Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 10 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ LOCAL EVENTS m 80 BEG: I. Jon Brower (Kaw); 2. Jefl Robinson (S UI); 3. Branson (Sul) ; 5. Chad Rager (SUI). 80 OPEN: I. SIeve Wisdom (Kaw). OT MST R: I. Cazl Gazaly (Ha n). OT J R: I. Vasek Ulrich (Ha n). Daily doubles at Washougal MX 80 J R : I. Josh T a rantino (SUI ); 2. John 'Emerson (SUI) ; 3. cod'r Crawlord (S UI ); 4. J imm y Varis (S UI ); 5. Jari Dosta (SU ). I 80 INT: I. Jel£ Willoh (Kaw); 2. T ravis Preston C'(j .... v ,.0 By Bri an Barnes (Ha n). 80 EX: l. Casey j ohnson (Kaw). 125 BEG 0 -1: 1. Travis Lou ther (Yam); 2. Paul Kell en (Ya m ); 5. S h aw n Fortier (Yam) ; 4. Sea n Raga tz (SUI ); 5. Cha rles Go nzales (SUI). 125 BEG 0-2: l. Chuck Enscoe (SuI ): 2. j am es Summers (Ya m ); S. La nce Le vitt (H a n ); 4. Chad Blake (S UI ); 5. Gary Shoema ker (Yam ). 125 JR 0-1: l. T y Cady (Kaw); 2. Roger Saenz {Kaw): 5, J ason In gerso ll (H a n ); 4. Sco tt Joh nso n ISUI); 5. Raymond Bowers { Ka w ). csr Jell Da il y scored the ov era ll wi ns in th e 125 a n d 500cc Pro classes a t th e Wa sh oug a l Motocross Park seas on final e. Dai ly lo p ped a ll four mot es of competition a board hi s Cy cle Sports o f Sa lem -backed Kawasakis. In 125cc P ro cla ss Dail y sco red th e o vera ll win o ver Shaw n W ar ing , M ik e Bell a n d Kenny Olsen, b ut in 500cc class, th e win didn 't co me 125 JR D-2: I. J ake Wi n dh am (Su a): 2. J ohn Bla ir o .... u (Ha n ); 3. Shawn Elli s (Kaw); 4. Gabe Bolivar (Yam); 5. Sean Ru ndle (SUI). 125 INT : I. Do na ld U p to n (H a n ); 2. Mike Metzger (S Ul); 3. Jel£ery Brownlee (S UI ); 4. Jesse J ames (S UI ); 5. Bob Sage (Kaw ~ 125 PRO: 1. Mi ke You ng (5Ul ); 2, Bu bb a Eri ckson (S UI); 3. Chris Youn g (Hon ): 4. Spud w elters (kaw); 5. Dan a Wig gins (Yam ). 250 REG : I. Don Forest er (H a n) ; 2. Dou g McCu ll o ug h (Hon ); 3. Kevin Cavene (Hon ); 4, Paul Kellen (Yam); 5. Mar k Weld y (Kaw). " 25() J R: I. Kevin Wisc (S UI ); 2. Tim May (S UI) ; 5. Kenn y Madd u x (Yam ); 4. La wre n ce Lew is (Ya m); 5. Mikc O 'Dell (Ha n). 2.50 (NT : I. Do na ld U pton (Han ); 2, Bob Sage (Ka w ): ~ . La rr y La wre nce (Ya m ); 4. J eff Bro wnl ee (SUI); 5. Bre nn l;Iamiho n (H a n ). 250 PRO: I. Mike Young ( S UI); 2. Damon H u ffman (Kaw) ; 3. C hris Young (SUI); 4. Sco n Myers (Kaw); 5. Pat Benne tt (Hon ). 500 BEG: I. John Sain (Han ); 2. Mar k Stroap (Ha n). 500 J R: -I. Steve T oll ison (Han ); 2. J im H arri s (Ha n ). . 500 INT: l. Do nald Upto n (H a n ); 2. Steve Dr ew (AT K); 3. Brett Ham ilt on (Han). 500 PRO: I. Chris Young (Han ); 2. Rex Sla ten (Ha n ); 3. See n Mr.ers (KX). VET JR: l. BIll Payne (Ha n); '2. Mark Strou p (Han ); 3. T ommy Brackens (Kaw); 4. Bob Shimp (SUI ); 5. Richazd Worl ey (Yam). VET MSTR : I. Tim Marsh (Ha n ). VET INT: I. Greg Perotic (Han); 2. David Lynch (Han ): 3. Robert Sheldon (Yam). VET PR O: I. Rex Staten (Han ); 2. Jeff Wa't> (Han ); 3. Dave Coupe (Ha n ). UTH JR: I. Rob Moor e (Yam); 2. Edwin Engins (Kaw); 3. Rich Barron (Yam ); 4. Jim T ip ton (Han); 5. Ron H ampshire (H a n ). UTH INT: l. Larry Lawrence (Yam). OT INT : I. Ron Tuzinski (Han ). OT MSTR: l. Jerry Caton (Han). OT J R: I. Vasek Ulrich (Han). SUNDAY PIW STK BEG: I. Kevin Roberts (Yam); 2. Kyle Partride ( Ya m ) ; ~. David McFa rla nd (Yam ). P/ W STK J R: I. Emitt Klin g (Hay); 2. Dylan d Lo rd (Yam). P/W MOD: I. Scott Nelson (Yam); 2. J ason Scutt (Yam); 3. Chad Gaumer (Yam). 