Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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" -: .'-. '..:"1 . .... ... .. NOV : 1. Curtis SchwrYKor (Hon); 2. Dotvkl: Peru (K..w) ; 3. Crq W i1li.uN (Suz); " . Wnr Bryan; 5. Rick Pirrce (yam ). SPTSMN: 1. Turk Dum u! (Ka w) ; 2. AlAn Kim (JCTM); 3. Tom ~ (Han); 4. Rn Young: 5. Jt'mny Andenon. BEG: 1. Jc.h 5ch n wpel: 2. lUck Adair (Hon); (XAw); " Nile Heinz; 5. rat P"tdw1t. Stn~ Co mbs Casno COpS Castaic MX By Scott Hofman Brlan Dorsey (132), Peter C8sano (131) and Jason Stockton (141) battled for pos itIon on the jump-fIllacl Lake Castaic Motocross Park track. C8sano won the 250cc Beginner class. (Below) John Plndard (26) and Rich Hargrove (8) rubbed elbows at Los Angeles County Raceway . CASTAIC. CA. APR. 16 Peter Casno an d Jason Stockton swapped mo to wins, with Casno finally top ing the 250cc Beginner class at Shane Trittler Pro mo tions Saturday motocross a t Castaic's MX track. A newly d esigned natu ral terrain sec tio n was added to the trac k to ma ke the racin g more intense. In the first mota, it was Jason Stockton wi th the lead in the comb ined Beginner INovice sta rt, with Nov ice ride r Brett Fox. Peter Casano and Brian Dorsey trailing. Stockon would hold th e lead th e entire moto until the novice. Fox, mad e his wa y by on the last lap. Dorsey would ev entu ally fall back, while Shane Somers and Tony Gambe ru tti would battl e for the third spo t. Somers kep t Gamberu tti at bay until the fina l lap when he made the pas s and held the third spo t to the finish. At the finish it was Stockton, Casno and Somers. In the second moto the tabl es turned, a nd th is time Cas no had the lead with first -moto w inn er Stock ton in seco nd. Stock ton tried hard to m a ke it b ac k-to-beck w ins, b u t co u ld n 't seem to ge t it toge ther. Dorse y cam e throu gh in the second race, top ping Somers to ta ke the thi rd spot, bu t still h ad to settl e for fourt h overall. 80 BEG: 1. Brandy umbeort (Yam); 2. Hrathfo Mathfow. r (K.1w ); 3. Jo-h UrWeI (IUIw) ; 4. PAtrick Brown (Yam). u.a 80 INT: 1. J..... Ahrm (Yam). ADULT MINI; 1. 1Cempvin Best (lC.Iw ); 4. John Waller (1CI'M);5.I.uon Maffey(Hon). C\IT: 1. ~ C.abbrn (X,I w ); 2. Ha rold OliN (Hon) ; 3. ~ o.lecowUd.; 4. Vic Encinas (Han); 5. Pde MollicIt (Han). P/W 8-2: 1. J.u ed TriJo ty arn); 2. Aron Tomoc. (Yam); 3. T"te Misiasz.e k (yam): 4. ~I rum (VoIm); 5. Brian Me lnnnry ("I'" m). P/W B-1: 1. Troy Tittlernin' ( ); 2. Brett (Yam); 3. Eric H\U\1Irr (Yam); 4. Trnis B.rdft'l (YAm); S. OIoIrles ~ (yam). P/W ~ 1 . Kyle &nkn (Yam ); 2. Andoly ~(Y&m). 60 BEG: 1. joh.,.than NIFWtIWl (K.lw); 2. RicNrd Enbulb (Kaw); J. An thon y B.arb.lcovi (lU w ); 4. TnmiN tm' (H an ); S. Nathan Pa min tu.m OC-w). 60 (9-11): I.BLa Mitchril (lC.&w); 2. 5tYne Smith (K.lw); 3. lOt k Kwwth (K,Iw). 80 BEG; 1. SMrw Smith (Suz); 2. 