Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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German Ralf Waldmann (3) leads Italian Bruno Casanova (15) in the ir classic 125cc battle; Waldmann won his second su ccessive 125cc GP. hi m by towards th e end beca use I wanted to see where he was faster tha n me." Cardu s in tu rn said that he might have put up mor e of a figh t if he had been fitte r. " My bike was going well at last," he said . " Bu t my collarbone was a little sore." H e had the satisfaction of the fastest lap (alt hough sl o we r th a n Cada lora 's 199 1 lap record) - and th e chance to reflect af ter th e race that next time Cadalora waves h im by, it m igh t be better tact ics to slo w down instead, and unsett le the sometimes tem peramental Ita lian. Behi nd thi s battle Capirossi prod uced a sti rring performan ce on hi s produc tion H onda, holding a convincing th ird p lace u nt il (pe rha ps ine vitably) he blew the engine after four laps. Then Chili moved ahead of the impressive Andy Pr einin g, o nly to cras h in fu ll view of his Ap ri lia's ow n 'o n -bike cam era o ne lap later. . Bra dl was o n h is way throu gh, p icking up p laces here and there, an d he finally too k th ird from Preining o n lap n in e. And there he stayed, too far ,beh ind the lead ers to make any im pressio n, but comfortably drawin g away fro m wha t develo ped into a trul y sti rri ng battle for fourth . By half- di stan ce th is comprised the Ap rilias of Biagg i, P reinin g a nd R eggi ani, Zeelenberg's Suzuki and Romb on i's Ho nda RS, with Ru ggia clos ing u p fast o n the G ilera. T his sextet freq uently crossed the line three or even four abreast, wit h Pr ein in g ma in ly getting the best of it , bu t Zeelenberg well-placed to size up th e opposi tion , an d Reggi ani ano ther experienced rider wh o wou ld sure ly pose a th reat. In th e end, it was experience that paid off. Zeelenberg 's tac tics were sound, and with two laps to go he an d Reggiani started to stretch away fro m their erstwhi le compa nio ns. It on ly remained for Zeelenberg to o u tbrake the Italian in th e last lap. " I frightened the hell out of him, " he said. " He th ought I was runnin g straig ht - but I was still in con tro l. T he Suzuki wa sn 't as fast as the o ther bikes, but it was better under brakes and in th e corner s." Thus he took a fin e fourth , with Reggiani fifth , th en Romboni, Preinling, Biaggi and Ruggia, wh o j ust manag ed to save ninth. place from Casoli's Yam ah a , the Italian claiming th e last point. Ruggia's ninth gave Gilera their first World Championship points in 35 years. T he last point went to Paolo Casoli 's Yama ha, nin e seconds ahead of Jochen Schmi d's sim ilar mach ine, with Spaniard H err i T orrontegui closing up to 12th pl ace o n the second works Suzuki after mov ing through th e field after being delayed in th e first -lap mudd le. . Results 125cc QUA LIFY ING: I. Kazuto Sa kata (1:39.834/ 87.863 mp h ); 2. Alessandro G rami gni ( 1:39.938); 3. Ca rlos Giro ( 1:40. 