Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 10 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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two . Manley tried to pass Mon teron e through a set of do uble jumps, but lunged di rectly in to Monrerone, Monteron e loo ked over just in time to see Manley do a face plant. Mon teron e stayed uprigh t, and led for the next fou r laps. Manley regrouped quickly from h is mi shap, and reeled in Musgr ave, Waddington and leade r Monterone, Manley successfully passed them all by the halfway m ark. Manley ma rched off with the secon d mot o wi n, while Musgrave and Dan a Wiggi ns dropped Mon tero ne to fourth. Mu sgrave scored second overall a nd Wiggins fi nished third. Brian Ren sha w nabbed the win in the first Vet Novi ce division one moto aft er coming up wi th a last lap pa ss o n Angelo Morgan, who led almost th e en tire m oro. Fra nk Villa cha rged u p to third in from o f Bill Reimer and Greg Mazzio by the end of the ra ce. Villa was determined in the seco nd mot o, and held off a last lap cha rge by Renshaw to scor e th e second mow victory. Renshaw's second place finish was good enough for th e overall win, while Morgan cruised across th e line th ird . Resu lts 50 FIR ST TIMERS: I. Rick y Oliver ( Ya m ): 2. Kr'Vin Folghernirer (Ya m); T ui g Va lldt>f (SULl. 50 STK 0 -1; I. Ca lc webb (Ya m ); 2. Ty Ren sha w (Yam ); 3. Heather Matt hews (Ya m); 4. nClv('y Freema n (Ya m). 50 STK 0·2: 1. Ryan P ica rd (Yam ); 2. David Woud (SUI ); . 3. Tyson Talkington (Yam); 'I. 8nx:k Rollin p; 50 MOD : 1. Davey Freem an (Y;lm ): 2. ('.....Ie Wall ;l«' (Yam ): 3. Ryan Picard (Yam ). . 60 0-8: I. vance Freem an (; 2. Hea ther Matlh~s (Yam ). 60 9-11: I. Bryan McGavran ( Ka w ). soBIG WHL: I. 1..rI= Lomack (Kaw); 2. J ason Padi l la ( Kaw). 80 BEG : I. T .J . Dick son (SUI); 2. Cla yton Thoma s (S UI); 3. Brad Whitt: (Kaw) ; 'I. Ja mn WriKh t (Suz). 80 NOV : 1. Danny Ca rlson (Kaw). 125 BEG : 1. Motu Will1.L~ (SUl); 2. Dav id HUli{hM (Yam ); 3. Garth Mila n (H a n ); 'I . Mike MO!I" (SUl) : 5. Mikr WaKJI" .s. ( Ka w). 125 NO V: I. g oger Hauptman (Sw ); 2. Tim Oll>t"fl (Kaw); 5. Ma rk A llen ( K..a w): 'I. GalM- P roetc (SUI.); 5. Bobb y Krajewwski (S Ul). 125 INT : I. Shay Fn-twc!1 (SUI ); 2. Ra nd y Dayln (Raw); 3. Tv Kad y (Ka w). 125 PRO: I. Dana Wip;F;in s (Yam ): 2. Ray Hend r y (Suz); 3. Shan e T rinl er (SUI). 2SO BEG : I. Beam G as ins ki ( Ka w ); 2. Mar k R~e, (Ka w) ; 3. Brn Milan (IUw) : -1 . Sco t Bennen (H a n ): 5. Nat e O na (S w ). 250 S OV : 1. Philip Wunl" (Ha n); 2. RMf('lIt" Harri son (KTM ): 3. J o hn Bennett (H o n ); -4 . Jo(,' y Co x (Ka w). 250 INT : I. T odd Davis (H o n ). 250 PRO: 1. Brian Manl l:' (S Ul); 2. T racv Mont rrone Y e (Ya m): 3. Joe \\' addinKloll (SUl); 'I . Robert w eb r (Ho n): 5. GaT)' Ybarr a (SUl) . 