Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 08 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GEVENTS ~ Josh Bispo (401) couldn't hold off third-place finisher Ken Reed (28) at.LACR. and Mitc hell was 1-2 and beginning to pull away from the rest of the pack. The two riders played ca t and m ouse for the durati on with Janovsky hold ing on 'to take the win . Krenik finished third after a med iocre start. In the se co nd mota Jano vsk y a nd Schoennann we re the quickest off the sta rting ga te. Third was Jeffery Bohman . Bohm an soon had control o f second place and spent the en tire mota p ressuring Janovs ky. But Janovsky wa s determined to w in and held on for back-to-beck wins . Bohma n had to settle for second , while Mitchell and Tim Hasan took third and fourth, respectively. Rick Lambrect used an er ratic 4-1 mota score to win the Ve t C class . In t he fi rs t mo ta , Lambrect was ru nn ing out in front before having probl ems an d dropping back to fourth. Tim Blake too k over o u t in fro n t and we n t o n to score the first moto win over Mike Lynd orff and Robert Utne, . Once again , Lambrect jumped ou t to an ea rly lead in the second mota, but this time he held on to the top spo t for the moto win and overall victory. First-mote winner Blake, who was running in second and look ed to be a sho o-in for the ov erall win, wash ed ou t in the sa nd and d ro p ped back. Greg Beckman cl imbed from fourth to second by mota's end , while Lynd orff and Utne fmished third and fourth, respectively. Results 125 8: 1. Pat Cooper (yam); 2. Mike Olsen (Kaw); 3. Shawn Wehl age (Yam); 4. Brian Godeck (Kaw) ; 5. Dan Maddff (Suz) . 125 A: 1. Jim Randa (Hon); 2. Jack Lee (Suz ); 3. Jeremy Bardcner (Kaw); 4. Tim Damron (Hon); 5. Jay Merrill (Yam). 250 B: 1. Scott Anderso n (Kaw); 2. Craig Lee (Suz); 3. Dan Mod aff (Suz); 4. Alex Gombar (Kaw ); 5. Ryan Oduber (Suz). 250 A: 1. Andy Stacy (Kaw) ; 2. Breck Powers (Hon) ; 3. Tim Ftllippi (Kaw) ; 4. JellSticmac (Hon); 5. Russ Wright (Kaw). 30+: 1. Andy Stacy (Kaw) ; 2. Ron Walker (]<.aw); 3. Dave Brill (X.1w) 4. Sieve Judge (Hon); 5. Joe Cullno. ; Hicks tough at Speedway USA By Tom Thomas VICTOR VILLE, CA,JULY 17 Forme r British league racer Gary Hicks won the . Scratch main at Speedway USA Saturday n ight. Hicks edged out six-time feature winner Bobby Schwar tz to become on ly the fourth rider to take . hom e top hon ors this season at the Victorville track. The Scra tch mai n event boiled d own to Jim Estes, Bren t Wern er, H icks and Schwartz. Hicks, starti ng from the outside, took the point at the start and led the trio all the way to the chec kered flag . Sch war tz crosse d the s tri p e a bike length back in second, Estes thi rd a nd Werner fourth . Th e Ha ndicap mai n was speed way racing action at its best, 'w ith Wern er taki ng the wi n and Estes, Hicks and John Aden in a peg-to-peg battle for the runner-up spot. Estes finished second while