Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 08 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Up fron t, Cory look the first molo win , and try as he di d, Wright never did get by Bolivar, who took second. Wright finished a close third with Ragiano and Harrison breaking inlo the top five. In moto two Cory cam e a w ay with the hol eshot once aga in with the pack hot on h is trail. Once the race was underway Wright w ho gated third behind Bolivar d oubled his wa y into second early in the moto, Davis, who had su ffe red from a poor s ta rt, was o n the ga s and und erway passing Ragiano and Oint Warner on the first lap . It took half the mot o bUI Davis made his way up to the front-runners. He had come up on the battle between Cory and Wright. interrupted the pair long enough to slip by Wrighl in the comer before the " Kong Launcher." On the followin g lap he slipped by Cory in the same place and disappeared down the back straightw ay. The battl e for the Intermediate lead heated up once agai n as Wright was all over Cory wi th Rot an kn ock ing on Wr igh t' s back d oor while Boliva r, Rag iano and Warner were d isputing ownersh ip of the next position . With the wh ite flag out for the final lap the lead trio p icked up the pace and freigh t-traine d ar ound the tight twist in g Starwest tr ack , an d witho u t an y position changes Cory took his second moto win alon g w ith the overa ll 250 victory . Wrig ht's 3-2 edged out Bolivar who cou ld only manage a fou rth behind Rotan in mot o two and Ragia no rounded out the top five wit h a 4-6 day. Results 60 (6-8): 1. Da tan Beaven (K.w). 60(9-11): 1. Scott Nelson (K.lw) ; 2. Chm Hunsinger (KOI w);3. Chris Rogen (Kaw); 4, C* &!uen (lGIw) . 80 (~ 11 ): 1. Sc- n Ha mb lin (ya m); 2. ~ff Radn (Suz:); 3. a Scott Nebon (Suz) ; 4. Emi tt Kling (K.1w); 5. Chris H uesteger (Suz) . 80 (12.13): 1. Jin Dm.t.11 (Suz ): 2. T~ Taylor (Yam ). 80 (14-16): 1. Danny Carb.on (Kaw); 2. Tren t Bragg (Yam). 80 BEG (1 2-16) : 1. M ih on Chavez (Ya m ): 2. Sa lvetore Filippone (S uz); 3. Brand on D.. hl gre n (Ya m ); 4. Gi e seppe Filippone (Suz). SI,MI"'-l: 1. Trent Bragg (Yam ); 2. Sr a n Ha mblin rv .am); 3. Sam Ne150n (Suz); 4. Danny Carbon (Kaw). 125 BEG : 1. Jt~1 Nunrwlly (Hon) ; 2. Ja!IOfl P~ili.l (}(aw ); 3TommyCh.Kon(Yam);4. Leo Tidwell (lion); 5. Tlm E1kins(Suz). 125 NOV : 1. Mkhal!1 GoId5tein (Suz ); 2. BryonCox (Hon ); 3. o.n Finteh (Suz); 5. EddiP Nichol!! (Ht'Il). 115 tNT: J. Oscar Anchna (Suz); 2. Oint Warner (Hon); 3. Rya n Rag i.ano (Suz) ; 4. Rev elle Harri:101\ (Ya m): 5. Jim Hrnn however, had gained a sign ificant lead by then that assured h im of his first Handicap victory of the season. (Suz~ 125 PRO:1. Don Upton(yam): 2. Shay Fmwf'U (Suz) . 250 BEG: 1. Ryan 8everidgl! (Y. m); 2. Pete M.l rino (Suz ); 3. Ma" Par.MmS(ya.m); 4. Frednoo (Suz); 5. Mike Flowers (Yam) . 250 NOV : I. In'emi.ah 8rowft (Kaw); 2. Mikr Blair (Kaw ); 3 Sun Neary (Suz); 4. Tony Rodri guez (Ya m ); S. Jimmie Deever Resu lts SCRATC H : 1. lenny McBrid e; 2. Joel Monell; 3. Jrrnnia h Smith; 4. Nick Ciardi. HANDICAP: 1. Joh n Lewts, 2. lereo ml..h Smith; 3. Kelvin Hnrala; 4. Tun Mathor-w~ S. RUMCornell 0- 2: 1. RJdSecoolish; 2. ~rIeCravat;3. Hiram Slw.ff . (Yam ). 250 tNT: 1-.Travill Cory (Yam); 2. E.J. Wright (Suz); 3. Cabe Bolivar (yam); 4. OU p Rotm (Kaw);5. Ryan lUgi.tno (Suz ). 