Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 02 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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65: 1. J.R. Carte r {}(awl; 2. jason Sault (Kaw ); 3. Dan iel TessBaker (lGIw). JR MIN I: 1. J.R. Carter (Ka w ); 2. Ma rti n Pe nce (Kaw) ; 3. Daniel Tessnee r (Ka w ); 4. Jaso n Bault (Kaw ); S. Jere my McElrath (Suz). SR MIN I: 1. Jeffery Ryan (Ka w); 2. Kell y Tay lo r (Yam ); 3. ienb urg John ny Mass (Suz ); 4. Johna tha n Tucker (Hon ); 5. Aaron E1 (Hon). S/MINI: 1. Paul Justus (Ya m); 2. Kelly Taylor (Yam); 3. Jef. ). fery Ryan (Kaw); 4. Johnny Mass (Suz); 5. Tunmy Morrison ( 125 A: 1. Mol" MJ.ximoff (Suz ); 2. Bill Wallin (Suz); 3. Bobby Stm'all (Kaw); 4. Kevin Waller (Yam); 5. Shane Tem ple ton (502 ). 125 B: 1. Jimm y Briggs (Ho n); 2. Jacob Dombrosky (Suz); 3. Kelly Floyd (Ka w); 4. Paige H illiard (KTM); 5. Jon BoNff (Hon ). I 125 C: 1. Jason Sain (Hon); 2. Brian Blan ton ISuz); 3. Step he n Mayo (Hon );4 . Eric Reese (Suz ); 5. Walter Allen (y am) . 125 0 0-1: 1. Kevin Murrell (Ho n); 2. Frank Stafford (Hon) ; 3. Rodney Finch um (Suz) ; 4. Stacy Payne (S uz); S. Greg Robe rson (Hon) . . 125 0 0- 2: 1. Robert And y Smith (KTh1); 2. John Tho mpson (Ho n); 3. Joseph Gard ne r (Ya m); 4. John Robe rtson (Yam ); 5. Dwayne Hammel (Suz). 125 0 0- 3: 1. Nick Turner (Suz); 2. Jerry Blankenship (Yam); 3. Kevin Ta ylor (Suz ); 4. Lew is Roberson (Hon); 5. Dale Houck (Hon) . 250 A: 1. Ma tt Maximolf (Suz); 2. Shane Tt>mpleton (So2); 3. Bobby Stova ll (Kaw); 4. Bill Wallin (Suz) ; 5. Kevin Wa lker (Yam) . 250 B: 1. Jinuny Briggs (Hon); 2. Rodney Scott(Hon) ; 3. Brian Justice (y a m); 4. Shane Ienkin s (}(aw); S. Brad Clark (Suz). 250 C: 1. Jus tin Forer (Ho n); 2. Furman Part on (Hon ); 3. Jeff Vealey (KTM); 4. Tony Brown (Kaw); S. Brian Re fro (Hon ). n 250 D-I; 1. David Shug a rt (Ya m); 2. Frank Stafford (Hon ); 3. Ter en ce Bro w n (Kaw ); 4. Jody Boyd (Ho n) ; 5. Sco tt M inya rd (Hon ). . 2SO 0-2: 1. Robert Andy Smi th (KTM); 2. Howard Maxey (Kaw); 3. Bryon Bass()(a w); 4. Trey Robinson (; S. Brian CaIT (Kaw) . 25+: 1. Ricky Joyce (KTM) ; 2. Lany Sparks (Kaw ); 3. Kevin Brown (}(aw); 4. Bryan AdMns (Kaw); 5, Marc Cleveland (Hon). 30+ : 1. Rosl John l ton (H on); 2. Robert H Ulton (Ya m) ; 3. Robb y Neel ey (KTM); 4. D. Trav is Bell (Yam); 5. Bryan Ada ms (Kaw). UL AM: 1. Rodney Scott (Hon ); 2. Jon Boruff (Hon) ; 3. Paige Hilliard (KTM) ; 4. J~ Dombrosky (Suz); 5. Walter ADen (Yam) . neer (Kawl; 4. Michael Barker (Kaw); 5. Willy Rusty Roberts (22) bagged th is holeshot and two class wins at the Bremen MX. Kawasaki-sponsored even t brought 300+ riders from five stales for a chance to bea t the winter racing blues. As the main event for the SOcc A class shot out of the gate, Ivan Ted esco ba ttled with his brother Gio over the holesho t, Pre- race favorite Isaiah Johnson was mired in the back of the pack d ue to a ba d sta rt. Iva n Tedesco assumed the lead ahead of brother Gio, Joshua Catron. Scott Burris and Johnso n. While the Tedesco bro thers wer e trying to ge t away, Joh nson began his charge from the back. With two lap s to go, Johnson wasin th ird. Gio Tedesco tried to stop Johnson, bu t to