600-8: I. J essie Willi am s Jr . (Kaw); 2. Bobby Bonds (Kaw). o Washougal MX saw Jason McCormick top the 250cc Intermediate class. side over th e doubl e j um p and past th e fini sh line . Guthrie held the in sid e line to th e next corne r and overtook Graves, and rode to the fini sh in first. Graves fell off the pace, but scored second. Zappia was third and Klinger card ed I:N fourth. Results AUTO: I. Ritch ie Moor e (Yam); 2.K.ris Hershberger ( Yam ); 3. Geddy Kaale (Y am ); 4. Mikel Brown (Yam); 5. Aaron Yoder (Yam). 60: 1. Justin Gu thrie (Kaw); 2. Benjamin Graves (Kaw): 3. Nicholas Zappia (Kaw); 4. Mikey Klinger (Kaw); 5. Adam Hi ggins (Kaw). 80 A: I. Justin Blake (Kaw); 2. Heath Cripe (Han ); 3. Carey Wesl (Kaw); 4. J assen Snodgra ss (Yam); 5. Rya n Nation (SUl). 80 B: 1. Jus tin Gu th rie (Ho n ); 2. J erem y Green e (Kaw); 3. Zach McRiII (S UI); 4. Benjamin Graves (S UI ); 5. Nicholas Zappi a (Kaw). 125 A: 1. Aa ron Pitts (Su z); 2. Co n nie Fei st (H a n ): 3. MarkSm ith (Ya m ); 4. Kurtis Meek (H o n ); 5. Bryan Hoffman (SUl). 125 YTH : I. Justin Blake (Kaw); 2. ]. T . Monk (Ya m ); 3. Derik G rayhea rt (H a n ); 4. Chr is Pau gh (SUl ); 5. Steve Kaylor (Han ). .. 125 B: I. ]. T . Mon k (Yam); 2. Duan e Gri ffs (S UI); 3. Clint on Moor e (Yam); 4. Nelson Copela nd (Han); 5. Todd Denny (S UI ). 125 C: I. David Hu ey (Ha n ); 2. Brad On (S UI ); 3. Eric Bilskie (Suz):4. Denn y Strunk (Yam); 5. Kevin Ha nu (Hon ). 250 EX A: I. Co nn ie Feist (Ya m ); 2. John Bak er (Han ); 3. Mike Le fler (Kaw); 4. Mark Smith (Ha n); 5, La rry Witm er (S UI), ~ . 250 B: I. Jason Bo yd (Suz): 2. Clin to n Moore (Yam ); 5. Monte Reed (Su z); 'I. Brian Northcu tt (Ha n): 5. Ed Yoke (SUI). 250 C: 1. David Hu ey (Ha n); 2. Gar y Stru nk (S UI ); 5. Kevin H an tz (H on): 4. Mickey Sum me rfor d (Kaw) : 5. Ron Kami nsk y (Su z). OPEN B/C: 1. Monr e Reed (Kaw); 2. Richard Farmer (Kaw); 5. Mi ke Randal (Hon) : 4. George Nyers (KTM ); 5. Bruce Hendel (Ha n). 16-24: 1. Mark Smith (Ha n); 2. Bryan Holl man (SUI) ; 5. Ma tt Davis (SUI ); 4. Ben Anderson (SUI ); 50, Brian Stock er (Yam ). +2,5,: I. Co n n ie Feist (Hon ); 2. Mike Smi th (Hon ); 5. Aaron Pins (Su z); 4. Carl H o rvath (Kaw ); 5. KUTIis Meek (Han ). +30: I. Co n n ie Feist (SUI) ; 2. La rry Wi tm er (S uz); 3. Dave W ise (5 uz); 4. Carl Vargo (H a n ); 5. Yod er (Kaw). S t~ e +40: I. Randy G ordo n (Hon ); 2. T im Graves (Yam); 3. Roy Maley, Jr . (Ha n); 4. Ro n Carey (Han ); 5. Roger 5warIOut (Kaw). CMC Trans-Cal Series: Fina l Round Clean sweep for .Upton at Glen Helen MX By Paul Kellen SAN BERNARDINO, CA, SEPT, 28·29 ixteen-year-old Donald U p to n won II of 12 mo tos that he competed in at the-final round of the CMC T ra ns-Cal Series, held at Glen Helen Raceway. The two-day '·event pitted,north and south series contenders against one an ot her to compete for overall series -titles. Upton 's wins in the 