Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 08 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• 80 BEG: 1. Rodney Blanton (Suz); 2. John Meu slin.g (Yam); 3. Lee Cdrkh ufl (Suz); 4. [add Horban (Suz ); 5. Dus ty H ill (K.ll ) . w 80 JR.: 1. Mike Me rina (Kaw) ; 2. Malt Willlamll (Yam ); 3. Kelvin Schoe n (H on) ; 4. Brock. Ewers (Ha n ); 5. Jos l1 Ruebesa m (Hon) . 80 INT: 1. Sean Richardson (HOIl); 2. Dus ty Lenaburg (SUl':). M IN I OPEN : 1. Sea ll Richa rdson (Han); 2. M ike Menna (Kaw); 3. Dus ty Lenab urg (Suz ); 4. [add Horb an (Suz ); 5. Brock Ewel"8(Hon ). 50+: L Jim Den evan (Suz); 2. Bill Na y lor (Han); 3. Gary Bond5 (Hu s); 4. Randy Lane (KTM); 5. Eric Burkin sha w (lion). WMN: 1. SU5oll1 Smith (Kaw); 2. Deann a Holbrook (Hon ); 3 . w Erin O'Bria n (K.ll ); 4. Judi Argo (KIM); 5. Jessica Childers (Ydm). 125 BEG: 1. Richard Burtch ( ); 2. Brent Tagge rt (Suz); 3. James Wh isler (Han); 4. Steve Bailey (Kaw); 5 . Glenn r res th o lt (Suz). 125 JR 1. Ryan Terlecki (Hon) ; 2. Jonath an Kauffma n (Hon); : 3. Robb Febrick (KdW); 4. Russell Cree (Han); 5. Derek Jas pl'r (Hon). 125 INT: 1. Cory Fuller (Yam); 2. Shawn H ighla nd (Su z); 3. [ason Mathews (Hon); 4. Brad Brunkal (Ho n); S. Eric Roge rs (Hon) . 250 BEC: 1. Dan Kauffman (Hon); 2. Justin Moals (Yam); 3. Steve Batchelor (Kaw); 4. Mol ti n Nauma n (Hon ); 5. Jon Devo rak r (Hon ). 250 JR: 1. &.: 11 Williolms (Yam); 2. Eddie Dcnht' m (Hon); 3. 0 J Robert Breaux (Yam); 4. Jdson Pa rks (Ha n); 5. Chol Gilbert (Han) . 250 INT: 1. K.. vin Yl'dger (Hon); 2. Jason Mathews (Han) ; 3. jeesy Will iam s (Kaw ); 4. Jere m y Holtwood (Kaw); 5. Brando n While (Suz). 250 PRO 1. ROOy Leach (I-Ion). 500 BEG: 1. Tod Colvi n (Hon); 2. Glynn Higgins (KIM); 3. . Ray Ha ll (Hon ); 4. D.aniel8rock (Yam); 5. Dave Ruppel (Hon). I 500 JR: 1. Jason Smith (K1M); 2. Kl'V Grove (ATK) ; 3. Mati in Bennett O-l n); 4. Kevin. Wilkinson (Han); 5. John Kasper (Kaw). o 500 INT: 1. Kevin Yeager (Ha n); 2. Kory Crippen (Hon) ; 3. Pa ul Nauma n (Ho n). e 500 PRO 1. ROOy Leach (Hon ); 2. Jeff Bail y (J-Ion). 8TH 1. Shawn H ighland (Suz); 2. J~y Williams (Kaw ); 3. Jere my Ha rwood (Ka w); 4. Doug McKuhn (; 5, Brandon White (Suz). urll: 1. Gary Beye r (KTM ); 2. Frank McKuhn (KdW); 3. Pau l Nauman (Hon) : 4. Kip Mast (Hon); 5. Line Linebau gh (Ho n). 30-40 JR: I. Scott (SUL); 2. Jim Morri5 (Yam); 3. Doug Tuller (Kaw). 4.. Kevin Grove (ATK); 5 Dan Kauffman (Hon). 30·'10 INT: 1. Mike Bu e (H on ); 2. Well Han son (KTM); 3. Dave Huer ta (SUT.); 4. Rid.. !'ioberls (Ya m); 5. Da ve Ham pt on ~ll MONEY: L I teve .:." (ha n ); 2. Jam ie C laass en (K.lw); J. Keith Poide l (Y"m); 4. Mikt' C hase (Hon); 5. Gary Beaver [Kaw }, SEE- (DITNz,oP) Jeff Slanto n Jeremy McGrath Guy Cooper Damon Bradshaw Doug Henry Jeff Emig ' Mike Kiedrowsk i Jeff Mallasevich Larry Ward Brian Swink Doug Dubach John Dowd Scott Sheak Dag Boyesen Phil Lawrence Kurt McMillen Chris Coleman Plus Over 100 IE3 IIJiiIjifuw f&Ji-=-J I~·~~!l . 