Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

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~ LOCAL EVENTS pro mot ocr osser , made a great cha rge on the last loop, but co uld n' t overco me John Payne's early str ing of o nes and cleans. The la rgest class, th e Novices, ended with two road racers, J ohn Cleme ns and Warren Burton . p lus Walt Woo ley end ing aho ut as close as you can aft er three loops of eig ht sectio ns . Clem ens ace d out Wool ey a nd Burto n by o ne point, and Woo ley and Burton ha d 10 go 10 th e number of clea ns to decide second place. ./ ~ Results EX: I. Brad Skreen (Bet): 2. Jud Scheater (Ya m ); 3. John Isherwood (Bn). ADV: I. John Payne (Gato); 2. Scot t Tyler ( Ya m) ;~ . j ohn Foec kter (Bet ). INT : 1. Rill .:stes (Ya m ); 2. Bill Yeat es ( Bet) ;~ . H ank Virlh (Bill). NO V: I. John Clemens (Ya m); 2. Walt Wooley (H on ); 3. Warrm Bur ton (Bet). BEG: I. Jdf Goodrich (Ho n ); 2. Torry Ldtr idge (Hon); 3. Ru u Cazier (SUl) . Hoess rules John Monahan Memorial Enduro By Michael Snyder Scott Stewart maneuvers through a section at the Drift Creek Dabber Trials. "S ha wn wa s no t to be bea ten tonight. he rod e hard a nd deserved his victor y," said Steve Lucern e, wh o fini sh ed third behind Oxl ey, Brent Wern er ro unded out the field . In th e Handicap main, Ritch Racing's G ary Ackroyd claim ed a controver sial win . Ackro yd led th e first seven laps of the eigh t lap race o nly to drift wid e in turn two o n th e fina l ci rcuit. McConnell was th ere to snatch the vict or y away. bUI down th e ba ck ch u te Ackroyd look ed up and kept a wh eel in front. As th e two riders entered tur n th ree for the fin a l time , they co ll ided with th e rest of the field laying their bikes down to avoi d the ca rnage. Referee J im Fishback awa rded tbe win to Ack ro yd with McConnell being relega ted 10 the back of the field. Lu cero and Ro b P fetzing came from the back to rou nd o ut the to p three. Kohler hot at Amherst MX By Peggy Adamic AM HERST, OH. APR. 1 2 Ben Kohler scored h is first -ever 125cc C class victory with 1-1 mo ta fini shes as the Amh ers t Mead lowl ar ks ope ned th eir ga tes for the 1992 34. MX seaso n . At th e sta n of th e fir st mot o , Bryan Bellin ger too k th e lead ahea d of Roh Goe bel an d Ga ry Leomn. Kohler started seventh but quickly bega n to work h is way towa rd th e fron trun ners. Koh ler mot or ed into the lead by midmo to a nd at th e checkered flag he held a three-second lead ove r Bellinger in second. Goebel held third ahea d of Lemon and Mike Hupertz. In rnoto two , Hu pe rtz jammed int o th e lead with Kohler on his rear wh eel. The two riders rod e tir e· to·tire for the fir st two laps un til Huperu fell in a sweeping sa nd turn, siving Koh ler a clea n sho t to th e mota VIctOry. Huperu held on to second to the ch eckers with Bell in ger , Lem on and Goeb el behind h im. The first 125cc A class molO saw Mike Katin explode through th e first tuwn with Marcus Sellards, Jeff McCune and Vin ce Karnow within str iking distance. Jeff Wool edge moved to third to third tob ef$'in lap two and th e top three riders held th elT pl aces through mid · mo to when Sella rds motored in to th e lead. Woo ledge was jo ined by McCune and Ja son Balas in a