Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 10 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCAL EVENTS m FI Mike Cann (6) chased Shawn Wehlage (20) at H urricane Hills Motocross. round two would've been su ch an even t, since it featured all the top vetera ns . Faria used th e outsid e to overtake Schwartz th e first lap and eventually wo n the heat by 50 feet. Co llins co ntin ued his perfect scor e with a victory in th e first hea t of the third round. Faria won hi s heat while Schwartz coasted to victory in heal three. Brent Werner maintained hi s perfect score by winning the fourth heat . The fourth round was th e cri tical sta ge for mo st of the participants and fea tured th e o nly meeting between th e undefeated Collins and Schwartz. Werner, the only other rider with a perfect score. was also in th e heal. Schwartz did what he had to do and beat th em both for th e win. Also gathering wins in th e four th round were Gary H icks, Lu cero and Faria. Schwartz won again in round five, as did Collins to keep pa ce. Faria won the fina l heat 10 jo in Schwartz and Coll in s in a four-lap runoff for the titl e. . The en tire event was reduced to three riders and four lap s, at least tha t should've been th e case. On th e first a ttem pted start. Co lli ris cou ldn' t hold his bike off th e sta rt ing tapes and was disq ualified for tou ching them as they were released , that left Faria and Sch wartz to settl e it amo ngs t th em selves. Sch wa rtz, wh o sta rte d on th e inside of Fa ria, got another good ga te an d wa s go ne. Faria stayed close b ut co u ld do nothing to overcome Sch wartz' in itial advantage. T he o utside line had deter iorat ed to th e poin t th at every tim e Faria wen t to th e wide dirt, Schwartz moved farther in to the lead. Results nSAL: l . Rohb y Sch wOIm (14 p iS); 2. Mike' Faria (141; 3. Ph il Co llins (14); 4. Brem Wern er (12): 5. SIt"Y~ Lucero (1 1); 6. Ch rh M;mch~ter (9 ); 7. (TIE) Scou Bran t/G ary H icks (1'1); 9. (TI E) Jo.. h Lar sen/ Eddie Ca mo (7); II. j esse Finch . (5); 12. Cha rlie VC'n~ol~ (4); 13. T o ny Beinen (3); 14. DOUR Ro w ton (2); 15. (T I E) Wah FurnumlRob Ball (I ). Staige sails to Hurricane Hills Motocross win By Rolfe O ttern ess 40 M AZEPPA, MN, SEPT. 29 Alan Staige crushed th e competi tion in th e Sen ior class at th e last race o f th e year a t Hurricane Hills MX. Staige is battlin g wi th ri val John Alfo rds for th e District 23 titl e in th e class this year , a nd his efforts allowed him to sna re two more wi ns. Staige was th e on ly rider. in hi s class to clea r the big do ubl e jumps, a nd won with big lead s in both ou tings. Alfords, Jerry Baumgardn er and Tom Cla rk mi xed i, u p in a battle over second. Cory Keen ey sho t into the lead in the first 2500c A moto, wi th Mike Atkinso n quick ly gr abbing seco nd. Keen ey loo ked secure in th e lead fo r the first ha lf o f th e moto, while Atki nson ra n a few second s back. Sudd en ly, Keen ey twi sted hi s leg in a rut and slowed dras tica lly , allowing Atk inson lO take over the lead. Ch ad Winecke also got by Keeney whi le he wa s in pain. Atkinso n went o n 10 take th e win, while Keeney event ua lly recovered for second . Duane Kuiken too k thi rd over Lee Erickson. Keeney wa s set fOT the second ' mot o, and led fro m wire-lQ-wire. Atkinson ran stro ng in secon d, bUI co u ld n 't q uite ma tch Keeney's pa ce. Erickson beltered hi s first malo finish wilh a th ird while Mike Luoma was four th ahea d o f David Niemi a nd Ku iken. Jeff Sore nsen jumped