Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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In Pro class action, Eric Pucelik sco red the
overall win bu t he had to work for it. in the first
rnoto, Pucelik lost a shoo toutto joe Bruce. But in
the second moto, Bruce had a bad start and had
10 battle in the middl e of the pack, w hile Pucelik
cr uised o u t in fro n t. Pu ce lik 's 2-1 tally was
enoug h for the overall win.
O PEN A/B: 1. M.lfcus Sa ba to (Hon); 2. Phil Douglas (KlM);
3. Pa ul Wenger O-lon); 4. WillWn Aru.u (Hon); 5. John Kneisly
OrEN C/O: 1. Bill Pellenere O lon),; 2. Tim Va n Dereweep
(H on); 3. William G riffin (Yam); 4. J,tmn CopeL1nd(Hon).
125 B: 1. Oren Br. y (Hon ); 2. Pdt Ga rrahan (Hon).
125 C: 1. C hri s Ml'Colillip (Hon); 2. Kpith Verdi n (Kaw) ; 3.
Rym Brink (Kaw ); 4. Ch ris B.ut (IGIw); S. Jus tin 8eftnan (Hon) .
125 D: 1. Malt Ellis (Hon ); 2. leo TId wdl lll (Hon); 3. 5tcophen
Mdnnina (Suz); 4. 8iU WM (Suz.); S. Chris Lubas (Suz).
P/W: 1. Robb ie Morello (YolIm); 2. Tykr Kal isia k (yolI m); 3.
MoIltGomez (Yam ).
25D D: 1. Ken McRa e (Ya m) ; 2. Rich,ud Faj.udo (Va m); 3.
Bryan Dus5eU(Suz); 4. Brian 'eli ch (Hon) ; 5. Jinuny Rivers (Suz).
250 C: 1. Eric Shof stall (Suz ); 2. Oh I!WT1 (lC.1w); 3. SNne
Verdin (Kaw); 4. Brad McLenn.. n (Ho n ); 5. Jeremy Williams
(I-Ion) .
80 D: I. D.inny Ornelas (Suz); 2. Peter Dutton (yam); 3. Toby
Chal ios (y a m); 4. Erik Granzow (K.1w); 5. IC.1 thy Pruitt (Hon ).
60: I. Ad rien Figu plUol(KoOi w); 2. Robbie Morell (l<.1w).
VET/SR D: 1. Jim Qlzbe (Ka w); 2. John FoOi Ulkmr (Ka w); 3.
Robn1 Morell o (y am ); 4. Bill Cla rk (Ya m); 5. Billy Wyman (Hon) .
VET/SR C: 1. Ken McRae (Ya m); 2. David Ha la y (Ydm); 3. Joe
Ornellas (Yam ); 4. Mike DiCri~tinoOl (Ho n); S. Rich Kros ke (KTM).
5 R 8 : I. Troy Deljerrea (Yam ); 2. Sco tt Larson (Ya m ); 3.
GIl'1U1 Pruitt (Hon); 4. Bill G I't"en(Suz ).
SR A: 1. Phil Douglall (KTM); 2. Curt Wilco... (Suz); 3. Steve
Ra ndazzo (Han); 4. Bill McCli nto n (ATK); 45. Ed d Haymond
(KTM) .
urn 8: 1. Ban:u s Saba do (Suz) ; 2 Jimm y Sa nchez (Hgb); 3.
Ma tt A rem (Suz ).
UTII C: 1. Bob Pimmlal (K IlW); 2 Sha ne Verdin (Kaw); 3.
Rich Wil'lOn (Hon); 4. Ed SliIW (Ho n).
r RO: 1. Eric rucelik (Hon ); 2. Joe Bruce (Suz ); 3. Dan Turner
(K.iw); 4. Jim Owens (Hon); 5. C urt Wi~ (Suz).
Olson hot atHurricane Hills MX
By George Hodkinson
Th ere was no d oubt that Billy O lso n was the
fastest rid er of the day in the Micro Mini class at
Hu rrica ne Hill s MX. How can anybody a rgue
tha t fact after Olson pos ted 1-1 mot o finishes?
After a two- ho ur de lay because of rain, the
firs t Micro Min i moto got und erw ay as Olson
p ut his Yama ha into the lea d followed by Bill
Krusmark, An thony Gardner and joe Ettesvold .
Olson set a blis tering pace that the others jus t
cou ldn't match . Olson scored a seemi ngly easy
first-m ote victo ry over by Kr usma r k and
Ettesvold, who passed Gardner for third.
In the seco nd moto, Ettesvold was the first
ride r through the first tu rn , but it wasn't long
before Olso n had the poi nt. Olson, once again,
too k the checkered flag goi ng away, w hile
Kru s mark wo r ke d h is way in to second a n d
Cha d Sorem in to third.
