Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Hurd got arou nd hi m and set after Downing. Time ra n out. allowing Downin g to fin ish a distan t second beh ind Murray. The track for mo to two was dry in most sectio ns. Hurd had the hon or of leadi ng Honda-mounted Murra y bri efly on the first lap . Once Murray go t by, H urd had no trouble keeping second. David Ahouse ran third, but was not abl e to cha llen!>" Hurd. Downin/: did no ' fare as well thi s ume out, and finished fifth, behi nd J im Tholen . Mike Corning shot into the lead of the 125cc Expert class firs t mo to. Paul Rockwell was in second, ahead of Rob Nessel a nd Sean Skutnik. Nessel, spo nso red by Ma lcol m Sm ith, K&H Kawasaki and Precision Performa ne , made a pass on Rock well on the firs t lap . This di dn 't sha ke Rock well as he kept the pa ce with the two riders ahea d of him. Com ing was next to fa ll vict im to Nessel's charge. The lead was Nessel's all the way to the en d. Sku tnik a lso mad e up tim e on the leaders , as he too k advantage of a slight bobbl e by Rockwell a nd snuck into third. Half a lap later Sku tni k stalled his bike and by the time he restarted he wa s back to seventh. Rockwell never was challenged again, and finished third behi nd Co m ing and Nessel. Sku tnik worked his way back four th . Nessel was th e leader in moto two right from the start. Ron Kerr and Rockw ell led the rest of th e pack. Skut ni k seemed to enjoy 'he dr ier track and quickly passed both Kerr and Rockwel l. Nessel apr.ea red to ha ve the race in con trol unt il he slid our in a turn. Sku tnik was able to get by before Nessel remo un ted. Sku tnik rode hard a ll the way to the fini sh , takin~ the win. Mike Coming cam e past riders to finis h th ird. '0 AM A 1992: MOTORCYCLE ROAD RACING IN ITS PRIME 1992 AM A NATI ONAL RO AD RACE SCH EDULE DATE S L OCATIO N T IC KE T IN FO/WIN NERS TE LEVIS ION AIR DATES Ma rch 2-8 Daytona Intern ati onal Speedway Daytona Beach, FL Su pe rb lke: Scott Russell 250 GP: Co lin Edwa rd s Supert wln s: Pasca l Picotte TNN-Sept. 27 - 2 pm EDT Ap ril 25-26 Laguna Seca Rac ew ay Monte rey, CA (800) 327-SE CA Inside Calif: (800) 367-9939 TBA May 2-3 Cha rlotte Mo tor Speedway Charlotte, NC (704) 455-3200 June 11- PRI ME N ETWORK June 25-PRIME NETWORK May 30-31 T exas Worl d Spe edway Co ll ege Station, TX (800) 299-T EXA S No Broadcast scheduled June 13-14 Braine rd Intern ati onal Rac ew ay Brainerd, MN (612) 475- 1500 Ju ly 9- PRIME NETWORK Ju ly 23-PRIME NETWORK June 20-21 New Ha m p sh ire Int'l Speedway Loudon , NH (603) 783-4931 July 3D-PRIM E N ETWORK Aug : 13- PRIME NETWOR K J une 27-28 Road America Elkha rt Lake, WI (800 ) 365-R ACE Aug. 27-PRIME NETWORK Sep t. 3-PRIME NETWORK August 1-2 M id -O hi o Spo rt s Car Course Lexing ton, OH (419) 884-4000 Sept. 10- PRIME NETWORK Sep t, 24-PR IME NETWORK Oct 10-11 Texas World Speedway College Station, TX (800) 299- T EXAS Oc t. 22-PR IME NETWORK Oct. 29-PRIME NETWORK Resul ts SO: 1. j w un Murray ; 2. MilChdl Doughmy. JR M NI : I. Paul Carpmta; 2. Mike Oou ttherny Jr.; 5. JUi in Murray. n SR MINI: I. Ca K}' H i~ n5: 2. Mich~ 1 Bi ~lI ; .5 Robn'l . G~f.iRY: I. Scott Rock wd l; 2. Caliorl Higgim~: .5. H ow ard McCu lloch ; 't . nan Iel Hubler: 5. Rcbe n Grt'gK. CO L BY AM: J. Ibn & Ihud; 2. Dona ld Wanat; 3. Ja y J om~s ; 4. g ~&~ i~~~trk~N : m~~·Skutnik; , . Q uin n m ~?2. Iknll~ : 4. Ben Law. PL~S 25 ~X: I. To m Rice; 2. ~rq: N~I5(m : 3. Doug Flnnmli:; 4. M I~k Conung: 5. Steve: N ~1. SR NOV: l. Bob Cha plin; 2. Donald Morgan; 3. Ja mes Sando n:'; 4. J ohn P btt. SR AM: I. Da ve Ktagtt; 2. Dan iel Murphy: 3. Lenny M.uRinU.y; 4. ~ck Holbert : 5. S~en Band. . SR EX: 1. MIke Murra y: 2. T om Hurd; 3. Ed Downin g; 4. Jin, Tholm ; 5. o.;.ug P?W~ . SlSR: 1. Dona ld Km dziora; 2. Berni e Koh ler; 3. T . Seller. 