Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v 0ICES INSIDE Harley-Davidson - NOT! Rega rding th e a rticle by Donn Ma eda: " T h e Harley-Da vid son Suc cess Story." L et' s set the record stra ig h t; In the mo vie " T he Wild O ne" Marl on Brando was ri di ng a T riumph - n ot a H arley-Da vidson ! FEATURES MOTOCROSS ENDURO Bayle tops the world at Krause captures 6 500cc U.S. MX GP OFF ROAD Red Mountain win 20 DEPARTMENTS Summers strikes again at Loretta Lynn 's 14 ROAD RACE T eam Suzuki tackles Talladega End ura nce 18 EDITOR'S MEGAPHONE LOCAL RACING CALENDAR WANT ADS RESULTS 19 24 .34 Al 041 ,54 ONTHEFRONT PAGE: Team Honda 's J ea n-Michel Ba yle (22) led the way in all three mo to s a t th e 500cc U .S. MX GP, held a t Glen H el en OHV P a rk in Sa n Berna rdino , California . Fo r race coverage see page 6. Photo by Ken Faught. America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Volume XXIX Michael Klinger, Pub lish er Caroline Gendry, Ex ecut ive Secretary to the Pu blish er Editorial Advenising Jack Mangus. Associat e Publishert Ed itor Terry Pratt, N ational Accounts Manager Mark Thome, WesteTn Sa les Manager Ron Da vids on. Wt:st~ Sales M an agn ThomasR. Co rner, WesteTn Sales M ana ger Mark Mitchell, Eastern A ccou nts Manager Greg Mitchell. Eastern Sa les Manager Rick Matheny, Eastern Sales Ma nager Rhonda Crawford, Western Ad Coordinator Carla Borden Allen, Eastern Ad Coordinator Kit Palmer, Associate Ed itor Paul Carru thers. Associate Edit or Nat e Rauba , Associate Ed itor Donn Maeda, Associat e Ed itor Ken Faught. Assistant Ed itor Edwina Mangus, Calen dar Ed itor Graphics and Production Ree J ohnson. Produ ction Su pervisor Mandy Loo, Prod uct ion Manager Dennis Greene, Lab. Tech. Stacey Guest. Grap hic Artist Amy Harris, G rap hic Artist Carolyn Branham, T yp eseu er Dealer Sales Steve Gotoski, Dealer R ep resentative Circulation Accounting/Data Processing Donna Bryan-Diamond, A / R Coordinator Ge neva Repass, Assistant H erl ane Le wis. Credit Rheba Smith, Manager Sarah Taylor. Billing Coordi nator Alma Anguiano . Processin g Coo rdi nator Debbie Weller, Dealer Coordinator Marketing Be: Promotion Support ChrisAitcheson, Headquarters Receptionist Leonard Herring. Service and Support National Headquarters Eastern Office 2201 Cherry Ave.. Long Beach . CA 90806, P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 908014198 4190 First Ave., Tucker. GA. 30084; (3 10) 427-7433 ; (3 10) 636-8844. FAX (3 10) 427-6685 mailing address P.O. Box 80,. Tu cker. GA3008.>·080, . (404) 934· 7850. FAX (404 ) 934· 3112 Cycle News (USPS 141·340) is published weekly except the last two weeks 01 the calendar year lor $50.00 per year by Cycle News. Inc., 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90806. Second class postage paid at Long Beach, CA andat additional mailing office. Canada Post International Publications Mail #546615. POSTMASTER: Send address changes tnCycle News, P.O,Box 498, Long Beach , CA 908014198. To determine the expiration date of you r su bscri p tion . check the four numbers on the first line of your address label, The first two digits indicate the last issue number you'lI receive and the last two characters indicate the year of the last issue. Subscription rates; Rates for the United States and its possessions lor one year, (50 issues), $50.00 ; two years (loo issues), $95.00; six months. (25 issues). $26.00; trial sub (15 issues). $ 19.00. Canada and Foreign, one year (50 issues), $90 .00; two years (100 issues). $ 175.00; six months (25 issues), $45.00; trial sub (15 issues). $38.00. Cycle News welcomes un sol icited editoria l ma terial in cludin g stories. cartoons. photos. etc. Such material, if published, becomes the exclusive property 01 Cycle News. Such accep ted mat eri al is subjec t to revi sion as is necessary in th e sal e dis cr etion of Cycl e News. Unsolicited material which is not used will be returned il accompanied by a self addressed stamped envelope. All unsolicited material will be handled with reasonable care, however, Cycle News assumes no responsibility lor the safety, loss or damage to such material. Rep rintin g in wh ol e or pa rt o n ly by pe rm ission of the p ublish er. Advertising rates a nd cir cu latio n information wi ll be sen t upon req uest. See S.R.D.S. W/BD'A V rj 4 Bob Bernard Suburban Triumph Ltd. . Su m m it v H, Is it really worth it? Congra ts o n the co ncise a nd uni que in ter view wit h Eddie Lawson , penned by Adam Duckw orth. The a rt icle brought back so me ni gh tm are memories , tr igger ed whe n Law son sta ted ab ou t visiting journa lists : " We o ften have a pre tt y good la ugh a bo u t it. We o pe n th e door to someone an d tell them to piss off and th en have a good laug h as t h ey storm o ff fuming ." I rem ember p laying the Bob H annah chase as an editor for Cycl e News in the ea r ly '70s, wai ting the day fo r Freddie Spencer a t the Ita lian Gra nd P r ix in t he ea rly '80s, and then moving o n to Dal e Earnhardt a n d NASCA R Wi n ston Cu p ra cin g , Needl ess to say ; th er e's never a " rig h t time " for media relat ions with many of these motorsports a thl etes. We're a ll h uman bei ngs - eq ua l in God 's eyes. The vas t ma jority of jou rna lis t and public relations professio na ls a re hard working individual s wh o want to create th e best possib le pro d uc t for th eir cli ents and p u blicat io ns . The rnot orsports co m m u n i ty isn 't rea lly a large world; I wish we co u ld all ca re abou t th e feelings o f o the rs, a nd help en co u ra ge , not tea r down. I fear, how ever , th at in th e case of certa in "su pe rs tars " fragile egos need to be reinforced through flak a nd hack bas hi ng. It 's su rely i n ne r-a nger th at is unrelated to th e person a t hand, Lawson 's " good laugh " probabl y mad e for a miserabl e da y for so me wo r ki ng so u l, who probably had to go home a nd be a husband and father ' to hi s wife and ch ildre n . Eddie, is it reall y worth it ? Mark Thome, Mana ger Service -and Want Ads Tonya Kerr, Want Ad Sa les - Letters to the editor AUDITED CIRCULATION Copyright8 Cycle News, Inc. 1!l92. Trademark Cycle News registered U Patent Office. All rightsreserved. .s, Tom Mueller Oshkosh, WI To GP, or not to GP? I read a n it em a few weeks ago in " In t he Wind " that sa id Pr im e Network was going to telev ise three moto rcycle Grands P rix li ve this yea r. I wrote a letter to HTS (H om e T eam Sp ort s, an affilia te of Prim e Ne twork in Mar yla n d . . . Ed it or) to ge t a sched u le, bu t they sai d Prime Network h as no GP races sche d u led. Wh a t's the deal? Steven Reeder Ft. Meade, MD Acco rding to a s po ke sma n f ro m Prime Network in Dallas, T exas, th e nat ional sports cable ne twork w ill air three of the G Ps on a same·day de lay basis in p rime ti m e. A schedu le for the full season has not yet been f ina lized, b u t Pri m e T ick et ( t he southern California affil iate of Prime N etwork ) has its first G P sche du led for A p ril 30 at 12:30 a.m. as part of i ts " T h u rsd ay Ni ght Lightnin g Lineup ." Th e m ajor it y of Prim e Network's m ot orcycle racin g coverage will be show n on Thursda y night's " Prim e Mo to rcycle Madn ess" - an hour-lo ng slo t dedic ated solely to motorcycle racin g. A ccord ing to Sheila Kirw in of HTS, an y programs they receiv e from Prime N etw ork betw een the hours of 12:00-5:00 p.m. will likely be aired. After 5:00 p.m ., though, HTS 's concen tration is on its ow n local programm ing, so you ma y be ou t of luck . . . Editor. Dual-Sport thanks I participat ed in the Dirt Riders chari ty dual-sport ride on Mar ch 5 in Daytona Beach, Florid a . I wo uld li ke to th ank the Dirt Riders fo r a gr eat da y of ri d ing, a nd a lso Ka wasaki and Bel-Ra y lubri cants for th eir generous door prizes. John Villille Omaha, NB Dirt track 's future I was una ware that Mike Kidd was th e AMA's Pro Dirt Track Manager. How lo ng has he held th at posi tio n? Roy Jan so n su rprised me with a phone ca ll to a nswer a letter I wro te to him a bo ut m y co ncerns a bou t dirt tr ack racing 's future. The phone ca ll and th e thin gs he sa id in the Voi ces sectio n o f th e March 25 issue of Cycle Ne ws im pressed me. Ma ybe he, a lo ng with Mik e Kidd, will ge t dirt track popular it y a n d publici ty back to th e level i t has had in the past. I hope a ny growth d irt track raci ng regains wi ll a lso hel p the many AMA a mateu r sche d u les a nd in crease th e number o f weekend half miles. If Mr . St innett th in ks su percross " has been lacking promotion," he must be li vin g under a ro ck. Supercross gets tons of publicity and so does road ra cing. The Daytona 200 and Daytona Super cross wer e both co vered o n television, but th e Daytona Dirt Track events didn 't get any coverage. Mike Grieff Coal City, IL This is M ik e Kidd's first season as th e AMA 's Pro Dirt Tra ck Manager; th e T exan was AMA Grand Nat ional Champion in 1981. A ccording to AMA v ice president of sports marketing Dick Maxw ell , ESPN will again televise th e Cam el Pro Serie s in 1992. The tel ev ision sche du le, though , has yet to be 'released , . , Editor. Wanting more short tracks Many think th e sport o f dirt track racing is dying. I never want to see th at h appen. I th in k it 's gr eat that ESPN is putting th e Cam el Pro Seri es o n television, but if people want to see more privateers in th e winner 's ci rcle th en t he AMA need s to schedul e more sh ort tracks and TTs. Last yea r's Ro ok ie of the Year , Ian Seged y, o n ly qualified for one main event - a nd that was a short track. I think if yo u're go ing to be Grand National Ch ampion th en yo u should be able to r ide o n every typ e of ra ce tra ck. Wayne Wychterley East Peoria, IL Letters to the editor should be sent to: Voices. Cycle Netus, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498. Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Lenees should not exceed 200 words and all letters are subject to editing.

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