Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VlNT 2: 1. Su nley Lipm (Hon ); 2. S~art RogeB (Nor); 3. Ric:hard Miles (Nor) ; 4. JohnIi. Wyben ga (BSA); 5. Tom Grirnrner (H on). H / W EX 50 MILER: 1. Pa ul D. Youngman (H oo ); 2. Glenn A. SZlI ~k (Ho n); 3. Ralp h Rimrott (K. w); 4. Jeff Atwe ll (Ya m); 5. m Evan Snnoff (Hon ). HIW NOV 50 MILER.: 1. Greg I..effieT (Xa w); 2. D.uUe1 Voighl (Hen); 3. Eric Sunday (lCaw); 4. 8mt Winston (Y am); 5. Krvin u" (Suz~ VINT S: 1. Thomas O' EnOl'n (JUw); 2. Tunolhy O'Connor Robert Eut Newby (; S. Be. jamin Wo1llMsJr.(Y~). S / STX EX: 1. Qrnn Szarek (Hon); 2. Philli p Owpin (Hon); 3. Ralph Rimrott (Hon). C PROD NOV: 1. Todd Artimovich (Ho n); 2. 8re nl O~h (Hon); 3. Gregory A. Lasher (Ho n); 4. Arnold Hastings (Hon); 5. Eric He Imba ch (Han). U/ L TW EX: 1. Will iam Lumsd en (Due) ; 2. Lance Ribeiro (Kaw); 3. George Fitt Sr. (Hon ). U/L TW NOV : 1. larnt"8 SWM (Due); 2. Jon Hovey (Y~); 3. (Yam); 3. William. Ca.rdeU; 4. e Chrio Pyleo (Yam ). A 5/ STlC EX: 1. Jeffrey fk>tton (Kaw ); 2. Paul D.Youngnwn (Hon); 3. Evan Semotf m(Hon). m A PROD NOV: 1. Sreven Whitney (Hon); 2. Gftogory Luhrr (H on); 3. Eric Sund.l y (JU w); 4. Arnold Hastin gs (Hon); 5 . John WUIUIWrJr. (Hen). f-CLBMN EX: 1. TImOthy O'Connor (y olIn); 2. Leo H uggins (YMn);3. William Als ton (Yam). f.CLBMN NOV: 1. Smie Ward (yam); 2. Chris Pyles (Ya m); 3. Ben~min Walten (YolI m). 8 5/STX EX: 1. Glenn Sza~k (Suz ); .2. Paul D. Youngman (Hon); 3. Charld Otts (Hon) . B PROD NOV : 1. Arnold Hasti ngs (Hon) ; 2. Donald Treich (Ka w); 3. Todd Art imovich (H on) ; 4. Gregory Lashe r (Hon); 5. John Wim mer Jr. (Hon ). o PROD NOV : 1. Mark And y (Yam); 2. RobertConte (5uz ); 3. Check the regionC(l1 sports network in your area for exact dates and times m Pein Photopoulos (y~ l . F-l EX: 1. ClennSzarrk (Suz); 2. OougLu T.udio(Hon). F-l NOV : 1. Eric Suncby (Kaw l; 2. PillU) Wrmle Jr. (Hon); 3. Eric StephrN (ya m); 4. 8rent Ol.lh (lion ); 5. Kevin Lake (Suz). 5 /BlC EX: 1. CIenn Sza rek CHon ); 2. Phillip CNpin (Han); 3. Chri>tian Volcko (Hoo). 5/BK NOV: 1. P..ul Wernlco Jr. (Hoo); 2. Todd Artimovic:h (H on); 3. Brent Olah (Hon); 4. Michotel M.1bon (lion); S. Bmf Winston (Yam). 85/8)( EX: 1. Otristidn Vokko (Hon); 2. Pollul Harris (Suz). 8 5 /8K NOV : 1. Don.ila Trrich (K olIw 2. Paul wem te Jr . ); (Hon); 3. Brett Winston (Ya m); 4. Gregory A. Lasher (Hon ); 5. ~ffrey M . Allen (Suz). F·2 EX:1. Willia m Hauslt.r (Yam); 2. Richard Bolen (Yam); 3. · e e ~l fW~t(YolIm). Event and Race Date Air Date AprilS-10 May S AMA Road Race, Pomona, CA (Show 1 - Superbike) F-2 NO V: 1. Eric Strphens (Yam); 2. Ma rk Andy (Y.un); 3. Mark Pres1ey(yolI.m). Wilke charges to winin Sacramento YSR Road Race April S -10 May 12 AMA Head Race, Pomona, CA (Show2 - 600cc, 7S0cc) By Rex Harris SACRAMENTO, CA,APR.17 Team Calamari's Loga n Wilke started the year off righ t w ith a pair of wins in Supe rb ike and Su pers port at th e openi ng round o f the 1994 N orthern Califorina YSR Ch am pions hip Series at Sacramento's Rattlesnake Raceway. Wil ke, w ho was the 93' NC MRRA Superspo rt champion , has se t out to become the club's first mul tiple class cha mpion. -I know it' s ea rly in the year, and the season is lo ng, but that' s d efin itely o u r goal" said Wilk e, w ho ha d entere d th ree classes for the d ay. At the start of the Sup erbike ma in, it was Wilke who pushed his Team Calama ri Yama ha to the front , hotly pursued by Bob Vizcarra, Joe Abeyta , Mike Wiggins and Curtis Robe rts . As the first lap was completed , the order su ddenly changed; Abeyta lost the front end exiting tum