Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 06 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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IEVENTS'·· ' ., .Ed~ed by SCott Rousseau .... • Tho mfo rd e nailed th e secon d- mo te start ahea d of Fetters, Robert Knemeyer and McAlister. Afte r flying p ast Fetters a nd Knem e yer, McAlister was starting to pressu re ThomIorde after one curcuit of the track. The nex t four laps provided so me excitin g racing as Mc Alister was dogging Thomforde in abso lutly every comer, while Th omford e was doing a masterfu l job of closing the door on him at every oppo rtun ity. McA lis ter's brea k came when Th o mforde almost looped ou t off a jum p and momentarily lost concentration; McAlister tucked underneath him in the followin g tum to grab the lead. Once out front, McAlister wa ved good-bye and had pulled aw ay to a lo-seeond advantage when the checkers fell. Thomforde went home with a secon d -p la ce trophy ahead of Townsend, who worked up to finish fourth behind Knemeyer for third overall. Results (Above) Josh Larsen (left) came away w ith victories In both the Handicap and Scratch main events at Glen Helen Speedway. (Below) Nick Malrose (621) and Mark Allen (166 ) fly In formation during 125cc Intermediate MX action at LACR. Alle n scored the overall win. P/W 8--2; 1. Jeff AIe9si (Yam ); 2. Aron Tomotl (Yam); 3.].J. Noooc (IJ); 4. Cole Seeley (KTM ); 5. Rick Pere z (Yam). P/ W B-1: 1. Ryan Roybal (Ya m); 2. Trav is Seal& (ya m); 3. Co ry Tocco (Yam ); 4. Ch.lrles Mes ser (Yam ); 5. Sea n GoodlNn (Yam). P/W Ie 1. Sean Co lHer (y am ); 2. Ch ris Nihan (Yam ); 3. Mike A lessi (Yam) . 60 BEG: 1. Blake Marg heim (Kaw); 2. Brad Howe (leaw ); 3. Mike Alessi (Kaw ) 4. Anthony &rbarovi (Kaw) ; 5. Brett Mountain (Kaw). 60 (0-8 ): 1. Sea n CoDit>!' (Kaw ); 2. Ch ril N ihan (Kaw). 60 (9-1t) : 1. Iobnee Fautknt>!'(Yam); 2. Gerard Patin (leaw ); 3. Do Williams (Kaw); 4. Ray perez (Xa w). 80 BEG: 1. Bryan Lang (yam); 2. c.nrd Patin (Yam); 3. Q\az Smith (Ka w); 4. Louie Ramirez (yam); 5. Joel H.mson (y am) . 80 (7-11): I. Otris Tecce (Suz); 2. Ja mes H.mson. 80 (12·13 ): 1. Ito POSGlI (yam). 80 (14-16): 1. George La Monte (Sw: ); 2. Josh Ahem (Yam) . B/W: 1. M.1 c.rpcntn' ( ). n 125 BEG: 1. Keny Terracciano (H on); 2. Du s tin Co urtney (Hon ); 3. Mikr Weed (lCa 4. Brit JM;bon (lCaw); 5. Leston Del-w); rick (Kaw). 125 NOV: 1. Oint Shepa rd (Suz); 2. Eric Andenon (Kdw); 3. Mik.e'Collin (J(.aw); .1. Mike Hd rris (Suz);5. t&.n Tinlentier(yam). 125INT: 1. Mark ADen( ); 2. N'rl. Mam- (Sw: ). 250 BEG: 1. Rya n McAlistrr ( Kaw ); 2. Dav id Thom fo rd e (Suz) : 3. Co le Townsend (Hon); 4. Robert Knemeye r (Hon); 5. Dive Nebon (lion). • 250 NOV: 1. Man Hampton (Kaw). 