182); 4. Ra lf Wal dm a nn (I :40.453); 5. Fau sto Gresin i (1:40.512); 6. Bru no Casanova (1:40.519); 7. jorge Martinez ( 1:40.525); 8. No buyuki Waka i ( 1:40.555); 9. L. Bod elier (1:'10.985); 10. Dirk Raudies (1:4 1.0 18); I I. O . Koch (1;41.090); 12. G . McCo y (1:41.2 11); 13. Ezio Gianol a (1:4 1.299); 14. j ul ia n Mirall es (1:41.337); 15. Hans Spaan (1:4 1.361); 16. E. Cu ppi n i (1:41.435); 17. Gabriele Debb ia (1:41.511); 18. M. S,ief (1:4 1.536); 19. T. Shi miz u ( 1:41.70 1); 20. Alfred Wa ibel (1:41.703); 21. Mau ro \ 'i lali ( 1:41.829); 22. Hein z Le uth i (1:41.833); 23. Peter Ga lvin (1:4 1.929); 24. Nob oru Ueda (1:42.000): 25. Kin ya Wada (1:12. 131); 26. Rob in Ap p leya rd (1:42.247); 27. H isashi Uuemo tc (1:42.259); 28. Arie Mo le n a a r ( I :42.494 ); 29. Oli ver P etru cci ani ( 1:42.5'> 30. Alain Bron ec (1:42.640); 3 1. Manuel 5); Hernandez ( 1:43.066); 32. Han s Abo ld (1:43.621); 33. Sleve n Pa rrickson (1:43.872); 34. M. Yen (1:44.422); 35. L. Wa lsh (1:44.446); 36. G . Pa lmieri (1:44.799). 250cc Q UALIFYING : I. Helm ut Bradl (I :33.980/ 93.366 mph ); 2. Lu ca Cada lora ( 1:34.100); 3. P ier. Fran ce sco C h i li ( 1:34.279 ); 4. Ca rlos Ca rd us ( 1:34500); 5. And y Prein in g ( 1:34.711); 6. Wilen Zee len berg ( I :34.8 14); 7. Ma sahi ro Sh i m izu ( 1;35. 139); 8. Loris Ca p irossi (1:35. 183); 9. Massamilia no Bia ggi ( I:35. 19-1 ); 10. J o ch en Schm id ( 1:35.200); II. Loris Regg ja n i (1:35.290); 12. j ea nPhi lli pe Ru ggia (1:35.388); 13. Dori ano Rombo ni ( 1;35.432); 14. Alberto Pu ig (1:35.598); 15. Pao lu Ca sa li ( 1:35.783); 16. Bern ard Haenggeli (1:35.9 12); 17. Patri ck V.D. Ooorberg h (1:36. 137); 18. Karsu yo shi Kozon o (1:36. 193); 19. Carlos Lavado (1:36.235); 20. A. Bo ssh ard (1:36.246); 2 1. Herri T o rro nteg ui (1:36.320); 22. Stefan Caracchi (1;36.404); 23. Har ald E"kl (1:36.164); 24. j ean -Pierre j ean da t (1:36.504); 25. Ren zo Co llenn i (1:36.53'» : 26. Erkka Korpiah o ( 1:36.645); 27. Steve n Whi tehou se ( 1:36.926); 2M. A. T hom pso n (1;37.053); 29. Stefan Prein (1:37. 149); 30. Eric Suter (1:37.384); 31. j u rgen V.D. Goarbergh ( 1;37.442): 32. Bernd Kassner (1:37.519); 33. Ari Stadler (1:37.643); 34. L . D'Antin (1:37.860); 35. Frederi c Protat (1:38. 137); 36. Y. Brigu et (1:38.194); 37. B. Cazade (1:39.020). 500cc Q UALIFYI N G : I. Mi ch ael Do oh an ( 1:30.736/ %. 652 mph ); 2. Wayne Rainey (1:3 1.193); 3. Da ryl Bea ui e (1:31. 