Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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(Above) Charlie Venegas (left) wen t around the outside of Josh Larsen (r ight) f or the Scratch main event win at Lake Perr is Speedway. (Below) Jim Sisemore (right center) doubled up at Auburn Speedway , winning both First Division m ~in events . edge en route to victo ry over Larsen. Ade n and Faria had a serious ba ttle for third wi th the nod going to Aden. In the Handicap main, Canadian Chris H~ mer took the lead with Richard Jones in second . jones got out of the groo ve on the seco nd lap and slid ou t. causing the red flag to come out. Larsen had laid it down 50 as not to hit Jones; he didn't ge t anoth er bike ready before the twominute h old e xp ired , so was not a llowed to restart. On the restart, it was again Hessmer on top with Steve Furman second and jerry Black third. Black got a break when Furman's throttle apparen tly went away, p utting him o n the infield . Black then put the pressure on Hessmer, and it paid off on the white flag lap when Black came down low and took over the lead . By this time, Venegas, from the rear, wa s running second and pr essing hard. But Black kept his cool and came aw ay wi th the win. Venegas was second and Ronnie Kemp, also coming from th e back yarda ge. was th ird . The specta tors made things int eresting for the jun iors, putting up a purse for the future sta rs. The re was a total of $56 and change collected , and it was winner take all. That was all it took to light Ryan Fisher's fire, and the youngste r from Riverside ran away w ith the Junio r main. Following Fisher home were Pete Peralta and jimmy Fishback. The Sidec ar main saw the team of Dave and Ray Step hens in the lead fro m th e ge t go . Alwa ys a t ho me on the Lake Perris track, the r ace wa s a w ire - to -wir e romp fo r t h e two locals. Results SCRATOI: 1. Charlie Venegas Oaw ); 2. J osh Laf'SL'n (W~ ); 3John Ade'fl Oaw ); 4. Mike Faria Oaw). HOCr: 1. Ierry Black Oaw ); 2. Charlie Venq;.i!l Oawa ); 3. Ron· nie Kem p Oaw); 4. Cra ig Hess me r OdW);5. Sttove Furman Oa w). SUP : 1. Mitc h Ha ll Oa w ); 2. Bob Mdl1lha ll Oa wa) ; 3. Doug Eubie Oaw); 4. Tony Fisher Oaw). 1. Ryan Fbhl!'r OdW) 2. Pe te PtTlIIlta Oa w); 3. Jimm y FilIh· ; back Oaw); 4. Michael Ha ll Oaw). SOCA R:: 1. D.Stephens./ R. Sh.-phens (Kaw); 2. D. Gardner/B. Dent (}(aw); 3. D. Horsley/f. Medberry (Hon); 4. M. Pallerson/A. Ha ll (Kaw) . ,R: SR MINI: 1. D.lle Robertson (K.w); 2. Chris l ulcnski (Kaw); 3. Kevi n &rrctt (y a m). o r EN AM : 1. Den nis Robinso n (Hon); 2. Donald Murphy (Ho n); 3. Bri.ln Sim pso n (!<.awl; 4. Thomas Lequenq ue (Ha n); 5. RU86e1lLom bardo (Suz) . VET A M : 1. Robe rt Jarvis (Ho n); 2. [)on;lld M urph y (H on); 3. Josep h Dill (Kaw); 4, Donald Rasmusse n (Ho n); S. Jam es Med lin (H on). S/SR: 1. Bud Fee (KTM) ; 2. Lee Herrim (Suz ); 3. John Sanuth (Hon); 4, D.'n n15OtoGraff (Ka w ); 5. Ted Squih.'S(Hon). 125 EX: 1, Mike Miche ls (Suz ); 2. Brian M ulry (Hon). 125 NOV: 1. John Mallgnm ( ; 2. Joe u nnel (Kaw ); 3. Peter Gerardi (Suz ); 4. Mike Carrieri (Hon); S. Dale Ryan (Kaw). 