Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 08 18

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un injured in Coppice Comer, a sweeping downhill right-hander. "1 think 1 could finis h third beca use I was reducing the distance on Foga rty ," said Criville, who was about three seconds beh ind Fogarty at the time of the cr ash. "For th is rea so n I was p ushing h ard an d a lso because I knew tha t Mackenzie was coming behind." The cra sh mo ved Mackenzie up to fou rth, behind Fogarty, and the crowd sud denly had a race to cheer for. With 10 laps to go the gap was just over two seconds, but Ma cke n zie was whittlin g aw ay, th ou gh Fogarty made"ju d icio u s use of traffic to maintain his edge. With three laps to go Mackenzie was right on Fogarty's tail an d the Cagiv a wild card couldn't sha ke him since his engine was misfirin g. "It was running out of fuel," 'Fogarty said . "It had too li ttle fu el in it and it s tar ted missing and almost stop ped . I als o had a bit of trouble with the front brake, which is why I was adjusting it during the race." "I followed him for a few laps to see where I cou ld ge t past," said Mackenzie, w ho had gamb led on rear suspension setup. "I p assed him at Mcleans wi th a lap to go, then he ran me off the track in the next comer. I looked to settle for secon d . Then, in the last comer I go t a bit of drive. I thought he might have missed a gear." Mackenz ie saved his final cha rge for the last strai ght, his decisive and abru p t move to the ins id e putting hi m on the p odium for th e first time this year. It could n' t have come at a better tim e. "Things have been a little tight with . the team," he said . " It means we'll have a d ecent meal. Steak instead of spam." Fogarty ended up fou rth, Itoh fifth in fro nt of Beatti e, then a horde of privateers led by Spaniard Juan Lopez Mella, who equalled his best finis h of the season. Team Elit's Ren zo Colleoni w as a ca ree r best eigh th, Shell Team Harris' John Reynold's a career best ninth, with Rallye Sport's Michael Rudroff 10th. 250cc G rand Prix Ruggia gave a h int of what w as to come in th e race w h e n he be t tered C ap iross i 's p ol e -s etting time in the morning warm-up session after making a change to the front suspension. It wasn't much, just .039-of-a-second, but . the time was better th an a .10th faster than he'd done to qualify second. The complex ion of the 250cc race, and championship, changed in Redgate Comer, th e firs t tu m at the end of the front straigh t. Telkor-Yamaha Valesi' 5 Harada highsided, inexplicably, forcing Dutchman W ilco Zeelenberg off the track. Harada lat er said he reme mbered nothing of the crash and was not seriously injured. Capirossi and Ruggia cleared off and on the second lap Ruggia was in front, Capirossi second, with a string of riders figh ting for third. The ga p to third gradu ally lengthened as the race became a two-rider affa ir, Ru g g ia lead ing, Capiro ssi p rob in g, but unab le to find any weakn ess. Third place ch anged hands on th e fourth lap, Rothmans Kanemoto ' s Bia ggi lo sing th e spot w hen h e w a s th row n fro m t he sa d dle in the Melb ourne Loop. Th ou gh he di dn't fall, he was physically off the bike, running beside it, but