battle for third, nearl y 20 seconds behind seco nd-p lace Kati n. Balas took over third and began to close th e ga p o n Katin. Sella rds had a n eig h t·seco nd lead a t the chec kered flag, while runner·up Katin held a two·second margin over Bal as. [n mo ta two Katin again jammed int o th e lead , with Sellards, Woo ledg e, Balas and McCune trailing. Sellards took cont rol of the lead wi th Bal as mak ing it a three-way race for first. Balas took adva ntage of a Katin mi stak e and mov ed into second. Sellards and Balas diced for three lap~ the two riders swapped pla ces severa l tim es. Sella rds took th e win, seconds a head of Bal as. Karin, McCuneand Karn owrounded o u t the top five. Resu lts 50: I. Brent Maim on e (M M ); 2. Derick Espensc hied (Yam ); 3. Kyle Parl er (Ya m ); 4. Troy Go uld (Yam) ; 5. j acob H aK}' (Yam ). jR MI NI: I. Andy Wicken s ( Ka w) ; 2. Ty!\On l...exKrtt (Raw); 3. Ot-rick H ayes (Hon); 4. Troy Gou ld (Yam ); 5. j u5Iin Leiby (Kaw). SR MINI : I. j ohn Davi s (Kaw); 2. Sa m Yan itell i (Suz); 3. Levi H enninger (SUl); 4. Andy Wickms (Kaw): 5. B.J. Cu h (Kaw). SCH BY: I. T .J. So mers (SUl ); 2. Andy Moran (Hon ); 3. j ason Crui r ( H on); 4. j a red Cha nko (H on); 5. Jo rdan Sara n (SUl ). 125 A: I. Mar cu s Sellards (Han ); 2. Jason & I;ls [H on]: 3. Mikr Kalin (SIIZ 4. Jdr McC une (SUl) ; 5. Vina Karno w ); (Sil l) . 125 B: I. Sand i Pa risi (S ill ); 2. Skip Slone (Ra w); 3 . Bill Rohens (H on ); 4. Chuck f'ranci ~o (Suz); 5. Brent Abfol (H on). 125 C : 1. Ben Koh ler (Hon ); 2. Brya n Bellineer (Suz); 3. Mike H uper te (Ya m); 4. Gary Lemon (Ka w); 5. Rob Goebe l (Yam ). 2SO A: I. Mikro Kalin (Suz); 2. jason Balas (H on ); ~ . Phil Ga lll h i~ (Han); 4. Gr r'g Whr'r'I 'T (Ho n ); 5. Bryan j ones .t [Kaw]. 250 8 ; 1. Kevi n Ikyling (Ho n ); 2. C.J. Klroin (Kaw); 3. Sandy Parisi (SUl); 4. Troy Ho wa rd (H on); 5. Larry Rrllm an (H on ). 250 C : I. Sha ne Geri nKror (SUl); 2. j aso n Howard (Hon ); 3. Rk k Bailroy (Kww); 4. Kevin McDo nou Kh (Hun); 5. Carl fuv is (KoiJ w). +25 A: I. Gr coJl; Wheeler (Ha n ): 2. Jd r McCun e (SIIZ); 3. Steve Ho lla nd (Hon); 4. Ray Vagar asoro (H on ); 5. Allen LoU!. (Ya m ). +25 8 : I. Jo h n Evo la (Ya m ); 2. Johnny Young (KT M); 3. Ken Novak (H on) : 4. Malk. Bauma nn (Hon ); 5. Dave G rega (S Ul ). . OPEN B/ C: I. Johnny Young (KTM ); 2. Ken Nova k (H a n); 3. J im Filkom (Ha n); 4. Shawn Silver (Ra w); 5. Brent Brewer (Ha n). SR I : 1. Siev e Holl and (H a n); 2. Bruce Perr el l (Ha n ); 3. Carl Davi ~ (Raw); 1. J im Sko k (KTM); 5. Curt Servance (KT M) . ~. SR 2: I. Dan Morgan (KT M); 2. Ch ar les Emery (Yam) ; Chuck Barraca to (KT M); 4. T om Stevr'm (H a n). Skreen scores Drift Creek Dabber Trials win By R uss Cazier COAST RANGE, OR. APR. 12 Brad Skreen cam e o ut o£ retiremen t to cru ise to a convincins win in Co lu mbia Observed Trials AssociatIon's 14th Ann ual Drift Creek Dabber Trials. Skreen a lso won th e first Dabb er in 1979 and most years in be tween. Surprisingly, seco nd p lace in th e Expert class was tak en by Jud Schaefer , wh o ha sn 't ridden in a trials in fou r year s. T hi rd expe rt was club president J ohn Isherw ood, who is a cu rren t and activ e rider. "T he Dabb er is largely a socia l event, " sa id trials marshal Kary