Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 10 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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LOCAL EVENTS Wall in bl ocked hi s path and caused Silvarole to single j u mp. This allo wed Wall in to keep the lead. whi le Ca rro ll fin ished just a fraction of a seco nd beh ind th e lead pair. Carroll n ew off th e line in moto two. with Sil varo le close behind him. The two riders had a 10 seco nd lead o n Chad Fleck and Wall in after o ne lap. Carroll and Silvarole rode close th roughout the entire motn. At the fin ish lin e tu m. Silvarole was o n the inside. bu t Carroll held th e gas o n for th e win. Fleck was q uite a way back in th ird. Mota o ne winner. Wa llin , was fourth. Resul ts 50: 1. llnrk Burlno': 2. Aaron i . Troy Oark. Billy Silvarole chased Brian Carrol (43)around the Broome-Tioga Sports Center track. ' went from Beaver to Frost with Ra per trying to steal Smith's seco nd. Raper cras hed and Rinehart took over third. Frost and Smith too k first and second, while Raper reco vered for third. In mota two, it was Sm ith with th e lead with Frost and Raper close behind. Frost too k th e lead on th e inside as Sm ith bega n to feel Beaver's presence. Smith was blocking hard to keep Beaver behind wh en Frost cra shed hard, giving the lead back to Smith. On th e la t lap, Beaver new by Smith over th e doubles to snatch the lead and tak e th e checkered. Results 2.SO BEC : I. J ri f Gain (Hon ); 2. MOllie" Bnuon (Hon ); 5. Luke Gra y (Sw ); 4. T ommy M~tas (Suz). 500 INT : 1. ].J. Pecbel (H a n); 2. Do ug Budd ry (Hon): S. Robert U l lin (Ha n): 1. Steve Alu:n (H on). 500 PRO : 1. D,~ Diru (Hon); 2. Terry Sima (Hon ); S. Scott Da vis (H a n). VET MSTR: I. An ci«50n (H an) ; 2. Cary ~n:Jrz (H an ); 5. Da ve Burn $ (Han ). VET PRO: 1. j ennie Dnano (H on ); 2. Bryan H.. ~ (H a n). UTH J R: 1. Todd Smi th (Hon): 2. Pal [ ggm .;r,n (H o n); 5. Pa ul Mill er (Ha n ); 1. Ted McHugh (Suz). UTH 1l\'T: I. David Myra (; 2. DoUR Goodman (Han); 5. Ti mbo Richardson (Ho n); 4. Rob Irvin e (Ha n ). VINT 125: I. Da vid Boyd5lon; 2. rH-Wf'Y McDr wr y; S. j ocko M\rl~ 1974: I. Tim Curtis; 2. ROK" Jl"n'llJO (H on ); 5. T om ROR"' (H us) ; 4. Joe- Robert (VOl m). 500 BEC : I. JI'H Ga in (Han ); 2. Jo hn Wm~1 ( H o n) : 3. Ca rl Sellaud (Han); 4. BRuCf'Halin (Hon ). 500 JR: 1. Ja wn Co bbs (Hon); 2. Adam HOMt'r (1--10 0 ); 5. Do n Li n lf' (Han); 4. Fran k Kilogan (H a n). VET J R: I. Tim Barkf'r (H a n); 2. Lar ry Jon " (H on); 3. Km lkavn (H onr. 4. R.obm Tirman (SUI ). OT: 1. John Turner (KTM ); 2. Mike Ram~ (Hon ). RO REG : I. Will Smith (Ya m ): 2. Rra ndlln Frrnl (SUl); 3. " And you'llget ~' - - -2"' ..,. \ -~ . 1 .10.