class, followed by Monte Frank, Shawn
Wright and Fred Winson.
Allen Crick posted two first place finishes
in the 125cc Beginner cla ss.
Bub ba Elli s was an other I-I finisher in th e
80cc cla ss. Ellis ca ptured the holeshot and
never looked back. Jacob Mar tin fin ished with
a solid first in th e 80cc Open class.
The 250cc Expert riders were o n th e ga s,
but Terry Osborn claimed th e first place .
mo ney. Kyle J oll ey placed second in the first
moto but DNF th e second m ot o , Second
overall went to Adoptante,
PM : I. Cook (Yam ); 2. BrUin lU vis (Yam ): 5. Ryan
HanU (Yam); 4. DOlman WiUm (Yam ); 5. Rid Hutimon
( Yam ~
MINI MINI : 1. Johnny Mink, ( Kaw); 2. Jnnny Wright
(E.ilw) ; 1. Heoath FraLin (; t-rt-k Wh ill:h('ad (SIll) .
80 J R: I. Kory R.u mu"'-t"n ( Ka w ): 2. Ru !>.anons (Hon); 2. Stan Bl1Idl:Y (Ho n);
! . Nie:l Young (Ha n ).
250 BEG : I. Daris Sm tih (Yam ).
250 NOV : I. &' BoytJ. ( Ka w ); 2. joe Romp (KOIw I: 3.
Mikr Ro mp ( Kaw ); 1. Wade Price (Kotw); 5. h an Price (H on ).
JR VET BEC : I. Mik("MilChdl (Ho n).
jR VET INT: I. Mol Grillon (Ya m).
VET REG : I. Brian SW
f"'.my Sr. (Hu n); 2. Randy MOItuwn
(Ha n).
VET NO V: I. Mark Ro mp (Han I.
VET INT: I. Da nny Rr idrr ( K