Krah el. " It 's easy to set up because we use the sam e sectio ns year after year , it's real easy to get to, and th is year we even had perfect weather ." Perfect weather is defined as not raining durin g the tria ls, but having rained recently to mak e th e sectio ns trickier. "W e a lso had the lar gest turnout ever ," Krah el said. fn the Advanced class , Scott T yler, a n AMA FREETOWN, MA, APR. 12 The second round of th e New England Trail Riders Assocation (NETRA) Enduro Ser ies sa w multi-time ISDE go ld medalist Fred Hoess score th e overall win at th e J oh n Monahan Memorial Enduro. The Husqvarn a/ Answer/ Ara i/Acerbis/Scott-supported Hoess, o nce again, showed th e loca l AA and A rid ers why he is co nsidered one of the fastest off-road racers in America by dropping 28 poi nts to cla im the o vera ll by nine pomts over Honda-mounted J im Mitchell, who dropped 37. As the 182 co m petitors pulled into the start area , they reali zed that th ey were in for a very lo ng da y with brutal terr ai n, which the sponsoring cl ub - th e Pi lgr am Sands Trail Rid ers - ha ve become fam ous for. Both J eff Bau er and Pet er T amagina (cotra il bosses for th e even t) did their best 10 up' hol d the cl u b's reputati on by setting up a 70m ile course that featured a grass track at the beg in ning o £ th e ci rcui t as well as endless mu dh oles con nected by rock strewn trails and, for good measure, some tar /dirt roads. One th in g th at the cl ub hadn't counted on was th e su p port Mother Nature provided with very low temperatures and a cold, mi sty drizz le that fell just abo ut all da y long. It added th at New England quality to th e event as well as some very beat en riders by da y's end. The Criders wou ld co mpe te in the first half of th e end uro , giv ing them a to ta l of 48.6 gro und m iles before sto p ping, for th e day at the gas stop where the rest o £ th e compe ti tors would co n tin ue. " [ had an in teresting morning," said winner Hoess. " First. I cra shed a co u ple of times. The second tim e, I pinned myself under the bik e in a rock y strea m bed. Lu ckily, Steve Van ese was behind me because he sto pped and helped me pull the bike off me. I lost a cou p le minutes the re a nd had a hard tim e getting my hand to work a fter th e crash . I got the glo ve soa king wet, wh ich caused it (the hand) 10 cra m p up due to th e co ld weather we had toda y. "I'm rea lly happy to hav e done so well toda y despi te my problems. The event was very well o rga nized, a ll th e chec ks a nd resets were spoto n. That last sectio n th e club put us throu gh was excellen t. some of best terra in I've ridd en in." Several of Hoess's closest compe titors had a da y' they would rather forget, as fello w H usqvarna riders Kemp Stewar t and defend in g NETRA Enduro Cha mp ion R uss Stearns bo th had problems . " I just had a bad day," said Stewa rt . " I kep t falli ng off a nd crashi ng . When I tagged a tree ha rd enoug h to ring m y hell th at's when I decided to call it quits. I'll use thi s run as one of my throwaway rid es." R uss Stea rns, o n th e o th er hand, had mecha nical problems. "The bi ke kept stall ing. It would ru n great until I came to a stop for a reset or som ething. As soon as I stopped, it wou ld stall . It gOl worse a nd worse as the day went on. The last time [ stalled, it took 40 minutes to get it sta rted agai n. By then, I realized no matter how hard I rod e I could never mak e up the lost ti me an d points. At least my lu ck hasn't cha nged for the beg innin g of the season this year, as I started slow last year as well. Maybe it's a good o men !" AA rider Bert Guerette also had his share of pro blem s. " I popped my sho ulder ou t of joint. It 's a n o ld inj ury that haunts me o nce in a while. I think I'm going for th at operation ['ve been putt ing off for a co u p le of years. I'll make ' a co meback later on this year wh en I'm hea lth y." Fellow AA rider J im Mitchell had a much better day , as he cla imed AA Hi gh · Poi nt with a scor e of 37. " I lu cked in to a early number wh ich helped o ut trem endously tod ay, " said Mit chell. " It was a good event , typical Monahan. It really u pheld its reputation as a tough event. About the o nly problems I had today was a .case of 'brain-fad e' wi th my tim e-keeping abili ties, missing chec ks by seco nds and messing up o n resets, you know, tbings lik e that. " Kawasaki KX125 rid er Pat Royer , who claimed th e A High-Point trophy, echoed the gene ral co nsens us of most of th e riders by sta ting, "Excep t for a co up le of cras hes , nothing major, had a trouble-free day." Another Husqvarna-mounted rid er claimed a first-place trophy, as Mike Curtis was the C High-Point rider of th e day , " I liked the event toda y," said Curtis. " It (the end uro) was brutal. I was lucky eno ug h to have started on a early number, so [ go t throuf$'h a lot of th e swill before the pack cam e. [ can Just im agi ne wh at went on behind me. I'm glad that f was able to keep my roll going her e with two C High-Points In two starts." Results Q / A H I-PT: 1. Fred H oess (28). A HI-PT: 1. Pat Royer (38). 8 HI ·PT: I. Stev e PelCKJin (48). C HI ·PT: 1. Mikro Cums (47). AA HI -PT: I. Jim Mitchell (37). A L./W: l. S. An~oniou; 2. ~. Va.naMe; 3. J. Kelly. A WW: I. G . Hili; 2. D. Snachuka ; ~ . Ef.. Sweetser. A BANTAM: l. B. Dakai ; 2. K. How ley; 3. P. Ta nner. A VET: I. M. Park es; 2. T . Vella; 3. J. Pidgffin. A 4·$TRK: l. K. H onda; 2. S. Baker ; 3. B. Johnson. A SR: I. D. Kell y; 2. B. Dan a; ~ . I. Witk op . A S/SR : I . G . Razee. B LlW: I. D. Kr'lly; 2. A. RU5tici; 3. M. Dohmy. B H /W : I. J . Co pdand; 2. P. Olsm; ~. R. Acklry . 8 BANTAM: l. E. vanseeenberger: 2. J. Con stantina; 3. T . MU'Phy. B VET: l. ~. Vetri ; 2. L Duhieger: .5. ~. H eck l~ Jr . S 4·STR K: I. A. Walker. 2. D. Car lson, .5. P. Colhns. B SR : I. N. Corwi n; 2. R. Courtema nche. C L./W: l. J. Robert a: 2. D. Richa rdso n; 3. S. SIr'inburx. C H /W: l. P. Tannuuo; 2. Unknown; 1. 1... Riuatti. C BANTAM: 1. G. Szlac hetka.; 2. P. Co uhra n Jr .; 3. R. Hein es. C VET: I. J. Stoddard; 2. P. Ca n ni n ~; 3. J. Dugan... . n .eT; C 4·STR K: 1. Unk. o wn ; 2. G . WurlU 3. J . Con ~ldine. C SR: I. P. Dumais; 2. A. FaJ1:3n: 3. M. Magoon . Ezerins doubles at Aztalan MX By Dave Gavins ki LAKE MIW, WI, APR. 1 2 Torq ue Center USA/Midwest Action Cycles/ AXO / Rentbal·sponsored Eran Ezerins seized wins in botb l25c c A motos and posted 12 scores for th e 250cc A class win . Chris Shkyria ho leshot the first 125cc A moto witb