<: ..J: '" : '-";' :' " ..!... ( SHOO) ::... =':0 ",' ~.l;O"-:: ~O. ~: 1\ ::. . \I more foryour money in the big 32 oz. G .p-? bottle with the measuring strip. One bottletreats two 5gallonjugs of racing gas. Ask your dealer for GP-?today." REX STATENWon 8nationallitles, 2world ChampionshiPs career victoriesand is StillWlnnin~Wi th556 GP-7. ~ 42 ~o~ o~ TORCO INTERNATIONAL CORP. 9916 Pioneer Blvd., Santa F Springs, CA 90670 e Phone: (213) 942-8480 · F (21 3) 949-4211 AX Nick Bnvn (H on): 4. Da ylon Rapt'T ( Ka w). 125 JR.: I. JUSlin Stan ning (Sul ); 2. Ma rk Mychaj lin (SUl );.3. Doug I-LIII (H on l: 4. [knoll. ("~S( (Hon). - 125 1ST: 1. David Pi n grtt (SUl) ; 2. Tom Joh mon (Yam ): ! .Mike Pa tt'rno (Ho n); 4. Ju slin ~cM urrich (Hon). 125 PR O: 1. Tr.avis Hodgn (H on); 2. DN-y Dirk. (Ho n ); 5. DOln Bonham (Yam ); 4. Kylf' KiIlri»tt'W (Hon ). 80 9·11: I. Nick Bnvn (Hon ); 2. Will Sm ilh (Y3Im); 3. u ma-on Qu-i slmsm fHon ); 4. Bob~y Saw ya (Hon). 80 JR: I. O}-lan Guthri<- (SUl): 2. Clifl or d Ounpbd l (Sw); 3. Mati Smith (Ya m ); 4. Bobby Pebm (H on). 80 1ST; l. J;uon M.nt~s (Sw). 80 PR O: 1. J.non Titt (Hon ). 2!10 J R: 1. Bluf' Rob inet te (Yam); 2. Adam H oster ( Hon ); 5. Robtn Dont'bon (S Ul); t . Mark Mych.ajlin (SUl ). 125 BEG: 1. Lu kt' Gray (SUz): 2. T .A. Panaroski (H a n); 3. McNrilly (Hon l; 4. T im Widmn" (Sul). 60 9-11: I. Nick &avn ( Ka w); 2. Brian God £noy (l i on). Mora ine (Ka w). 60 ().8 : l. Brian Allm (Xa w): PIW A: 1. Ric: ,. Schaffner ( Ij); 2. Bla ke Ti rnun (Yam); k 3. Micharl B1 ( Yam ~; 4. Chad Lam~ (Ilj). 0S(' P/l\' B: 1. JaJT~ t Fn end (Yam ); 2. O m s ~",llf' (Yam) ; 3. M ich.u~J Bnvn (Yam ); 4. Buck CullC")' (Ya m ). VI:-'"T BOO MER: I. Ttddy Mink (Ya m ); 2. T om Rogen (H us); 5. Jot RobttlS(Ya m); t . Rick HenchcIHr . 250 PRO : I. Drey Dir ks (Hon ); 2. Travi s HodK" (Hon ); 5. K)'lt' Ki11rln f'W (Hon). 250 INT: I. David Pingra= (Sw); 2. Justin McMurr ich (Hon ); 5. J.J. Pf1Chd (Hon ); 4. Rid Dn'in~ ( Hon). VET:50 1r."T: I. Daw a.tyden (Hon); 2. SIne Akers ( Ka w); 5. Rick Hm chd irr ( Hon) ; 4. Da n Young (SUl). 2. 1 CAh Wilbanks wins Sandhill DerbyHS By Roger Dowden WALDE.-;. co,SEPT. 15 Chris Wilbanks recovered fro m a la, t lap cras h · to win the 3rd Annual Sandh ill Derby Hare Scrambles. The Sandhill Derb y return ed again thi s year after a three year absence. At the r"'lues t of the Co lorado Sta te Department of Park s, the Denver Trail Riders revived th is demandin g even t that encom passes a wid e ran ge of terra in. Rid ing co nd itio ns were nearly pe rfect thanks to a ligh t rain th at stop ped ju st before race time. Kevin Davis pulled th e hol eshot o n th e start across the sand dunes. and held th e lead for three laps, until Wilbanks passed him . At that poi nt, the two bega n a battle-royal, that lasted for th e next th ree la ps. On th e seven th lap. Wilb anks bega n to