Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Res ults Friday 250: 1. Bill Wa lker (Hon); 2. Bill Snyder (Bul); 3. Tim Wolff (H on) ; 4. Joe Gooden (BSA); 5. Eddie Baldizan, (Yam). 600; I. Ma r k Robi nson (Yam); 2. Sieve Lacer (Yam ); 3. 8 iU Sny de r (Bul); 4. Tim Wolff (Ya m); S. Jo hn Pike (BSA). O PEN TW : 1. De lbert Co llins (Tri) ; 2. Rus ty Bond (Tri); 3. Mike Zb rozek. (TIi); 4. Ron Stone(TIi). MSTR 50+: 1. Da nn y Hammond Sr. (Hon); 2. Dav id Barkley (Yam); 3. Bill BUIT(BSA); 4. Bob In s (Bul ). OPEN PRO·TW: 1. John ny Isaaca (Trl); 2. Troy Keithley, (Ya m); 3. Da ve Barkl ey Sr. (Ya m); 4. Mikey Blythe (Tri) ; 5. Steve Nichols (Tri) . DASH FOR CASH; 1. 0 0111.15 Babcock (H-O). Sa turd ay 250: 1. Bill Walker (Ho n); 2. Tun Wo lff (Ho n); 3. Bill Sn yder (Bul); 4. Kelle r C rawley (Hon); 5. Eddie Baldizan (Yam ). 600: 1. Ma rk Rob inson (Yam); 2. Bill Sny de r (Bul); 3. Ton y Ne ill (Yam) , 4. Tun Wolff (Ya m); S. JohnFik.e(BSA}. OPEN TW: 1. Mike Zb rouk (Tri ); 2. Ron Stone (Tn ); 3. Rusty Bond rrri ); 4. JonRose (Tri) . MSTR 50+: 1. Dav id Barkley Sr. (Yam) ; 2. Danny Hammond (Hon); 3. Bill Burr (BSA); 4. Frank Quinn (Bul); 5. j.ll e5 Vau gh t m (Yam) . OPEN PRO 1W: 1. Danny Ca rtwrig ht (Tri); 2. Dallas Babcoc k (H -o); 3. johnny Isaacs (7ri ); 4. David Barkl ey Sr. (Yam ); S. Dou g Stewart (fri). DASH FORCASH; Danny Cartwright (Tri). and Narelchops Blackhawks Enduro By Sharon Bean PLYMOUTH, IN, APR. 24 Steve Narel mad e the long trip from Wisconsin Rap ids, Wisconsin, to the Northern Indian a PIy- . m outh Bla ckhaw ks End u ro p ay pff with the overa ll win aboard his Kawasaki 250, edging out fellow Wiscon sin rid er Duane Eller by just 14 seco nds a fter 11 checks. Narel and Eller were the on ly riders to drop nine points in the 79-mile end uro . Matt Wingo, Brent Floyd, Jared Gr een and Larry Bergquist followed with 10 p oints dropped . Thi s w as th e first time tha t the Blackhawks have run their annual en duro in the sp ring time, d ue to th e conflic t its regular schedule wo uld creat e wi th rid ers wanting to go to the ISDE in Sep tem ber. The dec ision to move it up to Ap ril must ha ve bee n a wise ch oice, as over 170 riders sho wed up to get an ea rly sta rt on their seaso n . The rid ers sta rted th e da y w ith a sho rt trip down the blacktop that turned right ba ck int o the start area's riverb ottom woods tha t would be the first test of the day. Most o f the top ' rid ers mad e it to the firs t check with a zero point loss due to the fact tha t the blacktop gave th em a little edge go ing in, a nd a couple of long lie Id s go t them back on time. A A r id er Ja red G re en s a w h is ov erall chan ces become tougher, when he was the only rid er to bum the first check by a minut e: This w o u ld p rove to be h is undo ing. fo r wi tho u t th os e "hot" p oints, G ree n wou ld h av e on ly drop ped eight poin ts and won the ov erall. Tho n e xt tes t se c t io n was s ev e n mil es through the hare scrambles course a t the Blackhawks clubgrounds. Everyone was checked in a t the beginning, then ther e was a chec k halfw ay through an d a check coming out of the section. 