250 NOV: 1. Kevin Lucas (Hon); 2. William Droskowski (H o n); 3 . JOt" Ea nne ! (Yam) ; 4. Jim Pope (Han); S. Stev en Dolan ( ). 125 AM : 1. Eric fugg (Hun); 2. Brian Berry (H on); 3. Edd ie Holo loh (Kawl; 4. Denn is Robinso n (Hon); S. Duan e Kleppe (Ka w). 250 AM: 1. Eric Flagg (Ha n); 2. Edd ie HololOO(Kaw); 3. o.m Anderson (Ha n); 01. Danny O'Keefe (Hon); 5. And rew Signo riello (Kaw) . 250 EX: 1. Mike Michel s (Suz ); 2. John Laurine (Han ); 3. RIch uccavano (Ya m). VET EX: 1. Joh n Franco (Suz); 2. Je ffrey Stempel (Han); 3. Rick Fa tiga te (H a n); 4. Josep h Me m n (Hon) ; 5. Rich Caccavano (Yam). . LT M OL: I. An th o ny Ga ng o ne (Ho n) ; 2. Jo h n Whita ker (Hon); 3. BenJamin Liua (Hon ). VINT: 1. M.trk Wu nd e lin (Kaw ); 2. John Sanuth (Kaw ). 25+: I. Je ffrey Sle mp e l (Ho n); 2. Rich a rd Coane (Han) ; 3. Dan ny O' Kee fe (Ha n); 01. Thoma s Lequerique (Hon); S. Andrew Zurowsk i (Yam). . 25 + N OV : 1. Willia m Dr c s koskl (H o n); 2. John Mallg ren (Kaw ); 3. Jaml"l Dove (Kaw ); 01. Kevin Lucas (Hon ); 5. Don Bolds tein (Suz ). . SC HBY: 1. Mike R.1usch (Suz) ; 2. Brian Min nick (Suz ); 3. Don Barrett (Hon); 4. Thomas Gold ing (Ya m). CLG BY: 1. John Laurl ne (Hon); 2. Eric fWgg (Hon ); 3. Dua ne Kleppe (Kaw); 4. Mike Lusardi (Kaw); S. Marshan GfOS!I (Hon) . Sisemore grabs gold at Auburn Speedway By Gen Moore 42 AUBURN, CA. MAY13 jim Sisemore defied the odds by winning tw ice on Friday the 13th and captured top honors in both the Handicap and Scratch ma in events in fron t of ch eering Fast Frid a y s fa ns a t Gold Country Speed way. "Being we ll prepared and getting good starts .reall y helped me ton ight, ".Sisemore said. "Actually, my winning two tonight can be a ttri buted to just plain old good luck." Th e Hand icap main ev en t riders lin ed up with Clem Moore on the zero and Vance Felicia starting on the 10. Paul Or land i, retu rning to the sport after a two-yea r abse nce, was by himse lf on the 30, while Robert Curry had the 4Q-yard line to himself. Sise more and Bart Bast had to share spa ce on the SO. Moore led into the first comer followed by Felicia and Orlandi, who we nt wid e in the sec· ond turn, allowing everyone to get by hi m on th e inside. At the end of lap two, Sis emore passed Curry for third . On lap three, Bast also go t un de rn ea th Curry to take fourth. Felicio d rew even w it h Moo re, while Sisemore wa s effecfive ly puttin g press u re o n bo th ri d e rs. Moore do ve in to the next corner d eeper tha n Felicio a nd came ou t still in the lead . As the whit e flag cam e out . it looked as if Moore might wit h stand the pressure a nd sco re th e wi n . Moo re' s fat e w as sealed , howev er, w he n he w en t into the comer too hard, went wide and crashed. Sisemore took ad van tage of the d istraction to pass Felicio for the win , as d id Bast, who got an excep tiona lly good dri ve out of the last com er and crossed the finish line in secon d just inches ahead of Felicio. Linin g up for the Scratch mai n event w er e Bobby Hedden on the pole, jim Sisemore