Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Mike Cann (6) chased Shawn Wehlage (20) at H urricane Hills Motocross.
round two would've been su ch an even t, since
it featured all the top vetera ns . Faria used th e
outsid e to overtake Schwartz th e first lap and
eventually wo n the heat by 50 feet.
Co llins co ntin ued his perfect scor e with a
victory in th e first hea t of the third round.
Faria won hi s heat while Schwartz coasted to
victory in heal three. Brent Werner maintained
hi s perfect score by winning the fourth heat .
The fourth round was th e cri tical sta ge for
mo st of the participants and fea tured th e o nly
meeting between th e undefeated Collins and
Schwartz. Werner, the only other rider with
a perfect score. was also in th e heal. Schwartz
did what he had to do and beat th em both
for th e win. Also gathering wins in th e four th
round were Gary H icks, Lu cero and Faria.
Schwartz won again in round five, as did
Collins to keep pa ce. Faria won the fina l heat
10 jo in Schwartz and Coll in s in a four-lap
runoff for the titl e.
The en tire event was reduced to three riders
and four lap s, at least tha t should've been th e
case. On th e first a ttem pted start. Co lli ris
cou ldn' t hold his bike off th e sta rt ing tapes
and was disq ualified for tou ching them as they
were released , that left Faria and Sch wartz to
settl e it amo ngs t th em selves.
Sch wa rtz, wh o sta rte d on th e inside of Fa ria,
got another good ga te an d wa s go ne. Faria
stayed close b ut co u ld do nothing to overcome
Sch wartz' in itial advantage. T he o utside line
had deter iorat ed to th e poin t th at every tim e
Faria wen t to th e wide dirt, Schwartz moved
farther in to the lead.
nSAL: l . Rohb y Sch wOIm (14 p iS); 2. Mike' Faria (141;
3. Ph il Co llins (14); 4. Brem Wern er (12): 5. SIt"Y~ Lucero
(1 1); 6. Ch rh M;mch~ter (9 ); 7. (TIE) Scou Bran t/G ary H icks
(1'1); 9. (TI E) Jo.. h Lar sen/ Eddie Ca mo (7); II. j esse Finch
(5); 12. Cha rlie VC'n~ol~ (4); 13. T o ny Beinen (3); 14. DOUR
Ro w ton (2); 15. (T I E) Wah FurnumlRob Ball (I ).
Staige sails to Hurricane Hills
Motocross win
By Rolfe O ttern ess
Alan Staige crushed th e competi tion in th e
Sen ior class at th e last race o f th e year a t
Hurricane Hills MX.
Staige is battlin g wi th ri val John Alfo rds
for th e District 23 titl e in th e class this year ,
a nd his efforts allowed him to sna re two more
wi ns. Staige was th e on ly rider. in hi s class
to clea r the big do ubl e jumps, a nd won with
big lead s in both ou tings. Alfords, Jerry
Baumgardn er and Tom Cla rk mi xed i, u p in
a battle over second.
Cory Keen ey sho t into the lead in the first
2500c A moto, wi th Mike Atkinso n quick ly
gr abbing seco nd. Keen ey loo ked secure in th e
lead fo r the first ha lf o f th e moto, while
Atki nson ra n a few second s back. Sudd en ly,
Keen ey twi sted hi s leg in a rut and slowed
dras tica lly , allowing Atk inson lO take over the
lead. Ch ad Winecke also got by Keeney whi le
he wa s in pain. Atkinso n went o n 10 take th e
win, while Keeney event ua lly recovered for
second . Duane Kuiken too k thi rd over Lee
Keeney wa s set fOT the second ' mot o, and
led fro m wire-lQ-wire. Atkinson ran stro ng in
secon d, bUI co u ld n 't q uite ma tch Keeney's
pa ce. Erickson beltered hi s first malo finish
wilh a th ird while Mike Luoma was four th
ahea d o f David Niemi a nd Ku iken.
Jeff Sore nsen jumped o u t front to lead the
first Open A moto. Mar ty Cla rk la tched o nto
his ta il and follo wed for the first three lap s
of th e race, wit h Joh n Niem i holding thi rd
a few seconds back. Cla rk finall y made his
m ov e ov er th e d oubl es, la un ching pa st
Sorensen with a big burst of throttle. Clark
went o n to take th e win ' o ver Sorensen a nd
Niemi, with Bill Engstrom tak in g fou rth .
Niemi surged into the lead at the start of
th e second mot o, Clar k pr essured h im in the
early going, the n got by for th e win. Niemi
sta yed ahead of Sorensen to secure second
ov erall, wh i le En gstrom landed anot her
fourt h p lace finish.
R esul ts
50 MINI : I. Co llin Butze; 2. Na than Brou ght on : 5. Gnriu
Clar k: 4. Billy Ol so n.
MINI PIW: I. Mike Rann: 2. Co unney Sa mpso n; 5. Ju stin
Pelticn 4. Thor Mathi son.
MINI JR: I. M ik~ Kann; 2. Mike Cla rk: 5. Ryan Brou fl:hton :
4. Lan a Cu nn ing ham.
MINI SR : I. Shd ly C u n n in gha m: 2. Craig Cu nning be sn:
3. Sha wn W~hla J;(': 4. Cory Co rcora n .
YrH: I. Aaro n Car lso n: 2. Ja mt's Povol ny; 3. T im Pos pisil :
4. JaIOn Sch ill .
17-24: I. Cory K~ev ; 2. Lee Erick liOn 3. Pal Dona ho ;
4. j ason KernJX'1.
25 PLUS: I. Mikr G raif ; 2. Scott Steinle : 5. Bryan HUn! ;
4. M ickroy Mi ckr h on.
VET C: I. Thor Ma th iaon ; 2. William Turgi: 3. Rick
La:iT~~~; R ~~U~~~i~kC'}' Mickebon; 5. jeff
Sore nsen: 4. RUlli Ant hon y.
SR: 1. Ala n Sia igt':; 2. j o h n AHnrds: 3. je-TTy Baumgard ner;
4. T o m Clark,
125 C D- I: I. .Ieso n Van laningham: 2. Oust)' Nob le: 3.
Bob j a wisch: 4. Chris Stem.
125 C D·2: 1. Brad Brc henscheniel: 2. William Tilford:
3. M