two . Manley tried to pass Mon teron e through
a set of do uble jumps, but lunged di rectly in to
Monrerone, Monteron e loo ked over just in
time to see Manley do a face plant. Mon teron e
stayed uprigh t, and led for the next fou r laps.
Manley regrouped quickly from h is mi shap,
and reeled in Musgr ave, Waddington and
leade r Monterone, Manley successfully passed
them all by the halfway m ark. Manley
ma rched off with the secon d mot o wi n, while
Musgrave and Dan a Wiggi ns dropped Mon tero ne to fourth. Mu sgrave scored second
overall a nd Wiggins fi nished third.
Brian Ren sha w nabbed the win in the first
Vet Novi ce division one moto aft er coming
up wi th a last lap pa ss o n Angelo Morgan,
who led almost th e en tire m oro. Fra nk Villa
cha rged u p to third in from o f Bill Reimer
and Greg Mazzio by the end of the ra ce.
Villa was determined in the seco nd mot o,
and held off a last lap cha rge by Renshaw
to scor e th e second mow victory. Renshaw's
second place finish was good enough for th e
overall win, while Morgan cruised across th e
line th ird .
Resu lts
50 FIR ST TIMERS: I. Rick y Oliver ( Ya m ): 2. Kr'Vin
Folghernirer (Ya m); T ui g Va lldt>f (SULl.
50 STK 0 -1; I. Ca lc webb (Ya m ); 2. Ty Ren sha w (Yam );
3. Heather Matt hews (Ya m); 4. nClv('y Freema n (Ya m).
50 STK 0·2: 1. Ryan P ica rd (Yam ); 2. David Woud (SUI );
3. Tyson Talkington (Yam); 'I. 8nx:k Rollin p;
50 MOD : 1. Davey Freem an (Y;lm ): 2. ('.....Ie Wall ;l«' (Yam ):
3. Ryan Picard (Yam ).
60 0-8: I. vance Freem an (; 2. Hea ther Matlh~s
(Yam ).
60 9-11: I. Bryan McGavran ( Ka w ).
soBIG WHL: I. 1..rI= Lomack (Kaw); 2. J ason Padi l la ( Kaw).
80 BEG : I. T .J . Dick son (SUI); 2. Cla yton Thoma s (S UI);
3. Brad Whitt: (Kaw) ; 'I. Ja mn WriKh t (Suz).
80 NOV : 1. Danny Ca rlson (Kaw).
125 BEG : 1. Motu Will1.L~ (SUl); 2. Dav id HUli{hM (Yam );
3. Garth Mila n (H a n ); 'I . Mike MO!I" (SUl) : 5. Mikr WaKJI"
( Ka w).
125 NO V: I. g oger Hauptman (Sw ); 2. Tim Oll>t"fl (Kaw);
5. Ma rk A llen ( K..a w): 'I. GalM- P roetc (SUI.); 5. Bobb y
Krajewwski (S Ul).
125 INT : I. Shay Fn-twc!1 (SUI ); 2. Ra nd y Dayln (Raw);
3. Tv Kad y (Ka w).
125 PRO: I. Dana Wip;F;in s (Yam ): 2. Ray Hend r y (Suz);
3. Shan e T rinl er (SUI).
2SO BEG : I. Beam G as ins ki ( Ka w ); 2. Mar k R~e, (Ka w) ;
3. Brn Milan (IUw) : -1 . Sco t Bennen (H a n ): 5. Nat e O na
(S w ).
250 S OV : 1. Philip Wunl" (Ha n); 2. RMf('lIt" Harri son
(KTM ): 3. J o hn Bennett (H o n ); -4 . Jo(,' y Co x (Ka w).
250 INT : I. T odd Davis (H o n ).
250 PRO: 1. Brian Manl l:' (S Ul); 2. T racv Mont rrone
(Ya m): 3. Joe \\' addinKloll (SUl); 'I . Robert w eb r (Ho n):
5. GaT)' Ybarr a (SUl) .
500 BEG : I. Chana Edm o ndsou (H a n): 2. Cbris G lr lldul.Ol
IHo n); 3. Mar k Granberp; (Kaw).
