Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1993 05 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eEVENTS e Darryl Hel.ler (Hon); 4. Darryl Ahonen (Hon); .5. Rodney c._(J(>w~ 30+ 8: 1. Ropr A.cI.amI (JC.Iw);: 2. Tim Stokn (Yam); 3. John T"-l (Hon~" ""rid Ku""".-(Hon~5.Doll ~ (Yam). 30+ A: I. ltkky Palmer (Hon); 2. 0."11 Heisler (Hon); 3. Donny ...... (Hon);'. Konold Dobbo (Han); ,. )ohnoy _ ~ <0" 1. T..... We\bom ~ Z. Ou>ck .... (J(>w~ 3. J (Hon~" !.any _ (Suz~ 5. E. Shco1y Goode (Suz). 125 A MOO: 1. Tommy Martin (Han); 2. Andre Pme (Hon); 3. And«w o..p.;n CSuz). 2SO A MOD: 1. Emle MlJlan (Hon); 2. Andrew (Hon~ 3. Domo W.... (y-). OPEN" I. Tommy ....... ~ z.)on Cny ~ 3. ...... eon.. -(I(&,,~ Brandon takes two at Hunt MX By Michael Harasmisz Photo by Jack Haley HUNT. NY. APR. 18 Perry Brandon took wins in the Senior Band Vintage/Woods classes at the 4th Annua.l Dunlop Motorsport Challenge at Hunt Moto Park. The event drew 250 riders from as far away as Canada and Pennsylvania, with class winners taking home Dunlop tires for their Chris RoclcweU (766) and Perry Brandon led the VintageIWoods class at Hunt MX. Rod Vaughn (1) roosted eventual 2SOcc C class winner Tim Stokes (13) at Echeconnee. 3. Evan Bennehoft (Yam); 4. Grq Neuwoehner (V.m); 5. Todd t'-Y(Yam). Sw>day P/W MOl:>. I.Ilndley RIpple (Yom~ MY-II, 1. _Turley (IC>"~ • 2,5: 1. Bryan Hoffman (Kaw); 2. lArry Witmer (Suz); 3. Onld JOMIOR (KJiw); •. Steve Judge (Hon); 5. Greg Althoff (Yam). !'l12-15 EX, 1. N _ Wey (J(>w~ Z. C. ConoldIno (J(>w);3. Rondy V.- (yam);" _ lA.... (Suz); 5. J-n (I(&"~ !'lY-U, 1. 'DOh... Woodl (1(&,,); z. ......y _ (1(&,,);3. D. McKlnney (Hon);'. _ Tudey (Ko,,~ 5. Ritchie ...... (1(&,,). as C: 1. SNlWn Servaty (lCAw); 2. Oclcftt (Kaw); 3. 8. 5CricIdond (Suz); •• o.rid Redmond (Yam). 125 C I. MiItn ~ .. Joe Woodrins (I(&,,~ 1<-2" I. C", ~ (Yam); Z. Troy XNd (1(&,,); ....... Rowke (Yom). z. _ Carmichael, Sybert top Echeconnee Motocross By Gary Crider MACON, GA, APR. 25 Ricky Carmichael and Jason Sybert turned in spectacular performances to win their respective divisions in the AMA Area Qualifier at Echeconnee MX. Carmichael won both the Super Mini and 85cc Modified (9-13) divisions, while Sybert dominated the 125cc B Modified action. Carmichael's only serious challenger in the Super Mini and 8Sec Modified (9-13) contests was fellow Kawasalci rider Shae Bentley. Each rider had extensive time at the front, but in the end, it was Carmichael scoring all four moto wins over Bentley. Sybert came back from a fU'St moto spill to win the 12Sec B Modified class with a perfect score. Brian Thornburg's 4-4 tally was good enough for second overall, while Jason Metz was held to third with 7-2 finishes. New Englander Cynthia Cole was a surprise to many here. as she out-rode 18 of the men in her class to claim fourth place gold. Jason Sybert's sister Kim was 12th overall. The 30+ B class was a thriller, as florida-residents Roger Adams and Tim Stokes fought over the lead in both motos. Adams and Stokes came away with a moto win each with Adams on top overall. Stokes had to settle for second here, but he came back to win the 2.5Occ C Modified division. Rod StlKkey led the opening 250cc B Modified moto from starl to finish. hounded all the way by Steve Saunders. Saunders, however, DNF moto two, while Stuckey rode to a perfect score over James Grier and Marty Williams. Richard Hiers posted a pair of runaway moto wins to claim the 85cc Modified (14-15) honors over Jon Simmons and Chad Murphy. Scott Pinson, riding very slowly due to a broken collarbone, put in enough laps to be counted a finisher. "The break was close to the breast bone, so I was able to hold on to the handlebars okay.