Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 05 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NOV: 1. Tom Rogas(Hus);2.Ouis Reed (CZ);3. Paui Shom (ltJct 4- Mil« Johmon (II..); 5. P.ul ey. (Hod). 4-STRJ( : 1. John Scott (Tri ); 2. Carl MAtter (Ho n); 3. Craig SkUu>o< (IlSA ); 4- Mil« lU.-ut (Tri). Mallgren swift at Bridgehampton Motocross By Jim and Carolyn Simpson (Above) Keith Grimm (B9), Chris Celli (615) and Mike Lusardi (135) battle for position at the start of the 125cc Novice A class first moto at Bridgehampton MX. (Below) Jim Holmes (48) prepares .to pass Mark Wertz (52) at the Hubert H. Humphry Metrodome. BRIDGEHAMPTON, NY, APR. 16 After a second-place finish in moto one, John Mallgren scored a win in moto two, ma stering the sand at Bridgehampton MX and scoring the 125cc Novice ove rall win. Honda-mounted Keith Grimm and Suzulci pilot Chris Celli battled for the lead to kick off moto one. Gri m m he ld the lead out o f the woods, but Celli made his pass in the back section stick. By the end of lap one, Celli and MaIIgren had moved into the top two positions. Celli held off the pack and went on to score the win, while Ma llgren took the seco nd-place ho nors. Grimm held on for third place. Celli and Mike Lusardi jum ped ahe ad of the class to lead the dash at the sta rt of moto two un til Mallgren moved up and gra bbed seco nd p lace, dropping Lusard i to th ird . The lead trio jumped ou t o f H idden Valley, a n d as th ey entered the back woods Celli washed out in a tum, handing Mallgren the lead. The moto win and overal l was scored by Mallgren with Lusard i taking the seco nd spo t in the mot o. Grimm completed th e top three in th e rnot o, ea rni ng second overall for the day . Senior Mini (14-15) action pitted Dale Robinson an d Mar k Wesn ofske aga inst one an oth er. Robinson nailed the lead in both mo tos, only to fall in mo to one and sta ll in a tum d urin g moto two. Wesnofske capitalized on both of Robinso n's m isfortunes to take the lead a nd subsequently the coveted ove rall win in the class . Results 250 AM: 1. Edd ie Hololob (Kaw ); 2.. Da nny CYICede (Hon ); 3. lion Mwphy (lion); 4. Andrew Signorielli> (Kaw); 5. J""'Ph Dill Results P!W F/TD-l : 1. Ivan Shultz (Yam); 2 Ky~5wnmeTs (Yam); 3. Jake BiMonndte (Yam ); 4. Robert Pm.a (Yam) ; 5. Aimre Jonetl (Yam) . P/W FIT 0-1 : 1. Bryanna Bmed ict (Yam); 2. Jam et Mann (Yam); 3. An tonio Real (y am); 4. Ryan Nelson (Yam); 5. Mitt P"",,,, (Yam). P/W STK (0-8): l. Ryan Beat (Yam); 2. Jon,ithAnRo.r (Yam); 1 CuSwilt (yam); 4- Bnondon """", (Y...