500 BEG : I. Chana Edm o ndsou (H a n): 2. Cbris G lr lldul.Ol IHo n); 3. Mar k Granberp; (Kaw). vrll 500 :'Iri'O V: I. Bobby H ubbard (Ho n); 2. Rl:' e Ha rrison (KT M ); 3. Mark Watson (H a n). 500 INT: I. Tony Spea r ( Ra w); 2. S teve Drew (Ya m ). i 500 PRO: 1. Willy Musgra ve (AT K): 2. Pau l KrauS("(K. 1w). +25 BEG : 1. Mike T or res (Ho n): 2. Paul lkeda (H o n): 3. Craig Peterson (Ka wO: 4. Tony Rocovu s (Yam ); 5. T im U'iII iam !o ( Ka w ).. +25 ~OV : l. Tony Alessi (Ya m ); 2. Phil wurster (H o n): 3. Gar y Harada (Ya m); 'I. Donni e LUa! ( Ka w); 5. Chm ikrK!otrom ( Kil w) . +25 INT : I. Ken Erb (Sua): 2. Randy Danylo ( Ka w ). HO VET NOV 0 · 1: I. Brian Rensh aw (Yam); 2. Fran k Villa (Stu); 3. An ~ l lJ Mo rga n (Kaw): 4. Gr eg Manio (Ya m); 5. Bill Rl·iIRl·r (Kaw). H O VET NOV 0 ·2: I. Kelly Fra nkl in (Kaw): 2. Mikt: Mar io n ( H u ll) ;~. LY Rt'rt Shrldon (Yam); 5. Oo n Walli nKsford (Ka w,. +M VET PR O : I. BH W a ll i n ~(nrd ( Kaw ) ; 2. Clark Jont"! ·rn (Ya m) : 3. Bnb Rutt rn (H un): 4. Chuck Millf'f ( Hu n). +40 01' NOV : 1. G rep; RO/l:en (KT M) ; 2. Bnl('(' Curnd l (Raw ); 3. Storm l:'Silvis ( H u ~). +40 0 1' tNT: 1. ~rRe SprarinK (H un ); 2. l.a rry Po pp (Ha n): 3. Buu MOl"lIer (Hon). +4001' EX: I. C.rorKe KohlM" (Ho n); 2. TOI11 Whit e (Ka w); 3. Ra y Pi Sdrski (H a n); 'I . Alan OlliOn (Kaw): 5. judy Wr i'Ot'l (Vam ). Smith sweeps Frozen Ocean MX By T . Seller A UBURN, NY, SEPT. 29 Jim Smith netted a co u p le o f firsts in th e Super Senior cla ss at the Frozen Ocean mo tosports complex . Leon Whatley nabbed the holeshot in th e firs t moto, ahead o f Tim Seller and Ri ch ard Brad ley. Smith char ged to th e front of the pack, and held the position to the checkers. Followi ng him across th e line were Whal ey, Bradley and Seller. Mala lWO was a carbo n copy of lh e fir st go aro u nd - sam e passes, posilions a nd overa ll resu lts. Rick Sin ger moved up to fifth in mo lO lWO for th e sa me o vera ll. Smith look th e series points lead ah ead o f Wh al ey, Bradl ey and Seller with th ree races left. The 125cc Experts had a recor d sell ing numb er of spi lls, as every rid er except Chris Co lema n fell a t least o nce. Co lema n rode with a broken thumb, yet not ched th e 1·1 overall win. Rob Nessie slid o ut i n a freshl y wa tered turn in molO two. T ommy Rice ben efil ed fro m Ness ie' s spill and took seco nd overall. Rice fell twice In mota one, and Dave Bur~er, Ro b Mann and Robbie Brown tra ded posiuon s and mishaps to round OUl fourth through sixth. The Junior Min i cla ss saw a fla sh y Paul Bradley top both motos from the dr op of th e gate . Shane Bart holf and Cra ig Stull Hn ished second an d lhird, respectively, in both motos. Resul