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Trio scores twice at
Steel Cityamateur MX
nn.noxr. P:\., SEPT. 28
h ree doub le-class winners
emerged from th e 450 entrants
di vided into 26 classes at th e
Kawasaki Team Gr een Fall Amateur
Xarion als at Steel City. Three-time
Amateur National Champion Gr eg
Rand swep t the 125cc B and Schoolboy
r lases. Man Maxirnoff went hom e wi th
a pai r of Mini class victori es and Davey
Coo mbs won the I25cc A and Plus 25
:1. classes,
The event allowed Youth, Amateur
and Pro-Am class riders to com pete on
milch of th e verv same course used for
th e fo llowing da y's 125/5 00cc
Xarion al Championsh ip MX.
Ran d. a H-year-old Kawasak i flyer
backed bv Team Green , Fo x, Scott,
Sh oei and PJ I. ran off with four
co nvi nci ng moto wi ns in hi s two
classes. T h e Ohio rider fen ded off
Ada m Merr ick, Mi ke Katin and J ack
Steele to wi n his 125cc B di vision . A
large turnou t mea nt th at the class was
split int o two groups of 27 riders, and
Robert Stock cap tu red the overa ll
vicrorv in the o ther di vision ahea d of
Bill Bagwell, David Lepley and Greg
In the 125cc Schoolboy class, Rand
was chased across th e finish line by
Oh io's Adam Bechdel and Michi gan's
Devon Bon d.
Mi chi gan yo u n gs te r Maximoff
proved fastest of all the 85cc pilo ts
when he won bo th the Senior (14-15)
age gro up a nd the Su per Mini division.
Maxirn off wo n the fir st Senior mo to
aboard h is Suzuki RM80 but ran into
trouble in the form of Brock Sellards
and local hotshot J am es Evans in th e
second go-around. Maximoff ra n third
at the finsih behind th e two but h is
I-S score bettered Sellards' 4-1 and
hans' 3·2 finishes in the final tally.
Max irnoff then won both Senior motos
ah ead of Virgin ia's Shawn Schultz and
Sellards found so me redemption in
lead ing bo th motos of the 85cc Intermediate (12-13) cla ss. Cernic Suzuki's
Geoff Hardy was second overall with
a 2 · ~ tall y.
Coombs' l 25cc A class Overall
victory cam e at the expe nse of Illinois'
Juni or Ja ckson, Florida's Timmy
Ferry and West Virginia's Steve Childress, who between them have won 12
A~A arna tuer titles . The short motos
(less tha n 15 minutes ) allowed the 26year-old Coo mbs to hold pace with the
trio of ri sing stars , though Jackso n
guided hi s Honda to the second moto
victorv ,
In th e J un ior (+25) A class, Coombs
was follo wed by Kirk Rogers and
Boyesen Engi neering's Fred Vert ucci.
T he top 250cc A cla ss rider was BT
Racing's Mark Neiderhiser, who then
reeled off a career-best l Sth p lace finish
in the second moto of Sunday's 500cc
Nati onal. Ohio's J oshua Steele and
New J ersey Pro-Am pi lot Brian Carroll
ro unded o u t the to p three in the
- class.
Resu lts
125 A: 1. Davey Coo mbs (SUl ): 2. Ju nio r Jackson
(Honj: 3. Timo thy Ferry (Ka w ]: 4. Steven Childress
(SU1); 5. Mar k Ne iderhi ser (H a n ).
250 A: 1. Mar k Neiderh iser IH on ); 2. Joshua Steel
(Ka w ): 3. Brian Carro ll (S uz): 4. Kevin Mu sser (H on );
S. Mich ael McDonald (Sw ).
O PL"I A: I. Greg Krcinb rook (Kaw ): 2. Mik e
Postlewaite (Hon ): 3. Henry Knabe {Ka w) : 4. Santino
Parisi (Ka w ]: 5. Ted Greene (KT M).
125 B 0.1: I. Roben Stock (Kaw): 2. William
Bagwell (H o n): 3. David Lepl ey (Ho n ): 4. Gr