Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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80 BEG: 1. Hulry Mu rp hy (VolI m); 2. ~ff~ Molly field (Yam); 3. JCeovin 0wtdUll (Kaw); ... Jamie !tIu (K.I w); S. Cheyne ......... (Han). '" OPEN; I . A.... Mennengo 1Sw;); 2. Geotmy Mo)'field (Y.arn); 3. Mike ~U (Y.Jm); 4. Krvin o.urdilll (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Kenney Vftbeek (Hon); 2. Cary Lyn (K.lw ); 3. Bu1lel'Shannon (Kaw); '- William Murphy (Yam); 5. y Manror(Yam). 125 NOV : 1. Mlrty Law (Hen); 2. Tod ~ (lion); 3. J eff Mcerdtnk (Hon ). 125 INT : 1. Will K.a sson (Ya m) ; 2. Ju on Be.m (K.l w ); 3. Robert TIeInaJUI(lion); 4. Ouis OPI BdIo (K,I w ). 125 OPEN: 1. Will K.sson (Yam); 2. J.Ioson Beoilm (Ka w ); 3. Tod TIrSUr'l (Hun);'" Sh.1wn 1-IBb.J] (Hun). 250 BEG: I. Bobby KJimi tchelr. (Hon); 2. Du.lne Rob inson (Hon); 3. Troy H.inch (y a m); ... Bobby Forby (Y-m); S. R.w.!oell . Booth (Han). 25+: 1. Rob Cunningham (Y-m); 2. T1D\ McAngus (y am); 3. Sh.1wn Orvengrr (Han); 4. Oumt Robin!.on (lion). 30+: 1. Mike ~ (YolIm ); 2. Bill K.tuon (Y-m ); 3. Rocky French (Hon); 4. Tom Higdon (Kaw);5.~ Ugon(Yam). Andrews stomps Muddy Creek Motocross By Barbara Williams Photo by Loren Williams Team Suzuki 's Phil Lawrence (18) leads Billy Joe Mercier (501), Casey Johns on (125) and Craig Mason through Perris Raceway's fi rst turn. Lawrence won the 250cc Pro class. STK EX: 1. Dav e TUlga (Yam);:z. Bob Vizcarra (YHlo); 3. Jerry Johnson (Yam); 4. Bob Wilke (Ya m) ; S.Jim G ueTTe(Yam) . 55 NOV: 1. Ja mie Hugh. (Ya m);. 2. John Greenly (yam); 3. Brian furp (Yam); 4. Mlrk Cha dwick (Ya m); S. Dn id Owens (Yam). SS EX: 1. Logan Wilke (Yam); 2. David T inga (; 3. Arnold Van Kempen (yam};• . Brian Brown (Yam); 5. Scott Campbe U(Yam). S / BK.: 1. Logan Wl1ke (Yam); 2. Bob VlZam. (Yam ); 3. Mike Wiggt-ns (Yam) ; 4. Cu rtis Robn15 (Y~); 5. J~ Abeyt;1 (Yam ). 80 CP: 1. Miu Wiggms (S ~ z); 2.. Bob VizQrn (Yam); 3. Loga n Wilke- (Ya m); 4. Mike- Sel1mer (Hon); 5. Scott CampbeU (Yam). 8/W: 1. Alin McJCnuw; (Han); 2. Jeff Whitmer (Han); 3. M&rk eou.ins (Han). VET: 1. Curtis Roberts (Yam ); 2. Mark Cousins (Hm). W IN: I. Sunol Wilk(Yam); 2. ShannonRush (yml). as (12·13) : 1. Oint she.ty (Ic.w); 2. Jon Bowman (Yam); 3. Brandoo 5mjth (Yam) ; 4. Tun Ban tle (lCaw); 5. Jon McDadf' (JCaw). (14-15): 1. Ray HanMon ( S/MIN1 : 1. Kyle Famell (Yam);2.. Jon Bowman (Yam); 3. Oinl Shealy (IYw); 4. Andre Boloni (Suz) ; 5. o.lTftlFortin (Suz ). 16-24: 1. Jell NriLJ.nder tHon); 2. ~wn Dunkel (Hon); 3. Jason Met:z(Su.z); 4. Clint Frank (Han); 5. Ronnir Renner (Yam). . 125 A: 1. Scott o.vis (Han). 125 B: 1. Jason Met:z(Suz.); 2. Rod Fumell {Xaw ); 3. Doug Itdk'm' {Xawl; 4. Kyle Myen (Suz.);5. Mark Garrison (Suz). 125 C: 1. Itonrlie Renner (Yun); 2. James Webb (Suz); 3. Ed Higgins (Yam); 4. Juan McCormick (S uz) ; S. She ldon McVay (Yam). 2SO/12S BEG; 1. ChristiAn Dolman (K'. w ); 2. Kurt Strou p (yolIm); 3. Miu Frederick (Han); 4. Tom Weinpl'1nel'(Suz); S. Rick lIirtw....... (Han). 15-+: 1. Jon C>rtnn (K,iw); 2. T1D\ lDzaw (YM\); 3. Tun Eggers (Suz) ; 4.