Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 04 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v ICES 0 INSIDE Tribute to founder FEATURES SUPERCROSS . Stanton wins, Bradshaw loses points lead at Indy 6 INTERVIEW Four-time World Champion Eddie Lawson 24 26 CROSS COUNTRY Summers smokes 'em in Tennessee National ' 10 ROAD RACE Team Suzuki Endurance on top at Roebling Road ENDURO Roeseler grabs the gold at Tecate 250 12 DEPARTMENTS TECHNICAL Honda's Anti-Lock Brakingffraction Control System : 16 PRODUCT EVALUATION 19 LOCAL RACiNG 28 DRAG RACE First-time winners at Citrus Nationals CALENDAR .36 20 WANT ADS 4! RIDING IMPRESSION Suzuki VX800 22 RESULTS 54 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Two-time Camel Su percross Cha mpion J eff Stanton sco red his seco nd win of the season in Indiana 's H oo sierdome. Fo r race cov er age see p age 6. Pho to b y H enny Ray Abrams. America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Volume XXIX Michael Klinger, Publish er Caroline Gendry, Ex ecutiueSecretary to th~ Pu bl ish er Editorial Jack Mangus. Associate Publish er! Ed ito r Kit Pal mer , Associa te Editor Pa ul Carruthers, Associa te Ed itor Na te Rau ba , Associate Edi tor Donn Maeda. Associate Edi to r Ken Faught. Assistant Ed ito r Edw ina Ma ngus, Ca lendar Ed itor Graphics and Production . Ree J oh n so n . Prod uctio n Superv isor Man dy LOOt Produ ction M ana ger Dennis Greene, Lab , T ech. Stacey Guest. G rap h ic Artist Adverti sing T err y Prall , N at ion al Accounts Mana ger Ma rk T ho me. Western Sale s A/anager Ron David son, Westnn Sales Manager . Thomas R. Gom er, rVeSlt'Tn Sal es Manager Ma rk Mitch ell , Eastern A ccounts M an ager Greg Mitchell. East~rn Sal es Manag~ Rick Matheny, Eastern Sal es M an ager Joan Bell, W ,,'ern Ad Coord inat or Carla Borden Allen. East= Ad Coordinator DealerSales Steve Gotos ki , Dealer R ep resen tatiue Marketing Be Promotion Mark Thome. M anager Am y H a rri s. Gra p hi c A rtist Carolyn Branham, T vp eseu er Circulation Rh eba Smith. Ma n ager Sarah Taylor, Bill ing Coordinator Alma Angu ia no , Processing Coordinator Debbie Weller, Dealer Coordinator Accounting/Data Processing Do nn a Bryan-Diamond . A I R Coo rdina to r Geneva Repass. A ssista nt H erlane Lewis, Credit Want Ads Linda Von de Veld, W an t Ad Sal es Service and Support Chris Ai tcheson , H eadq uarters R ecept ion ist Leonar d H errin g , S ervi ce and S upport National Headquarters Eastern 220 1 Cherry Ave.. Long Beach. CA 90806, P.O . Box 498. Long Beach , CA 90801·0498 4190 ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (310) 427-7433; (310) 636-8844. FAX (310) 427-6685 QUiee Firs, Ave..Tucker. GA. 30084; mai ling address P.O. Box 805, Tucker. GA 30085-0805. (404) 934-7850. FAX (4.04) 934-3112 Cycle News (USPS 141-340) is published weekly except the Iast two weeks 01 the calendar year lor $50.00 per year by Cycle News, Inc., 2201 Cherry Avenue. Long Beach. CA 90806. Second class postage paid at Long Beach, CA andat additional mailing olliee. CanadaPost International Publications Mail #546615. POSTMASTER: Send address changes toCycle News, P.O. Box498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498. To determine the expiration date of your subscription. check the four numbers on the firs. line of your address label. The firs. two digits indicate the las. issue number you'll receive and the last two characters indicate the year of the last issue. Su bscription rates: Rates for the Un ited Sta tes a nd its possessio ns for one year , (50 issues), $50.00; two years (100 issues). $95.00; six months. (25 issues), $26.00; trial sub (15 issues). $19.00. Canada and Foreign, one year (50 issues), $90.00; two years (100 issues). $175.00; six months (25 issues), $45.00; trial sub (15 issues). $38.00. Cycle News welc omes unsol icited ed itoria l ma terial in clud in g sto ri es. ca rtoons , p ho tos, etc. Such material. il published, becomes the exclusive property 01 Cycle News. Such accep ted material is su bjec t to revision as is necessary in th e so le di screti o n o f Cycl e News. Unsolicited material which is not used will be returned il accompanied by a sell addressed stamped envelope. All unsolicited material will be handled with reasonable care, however. Cycle News assumes no responsibility lor the safety, loss or damage to such material. Reprinting in whole or part only by permission 01 the publisher. Advertising rates and circu la tio n in forma tio n will be sen~ upon request. See S.R .D.S. W'I'Bn'A 'If r , 4 Letters tothe editor AUDITED CIRCULATION Copyright8 Cycle Ne,.., Inc. 1992. Trademark Cycle Ne,.. rtgistrnd U.s. Patent Office. All righlS reserved. Iffy parts It was with great sad ne ss th at I read o f th e p assin g o f Chuck Cl a yton , founder a nd owner o f Cycl e News . Wh il e I never had th e o p port u n ity to me et Mr. Cl a yton personaIl y, I fo llowed h is p ro gression from near . the beg inn in g s o f th e paper , from th e never en d ing work as th e publ ish er! ed ito r to wa rd s h is hi gher as p ira tio ns, bo th withi n a n d o u tside o u r i nd us try, such as th e Clayton Foundation , a n exa m p le for which I per sonall y have on ly th e hi gh est regard for. T he co ntr ib u tio n this one individu al mad e to mot orcycling in gen era l a nd co m peri ti on in parti cular has no t, in my o pi n io n , been p ro pe rly a rt icu la ted. The co ns ta n t improvem ent in t he new spaper' s la yout , co