Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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eLOCAL EVENTS I JR MI NI: I. Joey Sedmak (Ha n); 2. Andy Winkeni'> (Kaw); 3. So Bowma n (H a n ): 4. Dave H ill (Kaw); 5. Larry Rust (Ka w ). SR MIN I: I. Adam Bechd e! (Kaw); 2. Bryan Bellingr (SUI); 3. Ji m jarrer (SUI); 4. Sam Yanitefi (Suz); 5. So Bowman (H en) . SCABY : 1. Adam Bechd el (Kaw); 2. Ja mie Mart im (Hon ); 3. TJ Somer (Suz); 4. Brad Ligh tner (Yam): 5. Bill Ro berts (H a n). 125/ 250 A: I. Mike Kalin (Suz); 2. Phil Gauthier (SUl ): 3. Brad O uea r (H us ); 4. Greg w beeler (H on) : 5. J eer underwood (Suz). 125 R: 1. Rick McGuire (Kaw); 2. Mart y Ling (H a n ); 3. Chuck Fra n ci sco (S UI); 4. Mar k Dalziel (Suz). 125 CI : 1. Rick Ray (Suz); 2. Joe l Bator (Kaw); 5. Nick Oonatas (Han): 4. Bruce U h l (Suz); 5. Jami e Mar tin (H a n). 125 C-2: I. JeU Pape (He n ): 2. Ji m Martinis (Ha n); 3. Wa yne H ickma n (Ha n): 4. Jeremy Bonnett (Ha n ); 5. Jeff U nderwood (Sw ). 250 B: 1. Eric Klei n (Suz); 2. Dave Bernar d (S UI) : 3. Trent Banolctu (Ha n); 4. Ja y Krcmm (SUI); 5. Kevin Burk ey (H on). 250 C: 1. Ty Myen (Kaw); 2. Johnny Young (KT M); ! . Steve Ra y (S UI ); 1. Ant hony Espo sito (Suz); 5. JeU Williams (H us). "'25: I. Jo hn ny H ill (Suz); 2. Joh nn y Young (KT M); 3. Steve Wilmi ngton (Suz): 4. Ken Nova k (Han ); 5. J im Cipullo (C-A ). OPEN BI C: 1. Col in Lo wery (H a n ); 2. Eric Clein (KTM) : 3. Kern Novak (H a n); 4. Ch uck H oru (Kaw); 5. Johnn y Yo ung (K TM). SR I: I. Carl Ha nd (H a n): 2. Les Eewi ler (Ho n); 3. j ames Kostival (Kaw); 4. Tony Pasrhing (Kaw); 5. J im Ci p ullo (CA). SR 2: L Dan Mor gan (KT M); 2. Don Spragu e (Han); 3. Ed Ta lbo t (Yam ); 4. Roy Peflli n~r (Yam). Portland International Raceway was invaded by vintage motorcycles. 3. Paul Tidwell (Yam); 4. J oby Hatch (Kaw); 5. Zeb Kozar (Han ). SR MINI : I. Adam Bechdel (Kaw); 2. Karl Scot! (SUl ); 5. Bryan Belin ger (SUI); 4. Jake Davis (Xaw); 5. Jo hn Da vis (Kaw). SCHR Y: L Vin ce Kamow (Suz); 2. Bill Roberts (Hon ): 3. T .]. Somen (Suz); 4. David Borris (Kaw ); 5. Chad Cooper (Han). 125 A: 1. Jeff McCune (SU1 2. Mike Howell (Ha n ); 3. .); Jeff w ooted ge (Ho n ): 4. Chad Coo n (Ha n): 5. Ch uck Nich ol son (H a n). 125 8 : 1. M. wa tlrabenstein (Ha n ); 2. Vince Kamow (Suz); 3. Q lUck Franciso (SUI); 4. Eric Nepodal (Suz); 5. Rick McG u ire' (Kaw ). 125 C: I. Bruce Uh l (Suz); 2. Gregg Myer (Han); .5 Bill . Ro berts (Han ); 4. Marc Baum an n (H a n); 5. J im Gri ffit h (Kaw ). . 250 A: I. jason Balas (H a n ): 2. Mike Katin (SUI); 3. Phil Ga uthier (SUI). 250 B: 1. Eddie Karbon (Yam ); 2. Ken Frankcnbe ry (H a n); 3. Kevin Deyling (Yam ); 4. Chri s Rolling (Kaw); 5. Rob in McClain (H a n). 2.