500 :'Iri'O V: I. Bobby H ubbard (Ho n); 2. Rl:' e Ha rrison
(KT M ); 3. Mark Watson (H a n).
500 INT: I. Tony Spea r ( Ra w); 2. S teve Drew (Ya m ).
500 PRO: 1. Willy Musgra ve (AT K): 2. Pau l KrauS("(K. 1w).
+25 BEG : 1. Mike T or res (Ho n): 2. Paul lkeda (H o n): 3.
Craig Peterson (Ka wO: 4. Tony Rocovu s (Yam ); 5. T im
U'iII iam !o ( Ka w )..
+25 ~OV : l. Tony Alessi (Ya m ); 2. Phil wurster (H o n):
3. Gar y Harada (Ya m); 'I. Donni e LUa! ( Ka w); 5. Chm
ikrK!otrom ( Kil w) .
+25 INT : I. Ken Erb (Sua): 2. Randy Danylo ( Ka w ).
HO VET NOV 0 · 1: I. Brian Rensh aw (Yam); 2. Fran k
Villa (Stu); 3. An ~ l lJ Mo rga n (Kaw): 4. Gr eg Manio (Ya m);
5. Bill Rl·iIRl·r (Kaw).
H O VET NOV 0 ·2: I. Kelly Fra nkl in (Kaw): 2. Mikt:
Mar io n ( H u ll) ;~. LY Rt'rt Shrldon (Yam); 5. Oo n
Walli nKsford (Ka w,.
+M VET PR O : I. BH W a ll i n ~(nrd ( Kaw ) ; 2. Clark Jont"!
(Ya m) : 3. Bnb Rutt rn (H un): 4. Chuck Millf'f ( Hu n).
+40 01' NOV : 1. G rep; RO/l:en (KT M) ; 2. Bnl('(' Curnd l
(Raw ); 3. Storm l:'Silvis ( H u ~).
+40 0 1' tNT: 1. ~rRe SprarinK (H un ); 2. l.a rry Po pp
(Ha n): 3. Buu MOl"lIer (Hon).
+4001' EX: I. C.rorKe KohlM" (Ho n); 2. TOI11 Whit e (Ka w);
3. Ra y Pi Sdrski (H a n); 'I . Alan OlliOn (Kaw): 5. judy Wr i'Ot'l
(Vam ).
Smith sweeps Frozen Ocean MX
By T . Seller
Jim Smith netted a co u p le o f firsts in th e Super
Senior cla ss at the Frozen Ocean mo tosports
complex .
Leon Whatley nabbed the holeshot in th e
firs t moto, ahead o f Tim Seller and Ri ch ard
Brad ley. Smith char ged to th e front of the
pack, and held the position to the checkers.
Followi ng him across th e line were Whal ey,
Bradley and Seller.
Mala lWO was a carbo n copy of lh e fir st
go aro u nd - sam e passes, posilions a nd
overa ll resu lts. Rick Sin ger moved up to fifth
in mo lO lWO for th e sa me o vera ll. Smith look
th e series points lead ah ead o f Wh al ey, Bradl ey
and Seller with th ree races left.
The 125cc Experts had a recor d sell ing
numb er of spi lls, as every rid er except Chris
Co lema n fell a t least o nce. Co lema n rode with
a broken thumb, yet not ched th e 1·1 overall
win. Rob Nessie slid o ut i n a freshl y wa tered
turn in molO two. T ommy Rice ben efil ed fro m
Ness ie' s spill and took seco nd overall. Rice
fell twice In mota one, and Dave Bur~er, Ro b
Mann and Robbie Brown tra ded posiuon s and
mishaps to round OUl fourth through sixth.
The Junior Min i cla ss saw a fla sh y Paul
Bradley top both motos from the dr op of th e
gate . Shane Bart holf and Cra ig Stull Hn ished
second an d lhird, respectively, in both motos.
Resul ts
OPEN AM: 1. Da ~ Sherw ood (; 2. ~r~ Austin
( ~ w) ; 3. T o m TUll (H a n); 'I. I..ron Wholley (KTM ); 5. AIt"X
Moroz (ATK).
