Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 05 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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IN THE WIND By Pap a W -----L1ey ,-,---_ea SUbscription .Rate Schedule CA Residents Ad d 714% Sales Tax LA Cou nty 814% Sales Tax First Class SerVice DOM ESTIC 1year 50 issues 51 08.00 6 months 25 issues 555.00 Trial sub. 15 issues 533.00 CAN A AD 50 issues 5122.00 1 year 6 months 25 issues 560.00 Trial sub. 15 issues 536.00 M EXICO 1year 50 issues 51 22.00 6 months 25 issues 560.00 Trial sub. 15 issues 536.00 ALL OTHER 1 year 50 issues 5127.00 COUNTRIES 6 months 25 issues 562.00 Trialsub. 15 issues 538.00 Second Class Service DOMESTIC 50 issues 535.00 1year 6 months 25 issues 518.00 Trialsub. 15 issues 511.00 CANADA 50 issues 575.00 1 year 6 months 25 issues 538.00 Trial sub. 15 issues 523.00 1year 50 issues 575.00 6 months 25 issues 538.00 Trialsub. 15 issues 523.00 MEXICO ALL O THER 1year 50 issues 575.00 COUN TRIES 6 months 25 issues 538.00 Trialsub. 15 issues 523.00 Air Mail Service D OMESTIC N available ot C ANADA 50 issues 5137.00 1 year 6 months 25 issues 570.00 Trialsub. 15 issues 542.00 MEXICO 50 issues 5137.00 1year 6 months 25 issues 570.00 Trial sub. 15 issues 542.00 ALL OTHER 1 year 50 issues 5224.00 COUNTRIES 6 months 25 issues 5114.00 Trial sub. 15 issues 568.00 Two year subscription prices available upon request. Use the order form in the IN THE WIND section or send your order, including payment (check, money order, charge to VISA or Mastercard) payable in U.S. funds, to: Cycle News, Inc. Attn. Circulation P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 Phone (310) 427-7433 lOU-FREE SUBSCRIPTION HOlUNE (800) 831·2220 9 a.m. - 5 p.... P.5.T". 5IIbscri,u_ Calls ChIIy 24 hr. FAX order line (310) 427-6685 2 (charge orders only, please) Due to the civil unrest in the greater Los Ange les area last week , mai l service was slower than normal , partially du e to many airl ine flights that were canceled, delayed or rerouted. Becau se of th e problems, several race reports that we had scheduled for this issu e d id no t arr ive by pressti me (Mo nda y, May 4). Those rep o rts, a mo n g th em o ur cov erage of the O klahoma Four- Day ISDE Q ualifier, will appear in next week's Cycle News. Team America gave H o nda 's CBR 900 it s ' first AM A / CCS EBC End urance Challen ge victory at Char lotte Motor Spe edway on May 2: Andy Deat he rag e, Mich ael Barnes, Fran k Slaughter and Fritz Klin g combined to win the three-ho ur race on the new motorcycle. Fastline /MCM Racing (SUl ) finished second overall with Dutchman Racing (SUl) finishing third. T he GTU win went to Team Toomer (Yam). A 1-2-1 rno to tall y ga ve Italian Franco Ros si (KT M) th e overall victory at the third ro und of the Worl d Cha mpion shi p 500cc MX Series i n Po vaska Bystr ica, Czechoslovak ia, May 3. T he runner-up was Kurt Nicoll (KT M), who went 2-1- 2, wh il e defendi ng cha mp George s J o b e (Hon) ended up th ird with .consi stent 3-3-3 mo to fin ishes: American B illy Liles (H on ) went DNF-4-8. j obe leads th e series po int sta ndi ngs with 86, followed by Nicoll with 72 and Liles wit h 66. Donn y Sch m it (Yam ) swept all three motos at ro und . fo ur of th e World Champio ns hip 250cc MX Series May 3 in Cal larate, Italy, and was o ne of four America ns to finish in the top six. Belgia n Stefan Everts (Suz) finis hed second overall with 2-6-4 moto finish es, Italian A lessandro P u z a r (Yam) was th ir d wi th a 6-2-2 score, and he was followed in th e overa ll results by defending 250cc Wor ld Champion T ram pas Park e r (Hon) of Lou sian a and Cal ifornian s Bob Moore (Yam) and Bader Manneh (Hon). Everts lead s Pu zar in th e po int standings, 