EG S'TK (()'-S): I. } Withrow (Yam); 2. Trav~C«iI (Y.lm ); .l. Kyle Cwinn (y.lm); 4. P.lul Fund...-rburg (Yam ); I...oWe FftTaro (YoIm). NOV STK. (0-8 ): 1. Cory McDanil!'l; 2. Jack VanCamp (Y.1m ); 3. Anthony tIousIrr (Yam ); • . Adrim Figut'fOl (Y.a:m). P/W8Il: 1. J..uJ-HurJt (Yam). 60 BEC (o-S): I. J.lck V.lnCamp (KoIw); 2. Adrien Figuero.a (K.I.w). 60 NOV (D-8); 1. Cory Mdlmid (; 2. N'rl DIvis ~w); 3. Anthoay Hou.n' (Kaw). 60 BEG (9-11) : 1. OonovOlln Sty ln (; 2. Buf fa lo So ito (K.\w) ; 3. Logan Ma~ oc.w); 4. Ie- Pavlov ~w); S. T)'5Dn s. .so TloIgo(Xaw) . 60 NOV (9-11): 1. Rya n Monw (K.w); 2. Kellen ChMjwick (l(.w~ XRIll>I. Ovis e.e-. (Hon~ 80 BEC: 1. Turbo Reif (Han); 2. David Udenazzi (Suz); 3. J.R. Archu lo waki (Hon); 4. Au drey Dooley (Ya m); 5. Russell Viets (Suz). - 80 NOV: I. Chris Dias (Kaw); 2. Nick Mc Bride (K.w); 3. PeterDutton (Yam); 4. Mikr ~ (Han); S. Gralwn Farmer 1 - ). 80 INT: 1. Tyll"r EVaNl (Kaw); 2. Jess Med ley (Han); 3. Aaron 8.lker (Y.lm). 125 BEC By David A. Procida MO RENOVALLEY,CA, MAY 21 Ce le Wallace ca me out to the Starwest su percross track with only one thing on his mind : to show the olde r kids how to win races. And win h e did, dominating b oth of t he 60cc (9-11) motos. In the first mo to, Anthony Bruscell a grabbed the h ol eshot with Jesus Casillas a n d N ic k Alvarez in tow. But Bruscella 's lead was onl y temporary, as both Casillas and Alvarez closed in and were pressuring him. Alvarez was the first to make a move, powerin g by Cas illas on the back straigh taway to pull alongside of Bruscella o ver th e sho rt tr iple ju m p . As th e p a ir pounded through the rockers they came togeth e r, throwing both ride rs off balance and d ropp in g Al v arez to th e ba c k of th e pack. This allow ed Cas illas to pass betw een both of them and take over the lead . WaUace, running in fourth place. witnessed all the bar-ba nging and position-swapping. and decid ed to join the fracas . He closed on Brusce lla as they crested the camel -up, step-down jump an d d ove from th e inside to the outside, then back down to the inside again, putting a pass on Bruscella in the "Snake Pit." Casillas was well within striking range with over two laps remaining, and Wallace was on the ga s and closing quickly. Wallace caught Cas illas as the pair were approaching the infield d ou ble, and when Cas illas decided to single the jumps, Wallace soared by ove rhead and into a lead that was never headed . Bruscella was also makin g up gro und, and on the last lap repassed Cas illas for second place. Moto tw o saw yet anot her Bruscella holeshot, but th is time Wa llace was righ t there a nd pressuring for the lead righ t off the bat. Alva rez was running in third un til he encountered p roblems in the rockers and Casillas took ove r the posi tion. Up front, Wallace aired his way over Bruscella wh en the pair cres ted the camel-up, stepd own jump, an d once in the lead wen t unchal len ged to the checkered . Casillas moto red by Bruscella only to mistake the white lIag for the chec kered . He ca ug ht the mistake quickly, but not before BrusceUa had reclaimed the position. The overall res ults m irrored the second-m oto s tandi ngs, wit h Alv a rez and Joe Anderson roun ding ou t the top five slots. Results P /W 0-1 BEG STK: I. Justi n Wo rkman (Ya m) ; 2. Su n Borlr.mhagm (Ya m); 3. Andrt'W Kuntz (Yam ); 4- ]o&hua Bue10w (Y.lm);S .J-;JnMNina (Yam ). P/W 0-2 BEGSTK: I. KeUyTellyTedder (Yam ); 2. Scott Ma rtin (Y.lm); 1 o.nil!'1 Brown (Yam ); 4. 