so me ho w he ma n aged to ke ep his h and s o n the con t r ols and remounted well back. Spaniard Alberto Pu ig took ov er the spot, Telko r ValesiYamaha 's Pier-Francesco Chili mo ved up to fo urth, with ApriIia' s Reggiani fifth. . By the ha lfway poin t in the 27-lap race the lead pair was better than four seconds clear of the third place mach ine Puig. But Puig would break a p iston two lap s later hand in g the spot to Aprilia's Loris Reggiani who had been circulating a lone, ab ou t five s econd s b ack a fte r pass ing Chili on the fifth lap. "I knew it would be ver y d ifficult to beat Puig because he was alrea dy several seco nds a head," Regg iani said . " I tho ugh t there was a possibility of catching h im in the last few lap s, but it was ' easier this way." At that point the gaps were generous, Rothmans Honda 's Tad a yu ki Okada into fifth with Puig ' s departure a n d Dutchman Pat rick van den Goorberg h sixth on the Exact Softwa re-D.C. Sports Aprilia. At the front it was a cat and mou se game, Capirossi faIling back, then quickly gobbling Ruggia back up. On the 19th lap Capirossi nearly came off, but was unfazed and set his fastest lap the next time around. "I had a big scare whe n I los t control in a fifth gear comer, " Cap irossi said. "I pushe d very hard after that an d had my fas t lap a lap later." Bu t with fou r lap s to go Ruggia sudd enly was able to break free as Capirossi struggled wi th traffic and decided to collect the points instead of a backmark- er. "I followed Ruggia until we hit backmarkers and it became more difficult," he said . "He mad e no mistakes. I decided not to force too much and get the 20 poin ts." "The race was very d ifficult ," Ru ggia said after h is first win. "Capirossl gave me much pressu re and I knew that the H ond a had better accelera tion an d I feared he cou ld pass me durin g the last lap. For thi s reason, I pushed very hard for the entire race and everything was p erfec t today on th e b ike . During the overtaking of s lo w rid e r s Loris was again ve ry close to me and it was necessa ry to ta ke some risk. But it was th e right choice and I'm here wi th my first victory. I said to myself: 'A t last yo u've won one .' The ride for third was a mostly lonely one after Reggiani realized he was at a power deficit. "My only p roblem was after five or six laps I sa w the o ther rider s w e re faster than me," Regg iani said . Like Reg giani, Chili had an unchallenged position for most of the race finis hi ng 16 s econds b e h in d th e thirdplaced rider and 14 in front of Okada in fifth . "The bike was very good, although 1 e xp erien ced some cha tt ering w hen going through the comers," Chili said . "This is my best finish in what has bee n for me a very difficult season." Okada sa id he had a tire prob lem , w hich w a sn't u n e xp e ct ed sin ce hi s Michelins were clearl y not the equal of the Dunlops in the 250cc class. "The bike was sliding a lot, especi ally on acceler ation out of corners," Okad a said . "I'm cer tain that if there had been less sliding I would have finished better." Biaggi's charge th rou gh t h e p ack took him to sixt h, though he stalled for m uch of the race once he caug ht up the pack of Mitsui Yamaha Racing's [ochen Sch m