no avail. With the w hite flag out, Ivan Ted esco ran cautiously to protect a su re wi n while Johnson hoped to land a suprise pass. As the two came into the next the to last tum, Johnson tried a qu ick pass to the inside, bu t Ivan Tedesco held him off. In the last tu rn. Johnson again went low but ran out of time. At the checkers it was Ivan Tedesco by a bike leng th. The 2S0cc A main was h ot ly contested between hometown hero Robbie C ause, Texan Denny H owar d and Colorado's Andy Atkins. Whe n the gate dropped it was Clause piloting his CR 250 into the number one spot. However, Atkins was kee ping the leash tight, and managed to grab th e lead o n on e occasio n . The unknown factor was Howard . C au se picked off Atkins, a nd Howard quick ly fo llowed suil. When the checkers flew it was Clause, Howard an d Atkins. Results 50 MOD: 1. Martin Montano. 50 B: 1. Aust in Ginn; 2. Scott Collins; 3. Phillip Hoover; 4. Craig Co8t1ey; 5. Jeremy AmIong . 50 C: 1. D. Gomez; 2. Thom.u Hoover; 3. Mitchell Catron; 4. R. Wells; S. W. Morton. 60 A: 1. B. Hightower; 2. A. Burris ; 3. S. Bennett; 4. N. Orona; S.5.Guinn. 60 B:1. J. Caldwell; 2. A. Ginn; 3. S. VJ.1LJJndry; 4. C. SamberlIOn; 5. Do Ralls. 80 A.: 1. Ivan Tedesco; 2. Isaiah Johnson; 3. Gio Tedesco; 4. Joshua. Catron; 5. Scott Burris. 80 B: 1. Billy Dotson,; 2. Joe Sawwk:k; 3. Matt Whitmarsh; 4. J Oavez; 5. Jerry Hicks. ohn 2 80 C: 1. Mike Foster;.. . Sean Lynch; 3. Paul Conklin; 4. Brandon H igh tower; 5. T)'5Of\Brown. S/MINI: 1. Isaiah Johman; 2. Josht.La Catron; 3. Gio Tedeco; .. Joe Sanwick;S . Ivan Ted esco. 125 A: 1. Sh.l.wn Morga; 2. Andy Atkins; 3. Robbie CLiuse ; 4. Denny Howard; 5. Adam Land. 125 B: 1. Isaiah Johnson; 2. Keith Johnaon,; 3. Sam Morgan,; 4. Adam Montoya; 5. Mar k Armijo. 125 C: 1• .l.A!viBallog; 2. smyne Kendall; 3. D.vid TOWnan; 4. Jesse James; 5. D.vid Sieven. 125: I. Keith Zimheld; 2. Rodney Rivera; 3. Paul Conklin; 4. Mike Amold; 5. Richard Woodward. 250 A: 1. Robbie Clause; 2. Dmny How a rd; 3. Andy Atkins; ' 4. Ma rk Traveny; SoChris Dennison. 250 B: 1. Keith Johnson; 2. N"rl. Cana; 3. Kris Struve; 4. Robert Lee; 5. Len Sellen. 250 C: 1. Kevin Clark; 2. Ryan 1Cnochc; 3. Luke Fennewald; 4. T.J. Younger; 5. Dmnis Sanchez. 250: 1. C. Adair ; 2. JOlh Jo rd e; 3. Nat Corad ; 4. David Lawrence; S. Edd ie Archuleta. SOD A: 1. Mark Traveny; 2. Mark Oickerhoff; 3. Mark John, ton. 500 8: 1. Andy Orexl~ 2. Jeff Porter. SOD C: 1. Zingo Leach; 2. Shaw e Rawdall; 3. Kim Pra vada; 4. Vawce Herceg. 30+ B: 1. Robert Lee; 2. Brad Boultinghouse; 3. Ja mes Renolds 4. Rex Revlin 5. Robert Vilandry Stovall, Maximoff heat up Asheville Arenacross By Barbara Williams ASHEVILLE, NC. jAN. 21-22 Kawasa ki of Raleigh-backed Bobby Stovall and Ma tt Maximoff were the b ig w in n ers d uring round three of the AMA Interstate Cycles/KISS FM Carolina Indoor Winter Arenacross Series at the WNC Agricultu ral Center, which played host to over 200 riders from 13 states. Overcoming the bitter cold. Stovall walked a way w ith the 125cc A ma in event on Fr ida y w hile Ma ximoff stunned th e capacity crowd w ith a win in Saturday' s UScc A main. When Friday's 12Scc A main rolled aro und , Mike Nutter and Maxi moff lea p t to