2SOPRO: 1. DonaJd Upton (Ya.m); 2. John Snrika (Ka w); 3. Sha w FmweU (Suz). 2S+ BEG: 1. Cy Zuidema (Yam); 2. MItt lAng (lion); 3. Doug Lovett (Suz); 4. Bryan Dam (Suz) . 25+ NOV : 1. Tony n;L:!haus (Hon): 2. Yun Zuidem.i (Yam); 3. Pete!')enItins (Hon); 4. Jim Mangold (K&w). 30+ BEG: 1. Scott Dav is (Hon); 2. Mikr Dunla p (Kaw ); 3. Keith Dean (Suz ); 4. Bernard Miller (Hon) ; S. Bruce Forin.uh (Yam) . JO+ NOV: 1. Jim Str:ntz (Hon); 2. Curtis JablowsIU (Hun ); 3- McIntyre, Ketcham take Victorville Sidecar sizzler By Tom Thomas ...... Choas (Suz~ 4. Tomi """ (Suz~ VICTORVIlLE. CA,JULY 31 Sa tu rday 'S 100+ degree hea t kept a tte n da nce d own , but sidecar fans got their mon ey's worth as the team of Randy Mcintyre and Les Ketcham won the a nnual Speedway Sidec ar Fair Derby held at Speedway USA. Twelve New Zealand sidecar team s ran in an equal number of four-team heat races wi th the four top finishe rs advancing to the main eve n t. How ever compli cated the process may so und, it worked , and the four quickest lined up for the fea ture race. On the sta rt, Mcintyre and Ketcham too k adva ntage of ,a quick reaction time to lead flag-to -F lag a nd ta ke the w in with Lewi s a nd Macy co m ing h ome seco n d , St e phe n s an d Stephens third, and Gard ner and l.ync h four th. Also on tap were Support class and Ju nior speed way bikes. Jeremy Aden smo ked the competition for h is first Sup port feature win. a nd Bra n d o n M itchell eme rged vic torio u s in Divisio n One Juniors while Je remy Sim mo ns won Division Two Jun iors . McBride sweeps Champion Speedway By Larry McBride OWEGO,NY,jULY 24 Lenny McBride remained the p remi er to defea t as he again cap tur ed the Scratch main eve n t at Champion Speedway. Notching victories in his heats and se mis, the East Side Tavern/ Sam the Beer Man-spo nsored McBride started off position n umber three w ith Joel Mon ell ga ting from n u mber two . On the o utside of McBride was Nick Ci ardi wi th Je re m iah Smith com ing off the p ole po sition. Monell got the need ed traction to take the lead off the gate for three laps while McBride tried to keep hi s un defea ted record intact by maki ng every a ttempt to get by the un yield ing Monell. Monell appeared to hav e the lead well in hand , b ut McBride closed in on the turns, taking the ' ins ide line and mo ving Monell outsid e on tum four to take over the lead an d pick up his third consecu tive Scra tch victory of the season. In the Handicap main even t John Lewis took only one lap to move from the 50 yard line to the lead. Once in front Lewis was never challenged . but Smith was d ueling with Monell for seco nd be fore Monell slid oul in turn three giv ing Smith the oppor tu n ity to move in o n Lewis. Lew is, Pugh postswin at LACR MX By Scott Hoffman r ALMDALE. CA. JUtY25 Jim Pugh fought long and hard 10 capture the Vet Novi ce win du rin g California Racing Club's rnoto rcros s h eld at Los Ange les C ounty Raceway. Racer s had more than their competition to worry abou t as warm weather and a challenging LACR sand track had an effect on the rid ers. During the first moto o f the Vet Novice class Alex Spinelli grabbed the early lead followed clos e by Ken Gr een, Todd Clark and Michael Rigden. Eventual molo winner Jim Pugh found himself back in the pack after fightin g with the sta rting gat e. "I left too earl y and hit the gate, " said Pugh. The