Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 08 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eEVENTS ~ Ken Greene (162) leads Jim Pugh (2) at th e LACR Motocross. to make a move for the lead but never made it stick. By the third lap Telford manag ed to acclimate himself to the bike and easily pu lled away from Barbacovi. Telford wen t on to take the win with Barbacovi and Ken Neitzel in the runnerup spots. In the start of the seco nd mot o Barb acovi took the lead. followed by Neitzel and Telford. Telfo rd had p ro ble ms a t th e sta rt and found himself trailing the leaders. Barb acovi u sed Telf ord's mistake to h is ad van tage and work ed hard to pu ll a comfortab le lead. Telford easily reeled in Neitzel but had all kinds of tro uble getting around. Telford made his way aro und Neitzel and p roceeded to cl ose the ga p on the lead er . With two laps remaining Telf ord pulled in th e lea d er Barbacovi. Telford fought hard to find a place to pass, but a one line track had de veloped and it was extrem ely difficult Barbacovi held on to the lead a nd crossed the finis h inches in front of Telford. Resu lts P!W A: 1. Chris Nihan; 2. Kyle Barden (Yam); 3. Anthony 8.Jrba cov i (Yam) . P / W 1J..1 : 1. Joshua G rant (yam); 2. j.R, Willi am s (Ya m); 3. Troy Tittlemier (Yam); 4. Eric Hunt er (Yam ); 5. Cod y Dee (Ya m). P!W 8-2: 1. Bobby Dye, Jr. (yam ); 2. Tun McDa niel {Yam} 3. ; Vincrnt Rhoa ds (y am ); 4. Dennis lvarsson (y am) . 80: 1. Blake Sm ith (Ya m). 60 BEG: 1. Ch ris Niha n (Kaw) ; 2. I y Ren shaw (Kaw); 3 . Joe Ne itze l (Kaw); 4. 1 Williams (Kaw) 5. Clark Smi th (Ka w). .R. 60 (o-a): 1. Dary l Ecklund (Kaw ); 2. Blake Mitchell (Kaw). 60 (9-11): 1. Kev in Jen nin gs (Kaw ). 80 BEG : 1. Todd Gosto;e laar (y am); 2. Kevin Townsend (Ya m); 3.]aw Schreffler (y a m); 4. BenjaminStrelile (Kaw ); 5. Jo hn C rover (Ya m). 80 NOV : 1. Lev i Re id (Yam); 2. lto Pe sce (Yam); 3. Chris Tom pson (Kaw) ; 4. Rand y Weber (Kaw); 5.]a!lOnDub in. 80 INT: 1. C hristo pher. Gosselaa r (Ya m) ; 2. C h ris Ne itze l (Kaw). 125 BEC : 1. Regin a ld Mitchell (S uz) 2. Dennis Wooda rd {Kaw) 3. wesDell; 4. Vito Valenti (Kaw); 5. Bob Aren !!(5\17.). 125 NO V: 1. Mike Crosby (Kaw); 2. Shawn O 'Brien (Suz) ; 3. Dann y Woodard (Su z) 4. Ken Reed (Kaw) ; 5. Eric Martin (Hon). 125 INT : 1. T racy Ashe r (Suz); 2. ]ason Simmons (Kaw); 3. Nick. Melrose (Ka w ); 4. FR'd.Ogrlm (Hon) . 250 BEG: 1. o.loniel Batta glia (Hon); 2. Pe ter Casa no (Hon ); 3. Tod d Clark (Ka w) ; 4. Tun Konko l (Hon); 5. Edd it> Bute au ll: (Suz). 250 NOV: 1. Paul Gilmartin (l-Ion ); 2. David Ma rtinez (Kaw ); 3. Brent Perrell (Kaw); 4. Cr a ig Hu nter (Kaw); 5. Brett Benn ett (Yam). 250 [NT: 1. Eric Lindstrom (H on); 2. Loren Jm kins (Hon); 3. Robbie Dunham (Yam); 4. Michel Beck; 5 . Mat Bateman (Suz) . PRO: 1. Jeff Barba covt (Yam); 2. 11m Telfo rd (yam); 3. Ken Ne itul (Kaw) ; 4. Peter Wa re (Suz). 500 BEC: 1. Dragos Lungu (KTM) 2. Joh n Murray (Hon). ; 500 PRO: 1. Da vid Ondas (Kaw) ; 2. Todd Hoy (KTM). JR VET BEG: 1. 