Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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G EVENTS 250 SJl( A: 1. ~rryl Willa {K.Iw); Z. PeTTY Rftoder (Kaw); 3Clin t Lath.un (Kaw). 250 STK C; 1. Todd Rabin ( ); 2. JU&tin Puz:z (K.Iw); 3. Goofl _ (I(.owt4. Oui>lop ....._ (lion); S. Alan """'" I (I(.ow~ :zso STK B: I. Ray MitchdJ (Han); 2. Br.d WCJObey (K.w); 3Donald Hardy (Kaw); 4. Jeff Cue (Hon); s. ADm Crick (Suz). 2SO MOD C: 1. Kirk Lee (Xoa w); 2. Todd &bin (Kaw); 3-}oII!'y Bishop (Yam); 4. Christopher Johnsoa (; S. Ceotf J4ICUon (Hon). 2SO MOO B: Ray Mittall (Han); 2. Brad Woobe)' (; 3. M ichul G.glI!' (Han) ; 4. David C...... d a (Kaw); .5 Homer . W......,..,(Hon). OrEN BIC:. 1. Nomw.n Reed ( 2. John Mooft, (Han); 3); Anthony Pybus(Hon); 4. Brook Fluker ( . +25: 1. Robert Handy (H on) ; 2. Joe Jorda n (Kaw) ; 3. M.lrk McNd1 (Yam ); 4. Jeff Caw (Hon); 5. RlDlIeU &nun (Kaw). VET A +30: 1. RobertHandy (Han); 2. D.nyl W'L11s (Kaw); 3. jot' }oftLan (l(.aw);4-.DougiasH.aII (Y. m);5o BiUySmith (Hon).. WMN: 1. Kristy ShNly (K.Iw); 2. Dr.! Wood (Kaw ); 3. T.lmmy SUy {Kaw );" N.ldirr Holbert (Hon); S. P.m Sc:hiIIn(Suz) . • VET B +30: 1. Tony Watk.ina (Hon); 2. Nolldint' Holbm (y.m); 3. Uoyd ~ (Xaw); 4. J.y Ha kr (Yam) ; .5 Strvm MrrTek Riley (K.lw) ; t . B. Kyle W (lC.i ); 5. ChuII!' RII!'ed w (KIIw). srx. 80 (7-1I ): 1. Joh nny Ma r ley (K.iw) ; 2. S-u Boyn ton (Suz) ; 3. Shawn Smi th (lion); ... J,lkr Jonrs (Kaw) ; 5. 0 - RII!'ftl (Y.lm). 80 MOO (9-13): 1. J«Xlb M.lrtin (Suz); 2. TrAVisElIiott (Suz); 3. Jo hn n y Mulll!'Y ( K.lw) ; t . Brandon Sa nden (Ka w) ; 5. Robbie M.TJ Kevin Windham dominated the 125cc Schoolboy (Kaw ). 125 MOO B: 1. Kevin Windham (K.Iw); 2. R. y MitdwU (Hon); 3. Michae1 (Hon); 4. Billy Aken (Suz); S. Allm Crick (Suz) . 125 STK A: 1. Mau Fril (Suz ); 2. Chris D.aubitz (Kaw); 3. Oint uttwn {lC.iw). 125 MOO A: 1. ' .Ison Edw. rd s (Hon) ; 2. Oint J...athlm (; 3. Mott """ (Suzt .. Roy~ (Yomt S. Donny >Iowan! (Suzj. wge LOS BANOS, CA,jULY4 Honda-m o unted jeff Pestana celebra ted h is Fourth of july wee kend by se tting off his own fireworks in th e Bounty Hunter main eve nts . Pestana to p ped bo th fea t u res Satu rday a n d Sunday at the Las Banos Fairg ro unds. Suzuki r iders Pa t Ben nett a nd Ru st y Ho lland, and Honda-mounted Butch Smith were the only rid ers who were able to keep Pestana in sight all weeke nd long. When the Bounty Hunter riders took to the track in Saturday's feature, local ride r john Cook jumped out in to the early lead . Cook 's lead lasted for.only one lap, when Greg Allen took control and began to pull away. Pestana, mea nwhile, man aged to move up front by climbing up from 10th to seventh on the first lap, then to fifth a lap later. During the next three laps, Holland sl ow ly closed in on Allen, while Pestana contin ued to climb a nd eventually closed the ga p on Holland. On the sixth la p, Hollan d go t by Allen, then Pestana passed Allen a lap after !ha L Fo r the nex t sever a l laps, Pestana a nd Holland battled for the lead and were never separated by more than three bike len gths. With only four laps to go, Pestana made his move in the fini sh line tum, driving Holland high on the berm and then executing a textbook block pass to take the lead . The move seemed to take the wind out of Ho lland's sails, because tw o laps later, Pat Bennett was able to use the same move to