}ftry TolIYIor (Hon); 5. Dye'(lion). 30+: 1. Jon Ortnn- (~ w); 2. o.vid (lion); 3. Tun Loz.Jw(Yam); 4. John ..... (Han~ Donny (Han). 35+: 1. o..nny Divis (lion); 2. Dell Millrr (K.Iw); 3. Tom Fogg (K.Iw); 4. Cfts Bobu (Hon); 5. 0wJes Kied ( 40+: 1. Tom Bragg (lion); 2. Ch.Jrles IGeeI (; J . AI Card · l'In' (Hon ); 4. Tom Morgan (K.I w); 5. J ohn Smith (Yam). 250 k 1. 1Ocky II.unpohU-o (Suz); 2. John CoIlino (Yam). 250 B; 1. Jw). "'rio (IC.Iw). OPEN NOV: 1. Tom Bragg (Hon); 2. Cary Cuke (Yam); 3. Armando CamtquiUo (Hon); '- Mike Patrick (; 5. Richard I..eon.Jrd (K,Iw). Lawrence lands Perris Motocross victory By Tony Alessi PERRIS, CA, APR. 23 Team Suzuki's Phil Lawrence returned after an injury-laden season to post the overall victory in the 250cc Pro class during GR's Supe r Satu rday MX at Pe rris Race way. Lawrence pulled th e holesh ot in the first 2SOcc Pro moto and wen t on to lead all 12 laps en route to the even tual win. Billy Joe Mercier sta yed close to Lawrence for . the first half of the race bu t lost gro und late in the race when he was forced to defend his position in the wake of heavy pressure from Team G reen su p port rid er Ca sey Joh nson. Me rci er mana ged to hold on to second by a na rrow margin ove r Johnson. white Greg Schnell and Craig Maso n roun ded out the top five. The seco nd mo to sa w a repeat holeshot by Lawrence . Mercier ran second, but his machine develope d mechanical problems which forced an early fi ni sh fo r the Pro Circuit ri der. Lawrence open ed a modest lead but, just when most had written the race off, Johnson turned up the wick and caught Lawre nce. For several laps, Johnson rod e in the sa me lines as Lawrence and never fell more than two bike len gths behind the lead er. When it seem ed tha t Johnson was content to match the speed of Lawrence, Johnso n did something u nexpected he passed him. With three laps lef t in the race, Joh nson out-ju m pe d Lawrence on a technical tab letop then ope ned a few bike lengt hs lead, which he m a in ta in ed for the moto w in. Whe n the dust clea red , Law rence's 1-2 finish was better than johnson' s 3-1, which ga ve the ov er all victory to Lawrence. Johnso n wa s fast in th e 12Scc Pro race a s well, but three crashes in the first moto left him ninth at the finish. Johnson came back w ith a ven geance in the second moto and pos ted th e moto win over Greg Schnell, Larry Linkogle and rook ie Pro Jeff Willoh, who was imp ressive in his first pro race at Perris . Mike Andrews topped the 250cc A class at Muddy Creek Raceway, and backed It up with third In the 125cc divisIon. Results 50 BEG: 1. Ju stin Sommers (Yam) ; 2. Sea n Borken hollgrn (Yam ). . 50 MOO NOV: 1. Justin Sommrn (YolIm); 2. Brody BoIling (Yam). 50 S/ STK EX: 1. Justin Wibon evollm); Michaeolp~ (Hun). 505/ S'IX NOV: 1. Jeff BeU (yam); 2. Mich.Jd PolI rker (Hon); 3. JtWin Sornmrn (YolIm); 4. Matt Rym (Yun); 5. T.annrr A1exandeI' (Yam ). 60 BEC: 1. Kyle Campbell (lYw); 2. Mae AJeu;j (lYw); 3. ChI~ C ibbs (J(aw); 4. Tylrr Dunan (Hon ); 5. Matt McD.niel (K.Iw) . 