in the number tw o gate alongs ide Robert Cu rry and Bart Bast in the third and fourth ga tes, respectively. Sise more dove into the comer first with Bast right beside him. On the back straig ht, Hedden, Sisemo re and Bast rode three abreas t with Cu rry bringin g up the rea r. Bast and Sisemore ke p t on fighting for first p lace while He d de n s li p p ed to third . Sisemo re a nd Bas t th en bumped, with Bast ending up on the worst end of the deal. While Bast was recovering, Hedden · pa ssed h im to take the second spot. From tha t point on , the riders look ed like a freig ht train wi~h_Sisemore lead ing the pack. The checkered flag was wa ved for Sisemo re's second big win of the night, with Hedden fin ishin g second followed by Bast in third and Curry in fourth. Results H OCP : 1. Jim Sise more (Wes) ; 2. Bart Balli Oaw); 3. Vance Felicio (Wes). SCRA TCH : 1. lim Stsemore (Wes); 2. Bobby Hedden Oaw); 3. Bart BasI Oaw ). 0- 2: 1. Chad Ft.>licio. 0-3: 1. Rick Scha mben. JR: 1. Ian Ft.>rris; 2. Steve McGill Venegas gets in gear at lake Perris Speedway By Elaine Jo nes Photo by Jim Thorn PERRIS, CA, MAY 12 Cha rlie Ven egas p ut it all together a nd came awa y wi th the Scratch main win at Lake Perri s Speedway. _ After four ro u nd s of Scrat ch racing, Josh Larsen and Mike Faria were tied with 14 poin ts, Veneg as had 12 and john Aden was one back with 11. In the main , Larsen drew the po le with Ade n in the two slot and Faria and Venegas side by side in ga tes th ree and (ou r, resp ecti vely. From the outide, Venegas pu t the hamm er d own on his Rock N java/Motion Pro /S hoei/ Motul / Will ie Co.sta Trucking -back ed jawa and put a whee l on Larsen . What spectators then sa w was the Vene gas of last year, taking it right to the Maximoff chills outat Polka-Dots Motocross By Dennis Mashu e MIDLAND, MI, APR. 30 Ap pa rently no one told Matt Ma ximoff th at poor wea ther and muddy track condi tions a t the Polka-Dots sea son-o pening "Sp ring Fling " MX should slow him down. At the d rop of the ga te. h e w ou ld have done th e U.s. Po st al Service proud if h e'd been hauling the mail. Neither w ind , rain, sleet, snow, nor com petition cou ld stop his dominance of the 125 and 250cc A classes. In 125cc A actio n, Maximoff led jeff Cu rry, j onas Wildma n a n d Todd H a rt o ff th e lin e. Man y in a tte nd a nce ex pected Curry to challenge Maximoff for the lead, bu t tha t race never materialized . Maximoff cont inu ed to extend his lead a nd wo n easily. Curry tallied a secon d, ahead of Ha rt, Brad Kress and 125cc B rid er j .D. Collins. Due to the poor weather and track conditions, the second I25cc A moto was shortened to . jus t two lap s. But in those two laps, Maximoff managed to s tretc h his h ol eshot into a onemin u te, IS-second win over Curry, Hart a nd Wildman . Maximoff took overall hon ors , with seco nd a nd th ird g oing to Curry a nd H art, res pective ly. The 125cc B class ran combined motos with the A clas s. with winner j.D. Collins proving tha t he has the speed to run with the A riders, at leas t in m u d dy conditions. In