id , C h es terfi eld d e Ra d igu es ' s Jean-Michel Bayle, and Mohag Aprilia' s Es kil Suter w ho were contesting sev. e nth . A t the start o f th e fi na l lap h e caught, and p assed, van der Goorberg h who had a spark p lug go bad in the final s tages. Sch mi d a nd Bayle also p assed the Dutchman, Bayle finishing eighth to CN score his best finish ever. II Results 125ee Q UA LI FY I N G : 1. Kazuto Sakata (1:41.178/88.748 m p h): 2. Dir k Raudi es (1:41.220) ; 3. Olive r Petruccianni (1:41.224); 4. Akir a Saito (1:41.651); 5. Ra J( Wa ld m a nn (1:4 1.692); 6. Tak eshi Ts ujim u ra (1:41.796); 7. Nob oru Ueda (1:41.847) ; 8. Ca rlos Giro (1:41.992); 9. Fa usto Gres ini (1:42.064); 10. Kinya Wada (1:42118); 11. Oliver Koch (1:42210): 12. Jorge Martinez ~ DONI ~ G ('f) 0'\ 0'\ rl ... 00 rl ..... rJ) ;j co ;j -< The champagne rues as Wayne Rainey, Luca Cadalo ra and Niall Mackenzie celebrate. (1:42 .23 3); 13 . Ezio Gia n o l~ (1:4 2.345); 14 . Bru no Casa nova (1:42.446); IS. Peter Oettl (1:42.535); 16. Hans Spaan (1:42.638); 17. Lui gi Anco na (1:42.684); 18. Ma uro Vitali (1:42.766); 19. Neil Hodgson (1:42.978); 20. Ju lian Mir aUes (1:43.065); 21. H aruchika Aoki (1:43.070): 22. Ga ry McCoy (1:43.202): 23. Herri Torrontegui (1:43.253); 24. Stefa n Prein (1:43.2%); 25. K. Ma wd sley (1:43.382); 26. Manuel Herna nde z (1:43.516); 27. S. Sato (1:43.692); 28. Gabri ele Debbie (1:43.703); 29. j. Robinso n (1:44.058); 30. Luis Alv aro (1:44.244); 31. M. Gei• •ler (1:44.434); 32. Gi ova nn i Palmi e ri ( 1:44.74 0 ); 3 3. Ari Mo lenaar (l :44.m ); 34. Ma nfred Bauma nn (1:45.148); 35. Lucio Cecchinello (1:45.413). _ 250('c QUALI FYING: 1. Loris Cap iros si (1:35.191/94.329): 2. lean-Philippe Ruggia (1:35.292); 3. Alberto Puig (1:36.075); 4. Lori. Reggi an i (1:36.135); S. He lm ut Bra dt (1:36.148) ; 6. P ier-Prancesco Ch ili (1:36.168): 7. Max Biaggi (1:36.251); 8. Tadayuki Okada (1:36.260 ); 9. Te tsuy a H arada (1:36 .580) : 10. Jo chen Sc h mi d (1:36.597); 11. Luis D'Antin (1:3 6.806) ; 12. Fred e ri c Pro tat (1:37 .15 8); 13. W ileo Zee lenb erg (1:37.173); 14. P.V.D. Goo rbergh (1:37.300); 15. Nobuatsu Aoki (1:37.420); 16. Esk il Suter (1:37.426) ; 17. Sim on Cr alar (1:37.650); 18. Adrien Boss hard (1:38 .048); 19. Pao lo Casoli (1:38.092); 20..juan Borja (1:38.110); 21. Neil Bosworth (1:38.174); 22. Bernd Kass ne r (1:38.337); 23. Ie an -Mi ch el Bayl e (1:33.348 ); 24 . A ndy Prein ing (1:38 .405); 25. Al es sa ndro Gramigni (1:38.41 3); 26. Bema rd Hae nggeli (1:38.463); 27. Luis Maure! (1:38.700); 28 . J.P. Jea ndat (1:38 .7 88) ; 29. j .V.D . G oorbergh (1:38.824); 30. P. Riba (1:39.184); 31. C. Checa (1:39.445); 32. Massimo Penn acchioli (1:39.716); 33. Peter Brown (1:39.755); 34. Volke r Bahr (1:40.848). 500ce QUA LIFYI N G : 1. Ke vin Sc h wa n tz (1:33.514/96.021 mph): 2. Luca Ca dal ora (1:34.530): 3. Michael Doohan (1:34.530); 4. Alex Barros (1:34.907); 5. Ca rl Fog ar ty (1:34.910); 6. Alex Criville (1:35.011); 7. Shinich Itoh (1:35.076); 8. Wayn e Rai ney (1:35.184); 9. NiaU Mackenzie (1:35.320); 10. Daryl Beattie (1:35.537); 11. Ju a n Lopez Mell a (1:36.000); 12. Mic hae l Rud ro ff (1:36.460): 13. Sean Emme tt (1:36.592); 14. John Reyn olds (1:36 .757): 15 . Do ug Cha ndler (1:36. 