250 PRO: 1. Ow en Dickson (J(aw ); 2. Peter B. Ware (Suz). JRVETBEG: 1. Todd Moore (Han); 2. Edd ie Bp tea Ull (Suz); 3. ). BtU n Pollmer (lCaw); 4. Braden Poo"' (y oIm JR VETNOV, 1. Jell F>n ("'"wI. JR VET INT: 1. Stev e Cortevi11e (y a m); 2. Rick O'Donnell (Hon l. VET BEG: 1. Tom Miller (lCaw ); 2. Mikto 0'D0nnd1 (Hon ); 3. John Knight (lCaw); -4,. Kurt Kliewer (Suz ); 5. Elmer Silfies (Yam). VET NOV: 1. Steve Willia ms (KTM); 2. Ed Tripp (Hon) ; 3. Bud I..ewi5(Yam); 4. John Shch (K.1w) 5. Dan Hargrove (Yam). ; VETINT: 1. Joel Seals (Suz). • VET PRO; 1. Bm Mcleod (Hon ); 2. Rodney MorrDan (Hon); 3. Mark Horton (Yam). SR BEG:1. Lany Jing (Suz) . H·D lWS£'I'S 883: 1. Brett Dona hue; 2. Mike Co ldl'n; 3. Kory Hofer; 4. And y Ne lson. U/l GP: 1. Bryan O kubo (ya m ); 2. Dave Hmry (Yam ); 3. Jeff Johruon (H un ); 4. Kt.. Dierko (Kaw); 5. Noel Kalinoski (Suz). >1th H/W GP EX: 1. Bryan O kubo (Vam ); 2. Scott Ruehle (Kaw); 3. Keith Dierkes (Kaw ); 4. Joh n Mensch (y am); 5. Pat Dipp le (Suz ). H /W GP NOV : 1. Bm Roosevelt (Suz.); 2. Jdf Uen (Kaw ); 3. Scott Fryer (Hon) ; 4. John Hl-d, trom (Kaw); 5. Sohn WeMder. M/W cr EX: 1. Bryan Okubo (y am); 2. Brad Zajic (Hon ); 3. Jason Brookshaw (Hon ); 4. Siev e Ca n iff (Hon ); 5. Ken Dobl e (Kaw). r M/W GP NOV: 1. Jaso J1 Moi ku la (Yam); 2. AIe l O Frreman (Ho n); 3. Jason HaNQn (Hon); 4. Sohn Wehlk'ler (H on ); 5. Kyle Knu tson (I-Ion). L/W CP EX: 1. Charl ie Bach (Yam); 2. Mou Ch iodo (Yam); 3. e Slwne Simo ne tte (Ya m); -4, . Brett Do nahue (H ·O) ; 5. Pat Brown (y am). L/W GP NOV: 1. Pat lambert (Ya m); 2. John Fred~ ricks (Yam); 3. &rry Stuart (Yaml; 01. Brad John son (Suz ); 5. Troy H.... Lmd (Suz). . ULTR l/W GP EX: 1. Mar k Benn ett (Suz) ; 2. Ken Ul'krrt (Suz); 3. Erik Pa ulsen (Suzl; 4. Polt Hall (Suz); 5. G~ MeUberg (Suz ). UlTRA LJW CP NOV : 1. Arne Ion (Yam); 2. Scott 'a ffe {Suz ); 3. Tlm Commen (Yam ); 4. & rry (Yam); 5. Adam SyIvt'Ster' (y",,~ M /W SPTSMN S / BK EX: 1. Moire Chiod o (Ya m); 2. Sean Maynard (Yam ); 3. Shane Simonctte (Yatl'!.); 4. Pat Brown (Yam); S. Eric Warolin (Yam). M/ W SMSMN S/ BK NOV: 1. Mike }ohnson (lion); 2. Brian E.rtd (YoIm) 3. Ch ris PelCT'l(V.a ; 4. Dev lin Holt (Hon; 5. Jim ; m) IGtzrnilJer (Yam ). L/W SPTS MN S/ BK EX: 1. Mull. Ben nett (Suz ); 2. Gle n Christianson (Suz ); 3. Bmt Donahue (H -O); 4. Tom M.Uer (Suz);5 . GokIen (H -O). L/W SPTSMN S/ BK NOV : 1. EricSc::hJ.onuner (Yam); 2. Brad Johnson (Suz); 3. Arne Ion (ya m); 4. TIm (yam ); S. Terry Ou>ing(Suz~ MSrR EX: 1. ~ Hendricks (Suz ); 2. Tom Roskoski (Yam); 3. Gkn Christianson (Suz) ; 4. Tom Maier (Suz ); 5. Pat H.1U (Suz ). MSTR NO V: 1. Wa yne And eonon (H on); 2. Bry an Brager (YAm) ; 3. Phil Esterly m (YAm); 4. Damll Pearson (Suz) . Ezerins blitzes Denmark MX By Pete Emme DENMARK. WI, MAY 1 Denmar k Sports a nd Co mpeti tio n host ed the second points race of the seaso n. and though the area received abo u t one-a nd -a- ha lf inches of snow, making co nd itions rat he r messy in the . morning. the mudd y quagmire was no match for Kawasaki -mounted Eron Ezerins, who made clean sweeps of both 125 and 250cc A classes. Ezerins made it look easy all day. He ruled . 12Scc A from the start of both motos. Riders in pursuit of Ezerins, but not within striking distance, were Team 2's Ryan and Robb Degroot. Robb went 2-5 while Ryan came out on top, going 5-2 to claim second overall. Ryan

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