149145, Parker is th ird with 137 point s foll owed by Minneso tan Schmit fourt h (126), Moore (105) and Manneh (93). Ro und five of the World Ch amp ionship l 25cc MX Series, held May 3 in Genk , Belgium, saw Du tchman Dave Stijbos (Ho n) scor e the overall victory with 2-1-1 mo to finishes. Compatrio t Pedro Tragter (SUl) was seco nd ov erall and So u th Afr ican Greg Albertijn (Hon) fini shed third overa ll. Ca liforn ian Tallon Vohland (SUl) fin ished third in the final moto bu t failed to finish in the top 15 in the other races. T rag ter leads Albertijn in the point standi ng s, 207-189, and Fren chman Yves Demaria lies third wi th 182 po ints. Defendin g Trials ' World Ch am pion Jordi Tarres (Bet) of Spain won ro und four of the World ' Champio nsh ip Obs erved T rial s Seri es Apri l 26 in Wicklow, Ireland . Finn Tommi Ahvala (Apr) finished secon d and j apan ese rid er Takumi Narita (Bet) was third. Ahvala leads the sta ndi ngs wit h 69 points, wh il e T arr es and Ita lian D iego Bosis (Fan ) are tied for second wit h 67 points . Steve Hatch (SUl) was the o vera ll winner of ro und fou r of the AMA National Ch am pionship Enduro Series in Rose City, Mich igan , May 3. The runner-u p was three-ti me Nat ional Champion Randy Hawkins (Suz), wh ile defendin g cham p Jeff Russell (KT M) was third. Kevin H ines (H us) _ Bay-Ie, Stanton's frames·deemed Ieg,_ aI A Iter a thoroug h inspection of the alleged ill ega l frames used by Team H onda's j ean- Michel Bayle and j eff Stanton at the April 25 Las Vegas Supercross, the AMA deem ed the fra mes lega l. Immediately following the Camel Supercross ma in event at th e Las Vegas Silver Bowl , whi ch was won by Bayle, T eam Yamaha's Doug Dubach filed a pro test " aga inst Team Honda, clai m ing tha t the frames and swingarms used by Bayle and Stanton were illega lly altered. It was found that ni ght tha t the swingarms were lega l, bu t the frames had to be stripped and shi p ped to the AMA headq uarters in Westervi lle, Ohio, in order to accurately inspect the frames. . "We com pared Bayle and Stanton 's fram es (April 28) to two production fram es, measured them , and we were very satisfied that the factory Honda fram es were up to produc tion specificati ons," said AMA's Director of Professional Racing Roy janso n , on Mo nday, May 4. " We formally no tified Doug Dub ach Th ursd ay morni ng (April 30) an d no appeal has been filed , so we ass ume the situation is closed. An ap pea l mu st be filed within 48 working hours, and we haven 't heard fro m Dubach yet." According to T eam Yama ha Race T eam Manager Keith McCarty, ;'AtJ h is po int, we're not goi ng to pursue the matter. " It is an unfo rtuna te situa tion. I thought we had a reliable source of i nfo rma tion regarding the parts (fra mes and swingarms) in q uestio n ," added McCarty. " I guess it wasn' t so." . . "It (the pro test) seems to be desperate move," said H onda Race T eam Man ager Dave Arnold. ''I'm sur prised Yam ah a acted in that manner; they heard a rumor and they acted on it. T hey' ve never been a com pany to do that. " We don ' t hold anything agai nst them (Team Yam aha )," add ed Arn old. T he frames were shipped ba ck to Honda o n T h ursday , April 30. "T he who le th in g interfered with .our testing during the week," said Arnold. " Bu t we'll be ready for the nex t race at Sou thwick (250cc National, May 17)." Up until the AMA's decision on the fram es, th e Las Vegas Su percross results were provisio nal. H owever, they are now officia l, and Bayle leads the series po int standings with 268 points, Stanton is second with 266, and Damon Bradshaw is thi rd with 262. T here are three ro unds remaini ng . a an d K e lb y Pepper (KT M) rounded out the top five. T