Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 10 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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125 A: l. Ch ris Brown (Sw ): 2. T ravis Blackburn (Kaw);5. Btet lkaucha mp (H on ); 4. Jeff Lampe (Ho nl : 5. T roy Sma ll ("a wl. 250 C 1).1: l. Brad Si mpso n (; 2. Ikll Ellan son (Hon ); 3. Jon C l':lln t (H on ); 4. Barren DuchliCher (Ka w); 5. jnnny Fogg < Hon ). 250 C 0 -2; I. Rod ney Ctnuy (Yam ): 2. Mike Floyd (Suz): 5. Eric U ndstrom (; 4. And y Kelley (He n): 5. David Jo no (Suz). 250 8 : 1. Anthon y Pocorobbol (H on ); 2. Todd Donna n ( Kaw) : 5.Kmn Knighl [H on): i . D lUck Ikoll( Ka w): 5. Km n Col:add (H on ). 250 A: 1. O1 ris Brown (Sw); 2. Ricky Palm " (H on): , . Todd C ardon [H on]: 4. airr Gi l" (H o n) : S. J o hn V.mgildM" ( H o n) . PR O: 1. Vinet' I>foVa~ (Hon ); 2. J U51 J ackson (Ka w); in S. JV:vjn Fol ey ( lUiw); 4. O n is Brown (SUI); 5. Alan Andrru ( H o n) . 500 RI C: I. Wyn K.trn ( A on ); 2. Phillip Page (KT M); 5. Sco tt Mil IM(H on l; 4. MikC'Wilsha w (Hon ); S. Pa l p~ (Hon). WMN: 1. Bnh Rt'Wis (Ka w); 2. Kim SybtTt (Hon ); .5. Judy Adams (Hon ); 1. Ott Joh nMm (Hon); 5. Dean Join" ( ). 16-24: I. T odd Gim!n" (H on) : 2. Joh n Lak e ( Ka w) ; 5. Todd Oorman ( Ra w ); 1. Ti m Denardis (Hon); S. Jacob Fogg ( Kaw) . +25 RI C: 1. Kevin Kni ght (Hon): %. Scou Miller (Hon ); _ 5. J imm y Savanson ( Kaw); 4. Ddl Ellan so n (H on); S. Myron Olastia n ( Kaw ). +25 A: I. Rin y Pa lmer (Hon ); 2. Ed Kiltoy (Hon); 5. Rid. Pmy ( Yam ); 4. Mci lvaine (Yam); 5. John Lundy (H on). ...50: I. Oa vid Elli , (H a n ); %. Oon Dill on (Ka w ); 5. Pat Post (Hon ); 4. Philli p Pagt' ( KTM );~. Ddl Miller (SUI). VET P RO: I. Alan And rnJ (H on ); 2. Kyle T a llen t (Suz); 5. David F.llili (Hon); 1. Fran k 8.iua gl is (H on); 5. Ern ie Thomas (Ya m). +55: I. Oavid EHili(Hon); 2. Don Dilli on ( ); 5. Wood y Strickla nd (H on ); 1. Jr lC HUJ(ht'lii [ Ka w]: 5. Eric Lindstrom ( Ka w) . • +10: I. Wood )' Strickl and ( H o n ); 2. Tom Bragg (H o n ); 5. Rob Fulton (He n ): 1. Cha riMi Lr hin g (Hen ): S. Dal e Buck ( Ka w) . Barnett blasts West Florida MX By Diane Silcox Si ms MILTON, FL. SEPT. 21 Fo rm er l25cc National Champion Mark Barn ell too k to th e dirt a t West Florida Motocro ss Park an d do m in ated th e Pro a nd Pro-Am cla sses. At th e fall of th e gaLe in th e Pro-Am heat. Hon da -mounted Bar nett shot o ut in the lead . foll owed closely by Bob Rik er and Barry Weinber~r . As the rid ers shot th ro ug h the ber ms, RIker p ulled close to Barnell 's rear tire. Barn ell . feeli ng the p ressu re fro m Ri ker . opened the th ro ttle- to p ut a hall a lap on Riker. As Barnell pu lled away. Riker ba ttl ed with Weinberger for seco nd. Barnell took th e checkered n ag wit h a co m fo r tab le wi n , foll owed by R iker who held onto second, Weinberger finished thi rd and Redmond in fourth. In th e Pro-Am main coven t Barn ett nabbed the ho leshot , foll o wed by Riker and Red; mond. Riker took o ver first in th e second berm and Redm ond mo ved into seco nd , purring Barnell back in th ird. O n the seco nd lap. Barnell closed in on Redmond, wh ile Riker p u lled away in th e lead. Barnell passed Redmond o ver a long tableto p for seco nd, and went on to pr essur e Riker for th e lead. On th e fourth lap, Barnett outpowered R iker over the tabl etop L tak e o ver th e lead, but Riker O kept pushi ng