Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 05 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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and Eric Gilbert and then the tandem of Peter Lewis and Jamie Macy. The Millar/Leeder team was credited with the win, while second was grabbed by the Lewis/Macy duo, just ahead of Stephens and Gilbert. Results SCRATCH MAjN, L ..... F.... (Wes~ 2. Guy Itid<; 3. Nld< ....., .. ..... IUI<; S. ..... RkNnI)ones. SDCAR MAIN: 1. Ron Mlllar/DaJe Leeder; 2. Peter Lewis/Jamie Macy'; 3. Dave Stephens/Eric GllbeTt; 4. Dean W..,..,,, _Dw.yne JGns. Bostrom tackles Lodi IT By Mindyz Mac WDI, CA, APR.24 Ben Bostrum was the winner in the Open Expert class at the Lodi Cycle Bowl's fir.;t IT scrambles of the year. Bostrum led the race off the line and throughout, with Charlie Brown in second and Bostrum's brother Eric holding down third overall. Brown turned in a good ride, but not good enough to keep Eric Bostrum from passing him through one of the right-handers, making it a Bostruln 1-2 at the finish line. Toby Jorgensen won the 80cc A/B class wire-to-wire over Tyson Silva and Jesse Dawson. Jorgensen was never chaIJenged as he piloted his Honda around the track. Silva and Dawson battled each other throughout the race for the second-place spot. Dawson would pass Silva on the sweeper heading for the second jJlInP and SUva would pass and lead Dawson through the infield, until finaIJy Silva was able to put enough distance between him and Dawson to take second place at the checkered flag. Action in the 250cc B/C class saw B-rider Herb Callen pulJing the holeshot and leading the pack of rider.; through the tree tum. Callen stretched out his lead and went on to take the win, while behind him Jerry Douglas and Davis Winters were dicing it out for second. Wmt"", was riding hard as he tried to pass Douglas, but Douglas was riding smoothly and made no mistakes. The order at the finish line was CaIJen, Douglas and Winters. The Vintage A/B class, the last race of the evening. was also the most exciting. as the lead changed several times throughout the first 10 laps. Eric Weisler, riding a 650cc Yamaha, grabbed the holeshot at the green light, with Jim Mahoney on his Honda 350 right behind him. Weisler had an obvious horsepower advantage down the long straightaway, which meant Mahoney had to charge extra hard through the turns. Mahoney pressured Weisler through the infield and was able to pass him, only to be passed back on the straight. This went on for about eight laps until Mahoney finaIJy passed Weisler over the last jump to take the win. The two riders were hardly ever more than inches away from each other throughout the race. Results 21) division by winning both motos, and Ingrande proVided plenty of action for King in the second moto. FoIJowing a somewhat uneventful first moto that King had won, Ingrande nailed the holeshot in the second moto but dropped his Honda at the fir.;t switch-back. Shawn EIJis inherited the lead with King second. King took command on the third lap, while Ingrande, who had remounted from his earlier crash, moved through the pack