>0 C: 1. T y Myen. (Kaw); ~. c .j. Klein (Ka w ); 3. S. ' IS Wallrabenstein (SU;I:); 4. Car l DaV (Ka w ); 5. Shan e Geri nger (SUl). PLUS 25: I. Dave Blaum an (SUl ); 2. Barry Coy (H an ); 3. Jo hn Hill (SUI); 4; S. wa tlrabenssetn (SUI); 5. Rick H op ki ns (S",). OPEN BIC: 1. Dave 81aman (H on); 2. Kevin Deyling (Ho n ); 3. Barry Coy (Ho n); 4. Kerry Hea rn (Kaw ); 5. J im Skok (KTM). SR I: I. Carl Hand (H a n): 2. Ken Frankenberv (H a n ): 3. Dave Blauman (SUI ): 4. Rob Harris (Kaw ): 5. Rick H op kins (Suz). SR 2: I. Chu ck Barrarat o (SUI); 2. Robert Lo ng (KT M); 3. T om Stevens (Han). Hopkins hot at Barna Barkbuster Enduro By Bob Schlemmer BIRMINGHAM, AI., SEPT. 15 Despite th e record high' temperatures, mo st riders at the 3rd Annual Barna Barkbuster Enduro felt the Birmingham Trails & T rials Association did an excell ent job puttin g together 65 miles of challenging tra ils. And the cool , clean swimrm ng pool at th e camping area provided a welcome reli ef to th e heat after the toul\h ride. The tight, technical sectio n of tra il aft er th e gas stop fin all y separated th e o vera ll winners. At the restart 13 of th e 294 riders were tied with o ne poin t with 250cc B rid er Gl en Myau riding second to T eam Gr een ride r J oey H opkin s, 43 tie break er point s to H opkin s' 37. By th e six th check, how ever, the tigh t, rocky trail began to ad d points to a ll the scores. H opkins, KTM rider Allen G ravitt, Suzu ki mounted AA rider Steven Sm ith , an d 250cc A rider Jerry G ibso n all dropped four points. The toug hest sections, th rou gh were 'yet to co me, as indica ted by th e 10 points dropped a t the seventh and ninth checks by Hopkins, the II po ints dro p ped by Gravitt at bot h checks, and Sm ith 's 12 points dropped at eac h of those chec ks. Ho pk in s' stro ng performa nce la te in th e race enabled h im to take the overa ll win . All en Gravi tt foll owed Hopk ins' 25 poin ts with 27 for second overa ll. Fin ishi ng thi rd overa ll was Steven Smi th wit h 29 poi nts. Results O /A: 1. J oey Hopkins (Kaw). 125 B: 1. Larry Pea vey J r.; 2. Jaw n Rein e: 3. Bruce Bragg . 200 A: I. Step hen Reed: 2. Ja mes Winn. 250 A INT: 1. Benni e Wardro p ; 2. Buddy Piera-; 3. G reg Peterson; 1. Mike Ca ntre ll. , 200 B: 1. Trey Wells; 2. Kevin SpryreT'; 3. G lenn Kraft; 1. Pa ul Cox . 200 B INT: I. Chris Burch field: 2. Mike Yor k; 3. Terry Caner. 200 C: I. Ra ndy Kotol; 2. Ti m Dyer: 3. J osh PonUf' r: 4. . Jeff Thompson ; 5. Bruce Yarb rou gh . 250 A: 1. Jerry Gibwn; 2. Terry H ug hes; 3. Mar u n Pruett; 1. Jerrid Smi th; 5. G len Hollingshead. 250 B: I. Andy Barkley; 2. Robin Du bose; 3. G len Myatt ; 4. T .J . Jon es; 5. G reg Ma u. 25061 . G lenn Rogen ; 2. Roger Clar k: 3. Danid Ja ckso n: 4. John Hoo ver; 5. Pa ul Johnso n. 4·STRK A: 1. Geoff Poo le; 2. Cunis Pool e; 3. La rry AtS-fR~ i: ~~IM ~tV~oon: 40 2. Ricky Sox ; 3. Andy Ha yes; 4. Greg Blackwe ll; 5. Mark &also AA: 1. Joey Hopkins: 2. Allen Gravitt ; 3. Steven Smit h: 4. David Bragg : 5. Dwigh t Rudder. JR: I. Brad Lan e: 2. Natha n Knigh t; 3. Paul Ma y; 4. Owe n Fleming; 