60 NO V: I. RoM c.rci.J (K.1w) ; 2. Brodr. Boltin g (Kaw); 3. Bobby Ungin Jr. (Kii w ). '" FIT ; I. Billyc.Iik (Han). 80 BEG: 1. Cory W llliams (yolIm 2. Andy CampbrD (Yam); 3. ); .... e.m. (Yam); .. Ilol>byW>gm),.(Suz). '" NOV; I. Duotin Ryloy (Yam~ 2. John SondlK> w)' , US PRo. I . Greg SdmeJI (Suz~ 2. lAny UnkogIo (Han~ 3. Steve Andrich (Su.z); '- Jeff Willoh (K.w); 5. Cary Johr-Jn (Ka w). 2SO BEG: 1. Rob S m ith (YolIm); 2. k . H oUolInd (Hon); 3. NolIth.Ion Fletc:heT (Hon); 4, Scotty L.Jrson (Suz); S. Colin Y.trs (All<). 250 NO V: 1. Bm Mi l.n (Yam); 2. Camrron Mondddl (Suz). 2SO INT : 1. O.n Barnett (Ya m); 2. Joe Mrrriam (lC.Iw) ; 3. Garth MiliU\ (; 4. SIeve Cox (Hun); Eric Schnell (Suz) . 250 PRo. I . PlW lAwnona' (Sw;); 2. Johnoon (lCow); 3Billy Men:XT(yam); 4. Craig Mum (Hon) ; S. Cft'S Schne ll (Suz). 25+ AM: 1. Frank Villa (Suz) . 30+ AM: 1. Andtt'W Smi th (Suz); 2. Marshall Ma rion (Hon); 3. Wmwm Reimer (Yam); 4. Frolln k Villa (Suz) ; 5, Scott Hi gh land s. c....,. (Suz). 30+ MSTR: 1. O.vis S.rian (Yam) ; 2. Loren Poc hirowaki . (Hon) ; 3. JlX'1 Seal s (Suz) ; 4. Jim Hanson (Hon ); S. Bill Erb (Ka w) . 35+ AM: 1. Tony raisons ('(11 m); 2. Cft'S Winfield (Hon) ; 3. Jack Phinn (Hon ); 4. Pa ul Iked.J (Ka w): 5. W. ynt' Carey (lion). 3S+MSTR.: 1. Jeff Willob (K.Jw) . 40+ MSTR: 1. Don W.IIiJ'lgsford (K.1w); 2. Ton y Pa rsons (yam). Beginners provide excitement at Lakeside Motocross By T.O. Jones BASTROP, TX. APR. 24 A stro ng field of 15 beginning motocross riders in the 12Sec class p ut on a show at Lakesid e Motosport Raceway that saw three riders tied in points after both motos. The finishing order in the second moto ga ve Kenney Verbee k the win over Casey Lyn an d Baxter Shannon. Lyn fin ish ed second in both motos, while Shannon and Verbeek traded first and third -place finishes . Verbeek ro de his H onda ha rd, up to and sometimes beyond the limit. Lyn was bangin g on Verbeek's back wheel all the way, bu t protecting himself from Sha nnon 's equa lly tight presence kept h im fro m ta kin g ad va ntage of Verbeek's two miscues. Th e th ree finished so close together that it took only one wave of the checkered flag. Will Kasson hadn't ridden since he crashed, broke hi s ha nd and di sloca ted a sho u lder a t Lake Whitney six weeks ago. The layoff sho wed, as Kasson bob bled a bit in the first moto in the 125cc Open class and only managed a second place finish, but then came back to win the second mo to for the overall wi n. Kasson put on a show in the 125cc Intermediate class, taking the overall victory there as well. Bobby Klimitchek topped the 2SOcc Beginner class while Har ley Murphy was the 80cc Beginner class winner. Results SO: 1. Luke Wand". (Yam); 2. Jus tin TayLor (Yam); 3. Tyler RAu(Hon). BLOUN1VILLE, IN, APR. 16-17 Once Kev in Walke r hi t hi s s tr id e a t Muddy Creek Racewa y on Scott USA Day, he wo n both 125cc A mo tos and the second moto in the 2SOcc A class, but the first moto of the 250cc A class went to Mike Andrews, and that was enough to give him the overall win in the class. Walker and And rews were just two of the 570 