125, 250 and 500cc In termediate classes on both days secured all three titles for the GP Construction/Racewa y Honda/ Pro Circuit/Sus Ito Graphics-backed rider. , Upton 's sti ffest competition came in S 36 ail! Coo k (S UI); 4. Glenn th e form of Mike Metzger in the 125cc Interm ediate class. Metzger was the on ly rider to top Up ton in a moto, doing so in Saturday's opening race. Metzger sto le th e hol esh ot, while Upton was mired at the start and completed the first lap mid-pack. By th e rno tos en d, . U p ton reeled in Metzger and snuck past , only to have Metzger retake the lead with a wideopen last di tch effort. "Man, if he wanted it that bad, he could have it," said Upton. " It' s only the first moto, no sense in crashing." Upton returned with a vengeance in th e second moto and q uic kly established a comfortable lead after nabbing the ho leshot, Metzger, Jeff Brownlee and Terry Parsons follow ed Up ton across the line. Upton went on to POSI double rnoto wins in the 250 and 500cc classes with comfortable margins of victory, and returned on Sunday to run away with every moto in whi ch he compe ted. "This is the best weekend I've ever had, " said a happy Upton . " I can' t believe that I won all three series champ ionships!" In the same fashi on as Up ton, La Habra . Suzuki/Sinisalo-backed Mike Young posted seven wins in the eigh t mot os that he competed in , to dominate the 125 and 250cc Pro classes on bo th da ys. Young suffered hi s only defeat in Sunday's first 250cc Pro moto. Northern Californ ia 's Sco tt Myer s found h is way past Young on the last lap to notch th e moto win . Young, however, was untou chable in every other moto as he roosted across th e finish line with sizable lead s each tim e. Bubba Eri ck son a n d Chris Young rounded out Saturday's 125cc Pro rostrum , wh ile Sunday's runnerups were Chris Young and Damon Huffman. Huffman and Chris Young finished second and third, respectively , on both da ys in the 250c Pro class. Chris Young's claim to fame came in the 500cc Pro class, as he scored the overall win on both da ys. Following Young across the finish line each day was Rex Staten, who also proved to be the weekend 's fastest Vet Pro. Myers was third 500cc Pro on Saturday, while Craig Canoy claimed that spot on Sunday. ~ Results SATURDAY P/ W ST K BEG: I. Kevin Robert> (Yam); 2. Kyle Partride (Yam ); 3. Da vid McF arland (Yam ). P/W STK J R; I. Emill Kling (Hay) ; 2, Dyland Lord (Yam). P/ W MOD: I. SeOIl Nel son (Yam) ; 2. Jason Scu n (Yam). 60 0-8: 1. J essie Will iam s Jr. (Kaw); 2. Brian J arami llo (Kaw). 609-11: I.Monr e Montagu e (Kaw); 2. Jerry Aleman (Kaw); 3. Dani el Blair (DMe). 609-11: I. J erry Alem an (Kaw);2 . Monte Montagu e (Kaw); 3. Justin Scull en (Kaw); 4. j on a th on S him p (Kaw). . 80 BEG: I. Jo n Brower (Kaw); 2. Clil£ Cook (SUI); 5. JeH Robins on (S UI ); 4. G len n Branson (Suz); 5. • Jason Stu rde va n (Ka w }, 80 OPEN: I. Jerry Aleman (S UI ). 80 JR: 1. Jiri Do sta l (SUI) ; 2. Josh Tarantino (Stu ); 3. J oh n Zinda (Kaw); 4. Steve Wisedom (Kaw); 5. cody Crawford (S UI ). 80 INT : I. J eff Will oh {Kaw): 2. Du stin Nelson (S UI). 80 EX: 1. Casey Johnson (Kaw). 