Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CMC GOLDEN STATE (CA) GFI WINTER SERIES (N. & S. CA) RACE OF CH AM PIONS (NJ) 8 Events x ']J Classes: S224AOO AMATEUR: 1stS300 2nd S200 3rd SL50 4th $100 5th S50 80Open 125 !Ill urn Jun or JUD 80Beg lSO Beg urn !Ill or In! 80Jun lSO lun urn Exp .or Mas 80!Ill lSO !Ill Vet Jun SOO Beg Vet Inl 80Exp 125 Beg SOOJun Vet ~las 125 IUD SOO !Ill Vet Pro PROFESSIONA L: 1stSIOOO 2nd S7S0 3rd SSOl! 4th $400 5th S300 125 Pro lSO Pro SOO Pro 12 Eventsx 25 Classes: $I34,4OO AMATEUR: 1stSISO 2nd $100 3rd S15 4th S50 5th $2S IIll Beg 125 No. SOO Beg Vet No. IIll No. 125 IIll SOO No. Vet IIll IIllIm :!SO Beg SOO IIll Vet Pro IIll Exp :!SO Noo> 25-29 Beg or No. 125 Beg :!SO 1m 25-29 No. or IIll 25-2911ll or Exp PROFESSIONAL: 1stS300 2nd $200 3rd SL50 4th $100 5th S50 125 Pro. lSO Pro SOO Pro • I Event x 16Classes: S7,600 AMATEUR: lSISlSO 2nd SIOO 3rd S15 4th S50 5th $2S 1Ill 1 0-11 115Nov 25ONo. 15+ AmI 1Ill 12-13 125 AmI lSO AmI 25+ Exp 1Ill14-15 Open AmI Vet Am! Vet 30+ Sr,w+ PROFESSIONAL : 1st S300 2nd S200 3rd SL50 4th SiOO 5th S50 , I2S Exp 250Exp SOOExp tiE C MC SPRING CLASSIC (CA) S Events x:rT Classes: S96,OOO A MATEUR: lotSlSO 2nd SI00 3rd S75 4th SSO 5th S25 125 In! urnJun orlUD 800pen lSO Beg urn IIll or IIll 80 Beg 80Jun lSO Jun urn Exp or Mas 80In! lSO Int Vet Jun 80Exp SOO Beg Vet Int 125 Beg SOO IUD Vet Mas 125Jun SOO Int Vet Pro PROFESSIONAL : 1st S300 2nd S200 3rd SISO 4th $100 5th SSO I2SPro :!SOPro SOOPro CMC TRANS-CAL (CA) 10Events x :rTClasses: SI2O,OOO A MATEUR: 1stSL50 2nd $100 3rd rn 4th SSO 5th $2S IIll Open • 125 IIll urn IUD or IUD IIll Beg lSO Beg urn1m or 111I IIll Jun lSOlUD urn Exp or Mas IIllIlll lSO 1m Vet IUD IIll Exp SOO Beg Vet 1m 125 Beg SOO IUD Vet Mas 125 Jun SOO IIll Vet Pro PROFESSIONAL : 1stS300 2nd S200 3rd SISO 4th $100 5th S50 125 Pro 2SO Pro SOO Pro CM C DESERT STATE (AZ) S Events x:rT Classes: S96,OOO A MATEUR: Ist $ISO 2nd $1 00 3rd rn 4th S50 5th $2S IIll Open I2S hu urn IUD orlUD IIll Beg :!SO Beg urn1m or 1m 80IUD :!SO IUD urnExp or Mas IIll Int :!SOInt Vet lun IIll Exp SOO Beg Vet Inl 125 Beg SOO lun Vet Mas 125 IUD SOO 1 111 Vet Pro PROFESSIONAL : 1st S300 2nd S200 3rd SL50 4th $100 5th S50 I2SPro :!SOPro SOOPro CMC COPPER STATE (AZ) S Events x :rTClasses: S96,OOO AMATEUR: 1st SL50 2nd SIOO 3rd rn 4th S50 5th $2S 80Open 125 111I urn Jun or Jun 2SO Beg urn1m or 1m 80Beg IIll Jun :!SO Jun urn Exp or Mas 80IIll :!SO 1m Vet Jun IIll Exp SOO Beg Vet 1m 125 Beg SOO Jun Vet Mas 125 IUD SOO 1m Vet Pro PROFESS IONA L: 1stS300 2nd $200 3rd SL50 4th $100 5th S50 125 Pro :!SO Pro SOO Pro petedon a properly qualified mot.o~e. ° Minimum of six (6) riders in a class to qualify for contingency. ° Contingency will be paid on riders' best [mish in one class only per each motorcycle-no multiple-class payouts. GFI FALL SE RIES (N. & S. CALIF.) 10Events x 25 Classes: SIl2.000 A MATEU R: 1stSISO 2nd SIOO 3rd rn 4th S50 5th $2S IIll Beg 125 No. SOO Beg Vet No. IIll No. 125 IIll SOO No. Vet Int IIll Int :!SO Beg . SOO In! Vet Pro IIll Exp :!SO Noo> 25-29 Beg or No. 125 Beg :!SO Int 25-29 No. or hu 2S-29 lnt or Exp PROFESSIONAL : 1st S300 2nd S200 3rd $ISO 4th $100 5th SSO I2SPro lSOPro SOOPro GNC RE GIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS

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