O P EN BIC: I. J aso n Ha ll (KTM ); 2. Kevin Deyling (Ho n);
5. David Johansen (Hon ); 4. Johnny Young (KT M); 5. Da n
Mo rK'ln {k TM).
P LUS 25: 1. J oh n H ill (H a n ); 2. Johnny Young (KT M);
3. Monk Torres (Yam); 4. Stev e WilminKt o n (KT M); 3. G ary
Gracy k (Hon] .
SR 1: I. Carl Ha nd (Hen): 2. Dan Morgan (KT M): '3. Ga ry
Gracyk (H o n); 4. Berni e Belin ger (SU1): r.. J eff Ru dr ick
(KTM ).
'-.. .
SR 2: I. Ed Talbo t (Yam ).
Mumford motivated at LACR
By Tony Alessi
Trevor Meagher styled his way to the PAL MX Rad Air contest win.
jump 0[[ tho gate ahea d o f Eric H ilt on , Duane
Benner, Pete Murray and Bubba Eric kso n.
~lurra\' was the first to make a move. On th e
rim lap, Murray zapped Ben ner in the back
sectio n of the trac k, and ra iled aro u nd H ilton
in th e hairp in turn. The ba u le th en began
bet ween Young a nd Mu rra y. On the second
lap . th e two had a lready put [our seconds o n
the Held. Ericks on was al so on th e move,
ta king over the th ir d spo t. On the th ird lap ,
You ng began to slow with a bro ken spa rk
plug, but co nt inued cha rging and p ut two
seconds on Murray. Eric kson ca ugh t Murra y
a lap before the whi te nag. but came up sho rt,
The first mota came to a dose with Young
laking th e win ahead of Mu rra y. a chargi ng
Erickson and Terry Fo wler. Round in g o u t the
to p five was Damo n Huffman . who had to
work u p from a poor sta rt.
The second moto failed to be as dr am a tic
,. the rim. bUl Young. Ericbon and Murray
ma naged to p ut on a good show no ne theless .
You ng was aga in th e first rid er to ro u nd turn
o ne ahead o f Erick~on , Benner, Murray a nd
Fo wler. Erick. on cha.ed Young, bUl Young
ma naged to pull away la le in th e rac<. Murray
bou nced ar ound Benner o n lap lhr~. Young
scooted across the fi nis h line ah ead of
Ericbon. Mu rra y, Ben ner and H uf!man . The
com bined score gave Young th e win. wi th
Eri cbon , Murra y. H uHman a nd Fow ler
round in g out the top five positio ns.
Young al so top pro th e 250cc Pro cia ... Moto
one Marted in a cloud o[ du .t, a nd whe n th e
dU>l .euled it wa. Ryan Carli.lo with th e
holo.hoL H ot on Ca rli .l e'. rear fend er wa.
H uffman , who was able to ga te a close second,
foll ow ed by Benner, Gordon Ward a nd Kyle
Lewi •. H u[[man q u ickly di.po.ed o[ Ca rli.le
on the secon d lap an d tCXJk over th e poinO
position. Benn er slipped back to ninth and
never became a facto r for the remain der o f
the mota. You ng, how ever, was no t to be
fou nd in the top five [or th e fim two lap•.
Young gOl p in ch ed 0 [[ at th e . ta rt and came
arou nd on la p o ne in seven th, By lap fou r
Young had moved in to second pl ace. Lewis
follo wed Young throu gh th e pa ck to ta ke over
the lh ird .pot. It wa. ha rder [or Lewi . lO be
lhe rider In [ront o[ You ng . than behind.
Hu[[man had th e win in the bag until a .tall
in a ha irpin turn ga ve You ng th e brea k he
had been loo king [or. Young took lhe [i"t
moto ho nor. ahead o[ Hu[[man , Lewi•. War d
a nd Ca rli.le.
Kyle Lewis was th e first rid er to rock et off
th e line at th e Slart o f mota two . Lew is towed
Young, Hu[fman . Murray and Ward around
the first turn. H uffman p u t the squeeze o n
Murray and managed to . lip by in lhe back
sectio n on lap five. Young kept th e pr essu re
o n Lewi s, but Lewis answ ered every challenge
to ta ke th e mOlO win a hea d of Yo un g,
Hu[[man , Mu rra y and Ward. The combined
>core gave You ng th e large>t chu nk o[ the
money, followed by Lewi., Huf!ma n , Ward
a nd Mu rra y.
P/ W STK BEG : 1. Kevin R~ru (Yam ).
P/ W STK J R: 1. Emi n Kin g (It j).
P/W MOD : 1. ScOll Nrbon (Yam ): 2. J a!>On Scuu (Yam) :
3. Eric Wood (Yam) .
60 0·8: I. Jn sie Willi am s J r. (Kaw): 2. Brian J aramillo
( Koa w) .
