Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Morrison motors to Firebird Road Race victories By Naomi Bourne Photo by W.J. Field CHANDLER, AZ, SEPT. 21-22 Stu Morrison showed up for a weekend of AMAlCCS road racing at Firebird Internetiona l Racewa y to ge t his 1992 H onda CBR600F2 set up for the Race of Champions at Daytona. Morrison , who leads the Southwest Region by a margi n of mor e than 300 points. en tered both So lo endurance races on Saturday and five sprints on Su nday. finishi ng first in every race except the Unlimited GP. Morrison is sponsored by Red Baron Racing, Hi mz Co., T own & Country, TNT P erforman ce, Dyn aj et, Ohl ens , a n d M.H . Hintz Co nstructio n. The top mon ey winner for th e weekend was Dave Duprey, wh o cl ai med first pl ace and $250 in th e U nli m ited GP race. Duprey set a new track record o f I : 14:61, whi ch was clocked a nd confirme d by several AMA/CCS offici a ls, riding a Suzuki GSXR750 with an I i000c engine. T he last unofficia l reco rd was set by Ch uck Gr aves at 1:14:80. Du pr ey is spo nsored by G reg Conser of Mountain View T ou rs, .Lockha rt, AGV , Dunlop, Sparks Cycle , RK and Yoshimura. J im Co x scored three second-p lace finishes and two thirds. H e ran his best race in the Midd leweigh t GP class, ridin g ma tch ed with Morrison for severa l laps before Morrison pull ed ahea d. Cox Finished only seco nds behi nd at th e chec kered flag. Cox is sponsored by J&D Racing, ML Cycle, Avon, Rebel , Trick, Camelbak, Tsubaki, PBI Sprock ets, Z Leathers, CTi, EZ Up, AirTech , Valv oline, Dandy Designs, Mother's Polish, Art Atta ck and D.A.R .E. Rick Williams won both th e Ligh tweight and H eavyweight Supertwins sprints. Will ia ms, a highway patrolman wh o used to be a motorcycle officer, wa s th e Wor ld Police Ol ympics Road Ra ce Champion in 1986 a nd 1987 a t Will ow Spri n gs. He is sponso red by . Cu stom ATC, T own & Coun try Honda , Metzler and T orco, Resu lts U/ L G P: J. Dave Du prey (SUz.) 2. SIU Morri ll n (Ya m); ; o 3. David Ada nJi: (Vam ); 4. Joh n Burgoyne (SUl); 5. Marc Sha rIcor (Vam). U/L S/SP RT : I. GrorIrcoy Malon ev (SUl) ; 2. Tom Dahl (SUl); 3. Ofen n Mirc= (H on ). H /W S/S P RT EX: 1. Stu Morri son (H on ); 2. johnny Pal(C" ( Ya m ); , . Da vid Ada ng (Kaw); 4. Brad See p he n s (SUl ); 5. Leonard Kirschner (Yam ). H /W S/S PRT AM: I. Mike Ror.ano (Sul); 2. StM'l'" Rushford (Ya m); 3. Mart in Eden (Va m ): 4. David Roy (Kaw); 5. Thom as Sal;n (H on). M /W S/S P RT EX: I. Stu Morri son (Hon ); 2. David AcbnK (K.ilw); , . Tony M luh~ 1 fH on ); 1. Jo hn ny Page (Va m ): 5. DOlI\4lSad lon (Va m ). M /W S/S PRT AM: I. Steven Rw.hford (Vam): 2. Martin Eden (Va m ); , . Thom as SaL (Hon); 1. Bill BoTS('11i [Ya m]: u 5. Lorm McGr r w (Yilln) . l./W S/S P RT EX: I. Jdf Pt>pint (Yilm ): 2. Leona rd Kinch nl"'r (VOIm): , . Tom Dahl (SUl). l./W S/S P RT AM: I. Mich ad Pearcy (H olI). HIW SIB K EX: I. Jim j .aqul"'lte (Suz); 2. Jim Cox (Yam): 3. Miles MOlh