01 th e to p ride rs, Green was th e on ly rider to zero the middle check whi le the othe rs d rop ped one point. At the exit check, all the top riders dropped lour poin ts. Several othe r short stints in the woods saw everyone stay ing th e sa me as they ze roed th e next chec k, and then dropped one point a t the sixth chec k. All of the top-10 riders then lost the same poin ts a t checks seven and eigh t. Most of the riders were glad to see the tw o river crossings miss ing from the annual ev ent. The last cha nce to ma ke up poin ts wa s in the fina l lour mi les of woods at the 11th check. The final section also proved to be the most cha llengin g pa rt 01 th e day, as it lea tured se veral big mud hol es and wa ter-cov ere d bottomla nd. It wo uld also pro ve to be the undoing of some riders who cou ldn ' t make the SO gro un d mi les on one tank of gas . Several rid ers ran out 01 gas in th e las t sectio n, jus t shy of the fmal checkpoint. Senior A class winner Bob Bean ran out of gas in th e m id dle of the woods, went on rese rve and ran out gas again just as he approached the fina l checkpoint. Results 0/ A: 1. Steve Narel ( ); 2. Dua ne Eller (Hon); 3. Jare d G reen (}(aw); 4. Matt Win go (Suz); S. Brent Floyd (KTM). 200 A : 1. Teny Bender (Ka w ); 2. Troy McDonald (}(aw ); 3. Tim Henstreet (H us); 4. Stev e Schere r (Kaw); 5. Jason Win ings (Hus ). 250 A; 1. Matt Wing o (Suz); 2. Bren t Floyd (KTM); 3. L.tny Bergq uis t (Yam); 4. RonSha rp hom (KTM); S. Aaron Banh (lCTM) . O PEN A: 1. Don Metz (KTM); 2. Ron Whi p ple (Suz); 3. Brian TnT}' (Hus); 4. Tim Ferrel (Hus); 50Dirk Ensley (KTM). SR A: 1. Bob Bean (KTM); 2. Dan Smi th (Su.z); 3. Robert Kau (KIM); 4. Da n Ricketts (KTM); 5. Clcyce Brinkeroff (Hus). VET : 1. Jeff H a.ll!ll (Hon); 2. Ron Sa m pson (KTM ); 3. jo hn Lo ve (Kl'M); 4. jan Warnei' (H on) ; 5. Brian Erw in (Han). 4·STRJ(; 1. Tlm Cri mmiml (Suz); 2. Ron Brace (Hon ); 3. Sieve T ucker (Hon ); 4. james Saylor (Yam); 5. Ken Eby (Hon). AA : 1. jared Green (Ka w ); 2. Oaad Forman (KTM). SR B: 1. Dale San ders (KTM); 2. Bill Hellenbran d (Kaw); 3. Ran dy Morren (; 4. je ff Fisher (Kaw ); 5. Bob C lmn (K.Jo w). AnyQuestions? IRenRE If you're serious about riding, send S for our new tire catalog. Z IRC USA 2851-B Whipple Road Union Cit}:, CA 94587 A DIVISIONOF INCAC rnm~9c~~m[!j Wins RoundOne of the Cellular One Sound of Thunder Four-S troke Series at the Hangtown Motocross Classic See the Factory Husabergs at the following dealerships ARIZONA M Sporls otor F oriSmith, AI. (800) 6S8-S213 Eric's Motorcycle Co. Pasadena, CA (818) 44~ IC Frisbie's Auto R epalrl Cycle Sales Redding, CA Premler M otorSports (916) 241·1832 Phoenix, AI. langston Kawasaki (602) 867-8293 Riverside, CA Tucson A & C es TV yd (909) 785-1929 Tucson, AI. BMW M ofSanta Cruz /C (602)327-4839 Santa Cruz, CA (408)476-6262 CALIFORNIA Mana Ferro Cycles Sonoma, CA B Saltzman Molorcydes ill (707) 938-5744 Baldwin Pa CA rk, (818)337-6811 COLORADO Ron Bishop Motorcydes Escondido, CA (619)747-13 60 Dirt B roker lakewood, CO (303) 234-1051 M ASSACHUSETTS V Motor Sporls alley N Hampton, MA . (413) 584-7303 MICHIGA N Dirt Worlls Comstocl< Park, MI (616) 784-0691 MISS U O RI Gary Surdyke Y amaha Festus, M O (BOO) 748-8454 Surdyke Yamaha of Marionville Marionville, M O )463·2544 (417 NEW JERSEY Town & Country Cyde Ctr . 511SS6, NI (201) 875- 111 2 For Dealer Inquiries Call 1-800-748-8454 : N Y RK EW O Adlrondadl Cycles Plattsburg, NY (SI8)S63-4618 O HIO I MCycles Jadlson,O il (614) 286-1040 OEO RG N Cyde Sports ofSalem Salem OR , (503) 390-9000 P S LVANIA ENN Y BottonesIn-Bel Cydes Bradf P ord, A (814) 368-9944 SOUTH CAROLIN A Performance Cydes G reenwood, SC (803) 223-4093 TEXAS Cycle TownSouth Desoto,IX (214)231).1870 W ASHIN GTON Dirt Pro Cyde Kalama, W A (206) 673-3146 Blue R ibbon C ycles Shelton, WA (206)4264618 Jim Plunkett's Motorydes Spokane, WA (800) 777-4115 e ~ '. ro ::;E 3

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