VINT: I. Brian Stick les (Ha n ): 2. K.rn TilUi ( ); 3. .IOt'
Bo lla (Kawl ; 'I . Aaron Andr t:O (Ka w ); 5. j ohn Br'I(f1~
(Ha n).
WM N: 1. SU5an Gawlkky (Yam ).
OPEN EX: I. Doug Flemming (Ka w ): 2. Mike Douli{heny
(KTM ): 3. Mike Murra y ( JITM); 'I. JdC Allan (Ka w) ; 5. Rick
Bison (H o n).
125 AM: 1. Chris Blake (5 uz): 2. j ohn Carr oll (Raw); 3.
SIeve Sierri nJ!; (H a n); 'I. Dan Sin~t:r (SUI); 5. Mik e Fin nert y
(S m .).
S/SR : 1. jim Smith (Kaw); 2. Leo n Whaley (KT M); 3.
Richard Brild ley (Han ); 'I. T . Seller (Ka w) : 5. Rick Singer
SR EX: 1. Dan Field s ( Ka w ); 2. Mik e Douli{hcn y (KTM );
3. Mik e Murra y (KT M); 4. Dave Ahouse (Yam ); 5. Rick Bisson
(H o n ).
SR AM: I. Mark Stokoe (H a n); 2. Geo rge Ma nin (H a n ):
3. Ste ve Has kell (5 uz): 'I. Kevin Am o (Raw); 5. St eve May
(H uu ).
250 AM: I. Wa yne Sco tt (H a n ); 2. Ni ck Van Praag ( ;
3. Dan Si n~r (Suz); 'I. Jrlf Fru tchey (Y;lm ); 5. Joth Hurlbutt
125 EX: I. Chris Colema n (Ya m); 2. T om Ria (SUZ); 3.
Rob Nes!;t'L(Kaw); -4. Dave Bur ger (SUI); 5. Rob Mann (SUl).
OPEN NOV: I. Robert Sli lWl:'1I (KT M): 2. Travi s Hen ry
(Hon); 3. GrC"R Nieken (Kaw ); 4. Mark Wci~h ( Ka w) .
SR MINI : I. Keith Mitchel ( Ka w) ; 2. Ro ber t G~ (Han );
3. Eric Wh it hey ( K4
1W); 'I . Dave Wieks (Yam ); 5. Jdf McMahon
( Kaw ).
250 EX: L Ch r i!o Co lema n (Yam ); 2. Dave Ber ger (Kaw);
3. Da n Fidd ( Ka w ); 'I . Pa ul G rima ld i (Ho n); 5. Tim Lari viere
J R MINI : I. Paul Bradl~ (SUl); 2. Sha ne Sartholf (Kaw):
5. Craig Stull (H o n).
50: I. Lo nn y Thurst on (H o n): 2. Chris Ru ssell (Ya m ): 3.
J im Ney (Va m); of. Cor wi n DC)u~la ll (Hon): 5. Sha wn
Os tra nder.
SR MINI NOV : I. T omm y Lak e ( Ka w ); 2. Brad Sto rch
(Sw); 3. J. son Mar che S{" (Hon ).
SCH B": I. w avne Sccu (H o n ); 2. G rt')!; Frutch~ ( K.a. w) :
3. J ason Baran (Va m ); 4. jay jonee (Kaw); 5. Jeff McMah on
JR MIN1 60: I. Lo n ny Thurston (Raw); 2. J a~Jn Todd
+25 EX: I. T om Rice (SUI); 2. DoUR Flem ming (Ka w);
3. Oen e Ntghman (K3w): 4. Brian Stickln (Hun): 5. j eff AlIrn
(X, w ).
+25 AM : 1. J~ Brill o ( K.:i w) ; 2. Rich f ield ( Kaw); 3. Mark
Stokes (H a n); 4. Gt:Orgl:'Martin (Ho n); 5. T ed Ball" ( Raw ).
200 NOV : 1. Dominick CitCilidi o (Kaw); 2. Jason Baran
(Ya m ); 3. Dave Carruthers (Suz); 'I. Pa tric k Kallell (Ca K);
5. Glm n Welsh (Ka w ).
Carlsbad MX featured a dice between George Kohler (23) and Robert Failing (177).