vera ge a nd reporting qual it y has co n ti n ue d to keep th e p eopl e info rmed hut has a lso given new visio n and direction to o ur spor t. Wi thout Cy cle News , I doubt wh ether mo torcycle ra cing wo u ld h a ve ac hieved the sus ta ined gro w th ove r the years which it has experie nce d. In short. Cycle N ews has been a pri mary mov in g force in th is sport withou t wh ich we would ha ve been fou nd lackin g. The o ther p roj ect s Mr. Clay ton was involved in no doub t ca rry simi lar level s of importance. T h a n k you , Chuck. Rest in peace. Peter Grant Independent Race Promotions Ayr, Ontario, Canada Th e Clayton Foundation was form ed by Chuck and S haron Clayton to raise funds w hich w ill assist injured motorcycle racers who have ex hausted all other fo rms of finan cial support. A II con l ri bu tion s will go d irectl y to injured riders - not to salaries, [ees or overhead. Th e Clay tons made a prom ise to m atch every dollar collected from th e public with th eir ow n. Th e Clay ton Foundation is a non-profit charity fo r th e public ben efit , sanctioned by the State of Californ ia and th e IRS . A II con tributi ons are tax dedu ctibl e and checks, made payable to Th e Clayton Foundation, shou ld be sent to P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801 . . . Editor. Credit where credit is due I wou ld . like to th ank Cycle N ews for its coverage of th e Daytona Cycle Week's Alli gator Enduro. However , the H igh Point A, B and C winners were a ppa ren tly left o u t of the results. As the High Point A winner and overa ll sixth pl ace finisher (just a he ad o f Na tional Rel iability Champion Larry Roesel er a nd a ti ck behind N ation a l Endu ro Champion J eff R ussell ), I was definitely pumped after th e event. I wou ld lik e to th ank MSR , White Bros., Ai ke n Mot orcycles, Fa ctory Co n nection, Acerbis, PJI, FMF, Sid e· . winder, Ara i, Scott, and H arold Med lock for th eir support. Also, my good friend an d overall third place finish er Geor ge Waller , Jr. (a nd his sponsors) will tha nk me for pointing o ut that th e p ictur e in the article is actually me. as George was stylin' a different 'set o f stickers. Doug Deaton Greensboro, NC H igh Poin t B hon ors we nt 10 Yamaha moun ted Sco tt Gauiler of Orlando, Flor ida, an d Husq oarna-m ountedr: Jam es Kell y of Foxboro, Massachusells , was th e H igh Point Crider.' Bel at ed co ngratu latio ns, g u yS .. . Editor. I thought you r co m me nts on Scott Zampach's Twinsp orts bike (in your Daytona race covera ge ) were uncall ed for. The difference in spee d between ' Scott and his rival s was indeed in th e head, but it was his head not th e bik e's. H e was usin g a not iceably differen t line th rough turns, cutting lap times by not lo sing much speed in th e co rners. H e was by no means faster th an o the r bikes in th e fast portions of the tra ck. (N igel ) Gale would gain on him a ll aro u nd th e banking onl y to drop far back a t th e chica ne. The AMA ma y or ma y not rule in . his favor, but regardless of this, Scott was th e fastest rid er becau se he rod e bett er, not because he had a faster bik e. You o nly had to see his performance in th e 200 to see th at he had th e co urse di al ed in . H e pulled off a very surprising 10th despite having a bike that was not particularly fast. Zampach is a very good rid er, as h is National Ch ampionships have shown. His bike ma y hav e failed tech but it was certa in ly not th e only bik e in th e field th at push ed th e rul es to th e limit . And I don 't mean just the other two bikes th at fail ed tech . A teardown of every bike in th e race would reveal a lot of iffy parts. Dave Cess Milwaukee, WI Zampach, [irst across the fin ish lin e at th e end of th e Daytona Tu iinsports race, and th e second and third pla ce fin ishers we re disqualified by the AMA for all egedly having machined th e heads of th eir Harl ey-Datndsons, Th ey have appealed th e disqualification . . . Editor. The longest race . When the riders ar e on th e grid, my stomach 's in my mouth. They are focu sed on th e race, I'm focused on life. Each lap is carved into m y soul, every corn er could be th e last. You see, I a m a racer 's dad. All racers hav e them; we are a silent frat ernity. We have the same look on our faces, our little boys are men . We used to live through th eir racing, they hav e passed us by. They ar e professional s, most of us weren't. We all laugh, pray and cry, but to our son s we always sm ile. I'm watching the longest race of my life , the Dayton a H arley Twinsport final. It's been going on sin ce Sunday, March 8. You see, I'm Scott Zampach 's dad. I won't com me nt on th e situation at hand in that cla ss; it is in the hands of capabl e others. On ly thing is, I've been on th e white flag lap for a week. I sure hope it ends soon. We all need th e rest. Joe Zampach St. Petersburg, FL Double standard? In your February 19 issue , I read that Ray Crumb was disqual ified from th e San Diego Supercro ss for unsportsmanlike co nduc t. The AMA said they don 't tol erat e th at kind of behavior from rid ers. . Wh at th ey sh ould ha ve said is they don 't tolerate that kind of b(~ avi or unl ess yo u a re a factory superstar. Ron Coop Arroyo G ra nde, CA Quick , Ron, name a superstar who ajter being involved in a crash w ith another rider, gal back into the race on th e other rider's bike . . . Editor.

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