Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 05 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Sears Poinl, CA SF SE Talladega, AI. GL AHRMA Grattan, MI NE Loudon, NH 1lf28.29 1lf28.29 1lf28.29 &'28-29 9/4-5 9/4-5 9/4-5 9111·12 9111-12 9118-19 9/18-19 9118-19 9118-19 9125-26 1019-10 1019-10 1019-10 1Q/17 1Q/17 lQ121·24 12/12 SF SE FNkvIlIe, GA NE 8ridlIehan'c>1On. NY SWlas V"",,"- NY MASlrnniI ~·WV MW Beloit, Il SFW, Palm Beach, CA SE MA Brasellon, GA NE loudon. NH SWPl1oenix,AZ MW Gl Graltan, M1 Pomona, CA NE loudon. NH SW Pl1oenix, AZ SF W, Palm Beach, CA SC Topeka. KS DeylDna Beach, Fl SF W. PUn Beach, Fl 1nto~7 AMA Loretta Lynn'S Qualifying series ~Ileglon EJizabelh, WV Cableslal. NY Amateur RegIonaJ Walden. NY Youth RegionaJ Annaugh, PA 5115-16 5122·23 6112·13 6126-27 Soubat Region ~,KY 5115-16 615-6 Iron Station, NC Yoo1h RegionaJ Macon. GA Amateur RegionaJ Society H~Is, SC 6/19-20 '&26-27 c.aIII.- ca..r. FiIIger ...... 5/16 5116 5123 Rock Glen, NY Binl;Iamton. NY ClifIotd, PA ClifIotd, PA 6120 . . . . . .1 MitdleI, IN MiJJing1on, Ml Yoo1h RegIonaJ Buchanan. Ml Amateur RegIonaJ Shoridan,1N 612&-27 IIorIIl e.tnIRegIon 5115-16 6112·13 Colo. W1 Youth RegIonaJ l.aloint WV Long Pond, PA Genellsville, OH GetretlsviIe, OH SlrnniI PoInt WV t ...... TaIedega, AI. TaIadege, AI. FeuIkviIle, GA ~NC lEAST WEST p. O. Box 301 Reading, PA 19603 (215) 375·6191 (215) 375-6190 FAX P. O. Box 666 SOUTH P. O. BOX 11586 BrooklYn, MI 49230 (5171 592·66S1 (517) 592-3696 FAX Oaytona Beach, Fl32120 (904) 274·5332 (904) 274·5442 FAX Authorized DIstributors For GOOD/i'EAII LirMIe, OH Sen 1lemenIno, CA ScU!Mick, MA CoInwriIl, TX SloomboIII Springs. CO IlIJchanan, loll _,CA 9/17 9125 lQ/1&-17 Info 7151842-9699 suggest that he carry it. SIngIesIIIattIe crt Twins 5erIes Seattle, WA TaIl8dege, AI. AIIIIIIA IIortMIst III C'1IIIp 5erIes 5122 615-6 7110 7/25 BuQls C!eok. MD Hurricane .... PA _Ridge, NY Sleepy HoIow. PA 1+1 "iii Md" If you haven't seen Cycle News at your local dealer... AHIIIIA Sound crt 6112 1Q19-10 Info 7151842-9699 CANAQA 360 York Rd., R.R. #4 N.O.T.L., Ontario, lOS-1JO (416) 684·7418 (416) 684-1n4 FAX MasterCarrt anc1 VISA aceeptecJ. Fref! eatatog available upon request. Eugene, OR 617 lid ....... 1IegIIn 615-6 BuQls C!eok. MD Hurricane HIs. PA _,TN 5122 615 6112 6127 7/17 7/31 1lf28.29 WERA IIlIt'I C'sIIIp 5erIes 5122-23 AlIRIIAIVIntage Iroa ..... 1II5er1es , .'j' ULBW(tC!JOt!J L1JI:fJtsCBUYCDflj 5erIes Swlt HoIister, CA HoIister, CA _,CA 2 DAYS OF NATIONAL RACING long Pond, PA 713-4 london, ~ 6126 GIattan. MI 9118 SlBImboal Springs. CO InIo n5l842-9699 IIIIClII . 5130-31 6113 6/27 Into 4061238-8208 Plus 600cc, H-D 883cc National & Rally Mt. Meridan, IN C'sbIp 7123-25 IIIba. DeIlly. VT S. Berwick, ME CIa'Ierack, NY SYRACUSE TWIN MILES Graltan, Ml liMA Grand IIat'I III IIorIIl t:enlrII 6120 MaIvem,OH MaIvem,OH Malvem,OH MaIvem, OH • A. CTIO • • • Mt. Meridan, IN 7fJ 0IIl0 615 Londo. KY 6/27 Into 7011838-1268 _,AI. _,AI. InIo~·7196 ~.KY 6120 7/4 Inlo 6061877·1364 5116 5123 616 Bessemer, AI. 5/15 615 6/19 Into 205I4n-lill48 MI4 IIorIIl t:enlrIIllegIon 5122-23 6126-27 711 0-11 7131-811 8/13-15 9/4-5 9/11-12 1Q12-3 1019-10 5115 5122 615 6126 713-4 7/24 6126 9/11 lQ/16 AItzonII Inlo 3101868-8112 5121 5130-31 6120 AquIlsco, 1040 Aquasco, 1040 Aquasco, 1040 0DIb Moreno Valley, CA Moreno Valley. CA Moreno Valley, CA 5116 5130-31 Into 913/8042-8272 Aztec, CO Erie,CO Aztec, CO 5130 6/20 6/27 WestIm 5123 615 6120 Bozsman, MT CDA, 10 Washougal, WA 5I'JO 6112 GII~e{. Hallett. OK Hallett. OK Mt. t.1eridan, IN E. St louis, Il Long Pond, PA 'ngton. TN E. St louis, Il Helett. OK TaIadega, AI. HaIIeU, OK 5122-23 6/19-20 7110-11 7131-811 8/13-15 6127-29 9/4-5 9/18-19 lQ12-3 1Q/16-17 Info 607n37·1904 5116 5130-31 6112·13 Info 2061667-7905 ( IIdC .......... 616 Ell< City, OK 6113 Oklahoma City, OK 6/27 Ell< City, OK Into 4051733-0041 ....... RegIon 5115-16 5129-30 6/19-20 _,SC Iron S1a1ion, NC _.SC 5116 616 6119 Into 706/B6O-tl653 l~= PA ,TN Fa_, GA Talladega. AI. F8UkvIIe, GA 6113-15 6/27-29 9/18-19 lQ12-3 1Q/15-17 DIRT :rRA9tNA~\ONALS . SRA (~P California Schedule May 23 Glen Helen June 13 Glen Helen July 11 Carlsbacl '--....;;.- Info (714) 957-2915 - - - - - ' Old Timers MX Association Race Schedule Starwest eRe MX Perris eRe MX Sat., May 30 LA Cty Rcwy eRe MX Sun., May 16 Sun., May 23 For lIIformatiOD Call (714) 833-8li08 41

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