Hicks grabbed third . Carlos Cardona came home first in th e Support main. The Sidecar ma in was won by the team of McIntyr e and Ketcha m. Res ults SCRATOi: 1. Gary H icks (Wes); 2. Bobb Schwartz (We ); 3. y JimEstes (Wes); 4. Brent Werner (Jaw). HOCP: 1. Brent W..mer (J.1w); 2. Jim Estes ewes); 3. Gary ' H icks (Wes ); 4. John Aden (Jaw ). SUP: 1. Ca rlos Cardo na (Wes) . SDCAR.: 1. Mclntyre/Ketcham. Carlisle, Huffman cash in at LACR Motocross By Greg Robe rtson PALMDALE, CA,JULY 16. Ryan Ca rlisle used a 2-1 score to take home the big money in the 250cc Pro clas s at Ca lifornia Racing Club's 300% Pro Payback night at Los Ange les County Raceway. In the first mo ta Carlisle jum ped out to an immed iat e lead aboard h is · Team Green /Rent ha 1/ Thor /Noleen /Shoei /CT1 / Acerbis-sponsored Kawa saki KX250, follow ed. by Donald Upt on, Tim Telford and Ty Davis. By the second lap Up ton had erased Carlis le's slight lead and started app lying the pressure. Telford was running a lonely third on a borrowed bike ahea d of a hea ted battle for fou rt h bet w een Davis, Dusti n Evans and Bill Sau ro. With th e laps wind ing down Up ton d ove underneath Ca rlisle com ing out of a turn and cut across his line off the next jump to grab the lead . Upt on took the wi n wi th five seconds to sp are, wi th Carlisl e th e sa me dis ta nce over Telford in third. "I foll ow ed Carlisle for al most the w hole race, finally I just had to go bezer k to pass him and it worked. Once I got around him I was able to pull away and win," said Up ton. . In moto Carlisle won the drag race to the first tum followed by Telford, Kelly Pugmire and Sauro. Upton gated in seventh. With only a lap compl ete, Carlisle had a two tum ad vantage o n Telford in se cond . Up ton had h is North County Yamaha on th e mo ve, passing both two 28 Pu gmire and Sauro in the same tu m to move into third before high siding. Upton recovered just ahead of fourth place finisher Sauro to take second overall. Carlisl e rod e a flawless race tak ing the w in by a comfor table marg in over Telford. "The second moto went a lot smoother, ] rode my ow n race. This is my home town and [ wan ted to do good here , I'd just like to thank my pa rents for sticking by me the whole time I've been racing." said Carlisle. Resul ts P / W B-2: 1. Travi. Buden (Ya m) ; 2. Terminator Ga rci.. (Hon ); 3. Bruce Wilkinson (Yam); , . Carll. Figerura (yam); 5. Ryan Royb.ll (Yam) . r / W B-1: 1. Brandon Beckm..n (Ya m ); 2. Brett Mountain (ya m); 3. Eric H unter (Yam); 4. Mall; Ja mes Sweeney (Yam ). P/ W A: 1. Scott How e (yam); 2. Ouis Nihan; 3. Sl!an CoDier (ya m); 4. Kyle Barden (Yam); 5. Blake Marghei m (Yam) . . P/ W MOD: I. Blake Mitchell . 60 BEG: 1. jason Terry (Yam); 2 Eric Durrer (Kaw); 3. Chris Nihan (Kaw); 4. Gera rd Patin (lGaw). 60 (0-8): 1: Sco tt Ho we (Kaw); 2. Dary l Eckl und (Ka w); 3. Brandon Beckman (Kaw ); 4. Sean Co llier (K.lw). 