8Lak Mikhrll (lU w): 1. Cody b nd.U ( K.I""'); 4. Jnmine Reid (Viilm); 5. Ch.u Smi th wn:ta Results VETINT: four laps saw num erous lead changes between the two riders. as neither was conte nt wi th second place. . Bu walda was me thodically picki ng off rid ers, and had climbed up to the third spot with a little over half the race complete. Buwa lda was handed the runner-up position when McConnell got ou t of shape and ran off the track. A lap later, Rodriguez sta rt ed feeling pressure from Buwalda as they engaged in a brief battle for the lead . Buwa lda had the mom en tu m on his side as he put the move on Rodriguez and pulled away to greet the checkers first, with a few secon ds to sp are . McConnell ca me across th ird ahead of Phillips and Beach. Buwalda made life easie r for himself by nailing the seco nd moto sta rt. Rodriguez gated in third behind Ph illips, but the two rid ers ha d switched places by the end of lap one. Buwalda led e v ery la p of t he se co nd mo to , w hile Rodriguez 'wasn't able to make much of a dent in th e leader's pa ce and fin ished five seco n ds behind him. McC onne ll spent th e e n ti re 20· min ute mot o working up from a 10th-pla ce start to overtake Phillips for third, only to throw away his mud dy goggl es with the white flag in sight and get repassed by Phillip s. Phillips ' 4-3 finishes edged out Me Connell's 3-4 score for C'i third overall . Results PALMDALE. CA ,APRlL17 Yamaha ¥Z25O-moun ted Vern Buwalda proved it d id n' t ma tt er if he go t a good sta rt or not when it came to topp ing both Old Time r MX Association Expert class motos at Cali fom ia Racing Club 's Sunday motocross at Los Ang ele s County Raceway . Jim McConn ell go t things off to a good sta rt in the first mo to wi th a ho leshot followed by Jose Rod rigu ez, Keith Phillips and Ken Beach. Buwalda gated in nin th place. McConnell's lead lasted slightly more than a lap before Rodriguez jum ped past him. McConn ell retaliated qui ckly and shot back past into the top spo t wi th a faster line thro ugh the whoo ps. Rodriguez fought back in the very next tum to retake the lead . The next (lUw). 80 (1·11): I. Todd ee-lowr (Yam ); 2. Tyson nn.lrrnift (Suz); 3. Ben StueIU (; 4. KykoSct\.wkr-(Yam). 80 (12 ·13) : 1. Lrvi Rc-id (Yam); 2. Chriltop hff Gouela.r (lC. w ); 3. Oiff JftVling:s (K.w); 4 . J.won Webb (Suz ). 80 (1....16): 1. ScottPriputm (Sw.) . 125 BEQ 1. SNun Mitchell ~w); 2. Graham Howell (Sut); 3. J(f'Vin Towt'l!iCnd (Hon):'04 Tylt.-rBuck (Suz); 5. J~ , (IC.ow~ 125 NO V: 1. Quia Nft Ud (Suz ); 2. Jeff tull (Suz); :1. K.rvin TArwa ter (I(.Iw)• 125 INT: 1. Nick Mairow (Suz). 250 BEG: 1. DonAld n-tb!n Jr. (Han); 2. BryAn (Suz); 3Wade Oancy (yHl); 4. Robert Vydua (]<.Iw). ~y 250 NOV; t. Andy Pa~ (X.I w); 2. C.T. Watanabr (Hen); 3. Harp (IC.lw); 4. Kevin T.uw. ~ (ICIM). 2SO INT: 1. Mic'tYcl8«b (Yam) ; 2. Robbie Dunh.J m (Yun). PRO: 1. Owen Dic: aon (lC&wl; 2. Jim L.oh (Y Jlm); 3. rm-r B. k Ware(Suz). JR VET BEG; I. Edd~ ButteAUX (Suz); 2. Fernando &.'ITOteliU J. Ericbon (Hon); .a. Mi b Brad y (Su:r:); 5. John Stoh l (Hon). JR VET NOV,: 1. C.T. Wd l n.lbe (Ho n ); 2. Darren Gravt'e l (y.lIm) ; 3 . John Stich (lUw ); 4. H enry KOKDIlt-"Illlkl (Hon) ; 5. tee (Hon); 3. Soul (CA g). JRYETtNT: 1. Mike Crosby (l(4w); 2. Michel Becke (Yam ). VET BEG: 1. Muk Freid. (Kaw ); 2. MilLe O'Donnell (Hon); 3. Mike Ward (Yam); 4. Kurt Kl"Wff (Su.z); 5. Kelly McGuire {ya m) . VETNOV: 1. Henry Kolo&mski (lion); 2. JohnStich (lapm (IC.ow); ' . john FIon

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