1'.!!.werBar. ---~~ . ~ m:u • . TOTAL CWlEI • Other pro's Weekend Schedule 'WilEal! Fri., Aug. 27 • Ope n 10 a m Pro Practice · 10-1 1:15 a m Amate ur Pracnce - 3-5 pm . There will also be practice Saturday Meet the Dunlop sponsored riders - 1-3 pm Sat.. Aug. 28 AUG. Amateur Sign-up · 6-8 am Amateur pra cnce- ..,am Suzuk i East Coa st Amateur Na tional s - 10 am 27-29 Sun.• August 29 · 125c cJ500cc Suzuki Natio nals EXIT 8 INTERSTATE81 BINGHAMTON, NEWYORK INFD:607~997 user .\\ "America's Greatest Spectator" course SUZUKI. FAX: 607-6 48-9626 Tickets Available at the Gat e (6 0 7 ) 648·49 9 7 - No Se llout s - Q ua lifying - 10 am First Race - 1pm . - Charge By Phone· Free Camping , or JR: 1. Dea n Knutson (Kaw); 2. Hili I{"ddiffe (Kaw); 3. Rick Emerso n (Yam); 4. Pdt Brown (Kaw ); 5. Jim watts (Yam). OT INT: 1. w a tter Ca ll (V.,m); 2. Iohn Pester (5uz); 3. Monte Foster (Kaw); 4. Bill Nay lor (Hon); 5. JimDeneven (Suz). . OT EX: 1. Nick Rusinov ich (Ka w ); 2. wet Smith (Kaw). OT MO NEY: 1. Dave Eakin (Hon); 2. Mike r'erry (Suz); 3. Dave Mer klin (Suz); 4. Jim Pouks (Ha n); 5. Jack Co up ler (Hon) . SUP P ORT TH E AD VERT ISERS THAT SUP PORT YOUR NEWSPAPE R Hoenshell hauls in Mosier V alley Motocross win By Chris Boice . ARLINGTON, TX, JULY 16 Eight of north Texas ' fastest exper ts came to comp ete at round two of the Suzu ki Supercross Series at the Mosier Valley MX Park, and once again the man to bea t was Clay Hoenshell.• Jason Edwa rds outran the field to tum one in the combined Expert class aboard his Honda CR250. Close beh ind Edward s were two Suzuki riders , Hoenshell on a 250 and Joey Pratt on a 125. Ed w ard s and Hoenshell po we re d awa y lrom the rest 01 the pack an d began a duel that wo uld keep the crowd on their feet for the entire mota . The two riders batt led side by side for five laps un til Hoenshell stuck a wheel undernealh Edwards and captured the lead. Ho enshell's lead didn't last for long , however, as he landed a littl e too sh ort ove r a set of tr iple jumps and gave the lead back to Edwards. Edwards pulled ou t a five second lead after Hoenshell's mishap and w on th e mota. Ho ensh ell s tayed w ithin striking dis tance but appeare d to be sav ing himself lor the second moto. Joey Prat t h ung on to finish third. "Clay made me work for that one," sai d Edwa rd s. "He's really last out there, especially in the slick stuff." It did n't take a rocket scien tist to figu re out tha t the seco nd mo ta w ou ld be an EdwardsHoens hell showd own , and that is exactly w hat it was . As the starting ga te fell, Hoenshell roosted hi s way into t he lead with Edwards close behind . But