opening lap s saw the top four rid ers bunch up as they jocke yed for position. Greene was first to mount a charge for the lead. G ree ne closed w ithin st ri ki ng d ist ance a nd bega n to apply pressure 10 the leader Sp inelli . Spinelli started to feel the pressure and began to make mistakes, and Greene was the re to make the pass for the lead. Back in the pa ck Pugh was on the gas working his wa y to the front . Pugh first p icked off Rigen and then mad e his moves on the faltering Spin elli. By the halfway point Pugh found himself in second after Clark pulled ou t of the race. Pugh kept up his Iast pace and star ted to close on the leader Gree ne. With three laps remaining Pugh wa s hot on Greene' s tail. Pu gh fought hard to ge t to the front and was de termined to get the win . Pugh found an opening, and with tw o lap s to go, grabbed the lead . At the finis h it wa s Pugh with the win, follow ed .by Greene and Spinelli. Du rin g the opening mom ents of mo to two th e race for the o ve ra ll w as up in th e a ir, Mickael Bernard ino led the first lap with Clark and Pugh follow ing . Bernar d ino qu ickly faded back leaving Clark and Pugh to figh t ove r the lead . The two rid ers d iced for position unt il Pu g h we n t d o wn going fo r the lead . P ug h quickly re-mounted bu t, now was in the fourth s po t. U p fro nt the b attle for th e lea d was b etween Mi ke Bo r ger and C la rk. Borger motored past Cla rk to take the lead bu t ended up giv ing the lead back before the end of the rac e. At the fini sh Clark cros sed the line first with Borger and Spinelli follo wing. Pugh ended up finishing fourth but still end ed up with the ove ra ll for the d ay. In the Pro combined class Jeff Barbacovi, 125 ride r, topped Tim Telford . Telford, aboard a borrow ed 250 Yamaha too k the ea rly lead w ith Barbacovi hot on his tail. Barhacovi a ttem pted !!!III 1998 United States Moto,.cycle S,.and P,.ix, Laguna Seca Raceway, Septembe,. 10-12 ... Come see World Championship motorcycle racing at its best. Come to the USGP in Laguna Seca in Monterey, California, on September 10- See Wayne Rainey, three-time World Champion and three-time USGP-winner, Kevin 12. Schwantz, Doug Chandlerand the other American GP stars battle with an international field of the best and bravest riders in the world. Along with world class GP racing, this world class event will include an air show, live music, charity event, stadium trials demonstration and a huge vendor expo. Buy your ticket now, and save $10 off the gate price. Don't missout! ~ r :='- ') ... USGP lIfustrated A wortd class ev deserves a ent world ctass publication And thaI's USGP Illustrated. . This beautiful, four-color, perfect-bound, 96-page magazine-style program features more than 170 photos, allprint d onhigh-quality stock, showcasing e the work of the soon'sbe stphotographers andmost knowledgeable authors. This special. limited-edition pre-event program is avaiablefor 56 l . Also available is an extremely limitedĀ·edition (200 copies only) hard-bound version, signedby Kenny Roberts, for S50. To order these limiteded itionprograms: ~) Ct.t L l ) eatI tonĀ·I1'tudBOO) 964-7494 ._- Includes 3-dayadmission. reservedparking, r&served gran dstmd sea bre.l dJsl, r. 1 lunchandbeverages.event pos terandpin. Cir le one: c ,... tt et.... 4 51

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