ts OPEN AM: 1. Da ~ Sherw ood (; 2. ~r~ Austin ( ~ w) ; 3. T o m TUll (H a n); 'I. I..ron Wholley (KTM ); 5. AIt"X Moroz (ATK). VINT: I. Brian Stick les (Ha n ): 2. K.rn TilUi ( ); 3. .IOt' Bo lla (Kawl ; 'I . Aaron Andr t:O (Ka w ); 5. j ohn Br'I(f1~ tla (Ha n). WM N: 1. SU5an Gawlkky (Yam ). OPEN EX: I. Doug Flemming (Ka w ): 2. Mike Douli{heny (KTM ): 3. Mike Murra y ( JITM); 'I. JdC Allan (Ka w) ; 5. Rick Bison (H o n). 125 AM: 1. Chris Blake (5 uz): 2. j ohn Carr oll (Raw); 3. SIeve Sierri nJ!; (H a n); 'I. Dan Sin~t:r (SUI); 5. Mik e Fin nert y (S m .). . S/SR : 1. jim Smith (Kaw); 2. Leo n Whaley (KT M); 3. Richard Brild ley (Han ); 'I. T . Seller (Ka w) : 5. Rick Singer (SUL). SR EX: 1. Dan Field s ( Ka w ); 2. Mik e Douli{hcn y (KTM ); 3. Mik e Murra y (KT M); 4. Dave Ahouse (Yam ); 5. Rick Bisson (H o n ). SR AM: I. Mark Stokoe (H a n); 2. Geo rge Ma nin (H a n ): 3. Ste ve Has kell (5 uz): 'I. Kevin Am o (Raw); 5. St eve May (H uu ). • 250 AM: I. Wa yne Sco tt (H a n ); 2. Ni ck Van Praag ( ; 3. Dan Si n~r (Suz); 'I. Jrlf Fru tchey (Y;lm ); 5. Joth Hurlbutt (Kaw). 125 EX: I. Chris Colema n (Ya m); 2. T om Ria (SUZ); 3. Rob Nes!;t'L(Kaw); -4. Dave Bur ger (SUI); 5. Rob Mann (SUl). OPEN NOV: I. Robert Sli lWl:'1I (KT M): 2. Travi s Hen ry (Hon); 3. GrC"R Nieken (Kaw ); 4. Mark Wci~h ( Ka w) . SR MINI : I. Keith Mitchel ( Ka w) ; 2. Ro ber t G~ (Han ); 3. Eric Wh it hey ( K4 1W); 'I . Dave Wieks (Yam ); 5. Jdf McMahon ( Kaw ). 250 EX: L Ch r i!o Co lema n (Yam ); 2. Dave Ber ger (Kaw); 3. Da n Fidd ( Ka w ); 'I . Pa ul G rima ld i (Ho n); 5. Tim Lari viere (lion). J R MINI : I. Paul Bradl~ (SUl); 2. Sha ne Sartholf (Kaw): 5. Craig Stull (H o n). 50: I. Lo nn y Thurst on (H o n): 2. Chris Ru ssell (Ya m ): 3. J im Ney (Va m); of. Cor wi n DC)u~la ll (Hon): 5. Sha wn Os tra nder. SR MINI NOV : I. T omm y Lak e ( Ka w ); 2. Brad Sto rch (Sw); 3. J. son Mar che S{" (Hon ). SCH B": I. w avne Sccu (H o n ); 2. G rt')!; Frutch~ ( K.a. w) : 3. J ason Baran (Va m ); 4. jay jonee (Kaw); 5. Jeff McMah on (Raw). JR MIN1 60: I. Lo n ny Thurston (Raw); 2. J a~Jn Todd (Yam). +25 EX: I. T om Rice (SUI); 2. DoUR Flem ming (Ka w); 3. Oen e Ntghman (K3w): 4. Brian Stickln (Hun): 5. j eff AlIrn (X, w ). +25 AM : 1. J~ Brill o ( K.:i w) ; 2. Rich f ield ( Kaw); 3. Mark Stokes (H a n); 4. Gt:Orgl:'Martin (Ho n); 5. T ed Ball" ( Raw ). 200 NOV : 1. Dominick CitCilidi o (Kaw); 2. Jason Baran n (Ya m ); 3. Dave Carruthers (Suz); 'I. Pa tric k Kallell (Ca K); 5. Glm n Welsh (Ka w ). Carlsbad MX featured a dice between George Kohler (23) and Robert Failing (177). Kohlerclobbers Carlsbad MX Mike Keller (671) smoked past Ned Blackwelder at Silver Creek MX. By Dave Burgess CARLSBAD, CA, SEPT, 29 Suzuki-mou n ted Georges Koh ler overcame a large con tingen t of