Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 05 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CALENDAR Racing Enterprises Motocross Inc. Presents OMMOTION BY THE OCEAN VI see Round 2 of the Sound of Thunder 4 Stroke Pro Motocross Series on Sunday REM $ Bonus: Top finishers in the 125.250.500. Junior and Intermediate classes will receive a bonus of $100 for 1st. $50 for 2nd and $25 for 3rd! 1·800·266·7880 Ask for 1tle MofOClOS$ specIoI roles. located 011·5 and Palomar AIrport Rood. 6/12 8114 1012 Info 7151642·9699 Sg!yrdgy SWldgx Beginners &Juniors Intermediates &Pros 80. 125.250.500. Vet and OT 80. 125.250. 500. Vet and Sportsman Entry • $35.00 Pro Entry • $45.00 Thousands of Dollars In Product Sponsors or Gate$ open at 6:00 am • Sign-up 6:30 • 8:00 am • Practice at 8:00 am Carlsbad Raceway is located 8 miles east of 1-5 on Palomar AIrport Road at Business Park Dr, For information, contact Racing' Enterprises Inc. at: 13223 Black Mt. Rd.. # 1-176. Son Diego, CA 92129. (619) 484-1441 or (619) 727-1171 AHRMA Midwest MX Series casey,ll 5/16 616 Denmark, WI AHRMA Ior1:aI MX series 5/16 9126 10117 Info 7151642-9699 OF AN "1993_ Ponca ~ ....__r.: ~1IoY2O,'1I3'1rJ!:i:!::;~!!:!!I "A"STUDENT. 1st ANNUAL MOTO. .ST "MEMORIAL DAY"' MOTOCROSS C'SHIP MAY 30 & 31 1993 ENTRYEEE'S Pre Entry Amateur ...............•....•$45.00 Professional $50.00 Additional Classes .......•.$35.00 (Amateur Only) Post Entry Amateur $60.00 Professional $65.oo Additional Classes $50.oo (Amateur Only) SPECTATOR EEES Adult Both Days $15.00 Adult One Day $9.00 7/tQ.11 A Motorcycle RiderCourse is for everyone who wants to have more fun riding. while becoming a i J better, safer rider. can 1-800447-4700 to join the class. AUCI ASSes Must Have 5 Riders To Make A Classll NO Rider Medical Insurancel NO Pit Ridingl GEl Sanctionedl " All MX Memberships Acceptedl Call Ear Pre·Entry Eonns /408) 637.2073-14081 23"208 M'M1CUwm.-aTlll V--' .-._£:~:-:;;;.. ~_ - IJJfJJJlJ1t ' " I I'i!!iJII. AOCK OIL I .~ Ii,,;I 1111·-0 ~ 736 North 9th St. 'lalayeat,IN 47904. 317·742·4021 YAlAHA a-c ..... 4'aONDA IflditJna'~ N~M'~st and Mmf 811 6/2·3 818 8/9·10 *i Compl"" P'rjormonct C,n"r >- Complete Raceblkc Prep (Mx &. Road R3ce) i>>>~ CompeulJon Valve: Jobs (Serdi Pro) Pon Work (Mx & Road Race) R.::I(:m~ En!ines Built & Dyno Tested In·'House DIscounts to Racers (Factory OEM Pans) C."II for appointment & pricing information. lOG-I77·mo Iod_ , 13171 7~..m loIl: .. _ Ior _lrIller ......... _ _ lIlISlIlI. Vintage Racers· Restorers· Collectors SHAN~--• UON CW 105231-1240 MAY Z3RD '93 ot 105541-1524 a::; ()f~":'fi::"~ __ """"""'"' 20 mIes EaR of Paso ~ CA IT Kano!>oIIs lake, KS ST WIchIta KS ST Sioux Falls, SO HM Howald lake. MN HMS~,SO HM 0Idah0ma City, OK HM W--.ey, KS HM HulcIinscn, KS 913 Info 918/~71 HM Stocktlln, KS HM Davenport, IA AHRMA Mid-Atlantic Vintage Trials series 5/15-16 Toronto, DH 5130 Farrandsville, PA 7/16 Mailesburg,PA 817 Toronto, DH 10110 Toughkenamon, PA Info 4101775-7209 5/15 6IS 7/11 Ilf29 10110 Info 715/842·9699 PoIo,ll Anamosa, IA Thefiman, MN WllIlZllka, WI WhIIa City,ll USCRA Vintage Road Rae. series Authorized Dealer For 0&0 Exhausl >- Service & Accessones >- ~cing Fuel 8110 loudon, NH 7/2-4 loudon, NH 8121·22 Mosport. Ont., CAN 9/4-5 Bridgehampton, NY 9117·18 Bridgehampton, NY. Into 6031239-6n8 SETRA C'shlp End... series 5130 Richloam, A. SElBA C'shlp Hare Scrambles series 5123 Maxeys, GA ECEA C'shlp End... series 5130 616 6127 7/18 818 ECEA C'shlp Hare 'Scrambles series 616 exeter, RI 6120 Morgantown, PA 7/25 Fair Hills, MD 6122 Reading, PA 915 A. Indiantown Gap, PA Info 9081657-6338 REA