Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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FLORIDAWlNTERAlIIASERIIS Matt W alker . Ricky CmtnU:had KrnnWmdham Robbie Skaggs Jim Neese Robe:t Branagh Timm Ferry y CMC GOWEN STAIT SERIES Bryan Jammillo Justin Buckelew J.ITWUloh Jason Partrid ge Ray Crumb Scott Myeno 650:7·1I/8Sa:7- 11 8Sa: 12-13 8Sa: 14-15 Mini A I2Sc<:A 2SOco C 2SOco Pro 2SOco / SOOc< A 6Occo-S 6Occ9-11 80cc Intermediate 8Oc<: Expert 12Scc Pro 2SOcc Pro GFl CALlFOR.'1A WINTERSERIESSHOWOOWN-_ C \ Bobby Bonds 6Occo-S Bryan McGavnm 60cc9-11 800c Big Wbed Doss Barnes Craig Hoyt I2Sc<:Beginner Dave Ferrier 125a: Novice Clim Bnska 2SOa:Beginner SOOcc BrginnerI +25 Beginner Kelly PicbeI SOOcc Intermediate R.mdy Medley +2SNovicr _!'='OIl GFl SOlTl1lERNCALJFOR.Il\A\\Th'fER SERIIS ' EddieFrecbene 600: o-s Bryan McGavran 600:9-11 Donny Clrboo BOa: Novia: Dave Ferric! 12SccNovice 12.Sc:c lntcrmed. I 2SOcc lntenned. <:nigDecka PhiIGoukl SOOc< Novice Kelly Pichel SOOc< Intennedialc GFl NOIl11lER.'1 CALIFOR. 1A \\1:'lTEIl SERIES ' R.mdy Nonnan 600:0-8 Rid«y GoozaJes 600:9-11 Clad HodS" BOa:Beginner John Leddy BOa: Expert Jac k Tidwell 80cc Big Vt'heel <:nig Hoyt I2Sc<:Beginner SOOcc Beginner I +25 Ekginner R.mdy Medley +25 Novice _!'='OIl MICKE\' 1lI0MPSON 011' ROADOIA.\lPIONSHIP GRA.''DPRIX -Sea.... WA Gere Naurrec Seattle. WA Event Winner MikeCraig Current Ov=ll Series Leader CAROLINASPRING SERIES-Camp CokuISoddy IIIUs. SC Joshua Summey 650:7-11 Richie Horton SSCC 12-15 Charli e Dunaway Su pennini Pa ige Hilliurd I2Sc<: C 250cc 8 /+25 Open Amateur Open Pro Randy Richardson Mike Welsh Joshua Steel GRA.'DNA ' TIONALCHAMPlONS HIPMOTOCROSSI1NALS - . . . II......,.TX Marl< Thomp;on ~ini M ini Beginner Mini Jr. 7-11 Beginner JdTYoung Mini Mini Jr. ~ Johnny Marley Man WaIm Mini Mini Sr. 9- 11 Ricky Carmichael Kevin Windham Minibike Stock 7-11 RobbieSkaggs Jasoo Edwards Rtwdl Brown Keith Mundi< Blake Wingo Kelly Pichel Minibike Stock Sr. 14-15 Minibike St. 14-15 I2Sc<:Beginner 12Sc:c: StOCk 1nterm./12Scclnterm, 12Sc<: Open / 2SOco 1n1C1D./2SOco Open 2.5Occ Stock Intermediate I2Sc<:Expert 2SOco Expert 2SCb: Novice I Over 25 Novice Over 2S M»l<:r / Ov

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