Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Fountai n again found the righ t rombination of throttle and clutch to grab the holeshot in the second moto ahe ad of Williams and Abbingto n. Th e cr owd rose to its fee t as Wil liam s and Abbington battled side by sid e for an entire lap . Abbin gton eventually mad e his mo ve through the stadiu m rockers and cap tu red second place. With only one lap to go, Fountain bobbl ed ove r the finis h line ju m p a nd let Abbington wi th in striking distance, howeve r, he held on to take the moto win and first overall. Abbington 's close second place fini sh gave him second overall while Williams' 3-3 finish earned him third place honors. When the starti ng gate fell for the first 30+ rnotc , Mack ju m p ed out to an early lead follo wed closel y by KTM -mounted Tommy Gresham 'and Honda rider c.J. Mullins. On the second lap, Mack and Gresham took the inside line th rough the stad ium rockers. Mullins op ted for the outside line and blasted h is way into second place only to find himself picking h is bike up off the gro un d and rem ounting in last p lace. Mack opened up a 'comfortable lead and cruised to the wi n followed by Gresh am a nd Spanky Moore. Mulli ns charged through the p ack an d finished a respectable seventh place. Mack aga in gained the ea rly advanta ge at the start of moto two ah ead of Mu llins and Robert Gallegos. This time, however, Mack never got a momen t of breathing room as Mu llins press ured him for the entire mo to, Mullins pulled alongside Mac k seve ra l times but Mack go t on the bi nders a little harde r eac h time and kep t his lead all the way to the checkered nag. Robe rt Gallegos finished a close third, however, his 4-3 tally gave him secon d overall behi nd Mack who scored two moto wins. Moore 's 3-5 moto finishes netted him third overall. Resul ts SO: 1. log .., WIlIi.ams (y a m); 2. 0.1. Dickey (Yam); 3. Dusty Hollisttl' (Yam); 4. And rew ' ansin g (Yam) ; 5. J~remy Co fhrw n (Y",,~ 60: 1. Ouaty Fou nUliln (K.Iw); 2. J..~ Abbing~ (Ka w); 3. logan WiIIi.1Ims (KA w); 4. Br.adly You ng (Yam); 5. Mike Moore (ICow~ IJ) BEG: 1. Ryan W" (K.I w); 2. Matthlow Mmn (Suz); 3. Joel N.vartl! (Yam); " . (kaw); 5. Rod SchuJting (Suz). 80 SR (7-11): 1. Dusty ( ); 2. Scon Trimble (Suz.); 3. CMdd IUiwau, (Suz); 4. SNn H&1pin (Hen); S. B. ' ar 8unhart (Y~~ llIlSIt 1. T UNny Qud (Soz ). 80 OP EN: 1. Dusty Fou n t. in (X<1w); 2. M ictuel Du gg e r (; 3. SroctTrimb~ (Suz ). 125 BEC : 1. Ben Cary (Ka w); 2. Chuck M.Y"e (K<1 w); 3. o.nny R.unhu (KAw) 4. Jerem y Divis (K.w); S. JoICDon ; (Y",, ~ 125 NOV : 1. Bri<1n Townwnd (y<1m); 2. Billy V. ughn (Suz) : 3. Zekr Dlus;herty (K.Iw) ; 4. RobbW W.alkt-r (Suz ); S. J.adr.son (Ya m~ 125 OPEN: 1. T.J. P<1tel (Han); 2. Troy Bnndt (ya m). 2SO BEC : 1. M ..on KaJ'f"' (lion); 2. Roy tobhu (; 3. 10M Muld .....(Hon); 4. }or Nichobon (Yam); S. Dennis (Y~~ 250 NOV: 1. Brian T OWNmd (yam); 2. Rua Schooley (Kaw); 3. 0>0,1;0 "ley (Hon); 4. z.k. D.oughrrty (Soz); S. Steve Burton (Sozl. 250 OPEN : 1. Justi n Stevens (lion ); 2. W<1rJm Burch (Han); 3. Cory Knebel (Han). E)(; 1. Joey Pratt (Suz ); 2. M<1" ~I (Suz ); 3. J.uon Art inger (Suz). 25+: 1. Steve Mack (Ha n); 2. RUM Sc::hooley (K.lw) ; 3. C. . I Mull ins (H un). 