Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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High Flying Excitement! Mota two saw a mad dash for the first tum wi th Coleman ed ging out Gibbons, only to have the Yamah a ride r slings hot around him on the outside line in a repea t of moto one. Eric Cricro was holding down the number three slot wi th Hewitt. Woolsey and Culp in front of the large pad of riders, all hopin g to work their way up to the num ber one slot. As the mota continued, the top three riders began to spread out Up front, Gibbons took the while flag, and on the same lap Coleman overto o k Gibbons, us ing an outside line in the "Sna ke Pit" to grab the lead. A very surprised Gibbons was all over Coleman in an attempt to regain the lead , sticlcing a wheel in on the Suzu ki rider at every chance. With one comer left, the two made hard contact at the apex, which left Coleman in the lead for the mota and overall win, and Gibbons barely holding on to second as Cricco rounded out the top three. Results o-u P! W BEC STJC 1. Michael LaP~gli.1 (KTM) ; 2. BryafUWI Bmedict (Yam ) 3. Chad WiUJ.(Yam) ; 4. Auatin Bur leson (Yam ); 5. Scott Ma rtin (Yam). P /W BEC STK 0-2: 1. Hollis Lusk (Itj); 2. Andrew Petrie (Yam) ; 3. Justin Workman (Yam); 4. Andrew Yamel (Yam); S. Daniel Brown (YAm) . P /W STK A: I. Chad Mu nn (Yam); 2. Kevin Foighr.l,fter (Yam ). P/W STK 8 : 1. Zat: Wra y (Ya m); 2. Don.1d Ch:Nlar (Yam); 3. Shay weaver ev.lm) ; <4. TykTW dlis (Yam); 5. Mark Atkins (yam). P!WSTX: 1. Ca1eWalbcr (Yam); 2. J.R. WiUWrui (Yam). P!W MOD: 1. Riclcy Olivet' (YAm). 60 (6-1) : 1. J08h u. G ran t (KAw); 2. D.miel Taft (K&w); 3 . C&1e WaJ..laao ~w); J. ' !.I8tin LaVoie (; 4. jollhw Brown (; S. Ricky OliVeT(Kaw) . 60 (9-11): 1. 0vW Rogrn (K.Jw); 2. JJi50n Ciarlett.a (Yam) ; 3. Daton Beave rs (Kaw) ; 4. Nick wen. (Ka w) ; S. Bryan Nelaon (Ka w) . 110 (0-11), 1. John HopkiN (,,", w) ; 2. ,...., CiarletU (Suz) ; 3. Billy Laninovich (Kaw);" Olris Rogers (Suz ). 80 OZ-13): 1. Bullfrog Newcomer (Hon ); 2. Tyson Taylor (Yam); 3. Tun.Langdon (K..1.w);" Brandon Morgan ~w). 80 0 4-16): 1. Grorgf' Hmurwl (Yam) . 80 C12 -16) BEC; 1. Chris LWwellyn (Su.z) ; 2. Shawn Scott (Suz); SeAn Cb.rb ('I(JIw); J. Bri.ul Morgan(Ka w ); "- e.J . T.singn(Suz); S. Jdf '-'anI (x.w~ SfMIN(; 1_ ~ H.unmd (Yam ); 2. john Hopkins (Kaw ),;3. Billy Laninov1ch ( ). 125 BEQ I. ,...., CDIrm.on (Suz); 2. c..y Gibl>oN (Y..,~ 3. Jeff Hewitt ( Hon); 4. Bob Woo.y (Suz); 5. Ronn~ ~lbridge (YAm ). US NOV,1. GImn (Suz) ; 2. PeeeRaIn (Suz t 3. Brion Ilmwn (Suz); C. Eri (Suzt s. Nd1 Alonzo (Hon~ 125 [NT: 1. Dan Van Rip:t' (Kaw). 250 BEG: 1. Peeee Jen~ (H(W'I); 2. Ryan Banford (Han); 3. Dustin Northrop; 4. ~ Wootm (Kaw); 5. Mark BeD (Sw; ). 250 NOV: 1. T(W'IY ~lh.aus (Hon); 2. P~ Role (Suz). 2SO Pro. 1. M.... Srott (Hon). 25+ BEC:1. Rob Mom (Yam ); 2. Q\arln Gonzales (K.1w ); 3. Dav e Czerwinski (yJi m ); 4. Mike ~ Ip hs (H on); S. Mik Crane (Soz). 25+ NOV: 1. Paw WriShi (Yam ). ..30 BEG: 1. T.e. ~ r (Hon ); 2. Phil Davis (Han); J. Doug Hus (KJiw); 04. Ron 8.ltn (Hoa); 5. Mik J acbon (Yam) . 30+ NOV: I. Jon Nixon (Ka w); 2. J Stentz (Hon); 3. M.1rt im KftCh (Suz); 4. Tnry ~R.w (Suz); S. Milr.r Oun.Iap(Kaw ). 30+ INT : 1. T(W'Iy FeldNus (}{on). 40+ NOV: 1. ~ y Si m mo n. (Suz) ; 2. Kenneth Hod gd on (Yarn) . Results U/L CP: 1. Br"d Dunul (Yam); 2. Deorrk Struye (}-Ion) ; 3. Mich ul Rueh le (Kaw ) 4. Jaton Brookah.lw (Ho n ); 5. Bill y J. U/ L S& I . G<.go

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