200 NOV; 1. Danyl Smith: 2. Bo Canagu icr; 5. Peter Scap pa tura ; 4. Eric Braun ; 5. Rick Smith. 125 AM; I. JaKIn Bar.ul; 2. Dan Balla rd : 3. Chad Krn ge: 4. Chrib Duke; 5. Derek Stu ll. 125 EX: I. Rob Nessel, 2. Sean Skum ik; 3. M i k.~ Corn ing; 4. Paul Rockwd l; 5. Re bert Brown Jr . 250 AM: 1. JOIh Hwlbutt; 2. Gary Bush; 3. J d( Makela; i. l d l Fruteho: 5. Bernard Radtk e. 250 EX: l. 'rom Ri ce: 2. G rq NC"!iOn; 3. J o hn Yo un /(; 4. Malt Delo reneo ; 4. Cui Sh oo k.. O PEN NOV: 1. John Egan: 2. Dave Trunen 3. Eric Soh ns; 4. Clad Coates; 4. Marc Howe. OPEN AM; I. Da ve ShtrWood; 2. J im Allen; 3. Dona ld Wanat; 4. Joe Szaepanski; 5. Kelvin HC"ITolIla. O PEN tx. 1. Doug FlMllinK: 2. John Young; 3. Mike Dou gherty; 4. M ik~ Murra y: 5. Malt Delorenzo, VlNT: I. Sta n N~~; 2. Ikrni~ Koh ler j r.: 3. Kevin Amo ; 4. David How -:oll: 5. John Masizk. PRIME Network Prog ram No te: Most PRIME Ne twork affiliates will broadcast AMA Road Racing Nationals at 8:30 p.m., b uf viewers are ad vised to consult their cable listi ngs. Reynard romps to four Lake Whitney Motocross wins By Kat Spann WHITNEY, TX, APR. 5 Kawasaki T ea m Green's Robb ie Reynard scored eight mo to wins (0 sweep four classes at the ope ning round of the 20th Ann ual T exas Series held a ' the Lake Whitn ey Cycle Ran ch. Reyn ard 's most impressive win came in the Allstar class, which combines both Ama teur and Expert -class riders into one divi sion. At the star t of the first six -lap race, intermedia te rider Joey Pratt gra bbed the holeshot bu t by the end of the firs t circui t 14-year-old Reynard ha d th e lead . From th ere Reyna rd rode smooth ly to collect the moto w in ahea d of Pratt and Expert-class rid ers Den ni s Hawthorne and Roy Sehelle nberger. In moto two, 125 an d 250cc Expert class ' win ner H awthorne grabbed the holeshot with Pratt a nd the rest of the pack right behi nd him . Reynard passed Pratt for second on lap two and was four seconds behi nd the leader. Reynard was dos ing in on Hawthorn e when at the stan of lap four Hawthorne slid out. After picking up h is bike, Ha wth orn e discovered the connecti ng rod had broken and pu nched a hole in the crankcase, Tha t left Reynard 10 cruise 10 the win whi le Clint La tha m had passed Pratt on lap two and rode on to fin ish second. Schellen berger also pa ssed Pra tt and fin ished third. In the first Ladies class moto, 13-year·old Kristy Sheal y gra bbed ' he holeshot while Na d ine H olber t passed T a mm y Slay for second early in the opening lap. Holb ert passed Shea ly before the first lap was co!"pleted th en stayed O UI front to collect the WID. Moto two saw Holbert get the ho leshot and for th ree laps she had Shea ly in her tracks. On lap fou r Hol bert crashed and Shealy ran over her, wit h Holbert getti ng caught in between Shea ly's rear fender and tire. Shea ly was able to gel back in to actio n first and resu med the ' race just ahead of Slay a nd SHOE'W'N~ es ercr oSS s en A""A. SUP SiIVerdo m e "", ponu ac . ' 2 ' 992 APri' ('lam) "'oSKA VI OAWlOM BRA1- 12 back t ol back ad d 1 Win s rOun . s eries points e and reg alOS s d confidence forcornf:ae: rely on- &KOE~? . f ChampIOn "TheChOICe 0 ~ CORPORA!,~ -rv HELtJh;o CA ~~ SHoEt SAFe I • LoS Angeles, 1118 Cotner ~;~31477.605' 35

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