Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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with the 18 points of Wa ld en a n d Wa llace ;
Chandler took the win based on tiebrea ker sec- onds . Wallace narrowly beat Walden for second
by six tiebrea ker secon ds, w hile Booth took
fo urth with 19 po int s . Ross Liberty's da y of
so und riding netted him flfth overall.
0 / A:. 1. Jc-h Chud1er (Kaw); 2. ~tthew (Yam ); 3Marty WUirn (Hon);4.. Dilvad Booth (Hon);S . iw.a Uberty.
Martinmauls Lodi ST
By Mindyz Mac
Billy Martin walked away wi th a win in the ProAm main eve nt to ta ke home the lion's share of
the purse during Lod i Cycle Bowl's Satu rday
Night short track races.
In the ma in, Martin was penalized for jumping the start and was forced to work his wa y to
.the front of the pack. At the start of the race it
was William Luker and John Gonzales bo th getting off the line and into tum one side by side,
w ith Lu ke r e me rgi n g as the lead er wh en the
p ack exited turn two . Ma rti n, who also go t a
gr eat start fro m the pe na lty line, immed iately
took over fou rth p lace just behind James Judd.
All the rid ers were whee l to wheel, wa iting for
an openi ng o r a mistak e to try a pass on th e
un usually na rro w groove.
By the ha lfway point of the race, the running
FRIDAY, MAY 27- Press Day
Pro Practice: 12 noon - 3 pm.
Amateur Practice: 3 - 6 pm;
Adm.S37 (Fri./SatlSun,ticket;
No Refund). There will also be
practice on Saturday morning,
SATURDAY, MAY 28 - 1994
Team Green Spring Nationals:
Amateur MX Racing on National
Track. All Classes. (No pre-entry
required.) Adm. $31 (Sat/Sun.
ticket; No Refund), Riders fee $20
Practice 7 - 9 am,
Hare Scrambles: Riders fee $20
HS Sign-up 9 am - Race 11 am
Quad HS Race 1 pm.
SUNDAY, MAY 29 - Adm. $20
125/250cc Pro National MX
Championships: Qualifiers begin
10am - Main event race at 1 pm.
Rain orShine.
v ani a
order rema ined the same - Luk er, Gonz ales,
Ju d d and Marti n - bu t not for long. as Martin
worked his way past Judd and then Gonzales to
take over second place. By this time, Chris Fisch- '
er h ad moved u p to challenge Judd for the
fourth pos ition, while Gonzales kept command
of third. On the next lap, Martin took the lead to
score an impressive win over Luker. Gonzales
finished thi rd, while Judd won the fight for
fourth with Fischer, who completed the top five.
Brandon Inderl>itzen grabbed the holeshot at
the start of the 60cc BIC class main event, but it
was Chad Ross who led the pack as they cam e
around to complete the fir st lap . Inderbitzen
kept the pressure on , bu t Ross wasn't going to
fold, and he held on to take the win with Inderbitzen finishing second. Daniel Jenkins, who had
suffered a bad star t, took the third spot away
from [enna Ellis.
The 2SOcc C class was won by Craig Gonzales, who jumped into the lead at the start of the
race and then battled a hard-charging Bert Voto
for the class win.
p / W SIX Al B: 1. NkhoLu MOOf'e (ltj): 2. ScottM~ (
r/ w STX C: 1. J.R. Alvrrnaz (Yam) ; 2. Dft't'k G!of'ge (YAm);
3. Frank Lane (Yam); 4.Allen Kenyon (Yam ).
l00C: 1. Toay Meiring (Hon); 2. JillIOt'I Stcfani (Ho n); J. David
Morga n (Hon) ; 4. Pran k Nye (Hon) .
P IW MOO A:. 1. N ichola. Moore (I~).
P/W MOOD: 1. Brad lq Hiler (Yam).
60 BI C: 1. Chad ~ (KiI w) : 2. Brandon Inderbitzen (K.lw).
100 ADULT: I. Frank Nye (Han); 2. Dominic DeMa rio (Hon);
3. PhUCudo (H on ).
SOC: 1. Beau Brown(JC.w); 2. Tony Meiring (Kaw).
SO 8: 1. Dusty Mendoza ( .
80 A:. 1. Toby JorgmJIt'ft (Han); 2. Jeur o.WMJn (K.Iw).
100 8: 1. Ph il CaKio (Hon); 2. Dominic ~M.ario (Hon); J.
An"",,,y DeMma (}Ion~
100 A: 1. Tob y Jewgmwn (Han); 2. Frank Nye (Hon); J. 8Rn-
c.o.,;. (}Ion ~
OPEN 8, I . Cony ~(Rlx ); ~ s-.Joluuon (W-R);3. """';
Ccnn.n (}Ion);" Juotin..........,. (Rlx~ S. /oM PI<= (Rlx~
OPEN C: 1. Paul Brown (Yam); 2. Kurt Strait (lion); J.
GoiI.. (}Ion) ;" JUdwd
o.r- (Yom~
VET A : I. Robm Grant (H on); 2. Robm Mclb'meU (H-D); J.
SUn Morn. (Rbc); 4. Allen Au.z.enN' (A TIC); 5. Robert Meiring (H-
VET B: 1. John I'ictu (lUx); 2. 5bewGardnn' (lUx ).
V£T e;, I. RkNnl AmoId lSuz ~ Mom. Uttig (Hon~
250 A: 1.l.Dnni.r Pauly (Yam ).
2SO 8: 1. Tony Souu (Honk;2. ~ Gftman (Hon).
2SO e;, I _ln;g Conz.o"" (Yomt ~ .... v_ (C-A~ 3. IliIly
T~ (lion); 4. Justin OUwra (Yam).
VINT A l B: 1. Gft.z RiddIfo(Yam ). 2. Sunmys.bedn (Yam).
VlNTC: 1. Paul }ons(C-A);2. J:cn HoU.tnd (Yam).
SCHBY: 1. Helder Alvr mn ( ); 2. Justin H~
(Rtx); 3. Tany Souza(Hon).
WMN: 1.Jnuy Enis (IYIw); 2. s.ndra Selva (Hon).
OPEN A SPTSMN: 1. Robrrt Cn.nt (Hon ); 2. Allen Auzennr
PRO-A M: 1. Billy Mlrtin (Rtx ); 2. WUJ~m Lum (Hon ); J.
J - Conz.oIa (Rlxt • . )ames JuddlRlx t;, nom..- lRlx ~
PRO: 1. Andy TftSlIrr (lUx); 2. Robrrt Damron (Rtl(); J. Eric
lRlx~" Juotin Ownb