896) : 16. Re nz o Cc lleo ni (1:37.104); 17. jeremy McWili iams (1:37.226); 18.j. Hayd on (1:37.237); 19. Ron Haslam (1:37.379); 20. Tierry Cri ne (1:37.655); 21. Kevi n Mitchell (1:37.675); 22. Lucio Pedercini (1:37.957); 23. Bruno Bonhuil (1:37.974); 24. Se rge Da vi d (1:38. 226) ; 25 . And r e a s M e k lau (1:38.250): 26. Jose Kuhn (1:38.292); 27. Laurent Neveau (1:38.453); 28. Cees Doo rak kers (1:38.575); 29. Berna rd Garci a (1:38.940); 30. Derek Jefferies (1:38.992); 31. Mat Mladin (1:38.810): 32. Andrew Stro ud (1:39.853). SIDECAR QUALIFYING : I. Bila nd /Walti.perg (1:37.304/92.281 mp h): 2. Webs ter /Simmons (1:37.691); 3. Bohnhorst / Bro wn (1 :38 .43 1); 4. G ue del /G u ede l (1:38 .5 12) ; S. Brin d ley / Hurch tnson (1:38 .5 48) ; 6 . Klafle n bock/ Parzer (1 :38.549); 7. Abb ott/Tailford (1 :38 .844); 8 . K u maga ya/ H o u gh to n (1 :39 .316) ; 9 . Eglo ff/ Eg loff (1:3 9.5 09); 10 . Lau s lehto / Lev in s en (1:39.720): 11. Br in dley / Whit es ide (1:3 9.85 0); 12 . Dixon / Hea t her in g ton (1:40.732); 13 . Bo esi ger / Le ibund gu t (1 :40.9 10); 14 . Va n Ke m p en /De Ha a s (1:41.5 70); 15 . Wyss e n /W y••e n (1 :4 1.5 72) ; 16. Red d ing ton / Crone (1:41.630): 17. Kni ght /Hoskinson (1:41. 723); 18. Ga tfr o a / Be rg fu u d (1 :4 1.963); 19 . Kos ter/Combi (1:42.116); 20. Hugli/ Hanni (1:42.371); 21. Bake r/ Pr io r (1:42.588); 22. Ka va na gh / Sta pl eton (1:42.963); 23. Janssen / Van Kesr ,I (1:42.997). " U5cc GRAND PRIX: 1. Di rk Raudies (Hon) : 2. Kazu to Sakata (Hon); 3. Ralf Wa ldmann (Apr); 4. Oliver Petrucci ani (Ap r): 5. Akira Saito (Hon); 6. Nob uro Ueda (Han); 7. Fau st o Gresini (Han); 8. Tak es hl Ts ujimura (Hon) ; 9. Peter Oe tt l (Apr ); 10. Nei l Hodgson (Hon ); 11. Jorge Martin ez (Han): 12. IGnya Wa da (Ho n); 13. Oliver Koc h (H on ); 14. Gary McC oy (Apr); 15. Stefa n Prei n . (Ha n); 16. He m Torro ntegu i (Apr); 17. Bruno Casanova (A p r); 18. Haruch ik a Aoki (Hon ); 19. K. Mawds ley (Hon) ; 20. J. Robinso n (Hon); 21. S. Sate (H on): 23. M. Ge iss le r (Ap r); 24. Giov a nni Pal mi e ri (A pr); 25. Ari Molenaar (Ho n); 26. Lucio Cecchinello (Gaz); 27. Jul ia n Miral1 (1--1on); 28. Ga brie le Debbia (Hon); 29. Ma nuel es Hern andez (Apr); 30. Manfred Baumann (Hon ); 31. Luis Alvaro (Hon); 32. Luigi Ancona (Hon). T ime: 44 mm., 21.938 sec. Dls tancer 26 la ps, 65 miles . Average Speed: 93.991 mph. Mu g in of Victory: 8.15 sec. Fas tes t LJp : IGnya Saka ta, 1:41.347/88.599 mp h. 2S0c c G RAND PR IX: 1. Ie an-Ph iltp p e Ru ggi a (Apr ); 2. Loris Capirossi (Ho n); 3. Loris Reggiani (Ap r); 4. P.F. Ch ili (Yam); S. Tada yuki Okada (Ho n); 6. Ma x Bia ggi (Han) ; 7. jochen Sch mi d (Ya m); 8. Jea n-Michel Bayle (Ap r); 9. P.V.D. Goorbergh (Af:r); 10. £Skil Suter (Apr) ; 11. Wilco Zeelenberg (Ap r); 2. Frederic Pro tat (Apr); 13. Paolo Casoli (Gil); 14. Adrien Boeshard (Hon ); 15. Bemd Ha enggeli (A p.r ); 16. Alessandro G ra mi gn i (Gil); 17. Berna rd Kass ne r (Ap r); 18. Jua n Borja (Ha n); 19. Neil Bosw o rth (Ya m ); 20.j.P . Jeanda t (Ap r); 21. Volker Bahr (Hon) ; 22. J.V.D. Goo rbe rgh (Ap r); 23. Lu is Mau rel (Apr); 24. Massimo Pennac ch ioli (Hon); 25. C. Ch eca (Ho n); 26. Albe rto Pu ig (Hon ); 27. Pe ter Brown (H on); 28 . Sim on Crafar (Suz ); 29. N o bu