5. lac Ivey, . MSTR: l. Farrell Lor d;2. Joh n Mellon; 3. Jamn Bransford: 4. Pa ul Richardson ; 5. Ed Peck. O PEN A: I. Steven Evans; 2. Oera ld Jones; 3. Carl Ennis: 4. Mik.e Mar tin ; 5. Frank Schoe nbeck, O PEN A INT: l. Gary Golf : 2. Pa ul Peterson : 3. Do ug McKee; 4. MArtin Toms; 5. Buddy H ollingsworth. OPEN B: l . Jason Chancey; 2. Da le Burro ughs: 3. James Smi th; 4. Tony Parker; 5. Daryl Fos ter. OPEN B I NT : 1. Mark Carpenter : 2. Russell Averette. OPEN C: I. Mark He rro n; 2. Joseph Smith: 3. Tony Graben: 4. Lee Allen ; 5. Blai.r Widen er. SR A: I. Terry Meal er: 2. George Eaddy; 3. Larry White: 4. Sa mmy Pau lk; 5. Bill Walk ins . SR B: I. Jo hnny Thomas: 2. 'T omm y Lane: 3. Sonny Rober e c 4. Steve Cha n«y; 5. Ron Pruitt. SR C: I. Sam Shaw . SS A: I. Lloyd widen er: 2. Skip Wyman: 3. Fra nk Amos : 4. Mike Ga rrett ; 5. Bud Hardeman . SS B: I. Ern est Lync h : 2. Tom Ta rvt'r; 3. Paul McDonald; 4. Baynard Starr ; 5; Cha rles Armour. VET A: 1. Robbie Neeley; 2. Ken Kelly: 3. Ronnie Smith: 4. Russe ll Ho llida y. VET B: l. Lee Hermansen; 2. G re-g Sassaman; 3. John Strange; 4, Ph ilip Henderson: 5. Phi l Myers. VET C: 1. Alan Mart in : 2. G regory Co wan . ; WMN : J. SUlY Fann; 2. Ela ine No blt'!\ 3. Sue Heath ; 4. Caro l Jo nes. Two OMRRA Vintage Road Race wins toMcLean By Tom Stein PORTI.AND, OR, SEPT. 21 Crain McLean topped the charts mo re often than any o the r rider at th e O rego n Mo torcycle Roa d Racing Asso ciation 's Twin R ivers Classic Vintage Ro ad Rac e held at Portland Internation al Ra cewa y. T he Ken tfield , California, racer rode his '62 Matchless and his '66 Aermacchi /Harley-Davidson to respective wins in the 500 and 350cc classes. Although McLean dominated both cla sses, he did not run unch allenged. The 350cc class saw him pursued by th e '68 Honda CB350 of Chuck Sowar ds a nd the '69 Ducati 350 of Scott Borem . McLe an won th e first heat ha ndily, crossing th e line some seven seconds ahead of Sowards, who was dicing wi th Borem for second pl ace. He at number two saw McL ean o u t front once again for th e entire race, but this time local racer Sowards ran closer. leaving Borern a somewh a t distant third. In th e 500cc class , McLean and Sowa rds returned, bu t with McLean now on his la rger di splacement Matchl ess. T he two were also jo in ed by Mike Riv elli , anothe r loca l racer , on hi s '70 Ducati 450. In the first heat , the three racers qu ickl y broke away from the rest of th e 12-rider field . At the hallway po int, McLean and Rivell i had pulled awa y from Sowa rds and sta rted to d ice for the lead. T he final la p saw th e two riders change position three or four times, wi th Rivell i coming out on top at th e checkers . As the field took th e green [Jag, McLean was not on h is .gr id spot. McLea n had run th e previous 350cc heat , and had to sto p in hi s pits to switch bikes. Ch argi ng hard up th e gr id , McLean was fift h going int o the first lurn, a nd by the end of lap o ne had worked hi s way into third spot behind lead er Ri velli and seco nd pl ace So wards. McLea n then t~k the lead o n lap fo ur. The head sta rt gave Sowards the cha nce he needed to establish a firm positio n wit h the lead ers. Com ing aro un9 PIR's tu rn nin e a nd . .nto th e long front stra ight for the lilth time, McLean seemed 10 bo bble and missed a shilt, dropp ing to second behind Ri velli. Batt ling the u wa y int o turn one, Ri velli th en dro pped to third wh en he tried a littl e too hard and ha d to put a foot down to save himsell. Go ing aro und o nce more saw Sowards now in the lead in tur n one. havin g wo n a braking con test wit h McLean at the end of the fro nt straight . As th e trio came aro und for the seven th and fina l time. it was o nce again McLean in from with Sowa rds righ t behind an d Rivell i furth ur LACR MX saw Kyle Lewis sail to the combined Pro class win. back. Sowards made a last-ditch effort to retak e th e lead as th ey approached the lin e and almos t fell, bu t held onto second pl ace as McL ean took th e win. Though Rivelli came hom e in third pl ace, he was credited with second in th e fin al results as both heat s were scored mot o-style and counted eq ually to th e overall stan dings. Results OP EN VINT: I. Pa ul Bilton -Sm ith (Hon); 2. Rich Le vert (H a n); 5. Ra ndy Bradesku (BMW): 4. Da ve Walden ; 5. Jon Lacey (BSA ). · • 500 GP: L Ward Rod gers (Kaw); 2. Bri'll~ Daw.50n !Suz). 500 SR: 1. Craig McLean (Ma t); 2. Mi ke R lVelh (Duc); 3. Chuc k Sowards (H on ); 4. Scott Borem (Due); 5. Dan Drummond (BMY). 3S0 V1NT: I. Craig McLean (H D);2. Chu ck Sowa rds (Han ); 3. Scott Borem (Due); 1. Chris Kerber (H D): 5. Joe Benin ger (Hon]. 250 VI NT : l. T ony Rive lli (Duc); 2. Mike R ivt" (Duc ); lli 3. Sea n Fromhold (Mon); 1. Lance Raber (Due); 5. Lynn WIll cox (Du e). _ EARLY VIN T : I. Len Flat ray (T ri) : 2. 0 1 Auer (BMW). Hand masters Malvern Motocross By Peggy Adamic MALVERN, OH,SEPT. 21 Honda-moun ted Car l Hand took co ntro l of the Seni or O ne class , and scored do uble mo to victories a t round two of the Co mpetit ion Riders of Amer ica 's Fa ll Motocr oss Ser ies held at Mal vern MX Park. J im Cipullo motored hi s Can-Am into turn one ahea d of Hand, Les Etzwiler and the rest of the Senior One and Seni or Two riders. Hand too k over th e lead o n the first lap, as Cipullo dr opped o ut of the race with mech a nical problems. Once o ut fro n t, Hand was unstoppable, as he ran up a better than 15second lead by the moto' send. . Hand was ou t front at th e star t of moto two, wit h Cipullo back in action and holding seco nd. Senior Two rider, Dan Morgan. foll owed th e duo in third. Hand pounded hi s bike over th e tra ck , lap p ing six rid ers en ro u te to his secon d mot o wi n. Cipullo held second a head o f Morgan , E tz wi le r a n d