Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 05 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eEVENTS • back on track in third. Unger repassed Maister then Dunkel in !urn 10 and wenl on to victory. Unger also claimed a win in Middleweight Supersport on a Honda CBR600. Results m H/W 5fB1( ElO I. _ DunIgas charging. The ballle everyone wanted 10 see, didn'l materalize, and the checkers came out 10 end the race with Short first, DiSalvo second and Cordoza third. In the Open Novice competition a horrendous multi-rider spill broughl out the red flag, and with the Sloppage, a few minor repairs 10 bikes and riders were required; even the track underwenl some maintenance. The race was initially led by Kevin Dupser bul as he was jusl aboul 10 exil the ciuve and enter Ihe back streich, he lost the front end and wenl down. Before he was even on the ground, second-place rider Larry Thurman was down as well. The third-Ihrough-fifth place riders ran inlo Ihe downed men and machines, resulting in a major pileup. Only Mike Ga11aty avoided the crash, as he had startd in row two and had lime 10 avoid the spilled riders. Larry Thurman was excluded from Ihe restarl as he opled 10 ride 10 the hospital 10 check oul the extenl of his injuries. An examination of the track showed thaI a racer from a prior race had splashed water from a lrack-bordering dilch, and the slick spol wasn'l delected until the spill occurred. On the restart, Oinl Erickson and his Yamaha grabbed the lead and for 15 laps Ihe youngster made not a single mislake. Trailing Erickson were Dupser and Steve Bonsey. After the crash all of the novice riders showed extra caution during their race. R.sults (Yam); 3. Gordon Lunde, Jr. (Hon). 4. Juon Traslar (Hon); S. Chucl< Mu1Jel, U (Hon~ M/W GP AM: 1. Bryant Sobers (Hon); 2. Mark D. Hayes (yam); 3. WillWn Kubitz (lion); 4. Mike Hellen (Hon); 5. B~ ). ZojIc (Han). M/W S/BK EX: 1. Rick 8rruer (Hon) ; 2. Shn~'n Conrad (Hon); 3. Sam Wudrip (Kon);'. Tom CUanI (Honl; 5.... M. P..., (I:lon). M/W S!BK AM: 1. J-on Broobhaw (Hon); 2. BryantSober'g (Hon); 3. lkodley J. Zojk (Hon);" Morl< D....,.. (Y....~ 5. MD,. Hellen (Han). M/W S/5I'RT ElO L T....." ...... (Hon~ 2. ........ Qxuad (Hon); 3. Rick Breuer (Hon); 4... DouSLu Punf (lion): 5. Tom GInnI (Hon~ M/W S/SPKT AMI: 1. JalOfl 8rooUhaw (Hon); 2. Bryolnt SjoI>elJ (Kon~ 3. B....., J. ZojIc (lion); ....... O. ...,.. (Y....~ 5. WWi.un Kubitz (Han). L/W GP EX: 1. Lany Cohee (Yam); 2. Rodney C. Antrim evolm); 3. O. .id J, Doe (yMIl); 4. ~ D. Huntei' (yam); S. Jams E. Vaupel (Yam). L/W CP AM: L Eric M.. Bleed (Yam); 2. wry PrincKox (Hon) ; 3. Dolun (Yom) ; .. On. " " - (Hon~ 5. G.vy L. ...... (Y ~ L/W 5/BJ:: EX: 1. David J, Doe (Yam); 2. BrYn Corder (Yam); Rydel (ICow~ .. """'-II.-.. (Y....~ 5. B"'" Z. Anthony (Yam). L/W S/BK AM: 1. Erlc- M. 8Wd (YMn) ; 2. DliYid P.blt. m s....trick D. (yam); 3. Matt (Yam); 4. Gluy L FouI:t (Yam); 5. ""-(Kon~ L/W S/SPRT EX: I. Brian Conley (Yam); 2. Brook Z. Anthony (Y....~ 3. Tunothy). c:.J... (Y....~ .. D. 5a>tt Ikown (Y....~ 5. Dnld FoIz (Yom). L/W S/SPRT AM: 1. Matt Datun (Yam); 2. o.fld PabM. m (Yam); 3. j.uon W ~ (Yam); "- o.nny A. Mjftr (Yam); S. Braeovlch (Y.un). e.e. L/W S/TWN EX.: 1. Mark Pmsbom (Due); 2. P.trick D. Rydeo (Dul~ 3. Do. . Moon (Dul~ ....... _ I (Dul); S. Billy). _ (ICow~ L/W S/TWN AM: 1. Eric A. KansuzJm (K.1w); 2. Jeff Williomo (JCow~ 3. T"'l' " - (Hon~" Loo AIJen (Dul~ .. T"'l' D. M. 1. D..u.t,...... (Yom~ 2.)mno Ellis (Yom~ >SO NOV, I. A.). lClrlSO PRo. L /ohn (Yom); 2. Delek w.tldno (Hon~ 3.)eIf 8

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