Kohlerclobbers Carlsbad MX
Mike Keller (671) smoked past Ned Blackwelder at Silver Creek MX.
By Dave Burgess
Suzuki-mou n ted Georges Koh ler overcame a
large con tingen t of riders to domi nate bot h
motos of the O ld Timers Expert class at th e
Raci ng Enterprises Sa turday MX , held at
Ca rlsba d Ra ceway ,
The Old Timers class conjures u p thoughts
of o ld me n going slo w, bu t this is no t th e
case at Ca rlsbad. G rabbing th e hol eshot in
th e first mo to was Jody Weisel. Tucking in
behi nd Wei sel was Ray Pisarski and T im
Dailey. Kohler sta rted in last place, but slowl y
mad e hi s way u p as th e race pro gressed . At
th e ha lfway point, Koh ler had worked his way'
into fourth behind Daily, a nd as Pi sarski and
Dail ey bunch ed u p . Koh ler jumped past both
o f the m .
" We 've got th e sus pe nsion set up real wen ,
so you ca n ma ke moves like th at and gel away
wi th it ." sa id Koh ler.
Up front, Dai ley stuffed past Weisel for the
lead . as Koh ler moved in o n th e battli ng du o.
Kohler rai led aro u nd Weisel an d began to reel
in Dail ey, Both Ko h ler and th en Weise l wete
able to gel around Dail ey lat e in lhe m ot o.
Kohler look th e mo ta win , ahea d of Wei sel
a nd Dail ey.
Da iley led the way in mo ta two, ah ead of
H or st Leitner and Weisel. Kohler , wh o had
a mu ch better sLa rt th an in lhe first mo to ,
wa s u p to second within a lap . Ko h ler qu ickl y
got arou nd Dail ey and set a co mfor ta ble pa ce.
Leitner bega n fallin ~ o ff the pace, as Weisel
moved into third beh1l1d Dail ey. Weisel mo ved
up a nd cha llenged Dailey for second, and th e
two bau led inten sely for a la p. T he p ace
ex ha us ted Dailey, as he la ter drop ped to stx th .
Kohler cru ised to the u nco n tested win, wit h
Weisel seco nd an d Ray P isarski neu in g thi rd .
Res ults
!W BEG : I. Eth an Du cker (Suz); 2. Co lin E~r1y (H a n);
5. T im Beat y (SUI); 'I. Sag!' S ~ngJer (Ho n).
KO JR : I. Joshua Amara dio (Ka w ).
125 BEG : 1. J o hn Nelson (H o n ); 2. JUiitin Lusian (SUI);
3. Eh on Martins (Su) ; -4. Chrh H ardiw n (Ya m ); 5. Ch r is
Bra d1t"Y (Ho n ).
125 JR: I. Mark Blaklq (H a n); 2. Cuis H ug h~ (Kaw):
3. tlrnn is J o nes ( Ka w ); of. Troy Pa rsons (Ho n).
125 1Ni': 1. Jkonnh Dahlin (Raw).
250 BEG : 1. Doug Rah dc. (Suz); 2. Unk now n: 3. J d f Ca)(:
( H ul); 'I . Robe rt Bartlrn (Yam); 5. Mark Lundgren (Ya m ).
250 JR: I. Jim Hl:'mt (Yam); 2. Micha el u llde p;em (H a n);
3. Run Bu rrow~ (Suz); 'I. Ken Mall o w (Kaw): 5. Nick Abato
(Ya m ).
250 INT : 1. Den niiiDah lin (Kaw ); 2. J o hnroo n (H a n );
3. H iroo.h i Koba Y i (SUI): of . D uam~ Pocks (Suz).
500 BEG : I. Brad Wont Ion t Han ): 2. Frat "Ibiel (Yam) :
3. Rob.=rt Berd yck (H a n); 4. Keith Kol osba rk (Hon).
500 J R: 1. Patrick Nalo (IUw ); 2. Steve Serape (H a n); 3.
Rob Sw ien (Kaw); 'I. Juhn T ou kl:' (Kaw ).