he fifth rou nd of the AMA National Cha mpionship Hare & Ho un d Series held near Las Vega s, Nevada , May 3, was won by defend in g Na tiona l Ch am p io n Danny H a m el (Kaw). Fin ishing in second p lace was Don Griewe (H us), wh o was followe d by Ted Hunnicutt (Kaw), Larry Roes ele r (Kaw) and P aul Krause (Kaw), in tha t order. S cott Summers (H on ) scored the overa ll win in round five of the Grand National Championship Cross Cou ntry Series in Beckley, West Virg inia, ' May 3. The two-t ime Nation al Cha mpi on took th e checkered flag ahead of ru nner-up Scott Plessinger (KT M). R ound i n g o ut th e to p fi ve were D u a n e Co n ne r (Ka w ), Doug B lackwell (Kaw) and Gary Roach (H on). Four-time 600cc Nat ional Ch ampion Chris Carr (H -D) scored th e win at th e May 3 Fresno Mile, held at nort hern Cal ifornia 's Fresno County Fairgr oun ds. Foll owi ng Carr across the line were Mike Hale (R tx) in second and Davey Durelle (R tx) in th ird. Ben Bostrom (R tx) topped th e j un ior final. Will Davis (H -D) scored the win at the AMA/ Motorcycle Asphalt Racin g Seri es Sh ort Track h eld at Nort h Carolina 's Charlotte M'otor Speedway, May 2. Rusty Rogers (H -D) fin ished second, ahea d of Larry Pegram (H - of Pro fessional Racing Roy j anson, " After reviewi ng the incident, we felt there was high po tential for inj ury . We, reall y d o n 't know the intent (of Bradshaw), whether or no t the move was mal icious or an error of judgement, but either way it (the in cident ) was seri ou s' eno ug h to fin e him the max imum a m o u n t." A referee is permitted to fine a rider up to $500 and the AMA is empo wered to levy fines of up to $1000. Bradshaw was found gu ilty of vio la tin g rule #23 (Chap ter 9 of the AMA Ru le Book): " R iding at an y time in such a man ner . as to endanger the life or li mb of other riders, officials o r the public." Bradsha w did no t appeal the decision . Stephane Mertens (Duc) won both legs of th e Superbike Kin g of the Roads race at the Metter pu blic roa ds track in Belgium during the May 2-3 Grand Trophy road race meetin g. But it was Brit ish racer-journalist Alan Cathcart who won the coveted G rand Trop hy award for " man of th e meetin g" after winning two races - the BoTT Interna tional o n a Bimo ta Tesi, and th e Sound of Singles Monob ikes race o n hi s Ga llina-Suzu ki. The tr adi tio n a I dirt tr ack season opener in Ohio, the Springfield Half Mile, saw George Roeder (H-D) wi n th e Expert final with Steve Morehead (H -D) finishing second and Tim Mertens (H on) third. Brett Byer (H -D) led broth ers James Hart (W-R ) and Roy Hart (W-R) across the fin ish line in the j unior main. John Lowe (H -D) won the Pro-Am final. D ). T eamYamaha 's Damon Bradshaw was fined an addi tio nal $1000 for the . incident he and Team Kawasak i's j eff Mati asevich were invo lved in at the April 25 La s Vegas Supercr oss. Brad shaw was fined $500 o n the spot by AMA referee Ron Cradall fo r " . . . endangeri ng another rider ," and upon furt her review by the AMA of the inci dent that saw Bradshaw " take o ut" Ma tiasevi ch in the final, th e AMA slapped Bradshaw wit h an additio na l $1000 fin e. According to AMA Director Co ngratulat ion s to ·D a n West of Newark, Ca liforni a ! West, wh o sto pped by th e Cycle News booth during the Lagu na Seca Nationa l Cham pions hi p R oad R a ce Seri es weekend and ent ered the dr awing for the giant Cycle N ews cover featuring Wayne Rainey, is the winner of that jumbo cover. The new giant cover that" will be on disp lay wherever we exhi bit . (tra de sh o ws, etc. ) feat ures Colin Edwa rds from issue #15. It will be gi ven away following the 1993 Laguna Seca event.

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