In the Mini Jr. class Isaac Will was qu ick to
p ut his Honda to the lead in the first comer fol·
Jowe d by Rand y Pa lm er an d Mitch ell
Early into the seco nd lap, Palmer made his
mo ve and passed Will for the top spot, as the
two pu t qu ite a bit of gro und between them and
LaRa mme an d the rest o f the pack. Palmer went
on to win followed by Will and LaRamme.
In the second mo to, Will ho leshot, agai n,
on ly to be displaced by Palmer, but this time,
Tim Asher pu t himse lf into th ird off the line and
was able to ho ld off LaRamme for third at the
fmish .
MICRO MlNI: 1. Billy O lson (Yam) ; 2 Bill Krusmark (y.l m );
3. Joe Ettesvold (Y. m); 4. An thony Ca rdner (Yam ); 5. Chad Sorem
(Ya m).
r/w: 1. Rand y r al mer (K. w); 2 ZKh Derry (1<.aw);3. Adam
1lI! l.(K,aw); C. JftnIly R ~ (K.1 S. Jacob Scho la r (X.a .
MI NI JR.: 1. IYndy P.llmer ( Ho n); 2. Will (Hon); 3.
Mitehc lll....lFlamme (Suz); C. Tun Ashn- (Hon ); 5. Josh ua Schola r
MI NJ SR: 1. Mike Ettf'Svold (H o n); 2. La~ Cu nn in gh.m
(K.t.w); 3. Mi ke Kimn (Ya m) ; 4. Ja son Wil ~r (Y.lm); 5. Luus
Onwnn (yAm).
YI1-t: 1. C raig C un ni ng ha m (Suz); 2. Gar~tt Mclaugh lin
(S uz ); 3. Shelly Kol n (Yoam) C. Jamison D.lY (Ka w ); S. Ryan
Brou gh ton (Hon) .
17·2 4 k 1. Kyle Love (Yam); 2. l1orW\Oe (Hon); 3. Chris
Hense (lC.Iw); C. 'ames Povolny (Kaw); 5. Otris Ra-1 (Hon) .
17-24 C: I. Bill rillord (; 2. r at Read y ( ; 3. Mike
Heggen (1<.a w); 4. Don C>re kov ich (K.1 5. Chris Stem (
2S+ A: 1. Bill Eng:strom (Hon); 2. o.vid Niemi (KoOI w); 3. Scott
Skinle (Han); C. Brian Ott o (Y.lm); 5. Michad G r.lif (Hon).
2S+ C: 1. Jeny Schulu (Yam ); 2. jdf 5.lucieT (Kaw); 3. I...ancoe
litwiller (Suz l; 4. Jeff (Hon ); S. Ma rk Deal (yam). .
VET A: 1. Bill Engst rom (Ho n) ; 2. Michal'! Gr ai f (Ho n); 3,
BrioOin Ot to (Ya m); 4. Michael Lat he (Ka w) ; S. J~c k Parente~u
(}Ion ).
VET B: 1. Jerry Sch ulze (y am ); 2. Cr aig Gutenbcrger (Hon).
VET C: 1. TIm Blake (Yam); 2. Go y Groth (YoOim); 3. Brian
Co le (Ho n); 4. l Bauer (ATK); 5. R.andy c.arter (Hon).
WMN: 1. Da nid lt" Deal (Ya m); 2. Am y G ro th (Yam ); 3. Jill
Wilber (yam); 4. Tricla Nobe n (Yam); 5. Christine Fens ke (Kaw).
125 A: 1. Pat Donaho (Hon); 2. JA'OO Kempel (ya m ); 3. JoOimes
Povolny (Suz); 4. Jerrod Fort une (Hon) ; S. Tim P(lIl';pbii l (!Caw).
125 B: 1. C ra ig Cu nningha m (5uz); 2. Pat Re ad y (Kaw ); 3.
' am it" Fahrendholz (Kaw) ; 4. Ron Heppner (Hon); S. Joe Beaulieu
125 C: 1. Aaron rapt" (Yam); 2. JU8tin Dokken (Hon); 3. Tod d
Panko w (Hon ); 4. J ~tin Peterson (lion ); 5. Andy Kotek (Hon).
250 A: 1. Jaso n Krmpel {Yam); 2. Chad Wi necke (Hon); 3.
0ui5 BeNe (lCaw); C. Lee Erickson (ya m ); S. Kyle love (Yam).
250 B: 1. Dulltin Nob l~ (V. m); 2. Dan lilies (Yam); 3. Bill
ralfon:l (}(aw); C.Chris COli. (Hon); S. Joe Beaulieu (Hon).