o u t front to lead the first Open A moto. Mar ty Cla rk la tched o nto his ta il and follo wed for the first three lap s of th e race, wit h Joh n Niem i holding thi rd a few seconds back. Cla rk finall y made his m ov e ov er th e d oubl es, la un ching pa st • Sorensen with a big burst of throttle. Clark went o n to take th e win ' o ver Sorensen a nd Niemi, with Bill Engstrom tak in g fou rth . Niemi surged into the lead at the start of th e second mot o, Clar k pr essured h im in the early going, the n got by for th e win. Niemi sta yed ahead of Sorensen to secure second ov erall, wh i le En gstrom landed anot her fourt h p lace finish. R esul ts 50 MINI : I. Co llin Butze; 2. Na than Brou ght on : 5. Gnriu Clar k: 4. Billy Ol so n. MINI PIW: I. Mike Rann: 2. Co unney Sa mpso n; 5. Ju stin Pelticn 4. Thor Mathi son. MINI JR: I. M ik~ Kann; 2. Mike Cla rk: 5. Ryan Brou fl:hton : 4. Lan a Cu nn ing ham. MINI SR : I. Shd ly C u n n in gha m: 2. Craig Cu nning be sn: 3. Sha wn W~hla J;(': 4. Cory Co rcora n . YrH: I. Aaro n Car lso n: 2. Ja mt's Povol ny; 3. T im Pos pisil : 4. JaIOn Sch ill . ; 17-24: I. Cory K~ev ; 2. Lee Erick liOn 3. Pal Dona ho ; 4. j ason KernJX'1. 25 PLUS: I. Mikr G raif ; 2. Scott Steinle : 5. Bryan HUn! ; 4. M ickroy Mi ckr h on. VET C: I. Thor Ma th iaon ; 2. William Turgi: 3. Rick La:iT~~~; R ~~U~~~i~kC'}' Mickebon; 5. jeff Sore nsen: 4. RUlli Ant hon y. . SR: 1. Ala n Sia igt':; 2. j o h n AHnrds: 3. je-TTy Baumgard ner; 4. T o m Clark, . 125 C D- I: I. .Ieso n Van laningham: 2. Oust)' Nob le: 3. Bob j a wisch: 4. Chris Stem. 125 C D·2: 1. Brad Brc henscheniel: 2. William Tilford: 3. Mty (Ya m ). l 50 ST K 0 ·2 B: I. Ra y Peres (Ya m ); 2. Steve C.o ma lt" (Ya m ): !S. Am hn ny lklJ~{'lIio1 (Ya m); 1. Oa rreu Stevenso n (Ya m); 5. Rud y Zuniga (Ya m ). 50 MOD : I. Clae Wallau' (Yarn ): 2. Cli nl Ainswo rt h (Yarn); 3. Chad Robbins (Yam) : 4. j ason Ciarle ua fh j); 5. Amho ny Rru 'oC"rll a (Ya m). 60 0·8: I. Edd i~ h ech t" (Ka w ): 2. Bobb y Bon d ~ (Ka w); fle .!S. Landu" Rob bin s l Kaw ): 1. Va nce FrlTm an ( Ka w ). fiO 9· 11: l. J o na lhun Schm id t ( Ka w) ; 2. G~·o rrre-y Rada r (Ka wJ. BIG WH L: I. lac H ybht"rt 1K."1 w ); 2' j a.\On Padill a (Kaw ). 80 BEG : 1. Eric Andf' r\On (Kaw) ; 2. lJ ~tin Riu cru (Ka w); 3. J im G ibb~( K a w): 1. j a Fink ( Ka w ); 5. Davi d [ ych ant"r ( SUI ). 125 REG D- I: J. Rt"imer (Ka w); 2. David Hugh t'l (K.a w): 3. [ ric Cartn ( Koiw) : 4. Ch ri~ Rr p p (Kawl; 5. Rob ert Lilly ( Ka w) . • I ~ BEG 0 ·2: I. J}.lVid Lo flin (SUI ); 2. Chr is Dt-canneu (Hon): 3. Zdc H ybbrrl (Suz): 1. Jo hnn y Bonacci (S UI); 5. jl:"ff .Flt·m m inK(Hun ). • 125 :'\QV : I. Chad Smart (Ka wJ; 2. Ma x Nf'bo n (Yam ); 3. S (('v~n Fulg:ha m (SUI ): 4. Marc Burn t'u (Ka w ); 5. Kevin J o hm to nc (Kaw ). 125 1ST: I. Larry Li nk llll: r-(Ho n); 2. Brya n Cu rt is (S UI). l 125 PRO: I. R4ty Hendr y ( SUl) . 250 BEC : I. Blaint" ToW(" (Yam ); 2. Stl"vt' Myt'n (Sw); 3. Ga l)' Har ada (Yam): 1. Robel! Go nzall;'1. (SUI ); 5. Mark Rt'yl"S (Ka w). ~O NOV : I. C.T . Falk (Yam): 2. Ma rc Burn t"1t ( Ra w ); 3. Eric lkingt'liM'r(Yam) : 1. M i k ~ Snh rt (SUL); 5. Steven Ful gham (S Ul ). 250 INT : l. T odd Davi s (Ho n): 2. Randy Danvl o ( Ra w) . 250 PRO: I. T racy Mcmeron e (Ya m ); 2. David Foltz (Ka w ). 500 BEG : 1. Rt'g ) o hn liOn ( Ka w) ; 2. Robert Rowl and (KT M ): 5. Cr ex M aulo (Yam ); 1. Pa ul Evans (Suz); 5. Ruu Oobi. (Hon). 500 NOV : I. J o hn Benn ett (AT K). SOO INT; I. 'tim Ha rr is (KTM). . 