l"'uhead (Suz); 4. Brad Str phenll (SUI); 5. Cten n Mire (H en ). H /W S/ BK AM: I. Mik(' Rosano (SUl) ; 2. T ho mas Slilas (Han ); 3. David Roy (Kaw); 1. j am es Robt' r boll (SUl) ; 5. Dan Ward (Yam ). MIW SIB K EX: I. Stu Morri son (Vam) ; 2. David Adan g (Kaw); 3. J im Cox (Ya m ); 1. Johnny Pa~ (Yilm); 5. Dan a Sadlon (Yam). MIW S/ BK AM: I. StM'eD Rush for d (Y;un ); 2. Thom as J Sab,s (H en): 3. Martin Eden (Ya m ); 4. Bill BorM' li (Yam); 5. Ron j ohnson (Yam ). L.IW SIB K EX: 1. John j a mes (Ya m ); 2. T o m na hl (SUI); 3. Leona rd Kirsch ner (Yam ); 1. Mar tin H a rv(')' (Ya m); 5. jrn Pepi ot (Yam). U W SIB K AM: 1. Dou g Schmiu (I-IQn). M /W CP EX: 1. SIU Morrison (Ya m); 2. Ji m Cox (Ya m) ; 3. Mark Nolen (Ha n); 1. Glenn M i ~ (Hon ) ; 5. Scull Co naway (Yam ). M /W GP AM: I. Steven Ru shford (Ya m); 2. Thomas Salas (H on ); 3. Robert T or S(' (H a n ); 1. Lore n M({;r('w (Yam ); 1 5. Ron Johnwn (Yam). L/W C P EX: I. Scott Co naway (Yam );2 . j eff Pl"'p iOI(Yam ); , . Tom Dah l (Su z); 1. John j am es (Yam ). H /W srrw EX: I. Rick Williams (H a n ); 2. Tom Dahl (SUI); , . Cra iR: Skinn"" (T ri). . H /W srnv AM: I . RolX'rt TorS('I (H a n ); 2. Mlch~1 Pearcy (I-Ion ); , . Duul/: Sch mill (H on); -t. Davi d H ull (MOl); 5. Tom HuH (Duc). U W SITW EX: I. Rick Will ia ms (Ho n ): 2. Tom O.. hl ISw ). u w srrw AM: l. Robt'r t Tor5l."t (Hon ); 2. [)()UI/: Sdtmiu (Han); 3. Tom Hun (Due ); 1. Steve Vol dl"'Tl (Ha n ); 5. David Hull (MOl). l SPTSMN EX: I. Tom Dahl (SUz.); 2. Mar tin Ha r'll"')' (Ya m ). SPTSMN AM: I. Eric Ri~ (Hon ). SOLO C TO EX: l. Stu Morr i5011 (Hon); 2. David Ada nll: (Yam); 3. MArc Shaner (Ya m): -t. j im Jaqut1tl'" (SUl) ; 5. BrAd 5t('ph('ns (SUl ). SOLO C TO AM: I. Martin Eden (Va m ): 2. J.amell Ro btttw n (Suz );~ . Zach Swala ndtt (SUI.); 1. Ma rk Allam ira nn_ (Kaw); 5. Dan Ward (Yam ). SO LO GTU EX; t. Stu Morriw n (Yam); 2. j im Cox (Ya m ); ~. David Adanlil: (Kaw); i . Tony Mat t\('wl (H on); 5. j oh nn y Pa~L"Jm6'TU AM: l. Stevm RUllhford (Ya m) ; 2. Br('1l Proctor (Yam); 3. T om Hull (Duc); -t. Troy Callowa y (Ha n); 5. Micha el TraEilano (Yam). Olson tops Edwards AFB MX By Greg Robertson EDWARDS AIRFORCE BASE, CA, SEPT. 29 Alan Ol so n used good starts a nd a lIu id riding style to do mi na te the O ld Timers MX Associatio n Master class a t the an nual Edwards Air Fo rce Base Mot ocr oss. Alan Kent jumped out to an early lead in the first moto with Ron · Way and O lson shadowing him. Olson o u tbraked Kent going Stu Morrison (l57) was nea rly perfect at Firebi rd Interna tional Raceway. .into th e th ird turn for th e lead , and . was unchallen ged for the rest of the mot o. Sam Gr ose was one of th e faster riders o n the tra ck as he was mak in g up for a last p lace S13.rt . G rose o vertook Way and T om Pearl with a banzai run down a wh oo ped- out stra ig ht, A . Ia p later, Gr ose did it again in th e same pl ace to relieve Kent of seco nd pl ace. Grose sett led for second ah ead of Way, wh