· said Pinson. efforts. The natural terrain track was in excellent condition throughout the day with many corners ha ving two or three lines to choose from which made for exciting Tacing. Dave Waters grabbed the early lead in the first Senior B moto witlt Dennis Kelly and Perry Brandon close behind. Brandon and Kelly took over first and second on the second lap with Waters in third. Brandon finished first with Kelly a close second. Waters was third. Kelly took the holeshot in the second moto and opened up a large lead over Brandon and Ray Rink. Kelly looked on his way to a win but with a lap to go he tangled with a Iapper allowing Brandon to slip by for the win and the overall. Kelly recovered for second overall. Rink was third overall. Chris Rockwell led the first Vintage/Woods moto with Brandon and Scott Flohr following. Brandon moved into the lead on the second lap and held on for the win. Rockwell was second with Flohr in third. FlDhr led the first three laps of the second moto with Rockwell and Brandon battling over second. Brandon moved from third to first on the last lap to take the win and the overall_ Flohr was second with Rockwell third. Other double moto winners were Jake Ellsworth who led every lap of both 125cc Schoolboy motos for the overall win. Second both times out were Jeremy Bellinger which was good for second overall. In 125cc AmatellT action Mark VanNonnan led every lap of his two motos to take unchallenged wins and the overall. Kenneth Nobles and Chris VanHyning were second and third behind VanNorman in both motos. Results P/W: l. TroyCluk (Yam); 2. Mike SIck (Yam). 60: 1. JamM! Robin8on (Kaw); 2. Bob SUvarde (Kaw); 3. Aaron SOoponi (I(&,,~ •. 8ndely Iloume (I(&,,~ MINI JR: 1. Adam Bourne (; 2. AMOn t>idn' (Suz). MINI ~ I. _ .. W......... ~ z. John Ron.- (Suz~ 3..... sa (Suz);'. Justin Shop"'" (J(>w); 5. Luke Yount! (Y.m~ MINI COMB: 1. Jason Hatkne:u (SU%); 2. Heath WadhantJ (Hon); 3..... sa (Suz); ........ ~ (Suz); 5. Luke Young (Yom~ 125 SCHBY: L Jake Elt.worth (Suz); 2. J~y 8elJinser (Hon~ 17-24: l. Jon Rlghbnin (Suz); 2. Mark Goetz (Kaw); 3. Mark vonNomYn (I(&,,~ .. Tom WIWey (Suz~ 5. c."y ""'" (Suz). 125 oro I. ......, Ild\ingu (Hon~ Z. Son 0'Mnn0 (I(&,,~ 3. jolm ............ (IC.ow~" 0... Won! (Hon~ 5. ...,.". Wood (tIon~ OPEN IIEQ 1. ......, AcWnk (Hon); Z. Bob IJw~" 0 ...",<)« (IC.ow~ 5. "'" Kuhu(Yom). +25 AM: 1. Dennis ~Iy (; 2. CAry Wan'ler (Hon); 3. 0Mn Hushon (yam). SR C: 1. Roy Ernst (Suz.); 2. Gord)' I(oester (Suz); 3. Tony C__ SR B: 1. Peny 8riIndon (JC.iIw); :z. DmniJ KeDy (; 3. by (Y~ 3. au;, (IC.ow~ RInJ< (Han). ResullB 85 MOD (9-13), I. Rkky CumlcNeI (Ko,,); z. ..... _tJey (Kaw); 3. Matt Walker (KIIw); t. Aaron lJndsey (Kaw); S. Nkholu Citron (Yam). 8S MOO (14·15): 1. RicNrd Hjaw (Kaw); 2. Jon Simmons (Kaw); 3. CNd MW'l'hy (Suz); 4. (Suz); Jdf C.... (Suz); 3. z. SR A:. 1. Marty Merz (; 2. Skip KopdOWlkJ (Xaw); 3. Fnnk GI"08lIO (KiIw). +25 EX: 1. Brian Austin (; 2. Joe BUngton (Yam); 3. Ted Holt (Yam); 4. 'ilul Austin (Hon). l.2S EX: 1. Don Schmidt (KiIw); 2. Paul Austin (Kaw); S. Jon RiJhtmire (Suz); 4. Martin McOoniIJd (Suz). 201 OPEN EX: 1. Joe Ellington (Yilm); 2. Marty Marz (JCaw); 3. Mark Goetz (Kilw); 4. Peter Falconi (Hon); .5. Dennl. Kennanuth (ICTM). Fou.nQln (Suz). P:inepr (Kaw). 125 8 MOO 1.)uon Syberi l"""~ z. ...... ThomI>wi (Yam~ 3. , - . Motz (Suz~ 5. J-n en.. (Hon~ 250 8 MOl>. 1. Rod Studw~ 2.5-+: 1. Tommy Martin (Hon); 2. Ricky Palmu (Hon); 3. Dixon then flew by Hayes, while Ortner, Stillings and Kern pulled away. Kern followed Stillings one more lap then shot by on a straightaway, but Stillings retaliated in the next tum. Ortner turned on the afterburners and stretx:hed out his lead. Meanwhile, Stillings crashed which let Kern take ovjU second, followed by Dixon. Hayes and Steve Dye. Ortner held on for the win Kern second and Dixon third Hayes and Dye rounded out the top five. Kern jumped out to an early lead in the second moto. with Hayes, Reber. Dye and Ortner eating his dust. Halfway around the opening la.p. OTtner powered his way into second. Renthal/BridgestonelJ.J. Design/Performance Engineering/ Honda-Kawasa1w~ (IC.ow~ 3. Louis Uvely (Hoo); 4. Eric Zanoril (Yam). !'l (I<-15l' 1. Scott McGWpn (I(&");Z. Mock Pw~ 3. Kyle ..yen (Hon);" MiI

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