riders to domi nate bot h motos of the O ld Timers Expert class at th e Raci ng Enterprises Sa turday MX , held at Ca rlsba d Ra ceway , The Old Timers class conjures u p thoughts of o ld me n going slo w, bu t this is no t th e case at Ca rlsbad. G rabbing th e hol eshot in th e first mo to was Jody Weisel. Tucking in behi nd Wei sel was Ray Pisarski and T im Dailey. Kohler sta rted in last place, but slowl y mad e hi s way u p as th e race pro gressed . At th e ha lfway point, Koh ler had worked his way' into fourth behind Daily, a nd as Pi sarski and Dail ey bunch ed u p . Koh ler jumped past both o f the m . " We 've got th e sus pe nsion set up real wen , so you ca n ma ke moves like th at and gel away wi th it ." sa id Koh ler. Up front, Dai ley stuffed past Weisel for the lead . as Koh ler moved in o n th e battli ng du o. Kohler rai led aro u nd Weisel an d began to reel in Dail ey, Both Ko h ler and th en Weise l wete able to gel around Dail ey lat e in lhe m ot o. Kohler look th e mo ta win , ahea d of Wei sel a nd Dail ey. Da iley led the way in mo ta two, ah ead of H or st Leitner and Weisel. Kohler , wh o had a mu ch better sLa rt th an in lhe first mo to , wa s u p to second within a lap . Ko h ler qu ickl y got arou nd Dail ey and set a co mfor ta ble pa ce. Leitner bega n fallin ~ o ff the pace, as Weisel moved into third beh1l1d Dail ey. Weisel mo ved up a nd cha llenged Dailey for second, and th e two bau led inten sely for a la p. T he p ace ex ha us ted Dailey, as he la ter drop ped to stx th . Kohler cru ised to the u nco n tested win, wit h Weisel seco nd an d Ray P isarski neu in g thi rd . Res ults !W BEG : I. Eth an Du cker (Suz); 2. Co lin E~r1y (H a n); 5. T im Beat y (SUI); 'I. Sag!' S ~ngJer (Ho n). KO JR : I. Joshua Amara dio (Ka w ). 125 BEG : 1. J o hn Nelson (H o n ); 2. JUiitin Lusian (SUI); 3. Eh on Martins (Su) ; -4. Chrh H ardiw n (Ya m ); 5. Ch r is Bra d1t"Y (Ho n ). 125 JR: I. Mark Blaklq (H a n); 2. Cuis H ug h~ (Kaw): 3. tlrnn is J o nes ( Ka w ); of. Troy Pa rsons (Ho n). 125 1Ni': 1. Jkonnh Dahlin (Raw). 250 BEG : 1. Doug Rah dc. (Suz); 2. Unk now n: 3. J d f Ca)(: 'Tlo ( H ul); 'I . Robe rt Bartlrn (Yam); 5. Mark Lundgren (Ya m ). 250 JR: I. Jim Hl:'mt (Yam); 2. Micha el u llde p;em (H a n); 3. Run Bu rrow~ (Suz); 'I. Ken Mall o w (Kaw): 5. Nick Abato (Ya m ). 250 INT : 1. Den niiiDah lin (Kaw ); 2. J o hnroo n (H a n ); 3. H iroo.h i Koba Y i (SUI): of . D uam~ Pocks (Suz). ;lsh 500 BEG : I. Brad Wont Ion t Han ): 2. Frat "Ibiel (Yam) : 3. Rob.=rt Berd yck (H a n); 4. Keith Kol osba rk (Hon). h 500 J R: 1. Patrick Nalo (IUw ); 2. Steve Serape (H a n); 3. Rob Sw ien (Kaw); 'I. Juhn T ou kl:' (Kaw ). Y 500 fT N: 1. Bri:anCo rneli us (Kdw); 2. Robl:'ttFa ili ng (H o n ); 3. Rob Wilshire (Alk). PRO: I. J uhn Flor t'li (Kaw). 