o inheri ted third when Kent cras hed ou t of th e mota on th e last lap . Olson con tro lled the second rnot o fro m start to finish. Gr ose got a be tter start this tim e but co uld n' t mat ch Olson's pace and had to seu le for seco nd. Kent sta yed up the en tire mot o to co llect th ird . Ri chard Beal er kept hi s Yam ah a screa m ing in th e deep sand to win th e l 25cc Ama teur class . Bea ler actually mad e it look easy, as he hol esh o t the firs t mota and ra n away . Bob Brin er hel d seco nd [or two laps before a n offtrack excursio n dr opped him to fourth. Lee Chapin held seco nd before cras hi ng back to fi fth a lap la ter . It was now Garry Popp's turn to try th e runner-up positi o n , wh ich he held until th e last turn whe re he ra n o rr th e trac k and fell. Brin er eventua lly wor ked u p to fin ish a di stant second ahea d of Cha p in . Bri ner led th e beginning of moto two before go i ng down on lap o ne , and a llowi ng Beal er to ta ke over. O nce in fro n t, Bea ler was un contest ed. Popp 's 5-2 fi nis hes ed ges out C ha pi n 's 3-4 sco re for th e second pl ace trophy. Resu lts NOV I : I. Ba rry Sim on (H a n); 2. La rry Kirsh (Ha n); , . Steve Popjoy (Kaw); 1. Jo hn Webb (Han); 5. Frank Derby (Ya m ). NO V 2: I. Char les Wal a na ~ (H on ) ; 2. W('nd ('11 Park (H on) : ! . Mar vin Duun (Yam ). . AM: I. Richar d Bealer (Ya m); 2. Garry Po pp (H on): ~ . 1.tT Ch a p in (SUI); 1. Askcor Lamkjaer (S UI); 5. Ruu Moell er (Han). EX: 1. Ear l Sch ulr r (Raw); 2. j ack Allm (Kaw ): , . H al Gra dy (H a n); 1. C.iiIII)' WiIIiMJn (Raw); 5. Keith Phi llips (Ho n ). MSTR: J. Ala n O hon (Han ): 2. Sam G rose (SUl) ; , . Ron Will' (Ha n); 1. Tom Pt"arl (H a n ); 5. J im Draves (Ya m). Koester tops Pickeyville Hilldimb By Joe Jensen PICKEY VILLE, WI. SEPT. 29 The last District 23 and 16 hillclimb of th e year dr ew 123 riders to th e rough terr ain of the Pickeyvill e, Wiscon sin , 500-foo t hill. Kur t Koester was th e top money winner of th e day with first pl ace in th e 500cc Novice class a nd seco nd pla ce in th e 750cc Novi ce cla ss. The semi-pro climb was plagued with a n earlier ra in- out but fin all y received good weather for th e run. The 60 degree tem per atures made for fine run ni ng engi nes. The rock ledge a t th e 315-foo t mark on th e right· side of the hill claimed lots of rid ers on th e first run and few riders tried th e left , rougher sid e of the hill. On the seco nd run, some good runs were mad e up th e left-side boundary lin e, but th e times just weren 't obtai na ble because it was so rough. The tim e of th e da y was tak en in the Kin g Of The Hill co m pe tu io n , th a t th e 10 fastest r id ers co m pe ted In . Mike Bro n k scor ed top ho n ors with a fa n tastic t i me o r 13.55 seconds. R esu lts 500 NOV : I. Kurt Koot('f (li:II ); 2. Mik(' Bron k (l i :17); , . Ja m i(' HorEman (11:67); 4. Paul Heidl"'Tl ~ich (11:78); 5. John Sldtt"n (11:94). . . 