125 BEG D-I : I. Travis Lo uther (Yam ); 2. Ch ris Rep p (Ka w): 3. Sea n Ra ga tz (SUI ); 4. Ri ch ard Stewa rt (S UI ); 5. Pa ul Kellen (Yam). 125 BEG D-2: 1. Lan ce Levitt (Han ); 2. James Sum mers (Yam ); 3. Gregg Oh lsen (Kaw); 4. Shaw n Farr ier (Yam); 5. Sha ne Medford (S UI). 125 JR D-I: I. Dan Barnen (H on ); 2. Raym ond Bowezs(Kaw); 3. G reg Schell (Kaw); 4. Pau l hO (SUI); 5. Bobby Kzajewski (SUI ). 125J R 0·2: I. Jake Windh am (SUI); 2. j ohn Blair (H o n) : 3. 5 t ~e Meier (Kaw); 4. Sea n R undl e (SUI ); 5. C abe Boli var (Ya m ). 125 tNT: I. Donald U p to n (Han ); 2. Aaro n Weos n u p (SUI ); 3. J effery Brown lee (SUI ); 'I. Ru sty Holland (S UI) ; 5. Jason Meh an (Kaw). . 125 P RO: l. Mik e You ng (Suz); 2. Ch ris Young (SUI); 3. Da mon Huffman (Kaw ); 1. Bubba Erick son (SUI ); 5. Dana Wi ggins (Ya m ). 25() BEG: I. Mark Weldy (Kaw); 2. Dou g McCul lough (Han ); 3. Bob Shi mp (SUI) ; 4. Don Foresrer (Hon ); 5. Kevin Gavette (Hon). 250 JR: I. j oey M end~za (Han ); 2. T im May (S UI) ; 3. Mike O 'DeIl (Han ); 4. Eric Manin (Ha n); 5. Rick Alves (Yam ). 125 I:-lT : I. Donald Up torr (Ho n ); 2. S'eve Drew (Ya m ); 3. J oe DePatto (Ya m) ;.4. Aaron Wen strup (SUI); 5. Bob Sage (Kaw). 250 P R.O: I. Mik e Young (S UI); 2. Dam on Huffman (Kaw); 3. Chris Young (SUI); 4. Scott Myer s (Kaw); 5. Pat Bennell (Ha n). 500 BEG: I. Troy Cunningham IHon ); 2. J ohn Sai n (Hon); 5. Mark Stroup (H on) . 500 JR: l. Steve Toll ison (H a n ); 2, Robert Shel do n (H o n ); 3. Jim H arris (Hon) . 500 tNT: I. Don a ld Uplon (H on ); 2. St('ven Drew (AT K). 500 PRO : I. Ch ris Young (H a n); 2. Rex Staten (H o n ); 3. Cr aig Ca noy (Han) . VET J R: l. Tom my Brackens (Kaw); 2. Bill Payn e (Han); 3. Brad Sloa n (Han); 4. j ohn Cuccia (Yam); 5. Mike Carr (Ha n ). ' VET MSTR: I. Ken Zahn (Han ). VET INT: I. David Lynch (Han); 2. David Zahn (Ha n); 3. Rab en Sheldon (Yam). VET PRO: I. Rex Slaten (Han); 2. Dave Coupe (Ha n). liTH JR: I. Rich Balton (Yam); 2. Jim T iplon (Ha n); 3. Rob Moor e (Yam); 4. Doug McCull ough (Ha n): 5. j ohn Sain (Han ). . UTH INT: I. La rry Lawr ence (Yam ). OT INT: I. Ron TUlinski (Hon ). W ASHOUGAL, WA, ocr. 6 quite so easy. T erry H amness pr ovided the main co mpei tio n in bot h rounds, but cou ld n't get p a st th e F leet Da ily 10 score th e win . T he 250cc Intermediate class foun d J as on M cC or m ic k a n d R ob y and R yan L ea c h b attling i t o ur. McCorm ick fou ght to 'he lrom 01 th e pa ck in b oth co m bi ned metes , a n d found h is wa y past everyo ne excep t Pro wi n ner Gary Beyer in rnoro o ne. In the seco nd mo to, th e on ly person to stay in front of McCorm ick was Terry H am ness. the overa ll 25 0cc P ro winner. Behind McCorm ick , the Lea ch brot hers p ut in stron g rid es d u ri n g both ra ces, with the o lde r ol th e IWO, R oby, sryling to second overa lls, while hi s you ng brot he r, R yan , sco red third. M ik e W illiams a nd J eff Bail y rou n ded OUI 'he 101' live. J oe Casey, aboard a '92 CR250 sponsored b y Ca seys Transm issi ons , co n ti n ue d h is assa u lt of th e Vet Intermediate class . Casey's pair o f mota wins ca me at th e expense o f Pat Dale, Kip Temp leton a n d Ken Hodgeson , whil e