25-29 BEG : I. Micha t'i Bartle lt ( Ka w) ; 2. Eric Mt"}'et'S(Han); 3. Brem Bo hl ko n (Ho n ); 4. JrH Horto n (Kaw); S. Bobby Go lasi ( Kca w ). 25-29 j R: I. ScOtl Ha ck (Ya m ): 2. Vicky Jackson (Ho n ); 3. Davt: B u rp;e~~ (Han); -1. Ron Northrull (Yam ); 5. Mar k Da;~~ ;~gar)Gl'adY (H o n): 2. Bruc:e Forina!>h (Y ); ". am Bria n 8c:' hod (Ma i); 'I. Rob Swiel1 ( Ka w): S. Run Sraman rt (Ho n). VET jR: 1. Carl N unes ( Ka ....); 2. JdE Gray (H on ): 3. Bub Lloyd (Kaw); 'I. Bob Rundq ui$l (Raw); 5. Ted Ku kla (Ka w ). VET INT: l. Marc Cr(»by (Kaw) ; 2. Ch r ili J ac k~ ," ( Ka w); 3. Mich ad La nd~n t (H o n); 'I. Todd Freista t (Ho n ); 5. J im &~t+~~)·1. Rohert Failing (Han). BOMBER: 1. Robert Faili ng (H o n). OT J R: 1. Rabat &rd yck (Han ); 2. J im SanninE!: (SUl ): 3. Ch uck Ca!oto n (Han ); 4. Mike Stell (KTM ). OT t NT : I. Nick Costello (Han); 2. Waynt" Cor ne lius (Kaw); 3. T om Eberly (Ho n); 'I. Bill Malon e (Ho n). OT EX: I. Gmr~ Kohl" (Suz); 2. J od y Wei !oel (H a n ); 3. Ray Pi un,ki (H on ); 1. Bengt J o ha rwon (Hon); 5. Tim Da8-t~~~~c: I. Kirk Lukro£b (H a n); 2. T im McCu t"(Suz); 5. T im Swi ndcrs (Ho n ); 'I. Nile Ma thew s (Alk). . OTHG J R : I. Curti" jiolblotuki (H a n): 2. Bob Choca, (Yam) : 3. Bob Sullivan (H on ): 4. Mic: ad Ril¢ol1 (Han); h 5. Bill Schu hz (Kaw ). OTIIG INT: I. Marty Westt"rm an (; 2. L ynn Damn (Yam) : 3. Car l Po well (Ya m ); 4. T on y Par~(In s (H o n ): 5. Paul Keda, OTHG EX: I. Jo hn Churilla (Yam); 2. Randy And erson (Ya m). Silver Creek MX wins to Sparks By Barbara and Loren Willia ms M ORGANTO"', NC, SEPT. 2.8 Larry Sparks topped the Am at eur and 2500c C classes a t Silv er Creek Raceway 's seaso n finale. Sp arks kicked 0 [[ th e ope n ing 250cc m oLO wi th the hol eshot, followed closel y by Gl en Chase , Fra n k H ampton a nd Mik e Mor ,,"n. Throu gh out th e six laps, Sp arks' on ly senous cha llen ge ca me wh en negotiating th e laSl th ree turns o f th e la st lap , but he crossed th e fin ish line leadi ng the nose-la -ta il processio n including Ch ase and Mor gan. The second molO was Sp arks an lh e way, with Ch ase again the runner-u p. Poin tin g th e way for th e first mot o o f th e Open Am ateur class Spa rks kept Ch ase and 'H am plo n behind him and cru ised to the win. Chase go t th e drop o n Spa rks for th e mot o two start and held the advantage until halfway throu gh the last lap , wh en Sparks made good o n a pas s and met th e chec kered flag at the head of the pac k. Chase and H amp to n dueled again in the Un lim ited Amat eur clas s. In ma lO o ne Chase sta rted o u t in the lead, but H ampton dropped him a pos it ion halfwa y th ro ugh th e race to ta ke ove r th e lead and W1l1 lh e mOlO. H ow ever, Chase was read iesl for the gate to dr op in mo to two a nd leapt to th e fron t. H ampton fini shed second o vera ll behind Ch ase. Results 50 I Cou n ney Summq (Yam ). 