J am es Kost ival . J ohn Hill bested the field of riders in th e Plus 25 class, as he cha lked u p I- I mo to sco res. Hill chase d J ohnny Young th rough turn o ne in mo to o ne, bu t took o ver th e lead o n lap four. Young settled for second, with J im Ci pullo and Ken Nova k dici ng for third through the five-lap mo te . In the secon d outing, Hill stole the lead off the line, and held his positio n th ro ug h the checkered flag. Young chased Hill, but was unab le to keep the pace. Steve Wilmi ngton mot or ed his Suzuk i into third , ahea d of Nov ak. Ty Myers-continued hi s domin at ion of th e 250cc C class as he too k the overa ll victory scoring 1-1 mo to fin ish es. Myers hoi shot moto one with Steve Ray, Antho ny Esposito and Johnny Young o n his rear wheel. Myers immed iately began pu lling away fro m th e pack ' of riders . Yo ung swa pped p laces with Esposi to o n the fir st lap . Myers met th e chec kered fl a~ , 10 seconds ahead of Ray, You ng , Espostto an d J eff Barrackman. In mota two, Esposito shot ou t to th e early lead wit h Young, Myers and Ray trailin g. Myers quickly dis pe nsed of Young a nd set his sights o n the leader. Myers wasted little time, as he too k the lead o n lap three. Espos ito fad ed to mi d-pack, as Myers turne d up the th rottle and left the riders behin d hi m to battle for second. Young met th e chec kered flag ' 10 seconds beh ind Myers. Ray, J eff William s and Esposito rounded ou t the to p five. Results P/W : I. Larr y Rust (Ya m ); 2. Brent Maimone (Mm) ; 3. D. Espen Kh ied (Yam ); 1. T . Fergu son (Ya m); 5. John Myers (Yam ). Lewisleaps to LACR MXvictory By Tony Alessi PALMDALE, CA, SEPT. 30 Nol een su pported Kyle Lewis devasted th e Pro class by roos ting to a pair or co nvi nci ng moto wins during the Calilornia Racing Club's night racing program at Los Ang eles County Ra ceway. T ony Sulek put his White Brothers-backed Kawasak i KX500 into th e lead at th e sta r t of the first combi ned Pr o moto, Lewis was o n th e ga s an d quickl y clo sed 10 th e back of Sul ek. Lewis was clearing a set of dou bles with a mon ster leap which ' enabled him [ 0 nearly pass Su lek with eac h jump. By th e second lap of a l tl-Iap mot o, Lewi s was ou t front for good and maintained a quick pa ce for the remainder of th e mo ta to win by mor e than a ha lf track in front of Sulek , Tim Telford and Randy Moody. . Sulek again shot to the lead in moio two wh ile Le wis paced himself in second, since th e laps were in creased to ] 6 for th e second mot o. Sulek appeared as fast as Lewis for th e first two la ps , but Su lek seemed 10 run out of stea m by the third lap as Lew is pound ed a set of rockers th en j umped inside Su lek for the lead . Like the first mot o , Lewis q uickly left his pursuers far behind and went o n for the win. Sulek 's mach in e developed prob lems lat e in th e moro and seized as he lan ded over a double j