500 fT N: 1. Bri:anCo rneli us (Kdw); 2. Robl:'ttFa ili ng (H o n );
3. Rob Wilshire (Alk).
PRO: I. J uhn Flor t'li (Kaw).
25-29 BEG : I. Micha t'i Bartle lt ( Ka w) ; 2. Eric Mt"}'et'S(Han);
3. Brem Bo hl ko n (Ho n ); 4. JrH Horto n (Kaw); S. Bobby
Go lasi ( Kca w ).
25-29 j R: I. ScOtl Ha ck (Ya m ): 2. Vicky Jackson (Ho n ); 3.
Davt: B u rp;e~~ (Han); -1. Ron Northrull (Yam ); 5. Mar k
;~gar)Gl'adY (H o n): 2. Bruc:e Forina!>h (Y ); ".
Bria n 8c:' hod (Ma i); 'I. Rob Swiel1 ( Ka w): S. Run Sraman
(Ho n).
VET jR: 1. Carl N unes ( Ka ....); 2. JdE Gray (H on ): 3. Bub
Lloyd (Kaw); 'I. Bob Rundq ui$l (Raw); 5. Ted Ku kla (Ka w ).
VET INT: l. Marc Cr(»by (Kaw) ; 2. Ch r ili J ac k~ ," ( Ka w);
3. Mich ad La nd~n t (H o n); 'I. Todd Freista t (Ho n ); 5. J im
&~t+~~)·1. Rohert Failing (Han).
BOMBER: 1. Robert Faili ng (H o n).
OT J R: 1. Rabat &rd yck (Han ); 2. J im SanninE!: (SUl ):
3. Ch uck Ca!oto n (Han ); 4. Mike Stell (KTM ).
OT t NT : I. Nick Costello (Han); 2. Waynt" Cor ne lius
(Kaw); 3. T om Eberly (Ho n); 'I. Bill Malon e (Ho n).
OT EX: I. Gmr~ Kohl" (Suz); 2. J od y Wei !oel (H a n );
3. Ray Pi un,ki (H on ); 1. Bengt J o ha rwon (Hon); 5. Tim
I. Kirk Lukro£b (H a n); 2. T im McCu t"(Suz);
5. T im Swi ndcrs (Ho n ); 'I. Nile Ma thew s (Alk). .
OTHG J R : I. Curti" jiolblotuki (H a n): 2. Bob Choca,
(Yam) : 3. Bob Sullivan (H on ): 4. Mic: ad Ril¢ol1 (Han);
5. Bill Schu hz (Kaw ).
OTIIG INT: I. Marty Westt"rm an (; 2. L ynn Damn
(Yam) : 3. Car l Po well (Ya m ); 4. T on y Par~(In s (H o n ): 5. Paul
OTHG EX: I. Jo hn Churilla (Yam); 2. Randy And erson
(Ya m).
Silver Creek MX wins to Sparks
By Barbara and Loren Willia ms
Larry Sparks topped the Am at eur and 2500c
C classes a t Silv er Creek Raceway 's seaso n
Sp arks kicked 0 [[ th e ope n ing 250cc m oLO
wi th the hol eshot, followed closel y by Gl en
Chase , Fra n k H ampton a nd Mik e Mor ,,"n.
Throu gh out th e six laps, Sp arks' on ly senous
cha llen ge ca me wh en negotiating th e laSl
th ree turns o f th e la st lap , but he crossed th e
fin ish line leadi ng the nose-la -ta il processio n
including Ch ase and Mor gan.
The second molO was Sp arks an lh e way,
with Ch ase again the runner-u p.
Poin tin g th e way for th e first mot o o f th e
Open Am ateur class Spa rks kept Ch ase and
'H am plo n behind him and cru ised to the win.
Chase go t th e drop o n Spa rks for th e mot o
two start and held the advantage until halfway
throu gh the last lap , wh en Sparks made good
o n a pas s and met th e chec kered flag at the
head of the pac k.