60 (9-11) : 1. Ch ristophe r Go sse laar (K.. w) ; 2. Ch ris to p he r Tocco ; 3. Shane Bess (Kaw); 4. Donnie Durrer (Kaw ); 5. Johner Faulkner. 80 (9-11): 1. Todd Gos sel ur (Yam); 2. Ichner Fau lkner; 3. Bobby Steffan (Yam). • MI NI BEG: 1. Jos h Ahem (Han); 2. Devi n Seeg er (SU7.); 3. Kevi n Town se nd (Ya m); 4. Mi ke Thompso n (Han); 5. Ju stin Robinso n (Ka w). MiNt NOV: 1. Levi Reid (ya m); 2. Sha un Mitche ll (Kaw); 3. Christop her Tocco; 4. Jason Dub in (Suz ); 5. Ito Posca (Yam). MINI lNT: 1 . Chri 5topher ~!llelur (Ka w) MINI EX: 1. Lann y Turner (Suz) 125 BEG: 1. Co lby Pec k (Suz) ; 2. Bob Arens (Suz); 3. Ric lteynemon (Yam); 4. Wes Faria (Kaw ); 5. John Slaby (Kaw) . 125 NOV : 1. Phili p Richmond (Suz); 2. Adria n Leon (Suz); 3. Terr ance n (Suz); 4. Rand y Webb (Suz); 5. Karl Hu ey (Hon) . · 125 INT: 1. Jeff Wllloh (Ka w) ; 2. Coli n Couto (Hon) ; 3. jim Bunti n (Suz). 125 Pro: 1. Da mon Hu ffman (Suz) ; 2 Jimmy Lavorci (Hon); 3. TlD\ Telford (Suz); 4. Don Upto n (Ya m); 5. jason De Pat ton (Hon). 250 BEG: 1. Michael Lucas (Kaw); 2 Ed Ha rtman (Kaw) ; 3. Wa rren T lttlem ler (Suz); 4. Brett FOll; (Hon); 5. Rob e rt Von Sch reid ay (ya m). 250 NOV : 1. Mike Ga Uegos (Ha n); 2. Mike Blair (Kaw) ; 3. Ken Reed (Kaw); 4. Paul Gilmartin (Hon) ; 5. Dana Van Stec (Kaw). 250 PRO: I .Ryan Carlisle (Kaw); 2 Don Upton (Yam); 3. TIm Telford (lY w); 4. Bill Sauro (Suz ); 5. Lex Malan (Suz). 500 BEG: 1. Ma rk McCulloch (Kaw); 2 Ress Benson (Hon) ; 3. Rich Co rtes (Hon) . 500 NO V: 1. Rick O'Donnell (Hon) ; 2 Patrick Wade (Kaw) . j R VET BEG: 1. Bry<:1' Johnson (Han); 2. Srot t Pickens O-fon 3. Bemo ni De O livt'ira (y a m); 4. Patrick Go lliha r (Han); 5. John MW'l"iSy (Kaw). j R VET BEG: 1. Do1.nicJ Ol!Veland (yam); 2 Scott LI nd (Hon 3. Ad i Sadar (y am) . • jR VET INT: 1. Steve Co rtev ille (yam), VET BEG: 1. Rand y Jol ell (Han); 2. Robert Von Schrei day m (Yam); 3. Peter Terracciano (Ha n); 4. Fo1.bian Terracciano.(Ho n); 5. Dou g Tem po (Hon) . VET NOV:' 1. Mar k Reha(Hon) ; 2 Mark Mc Culloch (Kaw); 3. Ron Wade (Ka w) ; 4. Ti m Mit ch ell (KoIW); 5. Jim Blan ke ns hip (Kaw). VET INT: 1. John Langhammer (Kaw); 2 Joel Seals (Suz); 3. Rodney Morrison (Suz); 4. Lenny Baker (Kaw) . VET EX: I .Tom Webb (Han). VET PRO: 1. Llrry Roeseler (Kaw); 2 Mark Horton (Yam); 3. .Ke n Neitzel (Kaw); 4. Scotty Wal ker (Ka w) ; S. Mi ke &,wor th (Suz). SR BEG: 1. Robert Lun s (Kaw ); 2. LarTJ' KlBCh (Hon ); 3. Bill Weltman (Han). SR NOV: 1. Michorel Burnett (Suz); 2 John Flanders (Hon) . SR EX: 1. Bob Dunham. (yam); 2. Da vid Rogers (Han). Janovsky jams to Spring Creek Motocross win By George Hodkinson MILLVILLE, MN,JULY 4 Mike Janovsky posted I-I mota finishes to wrap up the overall win in the 25+ C class at Spring Creek MX. Rounding out the top th ree we re Steve Mitchell and William Krenik. . In the first mot a, Janovs ky took advantage of the pow er of h is big-bore Ho nda to gra b the h ol eshot ahead of Mar k Schoe m m an n and Mitchell. By the