pull away, a nd had a o neminute lead by th e begi nning of the eighth and fina l lap . Davi s, however, picked up th e pace and was able to take ad vantage of a n un timely cras h by Wilbanks to regain the lead . The pair waged a spirited du el over the final six miles to th e fini sh that found Wilbanks the vi ctor by a few seconds. The 250cc A rid ers swep t th e top four positi ons with Burto n Vickery and Casey Co lbe rt ta ki ng th ird an d fourth o vera ll, respect ively. Another 250cc rid er , Clay Co lchin, took home th e overa ll B trophy despite riding his fin al 25 miles o n a n at tire. Dan Daily screamed th ro ug h the sa nd dunes to nail down second overa ll B. Resul ts 0 1A A: I. Oaris Wilboln .... (H o n). 0 1A B: I. CI;l y Colc hi n (KTM ). 250 A: I. K~m D-. v i ~ (KT M); 2. Burton Vickrry (Yam ); . 5. u~ Colbert (Ya m}. O PEN A: I. T im Wdb anh (Han ). SR A: I. u ri w estcam p (Kaw); 2. ROKt'JOowdm (KT M). 250 B: 1. Da n Dai ly ( Ka w ); 2. Jim Boman (Ya m); 3. Aaro n Turner ( JU w) . O PEN B: I. Ric k Lanon; 2. F.d Huckl"m mi th (KT M); ". Tom rH-WoH. SR B: I. Charlt'!o Englf' (Ka w ); 2. SIf'W' Ra ndle ( Ka w ); 3. Jim Sht'('ly (KTM ). Scott jumps to Broome-Tioga victory motocross By Carla Nelson USL£ CE~ , NY, SEPT. 21 Wayne Scou rode ha rd to win the Schoolboy an d 250cc Amateur classes a t LIte Suzu ki East Coa!i.t Ama teur . ationah, held a t the BroomeTioga Sports Center. The Suzuki/ Dunlop/ Coca-Cola/ Wiseco/ Gea r/S u ns tarrrs uba ki / T o n y 0 MX School/ Miller BeerlBoyesen/ Dirt Shirts/Scou-sponso red event was held the day before the nat ion 's faslesl pros would a ttack the track. A tra ck recor d of 710 rid ers were o n hand to co mpele. Scott 's mai n com pe titor i n th e 250cc Ama teur class was Dam ien Plot ts. Plo tts won th e first ma lO wi th a co mforta ble lead over $co tL $cou ha d hi s rear brake pedal brok en off in a rut, which hampered hi s rid in g. Pio u s was lead in g mo to two, but Scou cha rged by la te in Ihe malo for th e win a nd th e overall. Eric Reill y and Keith T rocco li were in th e School boy class with Scou . and the crowd anticipated a three way baule for th e win. Ho wever , $co u grabbed th e hol eshot an d never loo ked back . whi le bo th Reill y a nd Trocco li were mired in lra ffic. Rdll y adva nced thro ug h the pack q ui cker tha n Troccol i, a nd earned a well deserved second in bo th races. Mo ta two was a repe at of th e fir st, wilh Sca n aga in ou t from th e entire tim e. Tim Lo na a nd Man Delo renzo swapped th e lead early in molo o ne of th e Open Expe rt class. Delor enzo, markin g his retu rn to racing aft er an in j ury. went do wn early in lap o ne. Bill Wall in took over the lead a t that poi nt , but by the end of lap one , Brian Carroll and Bill y Silvarole were