the first mota, Collins sliced through the A-dass riders to ftnish ju st behi nd A-class rider Kress. Following Collins home were Ryan Valade, Ahmad Owens and Cha rles Dunway. Th o seco nd 125cc B mot o saw Collin s and Owens aga in running with the A class, this time bea ting all of them, with the excep tion of Maximo ff and Cu rry. Finish ing th ird and fourth, respectively, were Dunway and Brad y Becker. Collin s' sweep gave h im the overall w in, with Owens garnering second via his 3-2 tally. Dun way took thir d with 4-3 finishes. The firs t 250cc A/B class mot o saw Ma ximoff once agai n domin ating, with Brad O'Boyle managing to stay close enoug h to keep him honest. The pair led the way to the checkers, with Kress fInishing third. Next across the line were 250cc B rid ers Owens and Dunway, w ith third going to Bruce Duba y, . In the two- lap second moto, Maximoff and O'Boyle again ran awa y from the pack, finishing nearly a minut e ahead of the nearest cha llenger . Slitherin g through the mud and snow to again take the B class was Owens, once again trailed by Dunway, and Duba y. Results 51 STK: I. Grant Moreland (yam); 2. Wayne Dennis (Yam ); 3. William Hicks Utj) . :.J 60: 1. Nic ho las Adams (K.1w) ; 2. Co~y Pa ulsell (J(.aw) ; 3. Robb y WheeIeT (Kaw). 80 (7-11): 1.10shua Wood s ( Kaw); 2. Randall Woo dring (Yam) ; 3. Henry Wiles (Kaw ). 80 02·15): 1. Nicho1as Wf!Y (Kaw) ; 2. Natha n M iller (Hon) ; 3. Iascn McDonald (Yam). 80 C: 1. Brandon Spri ngstead (Yam); 2. Ian Hdmmond (Suz ); 3. Steve v enpev cree (Yam ). 125 JR: 1: 1\1S Smith (Han); 2. Rya n Ha ines (Hon); 3. Ryan Iin Olt house (Suz ). 16-2-4: 1. John Gilliam (Suz); 2. Aaron 8drth (KTM); 3. Ja90n Crobbel (Suz) . 25+: 1. Mat th e w C ro wn (Ya m ); 2. Kteg Bige low (Ya m); 3. Butch LeV.useur(Kaw). 30..: 1. Knog Bigelow (Ya m); 2. Kip Bigelo w (Y" m); 3. Cra ig Pickett (Ho n). 40..: 1. Frank Helms (Suz); 2. Keith O"Boyie (lion); 3. ROOtm Oap rnotn (Han). SO+: 1. Rob ert Darden (yam); 2. Bill Estill (Kaw); 3. Ow en HUlchins (Suz) . . 125 A: 1. MJltt Maximoff (y a m); 2. Mf C urry (Kaw); 3. Todd fLirt (l Ion). 125 B: 1. J.D Collins (Kaw ); 2. Ahmad Owen . (Han); 3. Charle:i Du nw ay (Kaw). 125 C: 1. Jasin Kjoller (Kaw); 2. Willia m With row (Yam); 3. Matt GL.·Tut (Suz ). 250 A: 1. MJlIt Mn imoff (ya m); 2. Brad ley CYBoyle(Yam); 3. Maldww Crown (Yam). 250 B: 1. Ahmad Owens (Hon); 2. Charies Dun wa y (Kaw); 3. Bru ce Du b.ay (Hon ). 250 C: 1. J(raig La.z.aro icz (Ho n); 2. Kevin Zio lkowllid (Ha n); w 3. Marcus Edwards (Suz). ~ Drew dusts 'ematTucson MX By Dave Shelton ruCSON, AZ. MAY7 Saturd a y nigh t's mot ocros s a t Mountain View Off-Road Raceway was su ch a packed house, the on ly no-sh ow was the 40-mp h wi nds tha t were predicted. Th e reco rd crowd w a tched fo ur top guns go a t it in the Pro class. New to the Tucso n mot ocr oss scen e w as Rob Drew , w ho led from green to checkered in both Pro motos. "Th e trac k is great," Drew said. "You can bet ['II be a regular." Drew was followed across the line by Dan Bonham. in the first mot o, but Bonham 's unfortuna te low-side