250 C: 1. Jeff S. uOer (K.w); 2. La nce Litwiller (Suz); 3.
WillWn Krm.ik (Hon); 4. run Bla ke (Yam ); S. Jon Holtz (Yam) .
OrEN k 1. SctrttSteinle (Hon); 2. Stephen TuC/mda ( .
OPEN C: 1. Jeff Bolun.l n (Han); 2. Steven Mitchell (Yam ); 3.
Will iam Kren ik (Ho n); C. Chad Goodwin (Kaw); 5. G~ KolUs
(Ka w).
Campbell cleans up at
Perris Night Motocross
By Tony Alessi
Pr yor Campbell won th ree o ut of four motos
tha t he entered en route to the overall wins in
the Vet Novice and +35 Novice classes d uring
round four of the GA Win a Truck Series, held
a t Perris Raceway .
Campbell raced closely d uring the two +35
Novice class mo tos with Gary Will and Greg
Campbell's fonnula for success was simp le:
lay low du ring the openi ng laps, the n cha rge
like gang busters in the last half of each mo to.
Campbell posted two comma nd ing wins in the
+35 class over Will and Pagan.
Ca m p bell se emed to take a d ifferent
approach in the Vet Novice class, which may
have been considered the more-competitive of
the two classes that he raced. Campbell pulled a
monster ho leshot in the first moto and ran away
with an easy win. Mark San dmizer gave chase
ea rly in the race, b ut got mo re and more sq uirrelly as the race wore on .
" I d id n' t eat all day and I was weak," said
Cha rging fro m ou tside of the top five was
CT Falk, wh o eventua lly worked into the runne r-u p p osition behi nd Campbell. San dmizer
fa d ed to fifth a t the fin is h behin d S te v e
Wisem an and David Holland, who fin is he d
th ird and fou rth, respec tively.
The second rnoto sa w jim Perry ou t front for
the first half of the race. Wiseman was makin g a
retu rn to MX after a n early retire me nt and
seemed full of energy. Wiseman p assed Perry
near a rocke r sec tion, after Perry bobb led and
laid his motorcycle on its side. Wiseman po ured.
it on and went on for the mota win ove r Perry
a nd Campbell. Campbell earned the overall win
with his 1-3 rnoto finishes.
Ernie Garcia scored his first win of the series
in the +25 Beginner class. Garcia and Chris Gallo
had a ba r-to-bar ba ttle throu ghou t the first
rnoto, w ith Garcia keeping his th rot tle pegged
for the win.
Th e second mo to saw Ga rcia chase down .
and pa ss a very tired Chris Craft for the moto
and overall wins.
john Or tiz rode a good race withou t the luxury of a sea t, and finished behind Almangos a nd
Danny Farr, who rounded out the top five.
P/W BEG DIV 1: 1. Steve Brrw b (Yam); 2. Joey Rose (Yam);
3. Do1Ua8 reid: (yoOim); 4. Ky le Deimer (yam); 5. Trey Ne ukirdt
(Ya m).
P /W BEG OIV 2: 1. Derrek Oowes (VAm ); 2. Chris Ible
(Ya m ): 3. Jm Bell (Yam) ; 4. Brian Thom.:lSOf'l (Yam) ; S. Ryan Sires
P /W STK Dl V 1: 1. Coli It' Wa llace (Va m ); 2. Chad Mu nn
(y Am); 3. Brya n Matth e ws (yam); 4. Joe Anderson (Yam ).
P /W SfK DIV 2: 1. fd f Bell (Vam); 2. Jus tin Munyon (yam);
2. Ricky Oliver (y.l llm); 4. OL.Irlie Jenkins (yam); 5. Mike Aless.I
(Ya m).
P/ W ST K DlV 3: 1. Mike Danko (Yam); 2. Matthe Clo1rk
(Yam ); 3. Jame Balkt't' (Yam.); 4. Tommy Cochran (yo1m) 5. lOCk
Atkins (Yam ).
P!W MOD DlV 1: 1. Ca le Wallace (Va m); 2. Mike Ha le
(Ya m); 3. Owd Munn (Yam); 4. Bryolln Ma tthews (YoOim).
F /W MOD DIV 2: 1. Juston Munyon (y.lm); 2. Justin L.lVOie
(y o1m); 3. Mattht'w Cluk (Yam); (. Charlie Jenkins (Yam ); S. lUcky
Oliver (Yam ).
60 ().8 BEG: 1. DiIIton Bt'avt:'n (Kaw) ; 2. Nick Alvarez (K.1I w);
3. M.ltthew Clark (1