three and crashed. This gave the leading du o of Wilke a nd Vizcarra a bout a two-second lead over Roberts a nd Jerry Johnson, who had taken advan tage of Abe yta 's fall to take over the fifth spot. With the lead ers ma king a brea kaway at the front, the batt le for third really hea ted up as Wiggens and Rober ts passed and repassed each other at every opportunity aroun d the 13-tum course. Further back, Abe yta wa s clawing h is way back from his crash, and had closed in on Johnson by lap seven. As th ey s ta rte d th e las t lap, th e leaders began to encounter backmarke rs at the tum one carousel, wi th Wilke, Vizcarra and Wiggens getting thr ough clea nly, bu t Robert s got trapped behind a slo we r rid er entering turns tw o and th ree, an d he lost nea rly five b ike leng th s to Wiggens heading up the hill to tum five. As the lea d e rs roun d ed tum 12 a nd head ed fo r the sta rt/ fin ish, it wa s a surpris ed Wiggens who suddenly had a cha r gi ng Roberts brea th in g do wn his back . Roberts, w ho had literall y plummeted d own the corkscrew, had closed the ga p on Wiggens and was selling up for a draft pa ss d own the long front straigh t. But it was not to be - h e came up just a few inches sho rt at the line. At the finish it was Wilke notchin g his first win o f the y ea r, followed by Vizc a rra, Wiggens, Roberts and Abeyta, who got aro un d Johnson on the last lap to take fifth. In No vice Stock action it was 12-year-old dirt track ch amp ion Tob y Jorge nsen ma kin g his road -racin g debut and running away with the cl ass w in. Jorg ense n, n ephew of famed d irt tracker Alex Jorgensen, sta rted from the fro nt row and led the field all the way to the checkered flag for a convincing win. Results sn::: NOV : 1. To by }orgenllt"n (Ya m) ; 2. Mulr.Owd wic lr. (Y.. m); 3. St-e Muinelli (YolIm); 4. Dou g HighLtnd(Y.I.Jn);S. Juan Robem (Yam~ May 2 World Superbike Donington Park, England May 19 May S World Superbike Hockenheim, Germany May 26 June 2 May 20-22 AMA Road Race, Monterey, CA (Show 1 • Superbike) May 20-22 June 9 AMA Road Race, Monterey, CA (Show2 - 600cc, 7S0cc) MSG Prime Ticket SunshinelSportsChannel-Flori da HSE sportsouth SportsChannel-Chicago HTS SportsChannel-NEINESN KBL SCA-Philadelphia Prime Northwest SportsChannel-Bay Area PSN-RM & IMW SportsChannel-Cincinnati* PSN-UMW/Midwest SportsChannel PASS SportsChannel-Ohio* PSN-MW Empire TCI-various # HONDA Come ride with us. Now Available Through Cycle News Video Theater 1993 LAGUNA SECA U.S. GRAND PRIX (#81OJ American John Kocinski raced his Cagiva to a bittersweet win in the Laguna Seca USGP over Lucky Strike Suzuki's Alex Barros and T eam Marlboro Roberts Yamaha's Luca Cada lora. Many in the crowd of 50,000 arrived for the weekend to leam the shocking news of Wayne Rainey's tragic crash and injury at the previous round at the Italian GP. While this cast a definite pall over the weekend's activities, the action on the racetrack unfolded a new chapter in motorcycle racing history, as Kevin Schwantz ascended to his first World Championship, while Michael Ooohan crashed out leading the event, ending his quest for glory in 1994. In 250CC action, what had been an insurmountable points lead for Japan's Tetsuya Harada vanished as Italy's Loris Capirossi assumed control of the 250 GP win at Monterey, and with it, the lead for the championship. This race also saw the Grand Prix debut of Kenny Roberts, Jr., who put together a solid ride to finish in the top ten. 55 minutes from Motovideo. To Order Videos, Call (31 0) 427-7433 - Chargeto

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