30+ : 1. Ste ve M.ack (Han) ; 2. Rub ert GaU egos (Ka w); 3. Spanlc.y Moore (; 4. c.J. Mu.11inI (Hon ); 5. Tommy Grntwn (I(1M). Bast burns Auburn Speedway ByGenMoore AUBURN, CA,/UlY2 Bart Bast do mi na ted Fast Frid ays by winning the Scra tch main event for the serond stra ight week a t the Auburn Speedway. The riders lined up with Alan Christian on the po le and Tommy Hedden in the numbe rtwo sp o t. Du stin Sch roeder wa s in the third spot , leaving the outside position for Bart Bast Christian was right beside Bas t until he hit a tacky place in the trac k. caus ing him to lose contro l and fall . At th is poi nt it was Bas t fi rs t, Hed den second, a nd Sch roeder th ird. Hed d en was making a giant effort to ca tch Bast w ith Schroeder close behind. On the following lap, Schroed er found the sam e tacky SPOL nea rly losing control. Hedden contin ued his effort to catch and ove rtake Bast At the finish it wasBast first, Hedden serond and Schroeder third. When Bast was asked to wha t he attributed his win. he quietly rep lied , - Lucky starLIn the H andi cap ma in i t w as Bast, Ji m Sisemore, an d Jesse Ochoa - all favorites of the fans - starting fro m the 50. Du stin Schroeder started from the 40, Allen Kra use from the 10 and Jeff Norton from the zero. Bast go t anxio us, jumped the gun and was sen t to the 60. The race finally got off to a smoo th start with Norton and Kra use going o ne-t w o in to the fi rs t corne r. Midway throu gh th e fir st corner Schro ed e r caugh t a hole, put his front wheel in the air and fell. Norton and Krause led until the third lap, when both Sisem ore and Bast caught and passed Krause. N o r ton continued to lea d until th e white-nag lap, whe n Sise more passe d hi m. In . the last comer No rton wen t wid e, allowing both Bast and Ochoa to pa ss. At the finis h it was Sisemore firsL Bast serond, and Ochoa third. Results . SCR.ATCH: 1. But Bu t; 2. To mmy Hedden; 3. Dustin Sduoed ... HDCP: 1. Jim ~ 2. But 8Ht 3. JeY OchoA. ()'2: 1. johnCYConnell; 2. Eric:Homm;3- ~ W.gnn'. 0-3: 1. lor Tritgrn.. JR: 1. Matt Becker; 2. TAVis MKOonaId. Sisemore doubles at Auburn Speedway By Ge n Moore AUBURN. CA,/UlY9 Jim Sisemore, the ever popular rider w ith Fast Fridays fans, scored the first double victory of the season by winning both the Scratch and Han d ica p main events at Auburn Speedway. The do uble win came as a su rprise to some, as track co nditions were not in the usu al state of perfection. Th e riders lined u p on their us ua l yardage lines, placing Sisemore and Bart Bast on the SO, Bob Hedden on the 40, Bob Collier on the 30, and Vance Felicio on the 10. Felicio led into the firs t corner with Collier a nd H edde n righ t behind . Sise more a nd Bast ca u gh t lip w it h Hed de n and came three abreast down the fron t straight. As they crossed the line, Sisemore went low and p assed Collie r, whic h brough t h im alongside Hedden. In the back stretch Bast cau ght both of them when they again we n t int o co mer three wide, wi th Sisemore gaining the advantage coming out. Felicio led un til the start of lap three, when he was passed Sisemore. As they crossed the finish line it wa s Sisemo re in first , Felicio second and Bast a wheel-length back in third. Bast lined up alo ngside Rich Marcucci, Bob H icks, and Jim Sisemore for the Scratch main to determine the fastes t of the night. Bast beat his competitors out of the gate and led the entire first lap in front of an aggressive Sisemore, followed b y Marcucci and Hicks . Si semore charged by Bast on the second lap and led un til the finish. At the flag it was Sisemore, Bast , and Ma rcucci in that order. Sisemore took the checkered nag. and took a victory lap to celebrate his double win. Resu lts (Left to righ t> Darrel Busby, Jim Sisemore and Bart Bast dice at Auburn Speedway. Bart Bast (left) battled with Jesse Ochoa on his way to the Scratch win at Auburn. man HOCP: I .Jim ~2. Vara Fdicio; 3. 8.lrtBasL. SCRA TOt: 1. Jim ~ 2. B.ut; 3. Rich Mlrcucd.. 1>2: I .J~~2. Kim O,uw.aruh;3. 