Edwards took the lead away from Hoenshell on the very lirst lap . Hoen shell didn't give up, and he passed Ed wa rds in the air over the trip le jump. The two r iders again set the pace and p ulled away lro m the rest of the field. The two riders were side by side several times in the rnoto, bu t Hoenshell was able to hold on lor the mo to wi n . Kawasaki-mounted Mike Ku rz cha rged up from a fifth-place start to finish th ird beh ind Edwards . Resu lts so : 1. Brandon Tbnrnpeon (ya m ); 2. Cody Ticker (yam); 3. And rea Fr anks (Yam ); 4. Andrew Janslng (Yam ); 5. Jer em y Coffman (Yam). 60: 1. Du st y Pc untain (K.w); 2. Robb y S h in n (Kaw); 3 . MPi~ Franb (Kaw); 4. Blakt' Thompson (K.ll ); S. Mikt'Moore w . 28,29, Frn~~~ 1993 AUG27, . ~~~ • Provides eas y one hand opera tion of fuel nozzles &: helps elimina te fuel spillage, • When used cor rectly, Tric k-Fill Fueli ng Clip still allows fuel vapor recovery. • Send SI 0.00 to: Quality Ma n ufa ctu rin~ . P.O. Box 20870, El Caj on, CA 92021 ()(.aw ). 80 BEG: 1. M.l" Minyard (Kaw); 2. Chris Brannon (Kaw ); 3. Blake Fa nni n (Kaw) ; 4. Matthew Mann (Suz) ; 5. N a than Ha le ()(.aw ). • 80 JR: 1. Dus ty Fou nta in (Kaw ); 2. Scotty Trimble (Suz); 3. Chadd Kawa ta (Su z); 4. jason C hild "" (Han ); 5. Sea n Ha lp in (Hon) . 80 OPEN: Sco tty Trimble (Suz); 2. Michael Dugger (Kaw) ; 3, John Batson ()(.aw) ; 4. Du5ty Oah ir (Kaw) . 8OSR: 1. Jinuny Quick (Suz); 2. Cha d Bivin.s (K.lw). 125 NO V: 1. }l-ff Sm ith (Suz) ; 2. Brian Townsen d (Yam); 3. Ze ke Da ug he rty (Kdw); 4. Davi d Lo u (Suz) ; 5. Crai g Jacks on (y am). .• 125 OPEN: 1. Billy Ake rs (Suz); 2. Tim Weya nd t (Yam); 3. John England (Ka w); 4. Brent Fann in (Kaw); 5. Rob Labo (}ion) . 250 8EG: 1. JKlUe Lidde ll (Kaw); 2. Kelly GoIthrigh t (}ion ); 3. • MEETYOUR FAVORITE RIDERS DOUG POLEN • JIMMYFILI E · DALE QUARTERLY' MIGUEL DuHAMEL C • JAMI EJAMES' SCO ZAMPACH • MIKESl-!'ITH TT $10.00 (Inclds. 81H) - m fl:. fJJ@ SEARSE POI'N V T RAC IN A ~.sT H .... IV _ ' V . _ . ... " v Located 30 milesno rth of Son Francisco. . F informotion coll l ·80()'870·RACE or ICA only} or 707.938-~4 48 . l~J • 6E XCITING RACES! • SUPERBIKE • 250 GRAN PRIX . 750 ccSUPERSPORT· HP4 600 cc SUPERSPO RT • HARtEY VIDSO TWIN SPORTS • EBCBRAKES ·DA N EN DUR ANCECHALLENG E • HtIT TICKETS! 3 DAYPASS (Fri., Sol.,Sun.) Ad vance Sale S25 (S30 ol gole).· SUN. ONLY ·S20 • S4T. ONLY·SIO • FRI. ONLY-S5. Admission include, Pad dock Pa ss. Grandstands open to g enerol admission se a fing . WHEREHOUSE I TOWER aLJ5S 510-762- a.I.ISS 77C1'CETS' 408.998. a.I.ISS All tickets subject to con..... t••. n Ta~e aR A ide roundtheT c S Pur~hase y re event rakon unday, ourth eday tand evoucherfrom aparticipatin gNorthern California Kawas akiDealer, ticke rid 47

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