ump. Moody landed o n top of Sulek on h is desen t from the double ju mp, a nd the two rider s were strewn o n the grou n d. Fortunat ely both riders walked away . Dominic Luna swa pped moto wins with An th on y Falcon e to score the 125cc Beginner cla ss victory . Luna char ged from last to second in th e fir st mota and almost nipped Falc on e a t the fin ish . " I j umped right next to him at the finish lin e and h e only beat me by half a wh eel." Luna exp lained. Randy Lippie hol eshot the second rnoto, but Luna pass ed him for th e lead on the first lap. Once o ut front, Luna smoked away to a com mand ing lead and the overall victory. Falcone spe nt a n umber of laps battling with Lippie for seco nd and finally got past him three laps from the fini sh. Falcon e managed to pull away from Lippie, but was far behind leader Luna. Results P/ W A: J. Ja red H ern and ez (P W). P/ W B-1: I. Steven Cisar (Ya m); 2. Jer ry Martinez (Yam ); 3. Don nie Durrcr (Ya m ); 4. Brandon Beckma n (Yam): 5. Cod y Sandai mier (Hu n ). PIW B·2: 1. Adam Herp v (Yam ); 2. J ust in Haber (Ya m ); 3. Michael Bragg (Yam): 4. Jack H aden (Yam ): 5. Eric Du rrer (Ya m). 60 9·11: I. Michae l Yo ung (Kaw); 2. Eugene H ernan dez (Kaw). 80 BEG : I. David Ho ple (Kaw): 2. Mitchell Regin ald (SUl); 3. Adam Know les (Han): 4. La rry Venema (Kaw); 5. Chr is Kella nd (Suz). HIG WHL: I. Derek Bumgardner (KX); 2. Mich ael Co ll ier (KX); 3. Ra y Pickett (KX): 1. J amb Sulton (KX). SOt NT : L Jay Thf'YS (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Dom in ic Lun a (Yam); 2. Anth on y Falcone (SUl); 3. Ra nda ll Li ppie (SUl ); 4. Cameron Davidson (Kaw): 5. Dar r'is Ga rn rr (Ha n). / 125 NOV ; I. J im DUnlin (Suz); 2. Steve Corteville (Hon ); : 3. JU5ly M~n ·D i - BI('5 (SuJ:) 4. Gan=yCa rbo n; 5. Marc Li ppert (S",). • 125 lNT : I. Erik Li ndmom (H on); 2. Ja!lOn Rm:I.(Suz). 125 P RO : I. Randy Mood y (H a n ). 250 BEG: I. Mal rol m Solley (H a n ); 2. T ony Trr ue (Yam) ; 3. Ji m Ta tone (Ka w); 4. Derek Gai ner (KX); S. John Valko (H a n ). 250 NO V: I. Joe H aman (H on ); 2. Ken l Lindstrom (H a n ); 3. Brian H ill (Ya m); 4. Billy Paul; 5. Abe BJunda (H on). 250 PRO : I. Kyle Lewis (Yam ). 500 BEG: I. Lance Nic ho ls (AT K); 2. Do ug las H allma rk (Ha n). • 500 NO V: 1. Richad Martinez (Ka w) . 500 PRO : 1. Tim T elford (Hon); 2. Tony Su lek (Kaw). JR VET BEG ; 1. J onfun Lieberman ; 2. J ohn Ca!>Cio (Suz); 3. Lia r Verner (H un ). JR VET NO V: 1. Tony Mawn (Yam ); 2. Eric Ha rhon (Ya m). JR VET INT: L Joh n Da vies (Han). JR VET EX , I. Jon lahn (SVC). VET BEG: I. Norm Schwam (H on l; 2. Mike Jervey (Yam ); . 3. Dan Bernardino (Suz); 1. Ra y Corbett (Suz): 5. Sta d Skaggs (H on ). VET NO V; 1. Mar c Prince (KT M); 2. Dan iel Tanner (Hon); 3. Ken Gree ne (Han ); 1. David Williams (SUl );5. Ran dy Jam es (Han). VET PR O : I. Bob Klin e (Han). SR BEG: I. Bill Weltman (Han); 2. Larry Kiuch (Han).