past ·Lo na a nd chasing Walling. On lap two Silvarole passed Carro ll and with in a half a lap , he caug ht right up to Wallin. Carroll was just beh ind Silvarole. With o ne lap left, th e three were wit hin o ne bike length of each o ther. Wallin barely held th e lead. In his last chance to win, Silvarol e set up to double just befor e th e fini sh line. Sh~ ; !. M: i l~ Silvaml e; J R MI ~t 7-11 60: I. Pa ul Bradlry ; 2. Ben McCanhy; 3. T .J. C ul la ; 4. Shawn Mum·y; S. Terrance nl«; S. Dan King . MI NI 12· 1.5 I. Ronnif' hi"t; 2. Scon Rockwf'l l; .5. Ugin : Bnlun ; t . Shane O'Connor; 5. Anlonio Magaro. MINI NO V 9- 1 ~: 1. S id. &rhu: 2. Rober t S ri " : 3. " )'If' W.ddington ; 1. MI(:ha d Ca ll; 5. Ouh Leigh te n , MIN I O P EN 9-15: I. [}.mny Sa ller; 2. Milt' Pea r: 3. Ryan Am iro ; 4. ~ Higgins; 5. Ron nie Fai"l. MINI 14· 15: I. Srou Gidiu; 2. Danny 5;llln; !I Mikf' Pnt; . 4. Ryan Am iro; 5. Cary Coll el l~ . SCHBY : I. Wa y n~ Scali ; 2. [ric Rnlly; 3. K~ith Trocroli; 4. Aaron T raha n; 5. j evon Ahu M'. CO LBY: I. Lee R or,l i~n : 2. Mike Kea u n g: 3. Jawn Steiner : 1. Freddi e Lo nKfdlow; 5. Jd £RUKar. PLUS 25 AM A: I. Scan Rhin('lwirt; 2. Rich Min on ; 3. Murr ay Go ff; 4. Dean Livernoi s; 5. Richa rd [ liar.. PLUS 25 AM B: I. j o Brill o ; 2. Chri s Alban csius; 3. J oh n e H 05 i~r; 1. G Il"'R St em pel: 5. C ha rles Borg PLUS 25 EX: I. Ja "l" 11 Nt'wby; 2. Tim Wn- ks; 5. Step hen Shd ly; 4. Pa ul T urn er; 5. John M;lur t'r. SR AM A: I. G r~ Slt'm pr l; 2. SIt'W'n Reid; S. Jamn Cresewetj: 4. Tom Sn nsc n : 5. T erry Lo ng . SR AM B: l. Ch ri . Alban~.iul ; 2. Ji m Dora n; 3. CecrgeManin ; 4. Pa ul Hanna; 5. Waher J ohnson. u . SR EX: 1. Jar Tf' Nrw by; 2. T im WttkJ; .5 SCOII SIM'm5; 4. Ca l Lr inbach ; 5. Bnnie Kohln. PLUS 40: I. Brua:' Dmgl n : 2. En Braun; ! . Bud f f'e; 4. Alex MorOl; 5. Gc'Orgt' Denke. 125 NO V A: I. Jf'\IOn Ahn t'r; 2. Rya n Lrwls; ! . J.non Flo~; 4. Ted B.ilum garc 5. Oris Emm . 125 :-': \" B: I. Scott Ghidiu; 2. Jason Mavridn; 3. Rich O Sc~n" ; 4. Ma rk Har un an; S. Oris Reo. 125 AM A: 1. J~M)n Seeiner: 2. Ryan 8l"lz; 5. Rick Ltwis; 4. Freddie l..ongft' lLow: 5. Da nie l (;d)al h. 125 AM B: 1. Damim Pl o us ; 2. Ed Lyon s; 3. In R~inl; t . Ji mn Kna pp; 5. Pa ul Rock ~lI . 125 EX: I. Billy Silvarok; 2. Eric Rrilly; 3. Bill Walli n ; 4. Z,. Brau n ; 5. John Bakos.. 250 AM A: 1. Wa yh(' Scott; 2. Oam im Plo tts.; 3. Jon ~ 4. Rich Millon ; S. Nic W.. IliL 250 AM B: I. Ton,. Pnqtin ; 2. Rick Ltwis.; 3. S~wn Ward; 4. Pele Frrone; S. Joh n UrTOn. 25(J/OPES S O\' A: l. R ich.ud Elw; 2. Wi.IIUm Fix; 3. Anthony Ra pon('; 4. 8m Radl1o; ~; 5. Thomas H o nzi k, 250/OPEN NOV B: I. R y~n Lrwi~ 2. Joh n HoWer; 5. 