0.3: 1. MAcDon.akt.; 2. AI Buttrrfidd; 3. Mikt- ArmtrouL JR MA IN : 1. M.U Proto; 2. Truis M<1cDo nald; 3. Alltn WtekJry. xan Kopels cooks at Santa Clara County MX By Bill Spencer SAN JOSE,CA.JULY 4 Dav e Kope ls t rad ed m ot o w in s with Erik Pucelik to win the Pro class at the AMA District36 mot ocr oss, w hich was held insid e the Sa n Jose M il e at th e Sa n ta Cla ra Cou nty Fairgrounds. The near ly mile-long track was described as being either a freewa y or a great track. depending w hi ch rider you spoke to . Kope ls and Pucelik sp lit the payoff, with Glen Ha rris third over Stan Finney. ISDE Veteran Charles Halcomb topped the A class ove r lrv Achziger a nd fellow ISDE co mpeti to r Phil Dougla s. Mike Newman topped the serond moto and scored the overall in the Over The Hill Gang A class despite falling to fourth in moto one. Steve Law rence a nd Rich Mathers were second a nd third. Duane Joice led the first moto , bu t bail ed and finished sixth. He returned for a serond in the last moto and fourth overall. Ma rcu s Sa bad o and Pa u l Wenger tr a d ed wins in the Open B class, with Sabado earning the ov erall. Bill Pellet iere wo n the C d ivision over Chuck Wallace. Both riders said they prefered the Endu ro-thon Series, bu t enjoye d the new track no netheless. Chad Burleson was tops in the 125cc B class with a p air of aces over cross co untry sta r Pat Ga r rahan a n d Joh n De mele, while John Roma noff wo n the C portion with a 4-1 count. Shari Van Tassell moved up to the first pla ce in the Women's class as Jeanie Pruitt rested her knees after Ha ngtown. Shirlyn Smith wa s second. Results WMN : 1. Slwri VanT.1I5M"II (Suz); 2. Shirlyn Smith (Hon); 3. flnC Teheri~ (Kaw). Debb ie B.tnta (Suz); 4. Su7..a S/SR A: 1. Don Swe.tringm (; 2. Edd Haymond (Ktm); 3. r~ handnl (Hu s). SR/~SR C: 1. Rich Krosk (KTM) ; 2. D.l- Amos p(.w ); 3. r .t r.tteno,~ p(.w); 4. Mike Cr.awford (Hon) . VET A: I. O!.arUe tbJcomb (K im); 2. I" Achzlgn' (Hon) ; 3. Phil Dou gl<1s (Hun). VET B: 1. Brandon 8.lklwin (Sw:); 2. D.a Sturg!'on (Hon); 3. J. n Wohl.... (Hoo); 4. JoM (ICowt s.)on DelaS- (Hon~ VET C l . )elf Und (Hoot 2. Aube AbginIoo (Hont 3. Mu.. DiChrisliN (H on) ; 4. Mark Johnson (Y.m); 5. Anl t-ly Do""" (Hon~ VET 0: 1. o.rid H.aJ,a,y (Yam); 2. Don tWaIon (Hon);3- Tony _(Hon~ OTHG A l B: I. M ike Ne wman (Suz ); 2. Steve L.lwrence ( Ya m ); 3. Rlchud M.thrrs (K'TM ); 4. Dua ne [clce (K<1w) 5. ; Ik.ndon &r.ldwin (Suz.). ornG C/O: 1. Ken Courlry (Y.m); 2. J.arvit.G",. (Hon); 3. Jay W.rrwr(; 4. Ron H.tye(Suz);5. William Bmwn (l Ion). lITH DIC: 1. Matt An!'N (Suz) ; 2. M.1rcus 5.1Ndo (Su7.); 3. P.u l (Han); 4. Rich M.therl (Ktm); S. Sh. ne Verdin (ICow~ PRO: 1. Dlvr Koptls (Han); 2. Erik Pucelik (Hon); 3. Glen Harrie (Hon); 4. Stan Finney (Hon); 5. Bruer Monzonl (l ion) . OrEN ~1 : 1. M.arcus SaNdo (Hon); 2. Pa ul Wen gn (Hon); 3. Ph il DuuSLlIS (Ktm). O rEN 1. Bill r dlriitre (Hon ); 2. Chuck Wallace (Han) ; 3. Greg Ra p p (Hb n ); 4. Art Anchondo (Hon); 5. Au o n Philli p . (Hon). 250: 1. Bub rimmteJ ()(.aw); 2. Scott Hrywood (Suz); 3. Erk Kr.. (Han); 4. Rich.ardTajanelo (Yam). 250 B: 1. Din ~er (Hon); 2. R..andy Bl.ackT (K. w) ; 3. Phil DouSLH (Hon); 4. Tony Vacil (Suz). 2SOC: I. Ben SHank (Suz); 2. e-y Musick (Kaw); 3. Brad (Hon); 4. Bl.Aine Solluzi (Han); 5. Larry Smith (y.m). 115 B-1: 1. CNd Burleon (Hon); 2. r at (Hun); 3)oIm Demelo(..w~ 125C·l, l.)oM .......,, (Hon t 2. .... ....nk lSuzt3. au;, Md:.aDir(Han); 4. Kftth Verdin (; S. Ryan Brink (K..w ). 115D: 1. JIdf M&nh (H on); 2. Grry Forret ( ); 3. Mitt EUas (Hon );4 . Jdf Ho (;S . Btn King (Suz). "" 1. Ulres- Pollan!. jR. (Soz); 2. . . thy Pnd" (Hant 3. Danny Omellu (Su.t );

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