the front together, cro wding Stovall back to third . However, qualifier winner Stov all took command coming thr ou gh the w hoops for the firs t time, and camped out in the lead . Maximoff clicked up hi s own intensity, ea sily pa ss ing Nutter to take over second spot. Sha ne Templeto n also passed Nutter, pulling up behind Max imo ff to threaten him for h alf of the 12-lap con test. As the pair of Suzukis en tered the w hoops on lap seven, Templeton had just a little better rhythm going thro ugh the section, edging out Maximoff at the end of it. At the checkered flag, it was Stova ll with the win followed by Templeton and Maximoff. Bill Wallin and Chuck Shirley held down four th an d fifth; Nutter hung on to finish sixth. O n Sa turday, N u tter headed the UScc A ma in event pa ck into turn on e, h ounded by Maxi moff, Wallin, St ova ll. Willia m Wilson, Sh irley and Kevin Walker. Though Maximoff's a tte ntion to N u tter wa s temporarily di verted by Stova ll an d Wallin , at the beginning of lap five Maximo ff powere d past Nutter through the w hoops to take the lead. Nutter blocked Wall in and Stovall long enough for Maximoff to s kip out of reac h . Walker and Templeton wo rke d their way up from middle and low er p ack starts , to de pose Nutter. At the finish, Maximo ff claim ed the win wit h Wa llin. Stovall, Walker and Templeton round in g out the to p five. ' Results Friday 50: 1. OLase Shumate (Yam) ; 2. Micha el Ridge (y a m); 3. R0bble Towery (Hon); 4. Tyler Shum ate (Yam); 5. Michael Thompson (K'IM). 65: 1. J.R. Cartier (Kaw); 2. Daniel T~ (Kaw); 3. Michae l Buker (Kaw). JR MINI : 1. J.R. Carh!T (Kaw);-l. Martin Pence (Kaw); 3. Del'ricIt Tessneer (yam); .. Daniel Tessreer (}(aw); 5. Michae l Barker (l(aw~ SR MINI: 1. Pa ul JustUI (Ya m); 2. Jeffery Ryan (Kaw); 3. Kelly T.ylor ( 4. Aaron Enenburg (Hon); 5. Joshua Capps ; (Suz). . S/MINl: 1. Jeffery Ry.a" (Ka.w); 2. raul Justus (Yam); 3. KeDy len Taylor (Yam); 4. Josh ua Capps (Suz); 5. Aaron ·E1 burg (Hon ). 125 A: 1. BobbySto vall (Kaw); 2. Shane Templeton (Suz); 3. Ma" Maximoff (Suz) ; 4. Bill Wallin (Suz ); 5. OluckShlrley (y am ). 125 B: 1. Paige Hilliard (lCTM); 2. Kelly Floyd (Kaw). 125 C: 1. Stephen Mayo (Han); 2. Rodney Wise (Suz) ; 3. Tony Brown (Kaw); 4. Brad Edw ..rds (Kaw) ; 5. Walter Allen ( 125 0-1: 1. Brent Fortune (Yam); 2. Stacy P.arne (Suz); 3. Nick Turner (Suz); 4. Jason Holdw.ay (SU7.); 5. JOIW!J'h Neal (K.a w). 125 0-2: 1. John Thompson (Hon) ; 2. Ricky Blackwell (Yam); 3. lCmn Murrell (Hon); 4. J.ason Cody (Yam) ; 5. Robert Smith (KThl). 250 A:. 1. Shane Templeton (Suz); 2. Kevin W.alker (Ya m); 3. Matt Maximoff (Suz) ; 4. BobbyStovall ()(aw); S. Bill Wallin (Suz). 250 B: 1. Rod ney Sec" (Hon); 2. Glen li offm .an (Hon); 3. Philli p Davis (Hon) . 250 C: 1. Brian Renfro (Hon) ; 2. An thon y Bridges (Ho n); 3. Jeff Tomlinso n (Hon); 4. Tony Brown (Ka w); 5. Kevin DobbiJu (Hon). 250 D: 1. Scott Minya rd (Hon) ; 2 David Shuga rt (Yam ); 3. Jam ie Davidaon (Kaw ); 4. Trey Rob inson (yam); S. Nike Tay lor (Hon). 25+: 1. Kevin Brown (Kaw ); 2. Rielty Joyce (KTM) ; 3. Bobby Rhoad, (Hon); 4, Robby N~1ey (K'IM) ; S. !.any Spa, ,," (!

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