Rod Vaneperen, Brad Jerominski, and Ezerins in hot pursu it. Vaneperen took the lead on lap one and held it until the fourth lap, when Ezerins took over th e point pos itio n and never looked back. Vaneperen fin ished seco nd. Mik e Vandenplas was third, and J erominski finished fourtb. In the second mota, Ezerins went on to lead every lap. Vaneperen was second ahead of Jerominski, Vandenplas and Rob Degrott. The first 250cc A race saw Scott Nicoson holeshot witb Bob Behrens a nd Ezerins in close pursuit. These tbree riders exchan&ed the lead numerous times. On lap five. Ezenns took over and won th e moto. Ni coson pl aced second, Behrens third, Bill y Graef fourth, and Bobb y Donahue fifth. In mo ta two. Behrens holeshot and won th e m oto, Ezerins fin ished seco nd, which was good enough for th e overall. Bill y Gr aef was third ahead of Nicoson a nd Way Ion Dupee. Resu lts MSTR: l. Bill Graef (Suz); 2. Tony T a mbori no (H a n); 3. Jim Heilm an (Ya m); 4. Robby Donahue (Yam ); 5. David Donahue. 125 JR: L Danny Phillips; 2. Ja son wallace (Suz); 3. Shawn T ilden; 4. Brad Bauma nn; 5. Ken Sou lier. VET : l. John Nowi cki; 2. Krist Klap perich (Yam ); 3. Lyle Kuklin ski (Yam ); 4. Ken J usten ; 5. Tom Dretzka (Ka w). VINT : l. Glenn Scherr (Hon) ;2 . Stephen Blaylock ; 3. Mark Schelli nger (Hon ); 4. Barry Ell io tt; 5. Chris T am borino . ? 80 SR: I. N'roil Modj ewski (Kaw); 2. Oi(£ Doug herty; 3. Cha d L ieberge n : 1. Ji m La ndolt; 5. Josh Casto ng uay. 80 JR: 1. Mark J ronnison ; 2. Paul Gilster; ~ . Rob Land olt ; 4. La na Wall ace; 5. Kurt J t>nnison. .P/W : I. Brad Mod jew sk i: 2. Mathew M aier; ~ . Arth ur Lei, ; 4. Brian G lowacki; 5. Man McG ra th . SR: I. La rry Myt!!"s; 2. Mike Ga borsk y (Hon); 3. T err y WQO!oley; 4. Jim Ricci ; 5. Wayn e Co me fius. 125 A: I. Eron Ezerin, (KawO;·2. Rod v an eperen (Raw); 3. Brad Jero mimki (Suz); 4.Mike v and enplas (H a n ); 5. Robb Degrott (Kaw). . 125 B: 1. Tom Dretzka (Raw); 2. Ant ho ny Butler; ~ . Mike Kriese (Suz); 4. Danny Phillips: 5. Scou Zampac h (H nn). 125 C l : I. J oe Now aayk; 2. Mark Sokol i k ; ~ . Dan Wal lace; 4. Da vid SafCran; 5. Mike Ti mblen. 125 C 2: 1. Danny Anchulz; 2. Chri s Espos ito ; ~ . Jeslie William,; 4. Shawn Tilden ; 5. Mark Lucas. 250 A: I. Eron Ezmns (Raw); 2. Bob Behrms (Raw); 3. Scu ll NiC050n (Sm); 4. Bill GraM' (Suz); 5. Bobby Donahue (Yam ). 250 8 : l. Jim H('"ilman (Yam); 2. Don Sch mitz; ~ . Gary; 4.Jim Nt>upert; 5. Kris Klappmch (Yam). 250 C: 1. Dan G low acki (H a n ); 2. Dan Resko (Raw); 3. G~K La J1:3n (Suz); 4. Robb Runa ; 5. Claude u ach . ~ OPEN; I. Rob Rehrm , (Ka w); 2. T ony T amborino (Hon); a 3. Jrlf Lois (H on ); 4. Chuck KinKSl d (Ra w); 5. Tom 1.0111. MUrray scores at Broome-Tioga MX By Carl a N elson LISLE CENTER, NY, APR. 1 2 The first CNYMRA points race at BroomeTioga Sports Center was held in muddy conditions, but Mike Murray adapted to the conditions and decimated the Seni or Expert class. Murray led th e first molO off the start. Ed Downing started in seco nd bu t co uld n't ma tch Murray's pace. Tom Hurd gated poorly, but made it to fourth quickly, th en had to contend with Doug Powers on a new 4·stroke Husa· berg-:A£ter. following Po wers ,foJ:.over a lap ,

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