Dual Sport series 5/16 5123 8112·13 ~ New Philadelphia, PA Whitelool, OE _,PA BlaIn, PA Middlebury Cenlar, PA WOOlIand Twp., f\IJ Greenbank, f\IJ Nan ShIppIrgsburg, PA Reading, PA 811 6122 10110 Info 908I6S7-6338 OItsWle, PA Newlisbon,f\IJ Ridge, L1., NY Indian Mills, f\IJ IIIElBA C'shIp Enduro 5erJes 5130 6/13 7/25 811 818 9112 9126 1013 10124 11/1 11/21 WIlInIhem, MA • Somers, CT Wabstar, MA New Boston. MA Adams, MA Windso<, MA W. Greenwich, RI Wrentham, MA Chester, CT Sla1fool, CT W.Warmn, MA 10117 10124 10131 Info 4131772-0015 5/16 Slanlon, Me 6/13 Collins, Me 7/18 Russellville, Me 818 Sedalia, Me 6122 Colins, Me 6126 JeffllfSOll City, Me 9119 Canton, Me 10117 Jallaraon City, Me 10124 INaI'I) Flat Rivar, MO Info 3141392·2475 IDIA Nafl C'shIp ling Race series 5/22·23 6/19-20 BlisIDl, IN leicester, NY nl~18 .Col~.DH 817oS 8128-29 10122·24 Info 205/849-7886 7/11 7/18 8115 6122 Ilf29 9119 9126 10110 10116-17 Inlo 2031875-5757 F1ahousa, NY S. Groenwich, RI Thomaston, CT Union, CT Windsor, MA Union, CT Temple, NH CheshiJe, MA P~moburg,NY S. Edmeston, NY F_,NY Bouma, MA IIIElBA Obs.-ved Trials series 5/16 6/'3 7/18 7/25 915 1013 Info 5081429-7675 _,CT Escoheag, RI Meriden, CT Por1smoo1h, NH Escohaag, RI Ware. NH IIIElBA C'shIp TIII'k8J Run series 5/16 8IS-6 7/34 exeler, RI HenniIton, MA 10117 Wincharidon, MA 10131 • CentraI~, CT 11/1 Barlin, MA 11/28 P1ynlJlon, MA P1ynlJton, MA 12/12 Info 2031875-5757 IIIElBA Jr. End... series 5122 6126 7/10 8114 8121 9/18 10116 Info 2031875-5757 FlShouse, NY Thomaston, CT Union.CT Union,CT Webster.MA Brimfield. MA Bouma.MA IIIESCC'shlp MoIDcross series 5/16 5123 5130-31 616 6/13 6120 6/27 7/4-5 7/18 7/25 811 818 8115 6122 Ilf29 915-6 9112 9It9 9126 1013 10110 Southwick, MA Cenllal Vjlage. CT lewiston, ME SouthwIcI<, MA Middeboro, MA Southwick, MA Cenllal Village, CT lewiston. ME Southwick, MA Middleboro, MA SouthwIcI<, MA MIddleboro, MA lewiston ME central vdlagIi. CT SouthwIcI<, MA lewiston, ME Southwick, MA M~,MA Centrel VdIage, CT Southwick, MA Middleboro, MA NolWaIl. DH Ennis, TX MempIis, IN AMRA All Hart" Drag series lo1arrl>hiS, IN NashviIIa IN Urion Grove', WI 5/22·23 616 6112·13 6126-27 Denver, CO HlI1boII, IA CIarIns coli: Info 2011767·9654 ~~ 7111 7/17 ~~ 0,,1' SouthwIcI<, MA 817 :s 5erJes 8IS-6 7/17 8114 9/18 11/20 Info 8051944-5454 Sonoma, CA PalmdaIe,CA Bakarstiald, CA las Vegas, NY P"-,CA PI1ISt. Drag RacIng series 6/4-6 719-11 1lI2O-22 913-5 919-12 10115-17 Atco, f\IJ Nor1t1 Wilkesboro, NC 11/12·14 Indianapolis, IN Atco, f\IJ Alco, f\IJ HuntsviIIa, Al Gainesville, Fl Inlo 6091768-1624 SERA Enduro series 5123 7/11 7/25 818 6122 9119 1013 11/1 WlQllins, MS Meridan, MS Gooanan, MS Broezy Hili, LA lBke Nimrod, AR Gatesville, MS Jemison, Al 1.4aplasvilIe, Al SERA Hare Scramble series 5122 6/27 915 10117 TBA TBA W1ggi1s, MS Maplesville, Al Clanton, Al T'4'"io. MS Cousllata. LA Jonesboro, LA FMC Motocross 5erJes 5/16 5/23 5130 616 6/13 7/3 7/11 7/17 7/25 8/1 6122 6126 915 9/12 Info 9041721·7520 Orlando, FL Dc8Ia, FL Dade City, FL O!tlrdo. FL Reddick, Fl Ha_,SC R_,A. Dade City, FL Ocala, A. Orlando, A. Dc8Ia, FL Dede City, FL OCala. Fl Reddicl<, Fl USC Motocross series 5/15. 9116 1019 10123 11/6 11/20 Bridgehampton, NY Bridgehampton, NY Bridgehampton. NY Bridgehampton. NY Bridgehampton, NY Bridgehampton, NY Info 5161729-7727 NY State C'shlp Hare Scrambles series 5123 Uttle Ge_. NY 616 canaratJg\lS, NY 6120 Speadsville, NY 7/25 South Eaneston, NY 811 UtIle Ge_, NY Ilf29 Row, PA 9112 81enWle. NY 9126 South Edmeston, NY '0110 Maple VIOW, NY 10124 Gowando, NY Inlo 3151895-7654

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