end of the first lap, Janovsky M IC RO MI N I: 1. Jo e Et tesvold (Ya m ); 2. Bill Kr us m ark (yam); 3. josh Carlsen (Yam ); 4. BiU Olson (Yam). y P/W: 1. Rand y Palme1' (J(aw); 2. Na tha n Brought on (J(aw); 3. Zac h Derry (Ka w); 4. Gerritt Cla rk (Ka w); 5. De rek Os te rbe rg (Kaw) . M INI JR: 1. Co u rtn e y Sa mpson (Han); 2. Ra nd y Pa lmer (Han); 3. b eh De rry (Ya m) ; 4. M ike Evenson (Kaw); 5. Jos h Schola r (Hon ). M INI S~ 1. Mike Elte s vold (Han); 2. Lance Cuni ng ha m (lYw); 3. Lu ke Witula (Han) ; 3. Jason W ilber (y am); 5. Rick Smith (Ya m). YTH: 1. Ch et Bum ga rdn er (H a n) ; 2. C raig C u nni ng ha m (Su z) ; 3. Ga rre t Mcuug hli n (Suz); 4. S he lly Kann (Ya m) ; 5. Nichol as Nmow (Kaw) . 17-24 A: 1. Troy Do llansky (KTM) ; 2. Kyle Love (Yam); 3. , Tom Pet erso n (Hon ); 4. Chm Ras.'Ict(Hon) . 17-24 C: 1. r at Ready (~w); 2. Richa rd Wi tta la (Ha n); 3. Brent He rber (Kaw); • . AUan Shuros (Kaw ); 5. Chris Stem (Kaw) . 25+ A: 1. Scott Strinle (Hon ); 2 Chri s Hu gh es (ya m); 3. Bill Engstrom (Han); 4. Michael Gr ail (HOn ); 5. Mickey Mickelson (Hon) . 25+ C: 1. Micha el Jano vsky (Han ); 2. steve Mitchell (Yam); 3. WilHam Krenik (Hon); 4. Jd fery Bohman (Hon) ; 5. Tun Han son (Han). VET A: I. Scott S te inle (H a n); 2. Bill Engstro m (Han); 3. Micha el Graif (Han); 4. Mickey Mickelson (Hon) ; 5. Lltry Bever (KTM). VET B: t jerry Sch ulze (Han); 2 Tom Smith (; 3. Dav id Sp ilman . VET C: 1. Rick Lambrecht (Suz); 2 Mike Lyn dorf f (Han); 3. TIm Blake (Ya m); 4. RobertUtne (Hon ); 5. Greg Beckma n. SR; 1. Bob Kelly (Ya m) ; 2. Ha ro ld Gooch (Ka w ); 3. Jerry Bumgard ner (Han); 4. Larry Nob le (yam); 5. Dav id Knospe (Kaw) . 125 A: 1. Tim POSpi5i (Kaw); 2. Che t Bumgardner (I-fon ); 3. l Chris Rasse t (Hon ); 4. Mike Eiklenborg (Yam); 5. Bryan Bur gess (Yam). 125 B: 1. Du sty McMillen (Ya m); 2 Steve Krech (Hon ); 3. Troy Goe hn (Han); 4. Mike-He ggen (;5. Jeffrey Leer (Kaw) . 125 C: 1. Ross Wareberg (Kaw) ; 2. Keit h john sen (Yam ); 3. Jeff Mortcl (ysam); 4. Shaw n Woodward (Suz); 5. Tra vis And erso n (Hon) . 250 A: 1. Robbie Engstrom (Yam); 2 Kyle Love (Yam ); 3. Tim Pospisil (Kaw); 4. Chad Winecke (Hon); 5. Ch ris Hu gh es (ya m). ohnson (Yam); 3. Joe 250 B: 1. Du stin Nob le (Ya m); 2. Cria g J Beaulieu (Yam); 4. Mike-Wh ite (Hon) ; 5. David Jan7.ig (Yam). r 250 C 1. Tun Hanson (Hon) ; 2 Sleven Kiz.e (Kaw); 3. Allan Robe rts (Ho n); 4. Larry Nob le (Yam); 5. Greg Fritz (Yam). O PEN C: 1. Jeffery Boh ma n (Han) ; 2. Mich ael Ja novsky (Hon) ; 3. Steve Mitchell (yam); 4. Chad Goodwin (Kaw ). OPEN A: 1. t..ny Bever (KTM) . Moural wins Cydeland MX By Michael Rich CHICO, CA,JULY9 Honda-mounted Low ell Moural Jr. scored a hard-fought win in the 12See main event on the . fir s t n ig h t of t he Summer Se ries at Chico's Cycleland Speedway. In the first of two 12Scc hea t races, Mou ral and John Led dy, an Intermed iate, faced off for th e first time a t Cycleland . Wh en th e ga te