at su Ao ki (Hon) ; 30. And y Prein ing (Ap r): 31. Luis D'Antin (Hon); 32. Peter Riba (Han); 33. Helmut Bradl (Ha n). Time: 43 min. , 5.248 sec . D is tance: 27 laps, 67.5 miles . Average Sp eed: 93.491 mph. Marg in of Victo ry: 3.266 sec. Past est La p: J.P. Ruggia, 1:34.888/ 94.63 mph. SOOcc G RAN D P RIX: 1. Luea Cacla lora (Yam); 2. Wayne Rainey (Yam); 3. Niall Mackenzie (Yam); 4. Ca rl Fogarty (Cag); 5. Shi nich i lto h (Ho n): 6. Daryl Beatti e (Hon) ; 7. Jua n Lopez Mella (Yam ); 8. Ren zo Co lleoni (Yam) ; 9. John Reynold s (Ya m); 10. Mich ael Rud roff (Yam); 11. J. Ha ydon (Yam ): 12. Jose Kuhn (Yam ); 13. Bernard Ga rci a (Yam); 14 . Ron Haslam (Yam); 15. Laurant N aveau (Yam) ; 16. Th ierry Crine (Yam); 17. And reas Mek lau (Yam); 18. Bruno Bonhu il (Yam); 19. Cees Doorakkers (Yam); 20. De rek Jefferies (Yam); 21. Sean Emmett (Yam); 22. Andrew Stro ud _(Yam); 23. Alex Cri ville (Han); 24. Lucio Pedercini (Ya rn); 25. Kevin Mitchell (Ya m); 26. Jeremy McWilliams (Yam); 27. Serge David (Yam) . Ti me: 47 mtn, 45.630sec. Distanc e: 30 lap s, 75 miles . Average Sp eed: 94.216 m ph. Ma rg in of Vict ory : 3312 sec. SID ECAR G P: I. Biland / Wa lti .perg (LCR); 2. Brin dl ey /H u tch in son (LCR ); 3. Klaf fenb ock / Perze r (LCR); 4. Gu edel/Guedel (LCR ); 5. Egloff/Egloff (LCR); 6. Kumagaya/H o ug to n (LCR); 7. Wyssen /Wyssen (LCR); 8. Van Kem pen / De Haas (LC R); 9. Beesige r / Lei bun d gu t (LC R); 10. Bohnhors t/Brown (LCR); 11. Red dington/Cro ne (LCR); 12. GaUms/ Berglun d (LCR); 13. Baker /Prior (LCR); 14. Kav ana gh /Stap le ton (LCR); 15. H ugH/Hanni (LCR); 16. Knight/Hoskinson (Win) ; 17. jenssen / van Kesse l (LCR); 18. Hoskin/james (LCR); 19. Webster/Simmons (LCR); 20. KosteryCombi (LCR); 21. Abbott / Ta illord (LC R): 22 . Brind ley / Whi le. id e (LCR ); 23. La u s le hto / Le vinsen (LC R); 24 . Dixo n / Hetherington (LCR). rune: 42 min., 57.038 sec. Distance 26 laps, 64.85 mil es. Average Speed: 90.593 mph. M ..rgin of Victo ry: 5.797 sec. F.1Stest LJp: Webster/Sim mons, 1:37.662 /9 1.942 mph. 12Scc WORLD C'SHIP POINT STA NDINGS (All er 10 of 14 rounds): 1. Dirk Raudies (202/7 wins) ; 2. Kazu to Sakata (185 / 1); 3. Takeshi Tsu jimura (118 / 1): 4. Rail Waldman n (108); 5. Aki ra Sait o (96); 6. Noburo Ued a (93/ 1); 7. Hem To rrontegu i (62); 8. Olive r Petruocian i (58); 9. Jorge Ma rrin ez (49); 10. Fausto Gresi ni (42); 11. . Ezio Gia no la (40); 12. Pete r Oe ttl (39); 13. Manfred Baumann (36); 14. Oliver Koch (34); 15. Masa lu mi Ono (26); 16 . Kinya Wada (25); 17 . (T IE) Haruchi ka Aoki /Luigi Anco na (22);·19. Mai k Stiel (21); 20. Bruno Casa no va (18). 250cc WORLD C'SHIP POINT STANDINGS (Alter 10 of 14 rounds): 1. Tetusya Ha rada (151/3 wins); 2. Loris Ca p iro•• i (126/ 2); 3. Ma x Blagg! (106/1); 4. Je anPh ilippe Ru ggia (104/1); 5. Ta d ayuki Okada (99); 6. (TIE) Dorl ano Rom bon i/Helmu t Bradt (96/2); 8. Loris Reggi an i (81); 9. john Kocinski (80); 10. Nobuatsu Aoki (75/ 1); 11. P.F. Ch ili (72); 12. Alberto Puig (53); 13. Luis D ' A nti n (38); 14. Wilco Zeele n be rg (37); 15. Io ch en Schmid (32); 16. Ca rlos Cardus (27); 17. Andy Prei ning (24); 18. (TIE) P.V.D. Goo rbe rg h/ E. kil Suter / Adrien Bossbard (18). 500

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