take over second. Bennett then sta rted to fly after Pes ta n a but the la st lap flag came out and Ben nett was ab le to close to wit hi n five bike lengths befo re the checkered waved for the Honda rider.. Pestana took a popula r wi n followed by Bennett then Holla nd wi th Allen an d Boykin filling out the top five. In Sunday' s Bounty Hunter. feature, Nathan Woods nailed the holeshot and led for three laps before bobbling and turning the lead over to Aaron Cantrelle. Cantrelle soon began to dazzle the crowd by jumping across the big supercross double on his 125cc Suzuki. No other 125ccmounted rider attempted the leap and not all of the 250cc riders were clearing it, either.. On lap two, Bennett, who had started in ninth place, laid it down in a high speed sweeper a nd dropped almost half a lap behind the leaders before getting back underway. Once upright again, Bennett began turn ing in the fastest lap time of the night and started reeling in the leaders. Meanwhile, Pestana was quickly working his way toward the front, and by lap six had pulled into second. By this time Holland had taken the lead a way from Cantrelle as the real acrobatics had taken its toll on the Suzuki piioL Cantrelle dropped even farther back to finish an eventual fifth. With Cantrelle gone Pestana now concentrated on Holland and soon was on the Suzuki's rear fender. Their battle lasted for two laps before Holland caved in to the Honda rider's charge and slid out at the fmis h line turn, handing the lead to Pestana . Holland 's problems were not over, however, as he was also passed by Bennett and Smith before getting underway. Bennett still maintained his torrid pace and started to slowly close in on Pestana. On the final lap, Bennett let it all ha ng out and reeled in Pesta na only to see the checkered flag wave for the rider five bike lengths in front of him Pestana punched the air in victory much to the delight of the crowd. Bennett's second pla ce finish enabled him to gain some ground on series points leader Smith, who finished third ahead of a tired Holland. Res ul ts Sa turday BOUNTY HUNTER: 1. Jrff Pnt.n.I (Hon); 2. Pat Bennett (Suz); 3. Rusty HolLtnd (Suz); t . Grq Allm (K.liw); 5. Danny Paladino (; 6. Joah Boykin (Y.Im); 7. Jon N"acolaua (Hon); 8. Jofv, Cook (Hon); 9. Mikr Mennig (Yam ); 10. ButehSmith (Hen). P!W SIX BEC (O-S 1. Brae Owens (Yam ); 2. Jack Van Cmnp ): (Yom). P/W MOD BEG (0-8);:1. JeffrII!'y Stark (Ya m). P/W STK. NOV (008): L N'rl D.aris (Yam); 2. Cory McDanid (Y~~ 60 BEG (0-8); 1. Cory Mco.nill!'l (Kaw); 2. BrvcOwens {Xaw ). 60 BEG (9- 1I ): 1. A.a.ron eu..dos (K,Iw); 2. Brian Burson (K.Iw ); 3. And~ w La viz p::. w);" Donovan Styles(K,aw ).. 60 NOV (9-11); 1. Ryan Mania ( XR8O: L 8rft,d.a Bunon (Hon). 80 BEG: 1. Brandon Shelton (l(.aw); 2. Tun ~ (Yam); 3PeeerDu tton (y.l m); 4. Cory UndM')" (Suz); lee ArchutowUJ. s. (Hon~ 80 NOV : 1. Ornnis SU plrton (Yam); 2. J~ Turner (5uz); 3Au ggje Rodriquez (y am );'" Nick McBride (Han); 5.}II!'ff Brochud (Y. m). SOINT: 1. Jew Med1ll!'y (Han); 2. Tyler E.-artS (Hon) ; 3. Robm: B1.l e (Yam ); 4. Cnig Truglio ( k 125 BEG 0-1: 1. o.nny Derwinpon (Suz); 2. Ryan Boothe (Hon ); 3. o..1e Ba"le (Han); 4. Dnld MII!')'e!' (; 5. AdrUn Rawlings (]Caw). 125 BEG D. 2: 1. Bryan Gill (Yam); 2. Jason Guern (Y. m); 3. Mitt Foushee(Ka w); 4. Ron Howard (Kaw); 5. Ben Rol.Ind (Suz). 