60 l. J osh ua Sum mq (Kaw): 2. Wayne McLaughlin (Han ); 5. Casley Barnes (Kaw) ; 'I. Don ny Seaest ( Ka w ): 5. Dt:aron Ch t'M'f ( . 83 7- 11: I. JaloOn VanHorn (H a n) ; 2.Jos h Col e (Yam) ; 3. Brad Edwa nh (H o n ); 4. J oshua Summey (Kaw); 5. Michael Buchanan . 8S 12-15: I. Jason Sai n (Ho n); 2. Robby Miguel (Hon): 5. Ma rew Ht'drick (Yam ); 4. Eric Bamn (SUl ). SC H BY:, I. And y Ca ldwel l (Suz); 2. Rex Robinson (H a n): 5. J OIIM>1l $;lin (H o n ). 125·250 A: I. Mikl:'Andr r:ws (Suz); 2. Todd Iknnick (SUI): 3. Ned Blackw elder (SUl). 125 B: 1. Jim McDa niel (H on ): 2. Kenny CUTTen (Ha n). 125 C: 1. Paul McD.mid (Han ); 2. Rl:'3gan Boone (Kaw); 3. Brad J o ya (Ya m ); 'I. Rex Robi nson (H a n); 5. Sanford Butler (Sw ). 125 D: 1. Da nny Edney (Ho n): 2. And y Ca ldwell (Suz): 3. Kenn y Fulp (S Ul ); 4. Patri ck Part on ( Ra w);· 5. Steph en Mayo (Hon ). 250 B: 1. Mike Kl:'ller (Raw); 2. j imm y Bowman (H a n ); 3. .la ma Wr iShl (Han). 250 C: 1. L..arry Sparb (Ho n ); 2. G len Cha!\(: ( Kil w) ; 3. Mike Morgan (Sw): 'I. Rodn~ W~ (Hon ); 5. Ma tt Hm denon (Han). OPEN AM: L La rry Sparb (Han ); 2. Sha n non Canrrell ( Ra w) ; 5. Dalt: Wood y (Kaw); 4. T err y Bauco m (; 5. Tom my Wood y \Ya m) . U / L AM : l. G m Cha!;t'(Kaw); 2. frank H ampton (H o n); 5. Brad joytt (Ya m ); 4. Sa nC ord Bu eler (SUI); 5. Fra nkie Mu lli nax (H on). 25+: I. Ran d y Roberts ( Ka w) : 2. T im m it: Bowman (H a n); 3. Krn ny Curran (H on) ; 'I. Tomm y Shim pock (Ho n): 5. Larry Sondh (Ca g). California speedway title to Schwartz at IMS By M. Sober SAN BERNARDINO, CA, SEPT, 28 Bobby Sch waru ca p tu red his second career victory in the Californ ia State Championship at Inl and Motorcycle Speedway. Sch wa ru 's previou s victory was bac k in 1984, a t th e o ld IMS trac k whi ch was located eigh t miles to th e so uth in San Bernard ino.. Bef ore Schwartz wa s safely u p o n th e podi um he had to pull ou t all hi s tricks to ca pture lhe litle via a run-off for th e top spot. Cu rre nt Nat ion al Champion Mik e Faria , British tra nsplan t Phil Co llins a nd Sch wa m a ll fin ished th e reg ulatio n five ro u nds tied with 14 points each , The second heat o f rou nd o ne proved to be one of th e pivotal races of the night as Phil Co llins manalled to take a point away from 1990 CalifornIa State Champion Mike Faria, Co llins got the gate and rode a wide, flawl ess line just in front o f a very frus tra ted Faria to score th e win. Heat th ree saw Sch waru easily outdistance the field. I{ th ere wa s a main even t in the stale championship format, the opening heat of

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