in seco nd . Redmond held th ird . followed closely by Wein berger . Barn ell . o nce aga in , too k the chec kered na ~ , followed by Riker in seco nd , Redmond In th ird. an d Weinberger in fourth. As thef L d ropped lo r the Pro main event, e Redmon took the hol eshot , lo llowed by Kiley. Barnell and Riker. Barnell flew past Kiley over the tabletop for seco nd and set out after Redmon d. On th e third lap , Barnell too k the lead away fro m Red mond. Weinber ger moved his wa y through pas t Kiley and Riker for third. Weinberger passed Redmond in the bowl tum for second. As the race contin ued . the pos itions remained the same. Barnett took the win followed by Weinberger in second , Redmon d took third. and Craig Woo lard settled for fourth. cerbis, Answer, AXO, Bell, Bel-Ray, Cobra, Ceet, Dunlop, @! FOX, JT USA, Jet Pilot, Lockhart, Maier, Malcolm Smith, O'Neal, Scott, '--------~ ~ Spectra, THOR, Tour Master, White Bros. and many , ~ many more! Don't miss this One-Time , One-Da gJ Offer to purchase your Cycle Supplies an_d__ Accessories for next to nothing! Unbelievable ~ Prices!! Incredible deals !! Free drawings for prizes !! ~:..J1:J_iiI-,.:--r:-T--Ciii=i;-:::---1 ml .... V ..0 o ..... u o ml I{jHp~~~ ~ Cycle Supply ~ Famous,Brand Name gJ Manufacturers '.:.; gJ areblowing out prices on: gJ T-Shirts starting at $1ea gJ Gear Bags starting at $5 ! gJ Fanny & Back Packs priced ~ ~ ~ @! gJ gJ gJ gJ gJ gJ ~ gJ ~ ~ ~ ~ @! ~ ~ ml ~ ~ from $4.99 Chest Protectors for $25&$30 G reat Deals on MX Tank Bags from $20 ! Leather Jackets from $75 & Street Boots andso much more: USA MX••••$60 Oils andLubrcants i USA Pro MX.•.$99.99 Handlebars Factory O Road ff Bikestands & Loading ramps Boots•••••$79.99 Exhaust O 'Neal Trak Boots Plastics Street•••$75 Number Plates & Numbers Sportswear Sunglasses Goggles •Gloves, Grips Enduro Jugs Shocks 'J.~ Water CraftAccessories r Tiedowns &Bungee Nets The list Goes On ... FIRST COME FIRST SERVE! PRICES UMITED TO STOCK ON HAND. PRODUCTS MAY VARY SOME TIRES ARE UMITED TO, 2 PER CUSTOMER. Large Selection of HELMETS CTS••••••••$30 Vetter MX••••$39.99 Bell Mota4•••••$80 Bell Star 5••••$49 .99 MS Lazer•.•••$50 MS Pro Camp Pants $4O !! Awesome Tire Deals! Assorted AXO.THOR. MS, JT. & O'Neal MXIJerseys Starting at $10 !!! Dunlop ATV Tires . $8to $10 ea! Assorted AXO, MS. JT. O'Neal, Tour Master, •••etc. Gloves from $1 0 pair Dunlop MX Tires Starting from $29 ea! Cheng Shin Groundbuster Tires from $14.95ea! Formula MX Knobbies $5 ea! ...And More Enduro Apparel Pants •••••••$35 Jackets•••.••••$50 VetterRainsuit•••$49.99 •••to NaIll8 Just a Iu1 Resul ts PIW: I. Dl:'n:'k Fore (h j); %. N ick Laubach (Yam ); 3. Ja y Welch (Ya m r. 1. Mark Kdly. Jr . (H a n); s. Rod nt"}' Allen (Yam). JR MI NI: I. Rbke Dewiu (S UI ); 2. Jon Sim monilo (S UI ); 5. Dani el YounR (Sw). SR MINI: I. Knin Wind ham ( Kaw) ; %. Joffrey Enlry (H on ); 3. Johnny David (Kawl; 1. JOt'}' Silcox (Suz); S. Eric Elam ( Kaw) . PRO- AM: l. Mar k auneu (H on ); 2. Bob Riker ( Ka w ); 3. Sa m R~mond (H on); 1. RarT)' Weio bnKt'r (Hon ): S. 8ftlOY x hundelmier ( Ka w). PRO: l. Ma rL. BcIrn t IH on ); 2. BalT"f Wri nbergn- (Hon) ; et. 3. Sam Redmon d (Hon): of. Cr.Iig Woo lard ( Ka w) ; S. Joh n Kiley (S uz) . BEG : 1. Tom Joon (Ha n ); 2. Roger Pratt (Hon ); 3. Stt'Vt' a ark ( Ka w); 1. Mati H un t ( Ra w}; ~. Sam Sharp (Ra w). 125 TROPHY : 1. J

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