125 NOV: 1. Cui B.lm (1Uw); 2. Glen Munt.a ('Sut:);3. Cory Morais {K.Iw );4. Andy & WII!' (Suz);5. Todd (Suz).. 125 1NT : 1. Joh n Leddy (Suz) ; 2. han Wood. (H on); 3. Mark lC user (lCaw) ; 4. Dennis Springs (Su z ); S. Jimmy Scott :t. (Suz). 125 PRO: 1. Butch Smith (Hon); 2. rat Bennn (Suz); 3. 111!'ff Pntana (H on ); 4. ~nny r.l. dino (K.a ; S. Jose Boykin (y.m). w) 250 BEG: t. Scott Heywood (Suz); 2. Dave God da rd (Hon); 3M.rc Hubert (y am ); 4. D.1. Guy F.,.., (KThfl OT NOV : 1. Carter Powdl (Kaw). OTINr: L J.R.!'r (Suz); 2. Br.ld Smith (Han). Sunday BOUNTY HUNTER: 1. Jeff Pes ta na (lion); 2. Pa l 811!'nnett (Suz); 3. Bukh Smilh (Hon); .. R""Y IIoIIand (Suzt 5. G«g AIIon ~w); 6. Aaron Cantn!'11II!' (Su z); 1. N.iltN n Woods (HoI1); S. John Cook (Yam ); 9. P.ltGomm (Yam) ; 10. Keith M.lyn (Suz). 50 STK BEG (0-1): I . Bnx 0wII!'n5 (Y.Im); 2. J.ICk V~ Camp (Yam); 3- Je5II! Pnlov (Hon). 50 ST1C NOV (0-8): 1. Cory McDaniel (YMn); 2. N'Jdc. o.Yia (Y~~ 6DBEG (0-3 ): 1. BrocOwens (Kaw); 2. Cory McOa1 id OC-). 60 BEC (9-ll): 1. Aaron Cawdos (Ka w ); 2. Donann Slylll!'s (lCaw). 60 NOV (9-1t ): L Ryan Morais (Xaw); 2. Ouiatopher I..m8io (I<.1w). ~ XR8O: 1. Brenda 8unon (Han); 2. Brittany ltain w.Iter (YAm). 80 BEG: 1. Br.Ind on Slwolton (k.I w); 2. Tim ~ (y.m); 3Corr r..;oo..y (Suzt.· GnogorySu.ort(Han ); S. P.u1Lataia (K.ow~ II) NOV : 1. OII!'nnis S.pidon (Y. m); 2. J.uon TurTlll!'f (Suz); 3D. vid Boothe (Han); 4. De rik Brush (H on) ; 5. Rich Rodrigun (y.m) . ~ INT : 1. Jess Medley (Hon); 2. Cr a ig Truglin (Kaw ); 3.. Tyler Evans (Hon); 4. Robert 8l/1ke (Y. m). 125 BEG: 1. D.J.vld Myer (K.Iw); 2. o..nny DPvwlngson (Suz); 3. RyAn 8oothII!' (Hon): 4. Da1ll!' & ttlll!'(Han): 5. Bry. n Gill (Yam) . 125 NOV 0-1: 1. S.ul Smoak (Suz); 2. Styles (Suz ); 3. Johnny Opoliina (Kaw) ; 4. Glt!'n Muratll ( ); S. Raymond 81.akr (Suz). 125 NOV 0-2: 1. Cory Monliis (Kaw) ; Z. Oint Willis (Yam ); 3. Tam Reeder (Yam ); 4. Chad Bl.ab (Suz); 5. Dan iel Hodges( 125 INT : 1. Nathan Woods (Hon); 2. Chip Rotan (Kaw); 3. Dennis Sp rings (Suz ); 4. Ja!lOf1 Chisum (lion); 5. john Leddy (Sur.) . 125 PRO: 1. Jeff P....tana (Han); 2. Pa t Beruwn (1RlZ); 3. Bull:h Smith (Han); t . Aaron Ca ntrelle (Suz) . Z50 BEG: 1. Na tha n Franz (H a n); 2. Toby c.rci.I (Suz); 3. D.1ve Godd a rd (Hon); 4. Albert (Suz); 5. Juon o..ttn.lIn (lIon~ . 2SO NOV: 1. Andll!'n on (Ka w) ; 2. Stll!'ve Kyr.Imuios (Yam); 3. Guy P.Iden (YMn);" Mi~ Hodges (y Mn); 5. Clint Willis eorm. (Y~). 2SO INT: 1. Keith M.~ (Kaw); 2. Chris Kanl T~go (Suz~ 3. Dave Zollo (K.a w);'" Tun Al.lrcun (Kaw ); S. Robert Fidds (Suz). VET PI«>. 1. Guy F.,.., (ICIMJ. or NOV: 1. CartI!T POWl'D ( or INT; 1. J.R. Una_ (Suzt 2- Don IlnDnfidd. Fountain, Mack highlight Mosier Valley MX By Chri s Boice ARLINGTON, TX,JULY 2 Dusty Fountain and Steve Mack were some of the nigh t's big w inners in roun d two of the Tea m SWAT MX Series at Mos ier Valley MX Park. Foun tain recorded the 6Occ, BOcc Senio r (711) and BOcc Open class wins, while Stave Mack topped both the 25+ and 30+ d ivision. In the 60cc race, Fountain gated perfectly to take a n early lead over the lO-rider fiel d. Kawasaki riders James Abbington and Logan Williams rounded out the top three. By lap two the trio had settled into a comfortable pace and freigh t-trained all the way to the checkered flag. Fountain won the mot o followed by Abbington and Williams.

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