slid e-ou t on the seco nd mot o start ended his cha nces of getting up front early e no ugh to ma ke a v ia b le ch a lle ng e for the money. Ron Watm ore, a long-time veteran local fast guy, joined in the fray and better ed his first.. moto fourth in the second IQ-lap moto. Pro Circuit's Watmore was able pick himself up off the gro un d early and went on to place a distant-butsolid second after ge tting by'a fallen jason Mathews . Th ird ca me Bonham, an d fourth overall was Math ews. For the first time in over a year, a class had to be spli t in to two di vision s. The SOcc Begin" ners packed the gate tw ice, enabling two racers to go hom e winn ers. In the first div ision, Bran_d on Gil ma n g o t a mov e on it a n d had onl y teamm ate Brya n Allen to s tare a t in th e first . mot o. Nobody was in fron t of Gilman's Apache Suzuki in the second moto. Paul Sosins ki was th ird on a Ka w asaki, raci ng for N orthwest Motorc ycle. In the secon d div ision, Fast Co m pa ny's Miles Culligan proved his do minance by p lacing first in both motos. D.j. Ump hres carved his way to second overall with a hard-fought 4-2 score. Umph res' starts weren 't of much help as he had to battl e from midpack in both motos . Not too fa r behi nd was Matt Stevens, whose consistent thirds kept him on the pod ium. The 125cc Beginner cla ss had th e second larges t turno ut of the evening for a class, next to the 80 . Shawn Dunn from Eas tsid e Cycle followed w inner Mike Foste r to the finish in the first moto without mounting a solid charge to the front. But Foster wasn 't to be found on the gate in the second moto, and Dunn took full advantage by cinching up the overall with a win. Resul ts 50 BEG : 1. Co ry Bu m s (Ya m) ; 2. De n ni s 10 no n (Yam) ; 3. Patrid;. Murp hy (Yam); 4. Richard Mull ins (Ya m); S. Shane Selby (Yam) . 50 NO V: 1. Ronnito Ga mble Jr. (Ya m); 2. Cri s Blose (Ya m); 3. Raee l Cox (Yam); 4. Sea n She llon (Yam); S. Mic ha e l Bee ve r (Ya m) . 50 O PEN : 1. Rand Cox (Yam); 2. Micha el Bea ver (Yam); 3. Ronn ie Golm ble (Yam): 4. e ris Blose (Yam); S. Co ry Bunw (Yolm). 60 (Q..8 1. Cns Mayo (Kaw ); 2. Joshua Reed (Kaw); 3. Bran): d on Ca po ne (Ka w) ; 4. Mic ha el Beave r (Ka w); S. Pa u l Pearcy (Kaw). 60 (9- 11): 1. Micha el BIOM! (Kotw ); 2. Na tholn Rivera (Kaw) ; 3. Paul Berger Jr. (Kaw); 4. Andrew Mo reno (Kaw); S. ' olk Nigh e ·llw.: de r (JC.a w). m 60 OPEN: 1. Michad Blose (Kaw ); 2. Ryan Wibon (Hon); 3. N a th an River a ( )(a w ); 4. Bra nd o n Ca po ne (Kaw); 5. Andrew Moreno (Kaw) . 80 BEG ~1 : 1. Brandon Gilma n (Suz); 2. Bryan Allm (Suz); 3. M.. t! Stev e ns (Suz ); 4. Pa ul Sosi nski (Kilw ); S. Jeremy C.a mp~1I (Suz). 80 BEG 0- 2: 1. Miles Cull igan (Y.. m); 2. O.J. Um phres (Yam) ; 3. Paul Berger Jr. (Ka w); 4. Jason Ho lcomb (Ya m); S. Adam RogtT5 (Hon). 80 NO V: 1. Klint LaP!olnte (Yam) ; 2. Nick Beaver (Ya m) 3. Til)':' lor Vanderpool (Suz ); -t MicNel SuIli\'an (Suz); s.Todd Miller(Suz). . 80 OP EN: 1. George Hammel (Ya m ); 2. Nick Beaver (Yam); 3. Klint "'PLante eva m); 4. Taylor Vand...rpooI (Sut. ); 5. Michael Blose (Han).