8ryIlCuntz (Yam ); S. Tyin Hend (Yam ). P /W sn::A:. 1. Justin Wilson (Yam). P /W S1X B: I . Andrt'w Nason (Y.lm); 2. Omnia Howl!'ll (Yam) ; 11'tU11ip 8ndoe1la (Yam); 4. MM:harILaPaglia (ICTM). P/W MOD A:. 1. Justin Wtbon (Yam ). P/ W MOD B: I. Michad LaPaglia (l(lM); 2. DenniI HaweD (Yam) . SXTKAO: P/W STK:1. Danko) Taft (KTM ); 2. J.R.WilliamJ, (y.lm). P/ W MOD: 1. ~ Brewis (Yam ). 60 (6-8) : I. DarUd Taft (Y.lm) 2. SNn Collin- (XOIIw); 3- CarloI. Gonukos (KoIw);• . Josh ua Brown (Kaw ). 60 ('9-11): 1. Cale Wallaae (Ka w)2. Anthony BJ'USa'11a (Kaw ); 3. Jo ut Casm"s (KAw); 4. Nick Alva rez (Kaw); S. Jor And enon (l(. w~ ~I : I. Harold Hagnnan (Hon); 2. Sb.ophrn Sega ll!' (Suz); 3. J.IMl."I\ Smith (Suz) ; 4. Adri.ln Rawlings (Kaw); S. Jeff Bor- chon! Wallace packs wallop at Starwest Motocross (Hon~ 125 BEG 0-2: I. Bryan Gill (Y.lm); 2. Pa ul Jones (Ho n); 3. Gregory Surat (S uz ); 4. Brandon Jo n" ( Hon); S. Kevi n H offman (l(.w~ 125 NO V 0-1 : I. Jert'm y Carter (Yam); 2. Michaeljoe Gold~ skin (Hon); 3. J/I8OI'I TufTII!1' (Suz); 4. Leo TldweU (Hon); S. Cory Mora is (I"-w). US NOV 0-2: 1. Brad Axelrod (Kaw ); 2. Ryan Brink (Hon) ; 3. Rcbm SimI*'" (Kaw); 4. Billy Brigh t (Hon); S. Au ggioeRodriquez (Kaw). 125 INT : 1. Nattw1 Wooda (lion); 2. Cha d BurInon (Hon); 3J.uon OUsum (Hon) ; 4. C&llt')' MusKk (KAw); S. Dmnis Springs lSuz). 125 PRO: I. Jrff Pes tana (Hon); 2. Rus ty Ho lland (Suz) ; 3. Jl!'ff Brow nlH (Suz); 4. Dan PaWli no (; S. Kevin Co rd ua (Hon). 250 BEC: 1. Rich Mussman (Kaw); 2. David N'1ChoIs (Suz ). 80 (D-II): I.}e$uj Casillas (yam); 2. Anthony BI'USCeIl.\ (Suz) . 80 (14.-16): 1. Danny Ca rlson (Kaw ); 2. John Thornf'lO'"(Yam) ; 3. Chris ~eUyn (Suz:. ) DO (12-16) BEG: I. And y Campbrll (Ya m) ; 2. C.J. Til ing e r (Suz); 3. Daniel Cox (Hon); 4. Ry.ln Cox (Hon ). 125 BE I. M.lrk Reyn (Hon); 2. De.ln Sha w (Hon); 3. Bill C: Conwa y (Hon. ); 4. Jerry Sunseri (Hon); S. Howry Eribon (Su.z.) . 125 NOV : 1. Brian Brown (Suz) ; 2. Mikr Collier (lCaw). 125 PRO: I . T.ld.1t1une Kiyota (Kaw); 2. Erik And erw:m (Stu). 250 BEC : I. WilliI' W.lrburton (Suz) ; 2. Ton y D1Gugi el mo (Yam); 3. Mark Dobson ( ; 4. Dan Prntico (Kaw). 2SONOV: 1. Krily P.I!tOn (Hon);2. Malt 8lyan ( . 250 lNT: I. ~ Coli.(Han). 2SOPRO: 1. Shay Fretwell (Hon). 2S+ BEC: 1. Dustin Northrip (K.Iw); 2. Jeny Sunseri (Hon); 3. Mik< (Hon ~ 25+ NOV : 1. Jim Kuntz (Yam); 2. Triggr Cumm (Hon);.l. Cy Zuidema (Han); '" Wod< "=Unold (y~t S. (Suz) . 30+ BEG: I. Bob P. LK:i s (Yam); 2. Marshall Dunham (Yam). o R D'''" J;2. Fm:I Stft'le (Hon); 3. Phillip Mnsingd (Han); 4- Kris BJ.emdahJ (Yam); S. alnl V.ln Ep- (K.a w). 125 NOV: 1. a im ~rd (Sw); 2. Eric AI\dlenon (K.w); 3. Mike Coli WI' ( ; 4. JDOn M.1rcu $ (Suz); S. Krv in Tarw.llet' (Suz) . 2SO BEG: I . Ryan McAlist er (Kaw); 2. Jim (Kaw ); 3. Owd Dav i! (y am); 4. o.VI' Ndson (Hun ); S. Dav id Tbomfotdeo c.u-w,. (Suz~ 2SO NOV: I. Augusto FneytrI (Kaw); 2. Bobby Hal l (Suz); 3twnpton (Kaw ); 4. OIn King (Yam). 2SO INT: I. David Hughrs (Kaw); 2. Cawy L)11e(Hon) . PRO: 1. Damn Hoeft (Suz); 2. Owen o.d.Jon (Kaw ); 3W.l~ (Suz); 4. Jocl TobBky (I-b). 500 BEG: 1. Greg F"~ (Hon) . 500 NOV : 1. rw Tnd:ocySr. (Kaw ). JR VET BEC: I. Todd ~ (Hon); 2. EddwBu~aw;(Suz );3. 8

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