0 Murra y Golf; 4. Ron MOfW't I~ S. Ja~ F1 WeTL 250/OPEN AM : I. \Y ayn~ Scoc t; 2. Jeff Schi lling; ! . Jot' Dafln; 4. John 8eylowr.l.i; 5. Jowph Zorn . /OPEN EX: I. Bri..n C...iI rro ll ; 2. Bill y Silvaro le; ! . Bill 2SO a w alhn: 4. Cha d Fleck: 5. J r. N'ad('" u. VINTtWDS: I. Bra d Ghidiu; 2. TIud Coller. 5. Kim Ma ni n; 4. A.lron Pallm; 5. O1a.r1n Mn cur io. Caplinger caps Collins HS By Arlene Hejlek COLLIN MO, SEPT. 22 S, Chris Caplinger was th e o vera ll winner in th e 12th ro und o f th e Missouri Hare Scrambles Series , host ed by th e Brush Bust ers Motor cycle Club in Co lli ns . Ca p linge r was sti ll kickin g h is bike while Rusty Reynaud was ta king the lead exiti ng the first lurn 3t the stan or th e two-hour event. A third of the wa y through the first , l3·mile loop, Caplinger caug h t th e lead ers and pas sed th em in a field . Reynaud retook the lead wh en Ca p linge r ran in to a pil e of logs and he held it until the end of the fir st lap. Ca p linger and Jerry Hem ann stor med up to the sco ri ng lan es rig ht behind Reyna ud a nd passed him wh en he took a bad line behind some trees. Hemann demol i,hed hi , fron t fender in o ne of man y attempts to pass Caplinger but was never successl uL Don elson Cycles!ATKIMr. Motorcycle/Kal-GardiSproc ket Specialists/ Mom & Dad-sponsored Ca p linge r held the lead for a total of four laps to ta ke th e overa ll win . Third place runner Reynaud was sufferi ng with a gas troi ntestinal p roblem and ha d lO mak e a pit stop betw een th e thi rd and fourth laps. losin g a position in the pr cx:ess Steve . Le ivan d iced with T im Surdyke in the early go in !? but had a co u p le m inu tes cu shion by th e ume he took over third from Reynaud. Surd yke was just starti ng hi s bike after a ga s stop when Reynaud pulled back o nto the co urse ahea d of him. Surdyke's bike wou ldn't cooperate and Reynaud was long gon e by th e tim e Surdyke took of£. Intermediat e class winner Keith Kibort was trying to ho ld o ff Kevin Bons lor th ree lap s but was able to cru ise in for th e win when Borts ran o ut of gas on th e last lap. T erry Gill iland topped th e Open class by eight minutes a nd fInished fifth o vera ll. Tom Summers, th e 250cc class winner , diced with Malt Faleui for four laps and nosed a he ad as th ey ca me through the barrels toge ther at th e en d. Sid Turpin led the 200cc class for two and a ha lf laps but go t stuck o n a roc ky uphill a nd Da ve Dillingham and Jerem y Heavens passed him . Dillingh am went down o n a hill as the three of the m scram bled fo r ·the lead and th en Turpin held it wid e open across a field to pass Heaven s and retak e the lead and the win. Steve Underwood was a lmost a m inu te down when his bike finally sta rted at the beginning of th e Four-Stroke class . He caught and passed the leader Geoff Mon ahan, wh o

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