~ 5. DoJIao r.;a (Y.... P/ W SEM·M OD «()..8): 1. Ryan Beat (Yam); 2. Cas Sw if t (Yam ); 3. BNn Thomuon (Yam); 4. Ch ri l C.udiJIo (Ya m); 5. Jon.iIIthan Rolle (Yam) . MX INTRO: 1. Jrremy Wehmeyer (KAw ); 2. RichArd Uoyd . (lion). JR CYQ.E BEG: 1. Juan SevilY (KAw); 2. Steven Rou (KAw); 3. J Cayton (Kaw); 4. Joey Roo. (Kawl; 5. zseW..y (Kaw' oey JR CYCU STK (0-8): 1. Cole HumphUi (K.Iw); 2. RYAn Beat (KAw ); 3. JONItNn Rose (Jc. w); 4. And~ WagemAn (Jc. w) ; S. Mark Palmer (Kaw) . JR. CYQ.E snc (9-11): 1. Emftt IOing (Kaw ); 2. Ousten Waf-lIOn (K.Iw); 3. Jay IAe Santi8go (Kaw ); 4. Travis BmUs (KiIw); 5. Dustin Good (Ka.w). 80 BEC; 1. Edw ard Ch igh iml. (Yam); 2. Tim -en . (Kaw ); 3. Eric Hunt (y am) ; 4. Jon Meyers (K& 5. Jeremy Stmw); bftg (lion). 80 NOV SrK; L Colby "ymond (Suz~ 2. GooH...... (Suz) ; 3. Miltt Williams (Y8m ); 4. Hector Rio. (Y8m); 5. Brad Millikan (Kaw' 80 STK (9-11): 1. Billy Lan inovkh (lCaw ); 2. John Hopkina (K&w); 3. Emitt IOing (K,aw); 4. Todd CAyton (Yam); 5. David Fox (Suz' 80 MOD (9· 11): 1. Scott Nelson (Suz) ; 2. Cory Macomber (Sw; ); 3. Jay DeeSantiago (K.Iw); 4. Ken 0I50n (Ka w); 5. SeAnPeer (lion). S/MINI; I . Sa>tt Conley (Kaw~ 2. Colby " ymond (Suz ); 3. Billy Laninovidt (Kaw) ; 4. MAtt WnJ.iaIN ('( un); S. Geoff Rader (Suz). 80 EJ(, I . Sa>ttConley(Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Brian Reichel (Suz); 2. Justin Blow er (K8w); 3. Tim Cayton (Suz); 4. Ton y De 1..01 RLos (Suz ); S. Duid Hanes (Suz) . 125 (12..15): 1. Kurt Pienon (Suz); 2. Justin Blower ( ; 3. TIm Cayton (Suz) . 125 NOV STK:1. Josh Wlll.iana (Hon); 2. Bryan COlt (Hon); 3. Daniel Wilson (Yam) ; 4. BryAn Currie (Suz); S. Shlwn I~blnd (Suz) . 12.5 NO V MOD; 1. Josh Williams (Hon); 2.. Josh Wa rner (Han); 3. Bryan Currie (5uz); 4. Damian Patrrson (Kaw ); 5. Daniel Nkholo (Suz). 125 Wf': 1. Dustin Nebon (Kaw); 2. Cory Bmdor (Suz); 3. Ty "",,,y (Suz) ; 4. Jon "ymond (Suz ). 125 (1"21 ~ I. Dustin Nebon (Kaw~ 2. CDrf....... (Suz) . 2.50 BEC: 1. Chris Wl!«Ion ~w); 2. Scott M.tIrtt(Suz) . 2SO NOV: 1. John Duf fy (Yam); 2.. Nlithan PittmAn (HDn ); 3. Jeff Sa>tt (Hon~ 4Wtt MoIdt (Suz) . 250INT, I. DoroolNIchola (Suz) . OLD I'HAIonlJ(","w); 4.loW>IWI (Han). en- Mericle hotat Metrodome SX By George Hodkinson MINNEAPOLIS, MN, APR. 16 Scoll Mericle sco red w ins in both the 125 and 250cc B classes at the first su percross ever held in Minnesota at th e Hubert H . Humphrey Metrodome, which hosted the amateur portion of the AMA Supercross Series . After winning his 125cc B heat race, Mericle sta r ted the final in the sa me po sition. Brad Tollefson followed in second with Dave Heppner third. As Heppner fell back into the field, Steve Bates moved up and double-jumped past Tollefson for second, whil e Brandon Yates also moved past Tollefson for third. With one lap to go , Bat es an d Yates ba ttled for sec ond place, w ith Bates holding on for the runner-up spo t. The finis hin g order was Mericle, with a com· manding wi n, follow ed by Bat es, Yates, Lee Theis and Tollefson. In the 250cc B class, Mericle again proved to be the rider