25·29 BEG : I. Oecrge Moo re' (Hon ); 2. Co rnell Ca rner {Hon ): 5. C ary Hara da (Yam ); 1. Glm Delato rre (Suz) ; S. Ern ie Gar cia (Suz). 25c-29 NO V: 1. Ma tt Nelson (S UI): 2. Todd Could (Suz); 3. Lou Soto ( Ka w ): 1. C.T. Fa lk (Yarn); 5. Rick T arlow (1-100 ). 25c-29 INT: I. Ch ri s La nce (Ha n ): 2. Ran dy Danyl o (Ka w ); 3. Randy Ski nner ( SUI.). VET NOV : 1. Matt Nri w il (SU1.): 2. jeff Morri s (H a n): 3. Fran k Villa (SUl.): 4. jim Fehon (Ya m): S. jt"ff Arzoam an (SUI ). VET tNT: I. Will y Han C'}' (H a n ); 2. Ra ndy Skin ne r (S U1). VET PRO: 1. Rob Rutten (Ho n). OT: I. Bill Mrv tT (H o n); 2. W.C . Wil!lOn(Sut). Perman perfect at Montgomery ST By Jack Hanson MONTGOMERY, MN, SEPT. 28 Chris Perma n defea ted all 2500c Amateur class riders and all but one 600cc Amat eur cla ss co m pe ti tor o n the fifth-mi le Mo ntg om ery Speedway d in oval. In th e 250cc heat , Perman shook o ff an early cha lle nge from Birsy Kantor to p ull a train of Kanto r, T im McBride, Bu tch Koziol and Rob Blackw ell to the fin ish line. T he same field lin ed u p for th e main wi th the same res ults , excep t Kozio l fini shed third ahea d o f McBride. Perman th en bumped up to th e 6000c Ama teu r hea t where he ho u nded Eric Brouhar d until th e fifth la p befor e pus hing hi s 250cc Kawasaki pas. Brou hard for the win . Kant or ma nag ed to ke p her 12.';cc Yama ha e in th ird pla ce u niil the final lap when J oe Blackwell muscled by o n hi s big Yam aha twin . _ Perm an nearly made it a dean sweep o f th e 2.';0 and 600cc Amate u r events wh en he retu rn ed for the 600cc Amateur final. H ow ever, he fell on the first lap a nd brough t out the red £lag. Bro u hard gra bbed the lead o n the restart a nd led Perm an to the finish foll owed by McBride, Blackwell and Koziol. Kantor fa iled to Finish wh en her bike bro ke o n th e seco nd lap . T he co m bi ne d Se n ior/Vintage/ Novice cla ss heat was a ru na way for vin tage rider T im Sp eark, wh o led from £lag to £lag. Novice T om L undquist finished second o vera ll in hi s first atte mp t at flat tra ck racing. The same riders returned for the main even t wit h the iden tica l result. Mike' Ho h led all the way in th e 600cc Pro class hea t fo llowed by Brouhard, Bill H o fmeister and Spear. Wh en th e four rid ers line d u p for the ma in even t, they were joined by exh ibition rider Peter H ook, who came o u t o f th e sta nds and boa rded th e Ya maha which Koziol had ridd en earlier in th e 600cc Amat eu r class . H ook spo tted the four starters a full straight lead and thcn p roceeded 10 pUI o n a n unpa id exhibi tion . Brouhard led fo r the first fo ur la ps then parked in the infield whe n he ran o ul oCgas. H oh th en assumed the lead wit h H ofmeister th reat eni n g. On the fina l la p they were ca ug h t b y H oo k, who blasted th ro ugh to nip Hoh as the checkers fell . Nevert hel ess, first place money went to th e oHicia l winner, H oh, who was follo wed to ,h e pay table by Hofmeister and Spear . Resul ts 250 AM : I. Ch ri s Pl'rm an ( ); 2. Eli zabf'th Kantor (Yam) ; 3. Butch Koziol (H on ): 4. T im McBriell" (C A): S. Rob Blackwd l ( Ka w) . • I SR/VISl/ NOV : I. T im SIXar (Ya m ): 2. T o m Lundquii t (H a n ); ! . Bill Ca rl' (T n); 4. j oe Blackwd l (Yam ); 5. Roo B l ad w~1I ( Ka w ). 600 AM: I. Eric Bro uchard (Rtx): 2. Oln s Penna n (Kaw): 3. Ti m McBride (C A):4. j Ol;' Blackw f'1I(Ya m): 5. Butch KOliol (Ya m). 600 PR O : I. Mik~ Hoh (Rtx); 2. Bill Hulmejll t'r (RlX); .5. Tim SIXar (Yam ); 4. Eric Brouhar d (Rtx).

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