d ropped, Leddy sho t to an early lead followed closely by Moural. The two riders locked han d lebars in a ha irpin as Moura l tired to force his way under Leddy. Both riders went down and the entire field went past before they could get untangled . With Moural up first and Ledd y giving chase, the two riders quic kly cut their way to the fro nt. At th e finis h, Moural took the w in with Leddy in second. The second 12Scc hea t s aw Da n ny Ruthe rford take the holeshot and motor away to ' an easy wi n. Jerry Harvey .crosse d the line for second . As the 125cc main came to the Hne, the race loo ke d to be bet w een Moural a nd Leddy . Rutherford, ho wever, had other ideas. At the drop of the gat e, Rutherford blasted out to an early lead with Leddy and Moural following closely beh ind. These three riders quickly sepa rated them selves from the rest of the field. On the seco nd lap , the pr essure on the lead er took its toll, Ruth erford got out of shape on one of the tabletops and went over the bars. He was able to land on his feet, but could not remou nt until th e en tire pack had pa ssed h im. With Rutherford out of the way, Moural made sh ort work of Leddy , passing him over the huge triple. Once in front, Moural slowly started to p ull away from Ledd y. Meanwhile, Rutherford had moved throu gh the field and was fifth place behind Neal Wright and Jerry Harvey c Ruth erford p ushed h is way pa st Wright in the whoops and quickly closed in o n Harv ey. With ju st tw o la ps rema ini ng, Rutherford flew past Harvey as he becam e the th ird rid er on th e ni g h t to cl ear the tr ip le. Harv ey w ould have no ne of it thoug h, a nd forced. his' way pas t Rutherford on the finish line tabletop . On .the last lap , Rutherfo rd t ried to make ano th er ru n at Ha rv ey t h ro ug h the ·w hoops. But once agai n, he got out of shape and went over the bars. Luck ily, he was back on his feet and into the race losing only one position to Wright. Mou ral soa red to an comfortable win fo llo wed by Le ddy, Ha rvey a nd Wri ght. Rutherford salvaged fifth overall. Results r/ w: 1 Brand on Powell (Yam); 2. Darre n Nye (Yam) . 60 JR: 1. Eric Nye (Kaw); 2. Chris McAvoy (Kaw) . 60 NOV: 1. Travi s Willl.1ms (Ka w); 2 Seth Harris (Kaw); 3. jeremy Wil!iOl1 (Kaw). 80 JR:1. jarred Fisher (Suz); 2 Kyle Ga mer (Kaw). 80 NOV : 1. Matt Slu der (Suz); 2 Brent j oseph (y am); 3. Chris McAvoy (Kaw ); 4. Ma tt Morgan (Suz) . • 115 EX: t. Lowell Mo ura l Jr. (Hon). 125lNT: 1. john Ledd y (Suz ). 125 jR: 1. Jerry Ha rvey (Yam); 2. Neil Wri ght (Kaw) . 125 NOV : 1. Mike Morgan (ya m); 2. Mike Bennett (Suz). 250 EX: 1. Tim Mulv ey (Han). 250 INT: 1. John Ledd y (Suz) ; 2 Colin Moakiey (y am). 