Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2SOC 1. )«:';d> F10yd (SuL~s. )oM Wanl (I(ow~ Ny j r (SuLt 5. lAny I:InvUno (Han). AM H /W 5/ 8: 1. Durin Fry (Il:.oI ); 2. MMk Bcma1 (Suz); 3. w Louisa... (YoI ); 4. rolt C&lWaM' (lCaw); 5. Toby Brown ( ). m EX M/W GP: 1. AoIron Turon' (Yam ); 2. Mike Murphy (Hon); 3. Bryan Okubo (Yam); l. DI ve Rosno (lion); 5. ~ Howud (lI~~ AM M/W CP: 1. am. rolu ll (Hon); 2. 11loInIP Burnight (YoIm ); 3. ~n Kowolldwk (y..m ); 4.1Cfturth ROd (Hon). EX M/W S / srRT: 1. Dne Roano (Hon); 2. Dan Turner (lIont 3. St... _ (Hon); 4. Todd Driggen (Hon~ S. Robm Ndlor (Yam). AM M/W S/SPRT: 1. Chris Paull (lion); 2. Sean Kmt (Hon); 3. Jo h n Layton (H o n) ; 4. Dnid Mack. (Suz); 5. H irofuml Yamamoto (Hon) . EX M /W S IB: 1. Du. Rosn o (Hon); 2. GlTgory Howard (Hon); 3. Kft H u ng (Hon); 4. Ro~rt NeUor (Yam); 5. Dnid Strwna (y oI ) . . m AM M /W S8 : 1. Ovis Pauli (Hon); 2. Louis Class (yam); 3. Hirofumi Ymwmoto (H on); 4. L.a.neGleiter (Hon); 5. o.vid MAck (SuL). EX L/W Gr: 1. Brya n Okubo (Yam); 2. AAron TumM' (Yam) ; 3. Mtlthew WinnKkn' (YoIm) . AM L/W GP : 1. Gr,pg BmdlPr (Yam); 2. Orn-k Goodhart (Yam ); 3. Alan HmfOf'd (Yam ); 4. BrWn Capps (Yam ). EX L/WS/SI"RT: 1. MatdYw Wtnn.dr.n (y a m). AM UW S /SPRT: 1. John 1..Iyton (Yam); 2. Jdf Atom (lCaw); 3. DuUd MItt ( EX L/W SB: 1. David Strwns (yam); 2. Strve Brandt (Yam ); 3. Pedro Bravo (Yam ). AM L/W 58: 1. Jeffery Sw a n (Yam); 2. Douglas 0u.11!f (K.1 w);3. Daniel Man (kI,w); 4. AIm Hertford (YoI m). AM L/W srrwN, 1. )oM lAyton (Hon); 2. lloug!os 0(C (O"'~ ....... o.mron Ric" Andreu jams at Orlando MX By Kyle Myers ORUNDO A.,jULY4 , Alan Andreu wa lked a way with thr ee overall wins and the lion 's shar e of the Pro purse during the Pro Sports Roger DeCost er Inv itational at the Orlando Motocross Park. This race is a benefit race for AIPA (Ame rica n Institute for the Prevention of Addiction) to keep Kids off Drugs. The fi ve- ti me 500cc World MX Champion DeCoster signed autographs and showed people though the prevention truck. Also on hand was the U. S. Women's Motocross Team and the Florida Vintage Motocross Oub, and contingencies were given out to the top amateur riders from many afterma rket companies. When the Open Money class got un derway, Andre u r ocke ted into the lea d w ith To dd Gardner, Jeff Frisz, Gary 5emics a nd Andrew DeSpain in pu rsu it. Ga~dner fell in the seco nd tum, as Billy Wood moved into fifth . Andreu and Frisz pulled away from the field, making it a two- rider battle. And re u then slowly p ulled aw ay from Frisz , while DeSpain flew by Semics. At the finish And.reu took the first-mo to victory, as Frisz, DeSpain. Semics an d Gardner, w ho Wood's late in the race roun ded out the top five. Andreu again shot into the lead wi th Frisz, Semics, DeSpain and Gardner dodging his roosL Andreu imm ediately opened up a three-second lead on Frisz, un til Frisz endoed ove r the finish line tab letop a nd retired for the day. This gave Andreu a huge lead and moved Semics into second , DeSpain - now in third - began to p ressure 37

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