and into third place. On the fifth lap, Ingrande motored around Ellis and began a charge on King. but had to settle for a close second at the checkered. Other 125cc class action saw Glenn Brandon win both 12See (12-15) motos and then place second and first in the Novice Stock class motos. Josh Williams was also a repeat winner in the 12.5cc Novice Modified divisiofL Emilt Kling won both Jr. Cycle (7-11) Stock and Modified classes by winning all four motos. Other double moto winners were Steve Laninovich in the Old Pharts class; Tanner Lawson in the Eirst-Timer Pee Wee events; Jonathan Rose in Pee Wee Modified class; Manny Arias in the 80cc Novice Stock class; Josh Tarantino in the Super Mini division, and Jesus Camillas in the Jr. Cycle (1-8) motos. Geoff Rader was a repeat winner in the 60cc (9-11) Stock class but had to battle with John . Hopkins for the wifL Results FT P/W: 1. Tanner Lawson (yam); 2. KNla Sovey (Suz); 3. Ivan Shultz (yam); 4. Rustin Millikan (Yam); S. Mge" Chunn (Yom). P/W STK «().8): 1. Jesus Casillas (Y"m); 2. Dustin Good (Yam); 3. Chris Caudillo (; 4. Matthrw yanez (yam); S. A.J. Loe(Y~ P/W SEMI MOD (0-8): 1. Clinton Pitm:e (Yam); 2. David Meyltl'1 (yam); 3. Cu Swift (Yam); 4.. Ou:is Caudillo (Yam); 5. RYAn But (Yam). P/W MOO (1).8): 1. Jonathan Ro5e (yam); 2. Mark Palmer (Yam); 3. AndrewWaga'IW1 (Yam);" Ryan Beat (Yam). JR CYCLE STK ~ 1. _ e..m.. (Kaw~ 2. DuoIIn Good (Kw); 3. JUAn S-illa (Kaw); 4. Onid Meyen (; 5. Joey ~v£lOO (JC&w). 'R CYQ.E STK (7-11): I. Emitt JCMg (Kaw); 2. o..tin Waban ("aw); 3. Geoff Rader (; 4. )uon CiArIdta (Kaw); S. RoN Garda (lUw). JR CYCl.E MOD (7-11~ 1. Emi.IClinS (Kaw~ 2. ScoIt Nobon(y_). P/W MOO: 1. Jen.n.a Ellis (Yam); 2. Adrie.nne Nicholson (Y-). 8Q A/B: 1. Toby Jorsm.'Im (Han); 2. Tyson Silva (Y.un); 3. Jelle Da...... ("'w~ .. Ardy_(lIon~s._GnvU6 Dahlin (Suo~ 2. Bobby HubbonI (Kaw~ 3. Jonathan Knlsht (J(.aw); 4. Krn Wilson (Hon); .5. Justin Lusian (lion). 'II) 800 I.)om _ (lion) SOl) JR; 1. rID\. limn (Hon); 2. Chris Watrn (Yam); 3. OlIve ""'s- (JCIM);'. Eric Can (Kaw); S. John Colomon (Hon). 500 INT: l Robert Fallin! (Hon). 25-29 BEQ 1. John Waohbum (Suo~ 2. Jan Woodrinc (lIon~ 3. Da,,",Spub(Y-). 25-29 INT: 1. BNn Schmuddt (Hon); 2. Jason Mc:Conniek (Hon); 3. Rkk Lundll'"" (Y-); •• en'l ........ (lion); s. ICm WlIoon (lion) BOMBER; 1. . . - FoJHna (lIon~ 2. ... CnobIo (Yom) 30+ BOO 1. Sapo _ _ (JCIlol). 30+ Jl< 1. r......... (Suo~ 2. Moft McI'on.n UttJe (Yam);" JdI ScoIt (lIon~ s. ....,. Viqptio (Y~ 30+ !NT, L Tod Md(ay (Hon~ 2. ...... Sdunudde (EIon~ 3. Rkk 1.undll'"" (Y-~" D.Jt a..-. (Suo~ s. )dJ Van Camp (Yam). 35+1lEQ 1. John D'Gndy (Y-); 2. ....,. _ (Y-~ 3. Ardn; - . (Kaw~" John f (lion) 35+ Jl< 1. Darn.I Davaloo ~ 2. ..... _ (Kaw~ "John Tookoy (lion) 3S+ INT, I• . . - FaWros (lIon~ 2. Cn'I _ (Hon~ 3. John f (lion) VETPIlQ L J d I - ~2."" _ (Kaw~3. Dno ......... (lIon~" W.... Amondlo(Y...~S. ...........,. (Suo) 40+ fR.: L Bill Stllhr (Han); 2. Bob J:oller (Han); 3. Ira ~ (Y...~ .. "'ani< """" (Y'ln); s. .... (Kaw) 411+ EX; 1. TIm Dolly (lIon~ 2. Nld< ~ 3. Gene cms e-oo PhaI

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