250 JR: 1. Mark CoopPr(Hon ). ; 250 NOV : 1. Kenny Bellamy (Suz.) 2 Wayne Peters (Ha n). OPEN NOV: 1. Brioln Powe ll (Kaw ). Smith sails to Champion Speedway opener win By Larry McBride OWEGO,NY ,JULY II Jeremiah Smith put his three years of Speedway racing experience to good use by cap turing the H andl ca p .mai n eve nt a t t he new ly op en ed Champion Speed way at Owego. Sittin g on the zero yard line, Smith used up all six laps to hold off the challenges of the back yard starters. Taking the lead off the sta rt Smith held a smoo th and tight line whil e 6O-yard -liner Lenny McBride weaved h is way throu gh traffic in an effort to catch him. McBride closed in but needed thr ee laps to overtake second place Marco Morello before he cou ld try and begin moving in on Smith. Smith, however, held toug h an d beat McBrid e to the finish line by only half a bike length to cap ture his first ever Han dicap main event win. Smith equalled that victory by'completely outd istancing the entire field and taking the checkered flag in the Division Two Scratch main event for the first double event winner of the season. Th rou gh all Scratch and Handica p heats and semis, McBride was undefeated un til his second pla ce finish to Sm ith. McBride ave nged th at defeat, ho wever, by coming back in the Division One main even t that pitted h im with po le-sitter Lewis, with Mo re llo s lo tt ed in second , a nd McBrid e comi ng off th ird w ith Tom Burge on the outs ide. Off t he start, b o t h McBri d e a nd Lewis en tere d turn one sid e by side a nd rem ained ther e d o wn t he back s tretch. McBrid e found more tractio n on the ou tside cus hion and p ulled a sligh t lead over Lewis after the first lap. Lewis closed the ga p in the tu rns, but lost ground on the stra igh ts, giving McBride the need ed d istance to take the opening night checkered flag. Res ullli HOC P MAIN: 1. Je rcm.idh Smit h; 2. lenny McBride ; 3. Mdrco Morello; 4. Kelvin Herrala ; 5. John Lewis; 6. Rick Seroolish. 0-1 : 1. Lenny McBride; 2 John Lewis; 3. Ma rco Morell o; 4. TomBur~. . 0-2: 1. Jeremiah Smith; 2. Rick Seroolish; 3. Hira m Sha ff; 4. Ch ris Kiser . Sabado doubles at San Jose MX' By Bill Spencer SAN JOSE, CA, JULY 11 Marc us Sabado we n t two-fa r-two by win ning the Open B and Up the Hill (25-29) B classes on the Tr ak I Pro motion's MX tr ack insi d e the famed San Jose Mile ova l. Sabad o traded mota wins with Phil Douglas in the Op en di vision, scoring the overall victory via acin g the tie-br eak ing second m ot~ . In the UT H B cla ss , th ings went a little easie r for Sabad o, as he roosted tei d ouble-mota win s for the overall. Former sc ra mbles racer Kenn y ~cRae returned to racing after a five-year lay-off and won the 250cc 0 class, then surp rised everyone by sco rtn g ye t another o ve ra ll w in in th e Beginner class. McRae sort of lucked in to the Beginner class win, however. Aft er fin ishing third in the first moto, McRae was running second in the seco nd mota wh en he cam e up on leader Da v id H a ley . J us t bef ore takin g the checkered flag, Haley thought McRae was in a different class and let him by.

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