500 EX: I. Rilndy Bronn('nbrrg (15:2 1); 2. Tom Elm ore (16:27); , . J Mf Jack (16:85); 1. Darry l j o hnlOn (17:40); 5. Mark Wood (17:90). 750 NOV : I. Todd Ci pa la (11:76): 2. Kurt Kant" (11:93); 3. La ne Schu lu (17:30); i . SIM'e Heml~ (19:25); 5. Lloyd """,(19:761· 750 EX: I . David (kaV" j r. {19:1!); 2. DClVid F('a.Zd (2 1:11); l 3. Randy Bron nt"Tbng; of. Robert Lockhart ; 5. J l'1TY TiJlOn. O PEN: l. Milt> Schuburt (15:29); 2. Tom £.Inore (15:94); Mike Nutter (249) and T ony Smith (8) dive into Hidden Acres' first tum. 3. Gary BTOIt (16:33); i . Oene T opliff (16:79); 5. Darryl Jo hn son (17:28). 500 1-STR K: I. Bob Neehen (14:95); 2. Jeff Whi tr (22:61 ); ~ . Httlry Kd ly (23:33); 1. Bob H onanty (29:69); 5. jerry Tilson. Nutter triples atGatorZMX Classic By Barbara and Loren Willia ms KINGSPORT, TN, SEPT. 29 Hidden Acres MX hosted the fir st-ever GatorZ Classic, a nd Mike Nutter collected three wins in th e 125 and 250cc B, a nd U n lim ited Amat uer classes. Jay H ayes blasted o ut of th e gate in the first Un li m ited moto to ta ke com ma nd of th e field. Mean wh ile, Nutter edged closer, and in th e switch backs befor e th e woods sectio n cha llenged o n the outside for the lead. Hayes didn 't move over, however, and Nutter wen t do wn . T he rnoto win went to Hayes, foll owed by Mike Kell er, Nu tter , David Whi tson and Tony Sm it h. • Nutter turned th e tabl es o n H ayes in th e second meeting, slipping ar ound turn o ne at th e head of the pack. Keller ra n seco nd for th e whole race, foll o wed by Hayes, who tried every lin e on the track to ge t past. Nutter scored th e overa ll, a head of Kell er, Hayes, Smith and Wh itso n. After a o ne-mota rest, Nu tter's firs t 125cc B mot o found him in the lead bu t T odd Huffstetl er blazed past him o n th e first lap and ran a way for th e mo to win. Nutter cruised home in seco nd , holding off a late ch allen ge by Hodock . . In th e second mot a , Nu tter was o ut [ra nt. bu t thi s time H uffstet ler was not a th reat , as his fron t brake locked up a nd put him a lap down. Smi th was in the hunt until th e last lap, when Hodock new pa st hi m to tak e over seco nd. The o vera ll read - Nutter, H odock , H uffs tetl er. Smith and Stevy H yatt. The fir st250cc B mor o was own ed by Nutter, fo llowed by Keller, Mik e Li u and Ha yes. Keller grabbed a handful at th e star t of th e seco nd mota, a nd came o ut of tu rn one fir st with Nutter o n h is rea r fender. On th e first lap, Hayes ca me do wn hard after th e pit tabletop, a nd dr opped off the pa ce. Halfway through lap two, Nutter powered past Kell er o n th e back stra igh t to tak e over th e lead for good. Nutter scored hi s th ird wi n over Keller, Li u and Hayes. Results 50: 1. Ja son Ba ult (Yam); 2. C rq{Ol)' Ikrgm (Ya m ); ~. j t'ffrf'y Fldds (Yam); 1. Ma tt Blm ns (Itj ); 5. Ross H ugh ('S (H a n). 50: I. j osh Scott (Kaw); 2. Dtteck Bla ir (Kaw); 3. Da m ian H~ 4dri d. (Kaw); oj. Ran dy Roach (Raw ); 5. David Spoon (Kaw). 