60 9· 11: l. Jerry Alema n (K.aw); 2. MOnlr MOnia KUt'
80 BEG : 1. OiU Cook (Suz); 2. Canar Gal\lel (SU1): 3.
J~ U Robinson (Suz).
80 OPEN: 1. Sl~ WiAdom ( ~w).
. 80 J R: l. Jo hn Emf'hOn (SU1): 2. J OIih T .uanlino (Suz):
! . Sleve Wi!dom ( ~ w).
80 tNT: I. Jeff Willoh (Koiw).
80 EX: I. Ty ler King (Ho n).
125 BEG [).I : I. Jam" SumlTttt s (YOn
(H a n).
VET INT : 1. Ga ry Dem on (Han); 2. D,l\Iid Zha rt (Ho n);
!. Da\lid Lynch (Ha n).
VET MST R: 1. Rod Richa rdson (Han).
VET PR O : 1. Re)( Sta ff:n (Hon ).
aT INT: 1. Ron Tuzirnki (H a n ).
OT MSTR: 1. Jim O 'N~I (Hon ).
OT J R: 1. Va!l("k Ulrich (Ho n); 2. Robert Wyckoff (Ho n).
PAL MX wins to Gomm, Meagher
By Gary Buth
Pat G omm claimed victor y in the 125cc Pro
·class with perfect I-I mo ta fin ish es at race
lhree o[ th e Kin g o[ th e PAL Seri e•• held at
the Po lice Activities Leagu e trac k.
Gomm , aboa rd th e H onda Ponin.ula/jT
Racing/JN Innovation. / C-Force Im ag e. backed CR I25 [ou ght har d in th e oarly stage>
of both mot os with 250ec Pro class winner ,
T revo r Meagh er and Yamah a-m o un ted T ony
Flor e•. Each o[ th o th ree rida . led in the oarly
stages of mot a one, whi ch saw Gomm lak e
the hol ..hot a nd hold o n th rough tho fim
few turns. Meagh er and Flor es were not lett in g
G om m have an ea.y day o[ it. O n lap two,
Flore. grabbed a hand[ul com ing out o[ turn
two head in g [or lhe .tep-up j u mp. Flor ..
proceeded to >ail over Gomm , with Meagher
close in tow . Flor es, Meagher an d Carom
co n ti n ued to swap posit ions during the next
six laps, but it was Go m m who earned th e
win by s.ome 10 seconds in eac h of the mo tos.
Featu red d uri ng the day's racin g was the
" Ra d Air" co n test. Com petitor s included Tim
McClintock, J on Ni colau. , Pat Gam m and
even tua l win ner T revor M ea~her o n h is AJIAmer ican H onda/Fo x Racm g/ ShoeilCTil
T mba ki-.pom ored Suzu ki RM 125.
Meagher 's win was determ ined by receiving
th e most cro wd response d u ring the series o f
five loap•. Bolh Nicola u. and Gom m performed clea n tight man eu vers, but it was
Meag her 's no ha nds and no feet, cross-u p
aaial> tha t gave him the victory.
fn th e 125cc Beginnor cia.., Brian Rob a u
hol ..ho t and wo n bo th moto. o ver a [ield o[
22 riders. Mota two co n ta ined mul ti-b ike
cras hes in tu rn s o ne and two resulting in a
•mall group o[ contender> [or Robert '. fro ntrunner poSition . Finishing second overa ll was
Steven Kym os o n anot her Yamaha.
80 BEG: I. Kril h Lawlon (Ho n ); 2. Nick Pap p"u. (Kaw );
5. Sh.oIwn Och ea (Han); 4. i. ri lh Verdin (Kaw ); 5. Sam
Garrouttt (Sw).
80 BIG WHL BEG : 1. Slrw Viuone (Kaw): 2. Sophia
HentT2 (Kaw): ! . Brian Pa ul (Kaw).
80 NOV : 1. Dnlnis Spri nS" (K.ilw).
125 BEG : I. Bria n Robttu (Yam ); 2. Sln-en K ym~ (Yam):
! . Russ $r (Koiw): 4. Jawn Jen kins (Hon): 5. lkn Vital e
125 NO V: 1. Tf'd Pi ppin (Koi w); 2. Ch ri~ Pla tera (S U1);
! . Allen C".av('lI (SUl) .
Jack KelI (25) leads Pete Esulak (1l6)
over a LACR MX jump.
125 I ~'T: 1. MMk K1au~ (Kaw).
250 NOV : I. Ed H eacox (Suz); 2. Bria n Oereck (SU1); 5.
Pa ul Wengtt (Ho n).
25-29 BEG: 1. SltVetI Kym Oi(Yam); 2. Banow Sumler (SUl);
3. Vince Ro ndas (Kaw); 4. EdStaggl (Sw): 5. Robert Mitchell
(Hon ).
