Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 10 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eDIRTTRACK e AMAICame1 Pro G~d National Championship_Se_rie_s:F ll_al_ro_uD_d._ ---=i .- -----=-=--- _ seaso n ," said three-time cham Springsteen. " We're gonna spend th winter looking [or more power, an come back swinging next year." Results TIME TRIALS : I. S<.'O Pa rker (37. 157 seco nd s, II 96.886 m ph ); 2. Terry Poo vey (37.296); 3. Mike Hal, (37.326); 4. Sieve Mor ehead (37.33 8); 5. Ri ck) Graham (37.400); 6. Chris Carr (37.415); 7. Dav Durell e (37... (5); 8. Kevin Atherto n (37.562); 9. Bill ) Herndon (37.582); 10. Larry Pegram (37.632); II Will Oavi. (37.695); 12. J ay Springsteen (37.707); 13. Ro n n ie J ones (37.733); 1-1. Rodney Farris (37.773) 15. Keith Day (37.741); 16. T ed Taylor (37.773); 17. Dan Ingra m (37.773); 18. Geo rge Roed er II (37.0 17)19. Pet e Ha mes (38.050); 20. Bo bb y McDowell (38. 105); 2 1. Steve Rasmu ssen «3 8. 170); 22. Cha n Dar ling (38.2 1-1); 23. Dave Ca mlin (38.272); 24. j o hnarhan Cornwell (~8 . 3 02); 25. Scou Sturn (38.413); 26. Kris Kiser (38.468); 27. Sal H offma n (38.536); 28. Ian Segedy (38.555); 29. Aar o n H ill (38.599); 30. Don Wilso n (38.687); 31. Steve Raymon d (38.74 1); 32. R ir k Hoc k in g (38.79 1); 33. M ike Inder bitzen (38.8 17); 3-l. Cun Rehm ert (38.848); 35. ScOIl Bucha n (38.870); 36. Chris Eva ns (38.878); 37 Willi e McCo y (38.932); 38. Rob Dam ron (39.0 16): 39. Dan McDo n nell (39.02 1); 40. T on y Do nah ue (39. 146). ' H EAT I : I. ScO It Par ker (H-D); 2. Ch ris Carr (H · 0 ); 3. Ron n ie j on es (li on ); .1. David Du rell e (H· D); 5. Ja)' Springs te n (H- D): 6. Pete Han es (H · D); e 7. J o n Co rnw el l (1-1-0 ): 8. Sco tt Stump ( B on ); 9. Will ie Mc01y (H- D); 10. Steven Ra ymond (H -O); II. Art h u r T resser (lio n) ; 12. Ch ris Evans (H · D); 13. Don Wilson (Ha n) ; 11. George Roed er II (H· D ). Carr (20) dra fted past Parker (partially hidden) on the final lap to score his third consecutive Sacramento Mile win. Pa rker (rear) joi ned Carr on his po st-race victory lap. Carr celebrated the race win, while Par ker relished his record-tying fourth Grand National Championship. 8 on Parker as they blasted down the b'ack straight, yet elected to follow hi s teamma te through th e final turns rather than draft past. Carr tu cked in . behind Parker as the duo exited turn four, headed for the finish lin e. and as expec ted, drafted past just befor e the checkers. " After I looked back and Poovey had dropped back, I knew that nothing was gon na stop Scotty from winning the title," said Carr, who needed to beat Parker by two positions to win the champio nship . '" fig ured that I mig ht as well win th e last race of the year and go o u t on a po siti ve note. At least I can gloat about th at all winter!" " I tr ied to go near th e fence. but I think' got a little too close and spu n the wh eel ," said Park er. " I'm happy for Chris. Once 'we go t away from everyo ne, , felL prett y good . If he won, great, if , won, great. , kn ew , had the title either way." Behind the two leaders, Hale led the charge for third, but fell prey to Farris as they crossed th e line. Poovey and Pegram crossed th e fini sh line fifth and sixth, respectively, on ly inches behind. " Man, I was testing the Hondas ou t, dicing with Poo vey and Pegram ," said an ela ted Farris. " T hen all of a sudden Ha le showed up. and , thought 'u h, oh.