85 7-11: I. Jon Bo ruff (SUl); 2. Jos h Scott (SU:1); 3. Pau l jUM u ~ (Kaw); 1. jilMJn Wt'Is.h:m (Ka w); 5. Mike Em men (Kaw). 85 12· 15: J. ji m my BriKK5 (Han); 2. Scon G ra v~ (Kaw ); , . StU ll Ru ssr U (Kaw); 1. Andy Wihnn (Kaw); 5. Chris Sault (Suz). SCH BY: 1. Ryan Duff (Han ); 2. Chri s Ruin n (Kaw); 3. Kevin Mills.(Hon ); 1. Pa i~ H illi;lrd (Hun); 5. Joseph Hop liOn (Ya m). 125 A: I. Cha d Lo UKh (H o n ); 2. Billy Cox (Sw). 125 B: 1. Mike Nu urr (Kaw); 2. T im H odock (Ha n); 3. Todd Hurrst cotlt'f (Raw); 4. Tony Smi th (Ha n ); 5. Stl"'V)' Hyalt (Kaw). 125 C; I. t..n li(' Ik-kh" (H on ): 2. G rt'JI: Pi tt ma n (SUl ); , . Micha el DriKolI (Kaw): -t. Jam" Ryall (Hon ): 5. J illiOn McCall (Kaw). 125 NON-CU RR: 1. Bobby Rhoalh (Hon ); 2. J(,ff Wib.on (Raw ); 3. Mike:Arrington (Ra w); 1. Richard Bisho p (Ya m,; 5. J()S('Jlh Ho~n (Yam ). 250 A:. 1. Bil ly Cox (5uz); 2. Ch ad Lo ug h (Han). 250 B: I. Mike Nutt er (Kaw); 2. Mik(' Kellcor (Raw); 3. Mikl'" Li u (SUI): 1. Jay H ayes (H a n ). 250 C: J. Chad Mullias (Suz): 2. C I't'R Pittman (S Ul); , . . Iknnt'lh Raill"')' (Ha n ); 1. Chris ROle (Kaw); 5. Scott Ru nion (Kaw ). • 250 NO N-CURR: I. lkwaynt' Fend ('f (Yam ); 2. Bm wn Mt'lcalf (Ha n ); , . Gl"'rn u Ha ynn (Ho n). OPEN AM: I. OJ n ll ShortridK!' (Raw); 2. David Farris (KT M); 3. Rick Coop" (Kaw); -t. Marty Hinman (Kaw); 5. Marc Clt'vela nd (Ha n ). U/ L AM: 1. Mike NUIl('f (Raw); 2. Mik(' Kella (Kaw): , . Ja y Hayt'S (H a n): -t. Tony Smilh (Han); 5. David Whitwn (H on ). Brown buries Florida Motocross By Kyle Myers REDDICK, FL, SEPT. 29 O ver 400 riders a tten ded ro und two of the A MA / Wo r I dS p o rt s/ Chari o t/ Gea r / Dirt Shir ts / Wis eco/ Boyesen / P ro·Ac ti o n / Mo to · cross Action/Sco tt/ Barr 's Co m p.lPo wer Mistspo nso red Florida Go ld Cup Series, bu t Chas Brown eme th e bi g wi n ner . Brown won a ll four classes he entered, th e 125cc A, 250cc A, 12·15 Youth and Pro classes. Wh en th e ga te dr opped for m oto o ne of the 125cc B clas s, Anthon y Pocorobb a nailed the hol esho t wi th Josh Latina, Kevin Cozadd, Damon Fo rrest and Pat Stoja ck follo wing. Jaso n Sybe r t quickl y passed Stojac k and Forrest to ta ke over th ird Up front, Latina sta rted 10 close in on Pocorobba , while Sybert slid o u t, moving J acob Fogg a nd Kenn y Yoho u p o ne place. At th e fin ish , Poco robba took ' the win over La ti na, wh o slid o u t trying to ta ke th e lead. Yoh o, Fog g a nd Ed Ray rou nded o ut th e top rive. ,. Mot o two saw Poco rob ba get th e holesh ot again , with Andre u DeSpa in , Ray, Fogg and H omer Woolslayer in tow, Pocorobba quickl y pulled away fro m th e field, wh ile Fogg and Ray ta ng led, movin g Woo lslayer in to third. At the flag , it was Pocorobb a with th e win 'l.~er D~Spain, Woo lslayer, Fogg and Myran Resu l ts P/ W : I. j am n Stewar t (Yam ); 2, j osh Fa ustin o (Yam ); 3. 10n Ph (')'o (Ya m); 4. Chase No rthe y (Ya m ); 5. Je» h Verri ll (Yam). 