25-29 NOV : l. Ed HCK'OX (Suz): 2. Anthon y AI,," (Ho n);
5. Will iam Anau (H o n): i . Tony VaGI (SUl).
25·29 INT: I . T erry LA.e ly (ATK ).
O PE N BEC : 1. Aaron MatlM)n (Kaw ); 2. -Gary Wem Y
(Ho n ); ! . Curt Winter (KTM ): 4. Ma rk Eves (H o n ); 5. Rory
Buchenroth(Ho n ).
O PE N NOV : 1. David Minjares (Han); 2. David Dye (Hon);
! . Edward K. lly (K.a
VET NOV : 1. Jerr! Wohl gen mu th {Hon ): 2. J o na tha n
Schcoer (Ho n); !. Co A var.ldo (Ya m ):·1. Moe Ha rwell (Ya m ).
4·STRK; 1. Mil.ttAbbott (Han); 2. David Henderson (Hon);
!. Terrv Page-(H o n).
125 PRO : 1. Pal Comm (Hon): 2. Trevor M ~gher (Sw );
! . Tony F1~ (Yam ).
250-0PE S PRO : 1. T revor Meag her (SU1); 2. J on Nicolaus
(ll.Iw): ! . Kirk Smi lh (Kaw): 4. Dav e Ko peb (H o n ).
Lemon hauls at Gran Prix MX
By Peggy Adamic
Gary Lemon scored th e overall win in the
125cc C cia .. wit h 3-1 mo to [in;'he. at Gran
Pri x Racoway.
Avoiding a [ir.. tu m pileup, J ef[ U nderwood gai ned co n tro l o[ th o load in moto o ne ,
ah ead o[ J im Perr on e an d Lemon. Lemon ·
wasted little time and moto red into th e lead
o n lap two. wi th Perro ne fall in g to mid-pack.
Un derwood . ta yed on Lemon'. rear wh eel a.
the two engaged in a healed battle [or th e lOp
' pOl. Lemo n wont down during the battle,
han din g th e lead back to U nderwood . With
o nly one lap remaining, Lemon turned up
th e throttle, a nd pa..ed bo th Bonnett and
Woll> before the chec kored n ag.
Lemo n jammed into th o load a t the .tart
o[ moto two, whi le Bryan Man . dl held a clo $<
seco nd until he cartwheeled over a jump. Ik-n
Jaberg took over second. but H etsler mot ored
pa.t a few turn. la ter. Lem on bega n pullin g
awa y [rom the pack of ride" beh ind, and built
u p a [our-. eco nd lead by mi dra ce. Ch ri .
Opliger moved into fourth, a nd bega n to
chal1aki into the lead o n lh e [i"t hal! lap .
Bailey held > took th e lead
off th e line a nd went un chall en ged in the six ·
lap molO. Bailey mo tored his Kawasaki into
second, but was una ble to kttp Myers' pace.
Mye" picked up nearly th ree .econd. a la p
o n th e co mpeti to rs behind, once aga in ta king
th e chec kered nag wit h a com ma nding lead
over seco nd pl ace finis he r Ba iley. Sha ne
Wri gh t, J im Ka lla ker and Bren t Brewer
rounded out lhe top five.
50: I. l...OJrry Rusl (Yam ): 2. Brent MOIim oni (MM); !. !krrk
SCHBY : I. J im Jabe rK(Ka w): 2. Kf:ilh Sch ill inK(Suz).
JR MINt : I. And y W i c ken~ (Kaw); 2. La rry R UM (Kaw);
! . Paul T idwl" (Ya m); 4. Ke\lin Coff~ (Ka w); 5. Shawn
H('nrick!'oOn (Kaw).
SR MI NI : I. Bryan 8ell i n ~r (Sw ); 2. Ma rk McG rath (5 uz):
!. Shawn Rohr (SU1); 4. Andy Wickr ns (Kaw); 5. Mike Carv~r
125 A: I. Lar ry' Bellm an (Han ).
125 R: I. Mike Mun KO (S uz); 2. Jim Lrorkman (YOn Padi lla (Kaw).
125 BEG : I. J oh n Turner (SU 2. D.]. Sw~aney (H o n);
! . Chris H UKht")' (Kaw); 4. Adam H m 51 (H o n); 5. Kerry
Hullo n (Kaw).
125 NOV : 1. Ga~ Carlso n (Kaw); 2. J ason Dej ag~r (Suz);
! . Scon J ohnson (Suz); 1. Roy Brem enu ar (Yam ): 5. Sleve
Co rleville (Han). .
125 INT: 1. Erik Li ndstrom (Ho n): 2. Ja son Simmons
(Kaw);!. Owen Dickso n (Hon); 4. T~ Asher (Sw.): 5. Coli n
Couto (Kaw).
125 PR O : I. Kenny Nriuel (Xaw).
250 BEG : 1. Ma lcoJo y Solley (H o n): 2. T on y Tretta (Yam) ;
! . Joh n jrffries (Xaw);