Chase and H amp to n dueled again in the
Un lim ited Amat eur clas s. In ma lO o ne Chase
sta rted o u t in the lead, but H ampton dropped
him a pos it ion halfwa y th ro ugh th e race to
ta ke ove r th e lead and W1l1 lh e mOlO. H ow ever,
Chase was read iesl for the gate to dr op in mo to
two a nd leapt to th e fron t. H ampton fini shed
second o vera ll behind Ch ase.
50 I Cou n ney Summq (Yam ).
60 l. J osh ua Sum mq (Kaw): 2. Wayne McLaughlin (Han );
5. Casley Barnes (Kaw) ; 'I. Don ny Seaest ( Ka w ): 5. Dt:aron
Ch t'M'f ( .
83 7- 11: I. JaloOn VanHorn (H a n) ; 2.Jos h Col e (Yam) ; 3.
Brad Edwa nh (H o n ); 4. J oshua Summey (Kaw); 5. Michael
Buchanan .
8S 12-15: I. Jason Sai n (Ho n); 2. Robby Miguel (Hon):
5. Ma rew Ht'drick (Yam ); 4. Eric Bamn (SUl ).
SC H BY:, I. And y Ca ldwel l (Suz); 2. Rex Robinson (H a n):
5. J OIIM>1l $;lin (H o n ).
125·250 A: I. Mikl:'Andr r:ws (Suz); 2. Todd Iknnick (SUI):
3. Ned Blackw elder (SUl).
125 B: 1. Jim McDa niel (H on ): 2. Kenny CUTTen (Ha n).
125 C: 1. Paul McD.mid (Han ); 2. Rl:'3gan Boone (Kaw);
3. Brad J o ya (Ya m ); 'I. Rex Robi nson (H a n); 5. Sanford
Butler (Sw ).
125 D: 1. Da nny Edney (Ho n): 2. And y Ca ldwell (Suz):
3. Kenn y Fulp (S Ul ); 4. Patri ck Part on ( Ra w);· 5. Steph en
Mayo (Hon ).
250 B: 1. Mike Kl:'ller (Raw); 2. j imm y Bowman (H a n );
3. .la ma Wr iShl (Han).
250 C: 1. L..arry Sparb (Ho n ); 2. G len Cha!\(: ( Kil w) ; 3.
Mike Morgan (Sw): 'I. Rodn~ W~ (Hon ); 5. Ma tt Hm denon
OPEN AM: L La rry Sparb (Han ); 2. Sha n non Canrrell
( Ra w) ; 5. Dalt: Wood y (Kaw); 4. T err y Bauco m (; 5.
Tom my Wood y \Ya m) .
U / L AM : l. G m Cha!;t'(Kaw); 2. frank H ampton (H o n);
5. Brad joytt (Ya m ); 4. Sa nC
ord Bu eler (SUI); 5. Fra nkie
Mu lli nax (H on).
25+: I. Ran d y Roberts ( Ka w) : 2. T im m it: Bowman (H a n);
3. Krn ny Curran (H on) ; 'I. Tomm y Shim pock (Ho n): 5. Larry
Sondh (Ca g).
California speedway title
to Schwartz at IMS
By M. Sober
Bobby Sch waru ca p tu red his second career
victory in the Californ ia State Championship
at Inl and Motorcycle Speedway. Sch wa ru 's
previou s victory was bac k in 1984, a t th e o ld
IMS trac k whi ch was located eigh t miles to
th e so uth in San Bernard ino..
Bef ore Schwartz wa s safely u p o n th e
podi um he had to pull ou t all hi s tricks to
ca pture lhe litle via a run-off for th e top spot.
Cu rre nt Nat ion al Champion Mik e Faria ,
British tra nsplan t Phil Co llins a nd Sch wa m
a ll fin ished th e reg ulatio n five ro u nds tied
with 14 points each ,
The second heat o f rou nd o ne proved to
be one of th e pivotal races of the night as
Phil Co llins manalled to take a point away
from 1990 CalifornIa State Champion Mike
Faria, Co llins got the gate and rode a wide,
flawl ess line just in front o f a very frus tra ted
Faria to score th e win. Heat th ree saw Sch waru
easily outdistance the field.
I{ th ere wa s a main even t in the stale
championship format, the opening heat of