60: 1. j ason Thomas (Kaw); 2. j ason Von Fricken (Kaw); 3. Ron wtllk er (](a w); 4. Derek K~es (; 5. Andr ei Bolowi (Ka w ). 80 7·11: I. Rob Fulton (Kaw); 2. j a son Thomas (Kaw); ~ . Ra y H ansen (Kaw); 1. Derek Keyes (H on); 5. Rob Far nell (Kaw ). 80 12·13: I. jarren T ip pin g (Suz); 2. Darren Mc.Elhauoan (Ho n); 3. 1a mt'5 Martin (Ya m): 1. Atbm Ra kl'" (Kaw); 5. Bill y Wood (Kaw). 80 11-15: L Paul Currie (Kaw); 2. Bria n Quz (Kaw); 3. Dan Ti pto n (; 1. Rob Holstin e (Kaw); 5. Kevin Delu os (Kaw). . S/ MlN I: 1. Adam Rak e (Ka w ): 2. Brian Cnu (Kaw); 3. Bill y Wood (Xaw ); 1. Sca n Barnes (H a n ); 5. Darren McEUmua n (H on ). 12-15 ITH: I. Chris Brown (Suz); 2. An tho ny Pocorobb a (H a n): 3. Andrew IkSpain (H on) ; 4. Chri s Brown (Ra w); 5. Rod Furne Jl (Xaw). 12!)-2.s0 BEG : I. Don La rson (KT M); 2. jdf Port er (H a n ): 3. jam('S Loomis (H a n); 1. Paul Sha ddix (Kaw); 5. Dale Sowd" (H a n ). 125 C D-I : I. Mike La mlX' (Ha n ): 2. Jason Mm (SUI); , . j C"rem y F~ (Kaw); 1. j ~ Cla rk (Kaw); .s. Allen KundrOl (S uz). 125 C 0- 2: L Rob T omJin 50n (Suz); 2. Chris Brown (K.ilw); , . Slevc T ro w (Kaw); 1. Ma rion Blanton (H on ); 5. JaMJn Pttn (Raw ). 125 B: t. Ant hony Pocorobba (Han); 2. Jacob FOKJl: (Raw): , : H om('f WooblayC"r (H on); 4. Myron Chas,ain (Raw); 5. Ed Ra y (Kaw). 125 A: 1. Ch ris Brow n (Suz); 2. Whi spmn Sm ith (Ya m); 3. Tra vis Blackburn (Kaw); 1. Trq- Sma ll (Kaw); 5. j ohn Vangi ld« (Han). \ 250 C: 1. Jam a Ha yes (Yam ); 2. jc~my FOKg (H a n); 3. Will iam Lew is (Hon); 4. Mike BraKK" (Han); 5. Dell Ella man (Han ). 250 8 : I. Anth ony Pocorobb a (H on); 2. Chuck Bell (Kaw); la 3. Kevin Col lado (Han );1. H om rr Wool A yer (Han); 5. Todd Do rma n (Kaw). 250 A: 1. Chris Brown (Suz); 2. D iff C ilcoJ (Hon); 3. T odd Ga rd ner (H on): 1. Ed Ki ley (H a n ): 5. Tim Iknar dis (H on). PR O: I. Ol.ris Brown (SUl ); 2. Travill Blackburn (Kaw); 3. Wh isperin Smi th (Yam): 4. Ala n Andr('u (Hon); 5. Vin c(' IkVane (H a n). O PE N NOV : 1. Wyn Kern (H on ); 2. Da vid McPherson (Kaw): , . Stevl'" D«ka (Kaw); i . Phillip Pagf' (KTM); 5. Mitchcll Hoblon (Han). WMN : I. Bnh R~ u. (Ra w); 2. Oclcna Johnwn (Ha n); ~ . judy Adam s (Han); 1. Linda eaucb (yam ); 5. Lo ri Brinka (Kaw). 16-24: I. John Vangi lder (H on); 2. T im Denardis (H a n ); 5. Jacob Fogg (law ); 1. John Lakl'" (Raw); 5. Todd Gardntt (Ha n ). +25 B &- C: 1. David McPhenon (K.ilw); 2. MilChd l Holstein ( Hun); 3. Dave Wagnl"'r (Yam ); 1. j im my Swanso n (Kaw); 5. Andreu W~SI (Ha n ). +25 A: 1. ~ McElvain(' (Yam ); 2. Rick Prrry (YlIm ); 3. Ed Kiley (Hon). +50: 1. Phillip Pa~ (KTM); 2. Ddt Mill er (SUl); , . Ca rl Davis (Ya m); i . David Ellis (Ha n ); 5. David WaftTl ('f (Ya m). +!5 : I. David EUi, (H a n); 2. Don Dill on (u w); 3. jMf Hughes (Kaw); i . Buu Gl"'nn;my (Hon ); .s. P('t('f Ha rrilOn (Kaw). +40: l. Petn Harrison (Kaw); 2. AI G ardnn (H on) ; 3. john Gtttn (H on ); of Tom Fogg (H a n ); 5. Rob Fuhon (H a n). . VET PRO : 1. Alan Anc1mI (H on); 2. Ibvid Ellis (Hon l.