Pat O'Grady sco re d th e Vet Junior overa ll win th at was co m bined with th e Intermediates. O 'Grady b ea t OUI Dav e Huerta a n d Tim Cales. The P ee Wee classes have en joyed good rider turnouts all year lon g . T yl er Fi ck ro d e flawlessly in both races to sco re the o vera ll wi n. Ryan Co leman .a lso ran strong. but finis hed ru nner-up in both races. The 250cc Beginner cl ass h ad th e m ost en tr ies, a n d S u zu k i-m o u nted Curt Wright took th e m ea sure o f th e 28 rider fie ld . Cu r t Calkins followed Wright home in both m OlOS, with Doug N edrow third a nd John Do yle fourth . : R esul ts J W/PI\\o' : I. T yler Fic k (Ya m): 2. Ryan Col eman (Ya m ): 3. AI Kennish (Ya m). 60 0-8: I. Isaac Dawson (Ka w); 2. Kelvin Sch oe n (Kaw): 3. Tyle-r Fick (Ka w ). 60 9-1 1: I. Eric Willi ams (Kaw ); 2. j ason Han son ( Ka w ); 3. Mj k~ Stor m (Hon). • 80 BEG: I. Derek whitehead (SUI ): 2. Todd Bailey (S Ul ); 3. j oe Pearson (H on ). 80 JR : l. Kot y Rasmussen (Ka w) ; 2. l()~ h Sa nt o s (Ka w ); 3. Na tha n G ravel le (Ka w). . 80 1ST: l. Jeu)' william s ( Ka w); 2. Cory Fu ller ( Ka w): 3. Brian Martin {Hon ). 125 BEG : I. Tye Kru egar ( Kaw ); 2. Brian Pur cell (H a n ): 3. Mike Thompson (Ha n ). 125 J R: l. John Willi am s ( Ka w ): 2. Munt y Har t i!!. (H a n ); 3. Nici.ol;u Han sen (Kilo",,). 125 INT: l. Forr est Transue ( Kaw ): 2. Chad Brow n (H e n ): 3. Ray Lea ch (SW:l, . . 125 PR O: I. Jd f Dail ... (Kaw ): 2. .s. Mike Bell (SUI). Sha ~ n Wari ng (SUI ): . 250 BEC : I. Curt W ri ~hl (SUI ); 2. Curt Calkins (He m: 3. Do u.f; Nedrow Jr. ( Ka w) . 250 J R: I. Co rr y Shep herd (Kaw); 2. Sr-ntl Sherrell (Han): 3. Randy La rk in (Ka w l. 250 1S T : I. J ha w (Suz); 3. O ar en a Pi m (SUl). OT JR: 1. Patrick Marin er (Ka w); 2. Lo rf"n Roister Jr. (AT K): 3. Clifford Ko bf"rnik (Yam). QT INT: I. Bob Harriroon (SUI ): 2. TrrT)' Hamot"li~ ( Ka w ); 3. Bill Naylor (H u n) . aT EX : I. J im H.uris (H o n). OT PRO: 1. Bill Cook (Hoo); 2. Davf" Mn klio (S Ul ); 3. Ken Hodg es (Kaw ). UTH: I.. Rodnt")' Keller (KT M): 2. DoU R Langt' (S U1): 3. MichOid Willi am s (Hon). VET )R : 1. Pat O'G rady (Hun): 2. Dave Huerta : 3. T im Ga t~ ( Kaw ). VET INT : 1. Joe Ca~y (H a n ); 2. Pat Oalr (J:'I nn); 3. Kip Templeton (Hon). VET EX: I. red IX-Vol: 2. Alan Evan !> (Yam); 3. Mike Slah l (lU w). VET PRO: I. T om Vie!le (KT M); 2. Rr id Goldman (Hon): 3. David Eakin (Hon). Adoptante aces Oklahoma MX By Alan Williams OKLAHOMA em,OK SEPT. 28 . C lillord Adoptante powered his Honda to pe r fec t 1-) scores in the 125cc Expert cl ass at Motorcycle Ra cewa ys. Adoptant e motored away with a pa ir o f easy wi ns . MOlO o ne featured a baule for the seco nd a n d third spo t. Rudy H eathcoll p revailed for second and T erry Osborn claimed th e lh ird slot. Osborn's second and third place finishes earned him second o vera ll . Th ir d o vera ll belonged 10 J ason Owens. R o b b ie R eyn ard h as dominated th e 80cc cl ass in Oklahoma for a nu m ber of yea rs, b ut th e b ig boys had beller move over, si nce Reynard is now . o n a 125cc motorcycle. R ey n ard handily won the J25cc Inter m ed iate

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