riders who converged on Mudd y Creek for round five of the AMA /Pizza Plus Southeastern Regional MX Championship MegaSeries. Shane Berryhill pulled the holeshot in the first moto of the 250ccA class, but Walker was side by side with the Honda rider through the first tum and they hooked bars, allow ing Shane Templeton to assume the lead . Templeton was crowded first by Team Green's Shawn Schultz, then Walker . A lap later, Walker crashed com ing through the off-camber tum. Templ eton and Schultz began to pull away from the res t of the field, while Andrews was busy muscling his way up fro m a sixth-place start. White the front two were engaged in a dogfight each other, Andrews passed Brad Strunk when Strunk cross-lracked in two different ruts and was dumped to the ground. Soon after that , Andrew s sacked Schultz in a banzai pass down the stairsteps, and half a lap later gained the lead in the woods section. Walk· er was busily nego tiating his wa y back toward the front, and by the last lap had gotten as far ., fi fth . Followin g t h e re covered St runK an e Schultz, Walker saw his chance to ge t past botl in a tum and execUted the move quickly. At th, finish line, Andrews and Templet on led th parad e, followed by Walker, Strunk and Schult; Walker used th e tim e b e tw een 250cc " motos to repair his brake lever, and in the sec· ond round dropped the ha mmer and was gone. Andrews worked through traffic back up to second from his fifth-place start, and his 1-2 finishes beat Walker by one po int for the overall win in th e cla ss. Schu ltz, Stru n k and Mik e Nutter rounded out the top five in the moto. The 2SOcc A overall sta ndin gs were: Andrews, Walker, Schultz, Strunk and Templeton. Walker owned both rounds of 125cc A from starlto finish. Results 50 (4-6): 1. Binn y Ornll (YolIm); 2. Ry.n Woodm (YolIm); 3. Ja u Posey ( ; 4. Ch le y ( ; 5. Cory Strickbnd (Yam). SO (7-8): 1. Stephen Martin (yoiIm); 2. SN.Jw O'&nion (llj); 3. Rob Wooden (Yam); 4, J. Ro. Pruitt (yam); 5. Ch.aSlr Jones (YAm). OS (7·m 1. jcoIw.oSummoy lK>w~ 2. (Jyd H.unplcn lK>w).3J.R Cute< lK>w~ • . R. Joo'y c.m..lK>w ~<> (lCow). 80 D: 1. Timmy Mo rri so n (K.1w) ; 2. Jo n Mo nk (Hon); 3. JoshU.JI up{» (Suz); 4. Aaron Ellenburg (}ion); S. TolInnft' Jones (Yam). JR MINl: 1. josh.... Summey (~w); 1. Jeff Gibson (Kaw); 3. Ben RiddLe~w}; 4. O\ad Hunpton (; 5. J .R. Cartw ~w). SR MINI: 1. Jake Mo rris (Y-m); 1. Matt (Kaw); 3. Aaron Und5ry (; 4. Garin Burkman (Han); 5. Pa ul Justus (Yam). SCHBY: 1. Jon Boruff (Hon); 2. Thornburg (; 3n Scott McMi llan ( .... Scott Pinson (Suz); 5. MIn Wa lker ); s. (lCow ). 125 A: 1. Kevin Walker (Yam); 2. Brolld Strunk (Suz); 3. Mike Andrews (Suz); 4. Milr.r Nunrr (yam); 5, Shlwn Schultz. (1U;w). US Il; I. r~y Brigs> (H~); 2. )0001> Dombn>oky (Sw;); 3r.tden Slyron (Suz~'. Sa>tt" ' - lSuz~ S.1CrisSwoney (Han). 125 C: 1. J.uon Sain (Hun); 2. M.lrcua Hedrick (Suz ); 3. Rogrr .....n.y (H~~ ' .1We;gh 0..1 (Suz~ S. Justin Mn (Han); 3Jeff Lrstrr (K.w ); 4. Bobby Ouslry ( ; S. Ma tt Hmdrnon (Yam) .

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