11m Konkol (Hon ); 2. Kevin Tyers (Ho n); 3John Murry (Kaw ); 4. Chris G ran pre (Kaw ); 5. Lee Sdul (Cag) . JR VET NOV: I. John Co mez (Hon);2. Scott Hoffman (Yam). JR VET INT : 1. Ron Sha rp (S\17.); 2. Michel Becke (Yam) ; 3. Mark Clark (Ka w) ; 4. Joh n Ruder; 5. Malkish Brix. JR YETEX l. ]eff Barbacovi (Yam ). : VET BEG: 1. John Mu rray (Suz ); 2. Martyn Atkins (KlM); 3. Jo hn Pindard (Hon). VET NO V: 1. Jim Pugh (Yam ); 2. Alex Pinelli (Yam); 3. Ken Greene (Hon) 4. Ron Northup (Stu); 5. Mike Borger (Yam ). VET INT : 1. Ron Sharp (Suz); 2. Eric Coffin (Hon) 3. Darin Layton (Yam); 4. Jo hn Rudder (yam); 5. Fred N ichols (Hon). VET EX: 1. Ken N ei tze l (Ka w); 2. Sco tt Stea m s (Suz); 3. Jerome Cibson (Hon) . SR BEG: 1. Ron Glalt.'lpOOle (KTM). WMN: 1. Ruthann Renaux (Suz) ; 2. D1.lnna Lynn jo person (lider (Hon). M IN I SR: 1. Aar on H up per t (Ya m) ; 2. Michael Ettesvo ld (Hon) ; 3. Lan ce C unningham (Kaw); 4. Cory H uppert (Ya m); 5. Sa muel Miller (ya m). YIR I. Craig Cu nni ng ham (Suz ); 2. Ryan Broughton (Hon); 3. Chris Andrews (Hon); 4. Jam ilKJn Da y (Ka w); 5. Mike Unle (Kaw) . 17-24 A: I. Chad Wineck e (Hon ); 2. DIad C unningha m (Suz); 3. To m Pet e rson (H o n ); 4. Mi ke rg (Ya m); 5. Du an e Kuiken (Hon). . 17-24 C; I. Chad Fisher (Kaw ); 2. Don Oreskovic h (Ka w); 3. r Ton y Ha uer (Yam); 4. Ron Crundha u5£' (Hon); 5. C h ris Stern (Kaw) . 25+ A: l. David N ie mi (Ka w ); 2. Michad Gr aif (Hon); 3. Step he n T uo me La (Kaw); 4. Mike Na th e (Kaw); 5. Scott Steinle (Hon). 25+ C: I. S tev e Kre ch (H o n ); 2. Rod Pe ra la (Ya m); 3 . Cy Ches terman; 4. Jeffery PameU(Hon); 5. Rickey Schugel (Hon). VET A:. 1. Micha el G rail (Hon); 2. Mike Nat he (Kaw); 3. BiU Engst ro m (Hon); 4. Bry an Schiltz (Hon) ; 5. Will ia m Co rcora n (Hon). VET 8 : I. David (Hon); 2. Mike McN eil (Hon); 3. Jeffrey Olson (Hon); 4. Cr aig Ht.jda (5 uz ). ' Kurt Knitl (41K) dives to the inside during the 250cc race at the Antigo Half Mile. VET c; L Perry Wolff (Yam); 2. ' e ff Sa ndback (Hon ); 3. Mitch Wolff (Yam); 4. Tim Blake (Yam); 5. Rick Lembrect (Suz ). SR: 1. Pat Day (Kaw); 2. Mar k Thompson (Ho n ); 3. Cary Sch ildgren (Ka w); 4. Ted Co plit>n (Hon); 5. Te rry A ndr ew~ (Suz ). 125 A: I. TIm Posp is il (Kaw) ; 2. Bria n Taylor (Ka w); 3. Olet Bum gard ner (Ho n); 4. D uane Kuike n (Hon); 5. Fran k Ja ckson (Hon) . . 125 B: 1. Stev e Krec h (Hon ); 2. Scott Meri cle (Hon); 3. Don Oreskov ich (Ka w); 4. Chris SI{'TT\ (Kaw ); 5. Chris Andnows (Ho n). 125 C-l : I. ROM Wareberg (Ka w ); 2. Travis Andenon (Hon) ; 3. Billy Sc hlldg re n ( Ka w); 4. Tim Bjornso n ( Ka w ); 5. C h ris Schildgren (Ka w). ) 125 C-2: I. A.non H uppert (5 U1: ; 2. Jam i!lOJ1 Da y (Ka w); 3. Myles Sa igh (5uz ); 4.Chad Spa rks (Hon); 5. Scott Braa ten (Hon) . 250 A : L Chad Wirn!c: I' (Hon); 2. Tun Posp is il (Kaw); 3. Mike k Luoma (Yam); 4. Da l'TftlChelin (Hon); 5. Heath Voss (Yam) . 250 B: l Scott Ml"I'kle (Hon); 2. Mike Clark (Hon); 3. Rich ard Riehm (Hon ); 4. Clad Fisher (Ka w); S. Matt Lud escher ()(.aw) . 