· I knew , cou ld draft past the Hondas, but' wasn't so sure abou t H ale's Harley. I did, tho ug h, hot damn !" " You feel so helpl ess when yo u get drafted ," said Hal e. "T here's nothing you can do. " Pegram was u pset after the race, and cla imed that Poovey had rammed him j ust after the wh ite £lag. " T here's no roo m [or that at th ose kind s o f speeds." sa id a deject ed Pegram. '" kn ow that' would have had third. , felt rea l strong." " I didn 't do anything to Larry," said Poovey in defense. "He's getting upset over nothing." After circling the track in 16th on the opening lap, Durelle opened the throttle on his Harley and smo ked up to seventh at the fini sh, ju st ah ead of Graham, to secure eigh th in the seri es po int standings . " I star ted o u t a littl e too cau tio us, bu t after my tire started to scu ff up I go t go ing," said Durelle, " When I saw R icky up a head, I reall y got pu mped up; we were real close in th e points chase." '" got stuck between gears on the first lap and someo ne rammed me real hard. " sa id Graham , who finis hed eig hth. " I burned up the tire withi n the first few laps, it was bad." Moreh ead spent most of the race [endi ng off the advances of Herndon , who rounded ou t the top 10. " We j ust need mo re po wer o u t of the bik e to be com petitive o n the miles," said Moreh ead. " I felt good a t the sta rt, bu t I ra n into Graham o n the back stra ig h t and got all screwed up," Herndon said. After his spectacu lar win one week earl ier a t th e Pomona Half Mil e, Ath ert on struggled with h is motorcycle and finished 11th. " We couldn' t get th e gearing right ," Ath erton sai d. " For some reaso n the bike didn't feel strong, and I cou ldn't get comfortable." Springsteen fini shed a di sappointing 15th in the main, but was glad to end the seaso n as a participant in th e main even t. " Man , it's been a tough year. These yo ung guys get faster and faster every Time: 6 m inutes, 17. 13 seco nd s. Ayt'rage sJ)le'ed:95...57 m p h . . HEAT 2: I. T erry Poov ey (Ho n); 2. Ricky Graham (Ho n); 3. Rodney Farr is (H-D); 4. Kevin Atherton (H -O); 5. Will Dav is ( H · O); 6. Dan Ingram (H o n); 7. Bobb y McDo well (H- O); 8. David Ca m lin ( H- O): 9. Aaron H ill (H · O): 10. Scott Buchan (H -O); I I. Kris Kiser (Ho n ); 12. Rick Hock in g (H -O); 13. j o h n Wi l1ct'wia (H -O ). Time: 6: 18.09 . Avera ge speed s 95.2 15 mph. HEAT 3: I. Larry Prog ram (H e n}; 2. SHO Vt' Mo rehead (H- O); 3. Willia m Hern do n (H a n); 4. Mike Ha le (II -D); 5. Keilh Day (Ho n); 6. Chance Darling (}-{- D ); 7. Sal Hoff man (H -D); 8. Cunis Reh mcn (H- O); 9. Ian Segedv (H -O); 10. Mike l nd erbitzen (H -n); II. Ant hony Doh anu e If-l-D); 12. Dan iel ~Ic Do nnd l (II -Il); 13. Ted T a ylo r (Ho n); 14. Steve Rasm ussen (H· [)). T ime: 6:20...7. AY aage spttd:9 1.619 mph. S EMI I: I. David Dur ell e (1,1-0 ): 2. Mike Halt' ( H · D); 3. Will Dav i:. ( B· I»; .1. Chance Darling (HD); 5. Pete Ha nes (H- O); 6. Aaron H ill (II -D); 7 Sc'OIl Stump (H on) ; 8. Bob by McDowell (H -O,; 9 Curtis Reh mert (H· O); 10. Steven Raym o nd ( H -D); 11. Kris Kiser (Hon ): 12. Mike ln der bhzen ( H-D). Time: 6:16.37. Average speed; 95.650 mph. SEMI 2: I. Kevin Athert on (H -D); 2. Dan In gr am (Ho n ); 3. J ay Spri ngs teen (H -D): 4. Da ve li n (H -O ); 5. Keith Da y (lin n): 6. Wi llie McCoy (H0 ); 7. Ia n Seg<'d,. (II- D); 8. An dy Tresscr (Ho n) ; 9. Tony Do na hu e ( II -D); 10. J on Corn well (H- O); II. Sa l Hoff man (H ·O); 12. Daniel McDonnell (H · O): U. Sco tt Buch an (H- D). Time: 6: 17.92. Avera~ speed: 9!').25B mph. " CAMEL CHALLENGE: I. SCOll Parker (H- O): 2. T t;Try Poo vey (Hon); 3. Chris Ca rr (H -D): 1. Mike Ha le (H · D): 5. R icky G ra h am (Hon ): 6. Steve Mor eh ead ( H · D). Time: 3:09.000. Average speed: 95.238 m ph . 25·LAPNATIONAL: I. Chris Carr If-l-D]: 2. Scot t Park er (H- O); 3. Rod ney Far ris (H -O); 4. Mik e H ale (I-I-D ); 5. Terry Poo vey (Ho n ); 6. Larry Pegram (Ho n): 7. Da vid Du rellc (H · D): 8. Ricky G raham (H a n): 9. Steve Mor eh ead (H- D ): 10. \'ViI1i a m Hern don . J r. (Ho n); I I. Kev in Ather ton (H- D): 12. Wi ll Da vis (H · D); 13. Ro nn ie- j ones (Han); 11. Dan In gra m (H o n); 15. J a y Springs teen (H · D): 16. Da vid • Ca m lin (H · O); 17. Cha nce Darl in g (H· O). T im e 15 min .• 29.251 sec. Average Speed : 96.852 m ph . CAMEL PRO C'S IlI P POI:'oo'T STASDINGS: I. Sco u Pa rker (225) 6 wins ; 2. Chri s Ca rr (225) 4 win s; .3. Ronni e j one!i (169).3 wins: 4. Kevin Ath ert o n ( 136) I wi n; 5. La rry Pegr a m ( 120) I win ; 6. (TIE) Rodnev Farris/Steve Mo rehead (1 10): 8. David Durelle (100; 9. Rick y Graham (97); 10. Mike Ha k (8 1); II. T erry Poovey (71); 12. Will Davis (70); 13. Bill y Hern don (66); 11. J ay Springsteen (47); 15. Dan In gram (41); 16. Keith Day (28 ); 17. Geor ge Roed er II (26); 18 R usty Rogers (22); 19. mE) Aaron Hil l/R ich Kin K! Ga rt h Bro w (17). jR HEAT l: 1. Michael Dill on (W-R): 2. Ro ber t Land (H- O); 3. Dale Ja em ehan 1H -0); 1. J eff An nen (H- D); 5. jimmy anchee (Yam ); 6. Daniel Arga (R IX); 7. Robert Baco sa (H- D); 8. T o ry Bostru m (Ho n); 9. Wood y Rogers (R tx): 10. J eff T uggl e (H· D); II. Bill y Gonza les (H· D); 12. Larry Davis (H D). Tim e: 3:55. 3SO. Average' speed: 91.766 m ph. JR HEAT 2: I. All em McB.,. (H- O); 2. Co ry Perra ul t (H- D); 3. j aim e Aq uila r (H- D); 4. Er i G ree n (H -D); 5. R icky Sm ith (RlX): 6. Ben Bo!lICOm (H- O); 7. Mar k Sm ith (H· O); 8. Joseph Pineda (H · 0 ); 9. H .P . Nya n (H- Dj; 10. Rober t Mei ring {He n ). Ti me': (no lim e d ue to restan. ) J R HEAT31. Pau l Po lhemus (H -0 ); 2. T im Selby (W-R) : 3. James Han (R lX); 4. Steve Mayfield (HD); 5. Ron ald Bro wn (W-R ); 6. Joseph winston (H · D); 7. Steve H yson (H -D); 8. Sian Morris (Ro t); 9. J eff Ekl und (H ·O); 10. John Simo nsen (Ho n) ; II. Eva n Pl yna le (Rtx). Time: 3:57.58 1. Average speed: 90.9 16 mph. J R FINAL: I. Alion McB.,. (H·O); 2. Step hen Ma yfield (H- D); 5. n Olle j enneman (H -O); 4. j aimeAgu ilar (H- O); 5. Cory Perrault (H-O); 6. Robert La ud (H -Oj; 7. Jam es Han (ROI): 8. J eff Ann en (H D); 9. J im Selby (W· R); 10. Eric Gr een (H -O); II. Pa ul Polhemus (I t· n); 12. Micha el Dill on (W-R). Time 6:26.15,=i. Average speed: 9~ .226 mph .

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