518); 4. Kevi n Schwa ntz (1:31.767); 5. j o hn Koc inski (1:32.399); 6. Eddi e . Lawson ( 1:32.432); 7. Ran d y Marno la (1:32.496); 8. Do u g C ha nd ler (1:32.955); 9. N ia ll Mack enz ie ( 1:32.990): 10. Alex Crivi lle (1:33.300); I I. jua n Ga rriga ( 1:33.502); 12. Peter God da rd ( 1;33.9 14); 13. Alex Barros ( 1:33.970); 14. Eddie La ycock ( 1:34.266); IS. Miguel DuHam el ( 1:34.660); 16. Tierry Cr in e ( 1:34.% 1); 17. S. David (1:35.266); 18. T . Arakaki (1:35.535); 19. Do minique Sarron ( 1:35.557); 20. Kevin Mitch el l ( 1:35.890); 21. Mich ael Rudrof f ( 1:36.026); 22. Gees Doorakk ers ( 1:36.093); 23. C. Cat a lano ( 1:36.36 1); 24. Marco Pa pa (1:36.523) 25. Simon Buckmaster (1:37.672); 26. Nig gi Schm assman ( 1;38.567); 27. Peter Craves (1;39.071); 28. L Ped erci ni (1:39.330); 29'Juscf Do ppl er (1:39.387). 125ccGP: I. Ralf Wal man n (Hon ); 2. Alessa nd ro Grami gn i (Apr ); 3. Bru no Ca san o va (Ap r); 4. Nobuyuk i Wakai (Ho n); 5. Fau sto Gr esini (Hon); 6. j o rge Marti nez (Han ); 7. Dirk Raudies (Hon ); 8. O . Koch (H o n); 9. Eno G iano la (Ho n ); 10. Ga br iele Debb ie (H o n); II. Peter Galvin (Hon ); 12. H an s Spaa n (Apr); 13. Kinya Wada (H a n ); 14. O live r Pet ru ccian i (Ha n); 15. Ma uro Vicali (Gal) ; 16. Nohuro Veda (Ha n); 17. Hein z Leuthi (Hon ); 18. Rob in Ap p leyard (Han ); 19. Alfred Waibel (H a n); 20. H isashi Unemo to (Ho n); 21. L. Bodelier (Hon) ; 22. Alain Bron ec (Han); 23. T . Sh im izu (Ha n ); 24. Arie Mol en aar (Apr); 25. M. Stid {Apr}; 26. L. Wa lsh (H a n ); 27. M. Yen (Ha n ); 28. Car los Gi ro (Ap r); 29. Han s Abold (H a n ); 30. G . McCoy (ROl): 31. G. Palm ier i (G az); 32. Ju lia n Mirall es (H a n ); 33. Michael Doohan (cen ter) celebrates his win with Wayne Rainey (left) and fellow Australian Daryl Beattie. who filled in for the injured Wayne Gardner. Man uel Hern an dez (Ap r ); 34. Steven Pat rickso n (H on ): 35. E. Cuppi na (Ap r); 36. Kazu to Sa ka ta (Han). Time: 43 m in .• 50.562 sec. Dis tance: 26 laps. 63.35 mil es. Avcrag< SP«d: 86.698 mp h . Margi n o (Victory: .00 1 sec. Fas tes t La p : Bru no Casa nova . 1:4Q.013/87.706 mph . 250cc G P: 1. Lu ca Cada lora (Ho n); 2. Ca rlos Cardus (Hon): 3. Hel m ut Brad l (H a n); 4. Wi len Zeelen berg (S UI) : 5. Lo ris Reggian i (Apr); 6. Do ria no Ro mbon i (He n): 7. Alex Preinin g (Ap r): 8. Massa mifian o Biag gi (Apr ); 9. J. P. Ru gs ,a (G il); 10. • Pao lo Ca sol i (Ya m) ; 11. j och en Schmid (Yam ); 12. Herri Torreruegui (Suz); 13. Pat rick V.D. Goorbergh (Apr); 14. Ca rlos La vado (G il); 15. Erkka Korp iah o (Apr); 16. j ur gen V.D. Ooorbergh (Apr); 17. J.P. j eandat (H o n); 18. Stefa n Prein (H o n ); 19. A. Bosshard (Hon): 20. Bern d Kassner (Apr); 21. Harald Eckl (Ap r); 22. A. T ho m pso n (Han ); 23. Eric Suter (Apr); 24. B. Cazad e (Han ); 25. Ari Stadler (Han ); 26. Stefa n Caracch i (Ya m); 27. Bern ard Ha enggeli (Apr); 28. Albert o Pui g (Ap r); 29. K. K01.Ono (Hon}: SO. Masah iro Shimizu (H on ); 31. P.F. Ch ill (Ap r); 32. Loris Capirossi (H a n); 33. Y. Brig uet (Ho n). Time: H min. 36.707 sec. Distan ce: 28 lap s. 68.22 mil es. Avcrag< Speed: 91.758 m ph. Marg in of Victo ry: .215 sec. Fastest La p : Ca rlos Car d us. 1:34.797/ 92.53 1 mph . 500cc G P: 1. Mich ael Doohan (H o n); 2. Wayne Rai ney (Ya m ); 3. Dar yl Beattie (Ho n ); 4. Kevin Sch wan tz (Suz); 5. Dou g Cha nd ler (Suz); 6. Eddi e Law son (Cag); 7. Alex Criville (Han) ; 8. Ran d y Mamola (Yam): 9. J uan Garriga (Ya m ); 10. Miguel Du Hamel (Yam) ; 11. Peter Goddard (Ya m ); 12. Alex Barros (Ca g) : 13. T 'ierr y Cri ne (Yam}; 14. C. Cata lano (Ya m ); 15. Do m iniq ue Sarro n (Yam ); 16. T . Arak aki (Ya m ); 17. Cees Doo ra kkers (Ya m ); 18. Mich ael R udrolf (Yam) : 19. S. David (Yam ); 20. Kevin Mitchell (Yam ); 21. Sim on Buckmaster (Ya m); 22. Ni ggi Schmassma n (Yam) ; 23. S. Do ppler (Yam ); 24. Eddi e Lay cock (Yam); 25. Nia ll Mackenzie (Yam ); 26. L. Pedercin i (Pa l); 27. Marco Papa (Li b); 28. Pe ter Graves (Ya m). Time: 46 m in .• 001.276 sec. Distance: 30 la ps. 73.098 m iles. Average Speed : 95.197 mp h. Mar gi n of Victory: 6.822 sec. Fastes t La p: Mi chael Doo ha n , 1;31.11 1/ 95.959 mp h. 125cc WORL D C'SHIP POI NT STANDINGS: I. RaH Wa ldm ann (40: 2. Bru no Casanova (27); 3. Nobuyuki w ak al (22); 4. Alessa nd ro Gr ami gni (21); 5. Ezio G ianola (12); 6. (TI E) Fau sto Gr esin l! Akira Sai toh (8); 8. (TI E) Dir k Raudies/]orge Mar tin ez (6); 10. Yu ka ta Fujiwara (4); I I. (T IE) Ol iver Koeh / Kin ya Wad a (3); 13. (T IE) O li ver Petruccia n / Ga br iele Debbi a ( I) . 250cc WORLD C'S HIP POINT STANDINGS: I. Lu ca Cadalo ra (40); 2. Helm ut Brad l (22); 3. (T IE) Taday u ki Okada / Carl os Ca rdu s (15 ); 5. Wi leo Zeelenbe rg ( 14); 6. Nob uatsu Aoki (12); 7. (T IE) P.F. C hi li/ Loris Reggiani (8); 9. (T I E) Albert o P u ig/ Dor ian o Ro mbo ni (6): 11. And y Pr ein in g (4); 12. (TIE) Kyoh j i Nanba /Massami lia no Biagg i (3); 15. (T IE) Lo ris Capirossi/ j .P. Ruggia (2); 17. (T IE) Jean -Pierr e j eandat/Pa o lo CasoIi ( 1). 500cc WORLD C 'SHIP POL "IT STANDINGS: I. Michael Doahan (40); 2. Dou g Chand ler (23); 3. Kevin Sch wa n u (22 ); 4. Wayne Ra in ey ( 15 ); 5. Dary l Beanie ( 12); 6. Ra nd y Mam o la (I I) 7. Sh ini chi Ito h ( 10); 8. (T IE) Keiji Ohi,hi/ Edd ie Law son (6); 10. (T IE) N iall Mack e nzi e/A lex C r ivi lte (4); 12. T osh ihiko Honma (3); U . (TI E) No rih iko Fuj iwara/ Juan Garriga (2); 15. (T IE) Sa coshi Tsujim oto / Miguel DuHam el ( I ). 13

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