250 C- l : I. Mike Pox (5uz) ; 2. Rory Vese l (Kaw) ; 3. Richard Burns (Hon); 4. Tun C rews (Suz ); S. D.tnny Thie lges (Hon ). 250 C-2: l Tim BLak.e (Yam); 2. Doug Mo rUch (Ho n); 3. Steve Ramer (H on) ; 4. Kurt To rbenson (Hon ); 5. P.aul Wilson (Hem). OI"EN A: l Robbi e Engstrom (Hon ); 2. Scott Steinle (I-Ion). O PEN C; I. Ron Grund hau:'lC!l' (Hon ); 2. Steve Mitchel l (Yam); 3. Dan Lacroix (Kaw ); ... Tim Bohm an (Ho n); 5. Cha d Goodwin (Ka w ). Bretl rolls through Antigo Half Mile By Al Sumner, Jr. ANTIGO, W1,JULY17 Rick Bretl, a fonner 80cc state cha mpion, issued h is cla im to th e 400cc state cha mp ions hip by dom inating that class for the second time in as many d ays. Armed wi th h is Gipps Racing /B &G Roofing / S-K Service-sponso red Hon d a, Bretl hammer ed o ut eig h t fla wl es s laps to powe r aw ay from the field and win comfortably over defe ndi ng clas s champio n John Hu ndertm ark and his Suzu ki. To dd Klue ver grabbed the holesh ot in the BOec Senior class and appea red headed towards his first racing victory un til Dan Vrana slipped past on lap five. Vrana cla imed the wi n wit h Kluever resisting the p ressures from Eric Zum to claim second place. Brad Rosine capitali zed on a rare mistake from cur ren t points lead er Jim Kirschb aum to sco re h is firs t-ever race victory in the Co mbo class . Nick "Scrap Iron" Gustin an d Eric Zurn ove rcame thei r ea rly miscues to roun d ou t the top three. . Th e 250cc P ro fi na l saw Exper t r iders Geo rge Istvanek and Verd een Lan gland take a back seat to the high- line courage o f Pro -Am rid er Cliff Eckes, who went on to score a popular , albeit un expected , vict ory. Rookie Expert Verne Brow ne grab bed th e hol es hot in the 750cc Pro final. but wa s soo n joine d up front by fellow rookie Frank Kaiser . Kaiser, wh o battied thro ugh traffic after a poor start. grabbed the lead o n la p fi ve. While. Kai ser power ed away to an impressive victor y, Browne balle d off in turn fou r. allow ing Bill Hoffmeister to claim second . Results .50; I . Justin Statz (Yam); 2. Tra vis KeamA; 3. Matt McGra th (yam). 65: 1. Timm y H uss (Kaw) ; 2. Tyler Smulden ~w ): 3. Justin Voight (Kaw). 8O]R: 1. Tyler Smulde rs (Kaw); 2. Cory Statz ( ; 3. SIl"Vie Welch (yam). 80 SR: 1. Danny Vrana (Kaw) ; 2. Todd Kluever (Yam); 3. Eric Z um(Ka w). CO MB: 1. Brad Ros ine (Hon); 2. Nick Gu stin (Ya m); 3. Eric Zum (Kaw) . 250 AM : 1. J.R. Schnabel (Kaw); 2. Mike Yinglin g (Ya m); 3. Ch ris Wynv~ (Hon). . 400.: 1. Rick 8retl (Han); 2. John Hundertmark (502); 3. Roger Banes (Hon). 500 AM : 1. Berger (Hon). lR. Schna bel (Rtx ); 2. Brian Z um (Hon); 3. Bill 750 AM: 1. Da n Murre (Tri); 2. SIl"Ve Captain (Tri); 3. Larry Misch ler (Tri). SR: 1. Clarence Rup no w (Rtx); 2. Ron Schettl (Kaw) ; 3. Craig Powt>ll (Rtx). 250 PRO: 1. Cliff Eckes (Yam); 2. Geo rge Istverek (Hon) ; 3. verdcen Lang land (Hon ). 500 I' RO: 1. Steve Kasten (y a m); 2. Brian Krornroy (H.D); 3. BobYbema (Hon) . 600 PRO: 1. Dave Heb b (H·O) ; 2. Jim Sumner (H-D); 3. Steve Kasten (ya m). 