Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1992 01 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA AMATEUR NATIONAL REGIONAL QUALI FIER SERIES 8 Events. 2S Classes: SI6O,OOO AMATEUR: 1stS300 2nd S200 3rd SISO 4th $100 5th SSO 115 SIt 1-11 2SOC_SIt 115 SIt 12 -13 2SOC_Mod 115 Mod <),13 2SO 8 SIt 115 SIt 14-15 2SO 8 Iod 115 Mod 14-15 2SO ASIt 125 SIt 12 -15 2SO AMod 125 Mod 12 -15 Open BIC 125 C _ SIt Open A 125 C _ Mod Plus 25 125 8 SIt Sr Plus 30 125 8 Mod Sr Plus 40 125 ASIt _ &S-125a: I25A Mod AMA FLO RIDA WINTER SERIES (FL) 5 Events. 23 Classes: $113.500 A MATEUR : Ist S300 2nd S200 3rd SISO 4th $100 5th SSO I!5 1-U l25a: 12 'fuuth -15 115 12 -13 16-24 A(J: 115 1 4-15 PIm25BlC Plus 30BIC . 125 C 125 8 Plus 35Scnion 125 A Plus 40SuperScnion 2SOC -... 2S0 8 Mini A 2501500 A 500_ Plus 25 A VetPro30+ P1us3OA PROFESSIONA L: lSISlooo 2nd S750 3rd S500 4th S400 5th S300 125 Pro 2SO Pro AMA OUTDOOR NATIONALS AMA AMATEU R NATIONAL FINAL -WRE'ITA LYNNS (TN) 1 Even• • 2S Classes: S31,2SO AMATEUR : 1st S500 2nd S300 3rd S200 4th SISO 5th sioo 115 SIt1-11 25OC_Stk Il5S1t 12 -13 25OC_Mod &5 Mod <),13 2508 SIt 115 SIt 14-15 2508 Mod &5 Mod 14-15 250ASIt 125 SIt 12-15 250AMod 125 Mod 12-15 Open BlC I25C_SIt Open A 125 C _ Mod Plus 25 125 8 SIt Sr Plus 30 125 8 Mod SrPlus 40 125 ASIt _&S-l25a: 125 AMod 23 Events. 3 ClassCs: $32S,6OO PROFESSIONA L: 1 25 2501500 lSI ss000 -6-Am SIt &5 Mod 1-11 2501500 AExp/Pn>-Am Mod 85SIt 12 -13 2S08S1t 115 Mod 12 -13 2S08Mod 115 SIt 14-15 250CSIt 115 Mod 1 4-15 2SO C Mod 125 SIt 12-15 25Plus "A" 125 Mod 12 -15 25Plus "8" 125 A Exp/Pn>-Am SIt 30Plus"I." 125 A Exp/Pn>-Am Mod 30Plus"8" 5OO_ "BlC· 1258S1t 16-24 Yn A(J: 1 258 Mod I25CStIt -... I25CMod 1992 CR Racing Contingency Program Eli gibility Requirements • Only 1992 CR" models are eligible, and riders must complete a 1992 Honda conti ngency form for each event, including IRS Form W-9. CMC PAC"WEST (II>, OR, WA) 8 Events. 27 Classes: S96,OOO AMATEUR: lSISISO 2nd sioo 3rd S75 4th SSO 5th S2S IJJ Open 1251Jll urn Jun or Jun IJJ Beg 250Beg urn IIll or IJll IJJ Jon 250Jon urn EIp or Mu IJJ IIll 2SO llll Vet Jun IJJ EIp 500Beg Vet IJll 125 Beg 500Jun Vet Mu I2l lim 500IJll Vet Pro PROFESSIONAL: lSIS300 2nd S200 3rd SlSO 4th $100 5thSSO 125 Pro 2SO Pro 500Pro • Contingency will be paid to registered owner only per the warra nty registration card submitted to AHM by the dealer at time of purchase. • Honda will pay contingencyupon confirmation from promoter that rider com- ALWAYS W EAK AHELMET, EYE PROTECT I~N AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. AND PLEASE RESrECT THE ENVIRONMENT. Obey the law, andread

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