to bea t. Jim Holmes was quick off the gale and grabbed the holeshot followed by Mericle and Matt Ludescher. Throughout the first lap, Mericle hounded Holmes' rear wheel and passed him over the double jump on the second lap. The pass didn't stick, however, as Mericle oversho t a comer and Holmes got by to take the lead once more. Mericle was able to gel bad: on the track in second place and once again set after Holmes. On the th ird lap Mericle stuffed Holmes in a comer, and thi s time he made the pass stick. Mericle went on for the win followed by Holmes and Bates. Cy Chestennan filled the fourth position. Th e 125cc A and Youth classe s were run together due to a lack of entrants, and suprisingly, some of the Youth riders proved to be faster than their 125ee A-class rivals. In the main event , after dominating the hea t race, 12Sec A rider Andrew Bowman put his Yamaha in front of the eigh t-rider pac k followed by Youth competitor Ryan Pederson and 125cc A rid er Pete Bushman, who flew into the lead on his Kawasa lci on the firs t lap and enjoyed the lead for the next few laps . Be hind him, h o w e v er, Ped e rson h ad moved into second spo t and was challenging for th e lea d . O n th e fourth lap, Ped erson go t by Bushman for the overall a nd You th class win. Bowman also passed Bushman for top honors in the 125cc A class . Results MICRO MINI: 1. Ch ris Lassaretto (Ya m): 2.Brand on Ander (Yam); 3. Joh n DeOtis(Yam) ; 4. Kyle Stra nd lund (Yam) ; S. Jared KeunIjt!9(Yam). P/ W: 1. Micha el Weisz (K.1w) 2. Nathan Broughto n (Kaw ); 3. ; Teddy Ma ier ( Ka w) ; .4. Coll in But ze (Kaw) ; 5. Ad a m Wil son (Kaw). 8S (7-11): 1. (]wi Johrulon (Hon); 2.. Kurt Jennison (Suz ); 3. Ben Ma ier (Hon); 4. Jere my Riese nberg (Han); 5. (;errilt Clark (Kaw ). 85 (12.-13): 1. Courtney Sampson (I-Ion); 2. Dennis Ecks tro m (Yam ); 3. Du stin K.euntjes (Hon); 4. Matt Omann (Suz); 5. JUllitin Hopkins (Hon). 85 (14...15): 1. Jon.iIItha n Weisz (Kaw); 2. Rya n Mcgaw (Yam); 3. Skee Hartmann (H on ); 4. O.J. Ku nke l (Suz); 5. Cory Huppert (Yam. YTH: 1. Ryan Pederson (H on ); 2. Jonathan Wei:;.z (K.1w) ; 3. Ryan Broughton (Hon); 4. Chris Sc:hild~>f\ (Kaw); 5. Skee Hartmann (Hon). 25+: 1. Jim Holmell (Kaw); 2. Jeff Nei land er (Hon); 3. Greg Chicoine ( K<1. w ); 4. Le nny Co ult e r (Ya m); S. Th oma. Mertz (Yam) . 35... I. Todd Whi te (Hon); 2. G~ Chicoine (Kaw); 3. Johnny : 0e0tis (Han): 4. Nick I...azzaretto (lion) ; S. Paul Patton (Han). SR 40+ : 1. John Taeden (Yam): 2.. Jerry Bu mgardner (Hon): 3. Gary Schildge n (K8w ): 4. Ron Pritz ( Hon ); S. Ron Winget (Kaw). 125 B: 1. Scott Mericle (Hon); 2. Steve Bates (Suz); 3. Brand on Y.ates (Suz) ; 4. Lee Theis (Hon) ; 5. Brad Tollmon (y oIm). 125 C: 1. Aaron Huppe rt (Ya m ); 2. Stev e Beche l (J

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