750 PRO : 1. Fra nk Kaise'r (H-D) ; 2. Bill Hofme ister (H ·D) ; 3Geo rge Is tvane k (H-D). Verboom victorious at Cycleland Motocross By M ichael Rich CH ICO, CA,JULY 30 Honda-m oun ted Chris Verboom came ou t on top of both his heat and the feature to take the gJory at th e fourth rou nd of th e s u mme r motocross . series at Chico' s Cycl eland Speedway. As the 250cc main came to the line, heat win ners Verbo om and Lance Burgess received the first picks at the gate. With the drop of the gate. Verb oom pow ered away to the early lead followed by the four-stroke Husqvama of Burgess. Getting a better d rive out o f the seco nd turn, Burgess flew past Verboom over the table-top. Unha ppy with second place, Verboom shot to the outs id e berm, go t th e drive, a nd outjumped Burgess over the next d oubl e. The passing and repass ing lasted two more laps until Burgess suffered a flame-out on his big Hus ky. While Burgess fran tically attemp ted to kick his mount back to life. Dale Cox. Brian Powe ll, Wayne Peters and David Denton were able to motor past. Burgess go t ba ck underway; and he began closi ng in on the lead er s. On the fifth lap. he passed Colin Moakley in the rockers to secu re fou rth place. By this time Denton had moved to the rear fen der of Cox and wasted no time in pass ing him for second place, Once in second , Den ton se t ou t af te r a qu ickl y d isappearing Verboom . Having fallen to third , Cox next came under p ressure from both Burgess and Moa kley. Ap p roa ch ing the d oubles, Burgess fou nd his line blocked by Cox. Moakley took quick advantage o f the situation and pa ssed both riders in mid-air. O nce on the gro un d, Bu rgess quickly p asse d Cox as w ell , an d se t hi s sights on Moakl ey. The white flag wasd isp layed, allowing burgess o nly o ne lap to cat ch Moakley. Com ing throu gh the rockers for the last time. Burg es s gra bb ed a hand ful o f throttle a nd jumped past Moakley on the inside . At the finish line, Verboom took the win from a quirkly-closing Den ton. Bu rgess held on for third w ith Moakley taking fourth. 0'1 Results P/W: 1. Kevin Shimizu (Yam); 2. Brand on PoweU (Ya m); 3. Ad am S mit hee (Yam) ; 4. Kyle Corchero (Yam); 5. T rad Eissler (Yam). 60 JR: 1. Eric Nye (K.a w). 60 NOV : I. Daniel Fowle r (Kaw); 2. Jere my Wilson (Hon ); 3. Seth Harris (; 4. Da rren Ik-nwn (Kaw) . 80 JR: 1. Kylf' ~mer (Suz) ; 2. Evan Laughrid ge (y a m). 80 NOV : 1. Bobby Pau ling (Hon); 2. ' C!iSC! Smi th (Ka w); 3. Dus tin Endicott (Suz); 4. BrAndon Gonzales (Hon). . 125 PRO: 1. Low eU Mou ra!. Jr. (Suz ). 120)1< 1. J"'" Fe_ (SuL1. 125 NO V: I. Dyla n Blackwell (Hon); 2. Mike Dennett (Sur.); 3. Doug Kronen (Yam); 4. Jesse Ke tch um (Suz.). 250 INT : 1. Chris Verboom (Hon). 250 JR; 1. DAVid Denton (Yam ); 2. Dale COll: (Suz ). 250 NOV: 1. Wayne Pt>ters(Hon ); 2. Kenny Bellam y (Suz) . OrEN NOV : 1. Brian Powell (Kaw). VET EX: 1. Lance Burgess (H us). VET JR: 1. JerryDoug las (Yam) . or: 1. Bill Kopping (yam ).

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